Hopeful Friday 4/3/2009

Hey diddly ho!

The spring race season is in full fury with many options for racing venues and varieties. 

On Saturday, the CRCA has club race, while at the Kissena velodrome there’s both the Tempo Cycling Training Series and the Women’s Track Clinic. Sunday has the Spring Series at beloved Floyd Bennett Field, and the ever reliable Bethel Spring Series, when you can enter so many different races you feel like it’s a swinger’s club.

Also, after the races, don’t forget the Ronde van Valaanderen viewing party on Sunday afternoon, where’s no winners or losers, only the frite or beer filled.

UPDATE:There is a Spring Series race in Prospect on Saturday, sorry about the omission.




an ‘A’….

Is it me or is the A field a little soft this year? Attacks by the same guys, slow dropped group getting passed by the B’s. Now I’m sure that some A’s are gonna say why should we ride quickly as the break was well represented so it’s not uncommon for the B’s to pass us, but the symbolism alone is like an anvil to the head.


wet affair tomorrow morning. Who cares!! We’re racing and out from under the thumb of The Man!!


But to answer the question. cat 1 is amateur. cat 1 is the same as elite.

“pro” actually has a different license and in most cases means you get paid. But US pro riders typically make about the same as a NYC bike messenger and about half as much as my worthless secretary who dropped out of college and can’t seem to take a simple phone message without messing up the numbers. And don’t get me started on her spelling. I should just hire some damn cat 1 to answer my phone and fire her worthless ass.


this ongoing idot joke is absolutely f’ing hilarious. my ribs are sore from laughing so hard.


There are many elite or cat 1 riders that would hold their own and even beat up on some pros. Roger is someone who comes to mind. I’m sure coaching professionally (when know what the f you’re talking about and likable) and still racing at a high level is more lucrative and rewarding that racing as a small time pro. Apparently not “going pro” has not hurt Rogers ability to win races.


If you guys think Roger could get a pro contract… you guys need to actually try some NRC races instead of those old man masters races you are doing. He’s a good masters rider but come on guys… stop acting like he is a good US pro or could be if he wanted to. It’s just not true.


you didnt race Roger when he was around 35 and “young”? He could have raced pro in the US and done okay, but not now.(BTW, I’ve done NRC races)
Who cares anyway? Why are the “old guys” still so fast? Where are the young local fast guys? And I don’t mean sprinters.


Top 5 at Bear (Pro1-2), and many other Top finishes in the Pro1-2s for local races. BTW he beat some top young Cat1s in those races (15 years his junior). To say he is just a top Master racer is a bit rediculous. Could he hang in a Regional Pro race? No doubt. He is one of the best racers on the Eastcoast regardless of age.


would show you that he regularly beats pros including national champions. Usually on his own, without the support of a team. Not only could he have been pro, he could still be.


You just argued my point. Catskills is not a pro race. it is an amateur 1/2/3 race. And Lindine was not a pro. He is on a under 25 elite team. If you think roger could get top 30 at redlands or Fitchburg, you need to get your heads checked. Empire and Champion went out to CA and got smacked. Nobody who has ever done a cat 1 only race or an NRC race would ever use Catskills to argue that a result there means you are pro level. Please post any result he has had in a pro-1 only race or an NRC race that means he could be pro if he wanted to be. Will Roger get a top 10 at Battenkill? Probably.. in the masters field

Yes he is a good rider. He is a very good masters amateur rider. And he is a nice guy. This is not a personal dig. I am talking about him as an athlete, I am not making this personal


Actually didn’t Rogers results at Fitchburg put him pretty high comparatively in the pro 1, 2 race?


Tonight: A chance of showers and thunderstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 46. Breezy, with a west wind between 15 and 22 mph. Chance of precipitation is 50%. New rainfall amounts of less than a tenth of an inch, except higher amounts possible in thunderstorms.

Saturday: A slight chance of showers before noon. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 60. Windy, with a west wind between 24 and 30 mph, with gusts as high as 44 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.


the issue here is the definition of “pro” – We need to remember that it is inclusive of a wide range of strengths/abilities in the US. There are junior pro teams with young guys, and then the stacked national pro teams at Redlands etc. Roger is totally capable and I gather proven to be as strong as many pros in the US. Nobody is suggesting that hes gonna go out and smack down the top riders at the top teams. If there are like 500-1000 actual pro cyclists in the US today (no idea really but whatever), I guess Roger would fit solidly in the middle or back half of that in terms of power output and ability. Thats solid for an old guy. Still a long way off the top 25%, but lets give the man some credit where due. US pros arent supermen until you get to the top quartile! Btw, Empire did have some guys place well in midpack in Redlands, and they aent even pro so that says something about depth of pro peleton…


comparing results in different fields other than a TT is absolutely retarded, how could you even bring that up…


Right, I was talking about the TT though. Could be thinking of green mountain though. I forget.


roger is about the nicest guy you’ll ever meet at a race, incredibly generous with his experience and advice. it’s a tribute to him that he takes flak on here for not being as good as floyd landis, when he’s over 40 years old, and until he started coaching i believe had a full time job where he was on his feet all day. nobody who ever spoke to the guy for more than 20 seconds would want to cut him down. there are a lot of poseurs and jerks in bike racing but roger isn’t one of them, and you just make yourself look stupid with snarky comments about a hardworking, modest guy.


you are right. that forecast is so much better.
horseshit in my teeth again and another hour or so to clean my bike after the race. good times.


if you are complaining about the conditions then why do the f-ing race? Isn’t this supposed to be for fun?


The difference between Elites/1 and Pros is mostly a matter of scale.

For Danny Pate, this meant holding an average of 296 watts, or 4.21 watts/kg for the entire 183 kilometers. Perhaps even more impressive is the averages that Pate was able to maintain on the two major climbs of the day. For the twenty-three-and-a-half uphill kilometers from the Chateau Queyres to Col Agnel, his 347 watts put him at an average of almost 5 watts per kg. Then, even after 163 kilometers of hard riding, Pate averaged 355 watts for the final 20 kilometer climb from Villanova Mondovi to the Finish - an average of over 5 watts per kg.

There are 2/3s in the city that can hold that kind of power, albeit on a much smaller scale, after copious rest, and not doing 200 days of racing a season. If they attempted to do even half of the volume that the pros do … even three back to back 20+ hour weeks … they would quickly wither away. Could any guys in the city hold 4.21 w/kg for 183k?

I think a team of 5 Rogers could be very competitive in a domestic pro race provided they were well rested and had targeted the event.


When the economy was doing better I wouldn’t be surprised if some hedge fund guy created a team of five rogers for his lead out train. The technology is there. It works with sheep.

But now, with times what they are, I guess they’ll have to trade down and just get coached by one roger.

The world is going to crap! I want my bonus.


Not sure, but your mother will be wearing her Timberlands and Pittsburgh Penguins “away” jersey


So Roger has never gotten a top 20 result in a pro-1 only race or an NRC race.. You guys are just saying he could if he wanted to because he’s such a nice guy. That’s what I thought.


This is what Im talking about – Danny Pate is a top US pro, and can hang with any group in the world really. This not who ANYONE is comparing Roger to. Danny is elite of elite. A bunch of guys showing up to Bear from Rite Aid are also US pros, and also cant hang with Pate. There is a wide range of pros, and Roger can hang with many pros, but clearly not the top echelon – but hey, the dude is like upper 40s for petes sake and has never claimed to be anything other than what he is, so not clear why he is even being discussed as the best example of local fast guys!


Based on my rough estimation of current exchange rates, I think my power output presently is worth about 2.4 RPs (Roger Poos). Still, I keep my production costs down, so Im sure I could be traded for at least 1 RP and a cup of coffee with maybe a dollar left over.


Why does Rite Aid sponsor a cycling team anyway? They could put that money to better use opening up another f–ing register. I’ve been standing here with this toothpaste and Duracells for 20 minutes.


I guess Roger A is fast, but he’s never been truly tested. I mean he’s never raced in the Philipines. Come on I don’t even think he does any crunches.



I think Rite Aid is in pretty serious financial trouble as a co. Not that it comes as a surprise to any New Yorker – the stores are a disaster and service worse than the DMV. I hope the cyclists are better than the store managers!


Lol to: 13:24 – nice reference to Happy Gilmore (?)

Also very funny: 14:17 net Roger poos – if only currency traders were actually funny.

Finally: 14:19, so true, but I think the issue is not that they sponsor a bike race but that they pay their employees too much as my checkout person had at least 3 gold teeth.


Ronde van Vlaanderen. Boonen could be there also cause Quick Step’s been good. It will not be a large group at the end. Maybe only 3-10 guys depending on the weather. Cervelo test team could be strong also.


I just grab a beach chair at Rite Aid and kick it in the register line until they’re ready for me.


Does CRCA have a problem with SBR selling jerseys with the CRCA logo on them at their store? Are people required to sign up for the club when they buy the jersey?


you sound bitter. Are you bummed that you live with your parents and still can’t afford to buy Rapha? get a pair of socks or something, I’ll loan you the 20 bucks… doosh


16:11 up your nosen with a vlaanderhoesen. i gotta go log off the internets now, mom’s making frites & chilling the duvel.


Rapha only has the CRCA logo because it is a classic symbol of the history of cycling dumbassery. Inside the jersey is an ode to the CRCA innovations of early bike racing including the “hold forth your line good sir” and “Danforth von Fusbunderland is a bag of sander”.

Yes, they honor the traditions that the CRCA founded so many years ago.


All of this hate on Rapha is just envy.

What makes Rapha douchey? Their ads? Their press? Has Voler/Hincapie/Verge/Champ Sys/Pactimo/etc gotten a style piece written up in the NYT? No. Why? Because those brands generally look the same. Yes, even your “custom” apparel. I’m sure the same guys who bitch about Rapha’s price tag go home and bitch to their girlfriends about that guy in the office who wears a Brioni. Is it his fault that he spends money on quality clothing, or are you too wrapped up in self-loathing and envy that you can’t aspire to want something better for yourself.

It’s so pathetic.

-Jayk Jillenhaul


He is clearly another CRC of A rapscallion attempting to besmirch our storied CRCA history.

Our Founding Fathers are no laughing matter. As an example, every new member is required by tradition to commit to memory the names of the officers when the first CRCA bulletin was published in 1902 – “filled with the dryest [sic] kind of official news” – the so-called ‘Lads of Ought-Two’:

Capt. C. P. Staubach, President
D. H. Lodge, Vice President
E. Lee “Nancy” Ferguson, Corresponding Secretary
L. Alder Goettler, Recording Secretary
Paul Thomas, Treasurer
Captain J. W. “Bulla” Gull, Treasurer
J. T. Wall, Director
Guy S. Rowell, Director (a poet as well; “that talented genius” as the good Capt. oft referred to him)
John Cornish, Director
R. J. Lyle, Director
R. A. Van Dyke, Director

The first bulletin itself was the result of a resounding challenge to Capt. Staubach, written in the following style:

“Ex-Bicycle Rider.
Was Once But Ain’t Now.
Why not? We don’t know.”

The rest, as they say, is history. For the goal of the first bulletin was to keep the cycling community informed of “all that is transpiring, all that has taken place, and all that is planned from month to month.” Funny, then, that NYVeloCity merely carries on that venerable task to this day, 107 years later.

Woe to the newbie who does not commit these fine men to memory, by the way. She can expect an impromptu test from the more senior CRCAssociates at the end of the season at the annual party. So unless you want to spend your night doing hundreds of CRCA push-ups and drinking more ale than would be sound, it’s best to be able to recite the names of the “Founding Fathers” in less time than it takes for a wooden match to burn down to your fingertips.

Kudos to the newbie who took up the task of posting race results, by the way. He’s doing a topping job, really first rate.


seriously the “you live at your parents’ house” internet insult really poor

however calling the team CRCA/Ralph Racing is pretty funny


Yes, she does pay the electricity bill. With the money I give her from pimping out that whore whose womb you crawled out from, CRC of A scoundrel!


Okay, my mama may be a ho but at least my mama doesn’t stand on 9w handing out musette bags full of human hair and Nets tickets, like yours does


“Has Voler/Hincapie/Verge/Champ Sys/Pactimo/etc gotten a style piece written up in the NYT”

Hincapie was in the business section, I was referring to style. I’ll continue to mouth off.


roger roger. he certainly is among the top 5 master road riders in the country, but as a senior rider, he didn’t shine. he got better as he got older. he is tough as nails and almost never has a bad day on the road. when he does, it’s still better than most of our good days. does he climb as good as pyle did? better. does he climb as good as emerson did? i don’t think so, but emerson couldn’t stay upright. the best master ever? no. my vote goes to kent for the 90’s and thurlow currently is the stud to beat. now go brush your one good tooth.


I was the rapha doosh poster guy. I was just effing around. Didn’t realize how sensitive you guys are. I thought you raced hard and could handle it. I don’t even know what ralpha is. And I don’t live with my parents. They live in one of my country houses.

Can’t wait for you guys to meet my good friend Bullwinkle. He’ll have fun with you dudes.


…you saw chuck norris drill out a silca frame pump and make a flute out of it, with the campy pump head being a stylish, and simultaneously retro, flute mouthpiece.


to 22:33, So when I ask if he has ever gotten a top 20 at a big race you give me a pack fill 24th to shut me up? I think you guys are proving my point very well. Face it guys, he is not a pro level rider. He is a very good masters rider who can ride and finish the harder races.


And you’re posting at 745 am on a Saturday when there are two races in NYC one in NJ and one in Philly. So what does that make you.


To 7:43 Wheelsucker

1) What do you mean by pro? Can you give an example of a race you’d expect a “pro” to finish well at? For example, Andy Jacques-Maynes finished 35th at Redlands, and Michael Mathis (Empire) finished just a couple places down in the GC. Does this make Maynes an Elite rider or Mathis a pro?

2) Are we talking about someone capable of winning as part of a pro-level team, or someone who is capable of winning without a team? I believe Roger could do well in a pro race as part of a pro-level team. In fact, I think there are many elite 1s who could place well in Pro races if protected.

3) Are we talking “pro level” in terms of ability only, or pro level as in someone who has dedicated themselves to packing up their shitty car and driving around the country to race for peanuts as a domestic pro? There is a difference. Maybe that’s not Roger’s bag. But what if he tried? And what if he had team support?

4) Are you a pro and have you consistently ridden with and beaten Roger? Um …

I’m not saying he’s that good. And I’m not saying that he isn’t “pro”. But the lines are a lot more vague than you make it out to be.


no. let’s just say he is a great rider and trying to quantify him by comparing him to this or that PRO is retarded. he can beat most of you.


but unless you have beaten him race after race( or race at a higher category than him) or unless YOU have raced pro level yourself, you opinions about pro this or pro that, Roger is this or he is that….do not matter. So shut the hell up and move on.

Or even better, GO AWAY.


do we know the story of how that poor guy got hit while marshalling. where is the marshall positioned at the pool? right at the turn or is there a cross walk part way down the hill?


5 guys in the break and Adler doesn’t win. Nice job by Alejandro. Adler almost raced a smart race.


tricks indeed. slokar was having a croissant back in the field for the whole race. how did he get points?


Prospect park results for the P-1-2-3 is in. In a windswept early A.M. race where all the guns were present (Champion Sys, Mengioni, UNITED etc etc etc…it was 1) Rafphel of Mengioni 2) Loius Aquinos of Champion 3) Stephan Dioslaki of METRA/Cycles 54 4) Zoltan Racing dude


i wasn’t at the race but i felt the presence of the ralpha. it helped me sleep soundly. and proper, methinks.


I don’t believe Lisban, I like the guy so no offense, was 5th in points. I could be wrong, but from what I remember he never made the break. Instead, he along with the rest of us to lameos sat there “blocking” while we chatted like a bunch of girls. Heck, we even got passed by the B’s.


A Field

1.Alejandro Guzman,Foundation
2.Ken Harris, Jonathan Adler
3.Bryan Borgia, Rapha
4.Matt Loftus,Jonathan Adler
5.Lisban Quintero, Foundation (huh?)
6.Antony Slokar, Foundation
7.Chad Marion
8.Reed Albergotti , Jonathan Adler
9.Paul Scot Levis, Blue Ribbon


I was there in the sewing circle, crocheting a CRCA patch for my jean jacket, and noticed Lisban in our grupposlowpoco. And wasn’t Slokar there with us too?


My man Jim Mernin of Kingpin-HJD gets 3rd in the Johnny Cake B Race today. And he looked good doing it.




Sandy Hook. Ridiculously windy. 25-35 mph crosswind with 45 mph gusts (or so said the weather report). David Carr 2nd in 4’s, Rick Hall 3rd. Didn’t stay around for other results.


Pretty funny. Today’s Sandy Hook results are already posted and Van Dunk can’t update from last week, never mind today.


as As we started sucking late last year, when we got passed by the Bs as well. too many of us coming out just to get some racing miles in, not win. when that happens we all sit around, jack off, chat, and get beat by the Bs. yes, we were pretty lame today.


to at CRCA to have the B’s go off first next race? Passing the neutralized A’s creates a hazard and it’d be good to avoid that.


The last few laps I was sitting there, doing the math and worried we weren’t going to make the cutoff time. But you know how brutal the fifth time up Harlem Hill can be.


It was ver very windy, i saw Jermaine Burrows of United flatted from the front break. Keep in mind it was really windy, from what i saw he was caught by the second pack. He then jumped from the second pack with someone from bvf and bridge like a minute and a half to the leading pack. I know this guy is really good but what kind of blood does he have in his body ha ha.


1/2/3 see 13:21, below “..it was 1) Rafphel of Mengioni 2) Loius Aquinos of Champion 3) Stephan Dioslaki of METRA/Cycles 54 4) Zoltan Racing dude”

Masters: Paul Carbonara, AXIS

3/4 don’t know

the wind was pretty intense, fields were shattered more like a windy day at FBF than a normal park race.


AVD is a disaster. No results from last week. No results from today. I was planning on racing tomorrow, but decided otherwise. We shouldn’t support this.


Saying he updated the results would have been a click happy April Fool’s joke. Bummer….next year.


Today’s race sucked. I was too weak to chase the break, the wind was deadly no one wanted to do too much work..


Crash report:
Tough day at FBF with numerous flats, crashes, plenty of broken bike bits and bodies!

By far worst off were Charlie Issendorf (Champion System) and Spider (Champion System Kraft Genie) as they went to hospital.

Appears Charlie broke his collarbone and potential concussion.
Spider had hand, shoulder abrasions and possible fracture of collarbone.

Also involved were:
Scotto (Mengoni), Guzman (Foundation), Perez (Mengoni) and a couple others including rider a from Kissena (Roberston?). In fact the ENTIRE group (2nd group on the road) crashed in turn 4.

1 Lap prior Horrace Burrows (WS United) and David Sommerville (Sommerville Sports)crashed in nearly the same spot.

Wish everyone a quick recovery.

David Sommerville
Director Sportif
Sommerville Sports


Charlie Issendorf crashed really bad today – he is at Brookdale hospital on Linden Blvd. Please wish him well. Charlie has been my personal friend for over 30 years and I know how much he means to all of us.

Ray Alba


sorry to hear about this…

it was a nice surprise to see Charlie I. racing again & he’s done so much for NYC bike racing. Bummer that this should happen to anyone, but especially him.

Hope it’s not too bad and everyone heals up fast.


i saw spide boy jump hard on the head wind side of the course only
to have his team mate gavi counter attack and bridge the break
by him self.i told my team mate after the race we need to do stuff
like this or try at least.
ps i think spide boy took a crap after that move.



First, really sorry to hear about Charlie and others going down hard today. Really hope you guys heal fast.

Also, probably should wait for someone else to post on my behalf, but hey, I’ve never won a race before, and it turns out that the guy who was registered as finishing the Sandy Hook TT in the 4/5’s a minute and twenty seconds in front of me was helped by the fact that he turned around before the turnaround point (http://www.pelotoneast.com/showthread.php?t=6673). He didn’t claim the win, by the way, it wasn’t his fault. The fact that he was a DNF just wasn’t caught initially by the officials who are apparently correcting the results. BTW — overall, this TT was extremely well run on a really difficult day — thanks to all of the organizers and officials!

So it turns out that I actually won the Sandy Hook 4/5’s TT. Now, I’ll admit from the outset, a lot of people see no point in separate category fields for TT’s and you may have a point. But since there was one, and I signed up for it and won it, I’m plenty happy. It’s my first “win” however you want to slice it. And FWIW I’m amazed and glad that my effort was enough to beat some really strong guys who also happened to be in my field, such as Rick Hall of TeaNY, who also podiumed (congrats to Rick on a great race in really tough conditions!).

Ok, so there’s a shameless tooting my own horn. And while I’m at it, many thanks to my coach Ken Lundgren, for his encouragement and advice leading up to this, as well as to David Jordan, who has helped me a lot from the beginning with TT techniques (and to the guys as the CCNS wind tunnel for their help in refining my position). Probably making too big a deal about this, but I happen to be someone who hasn’t yet won any race for all the work I’ve put into the sport, and so I’m taking what I can get. I’ve had terrific support from my teammates who have cheered me on and thanked me for leadouts and believed in me. Nice to have a tangible result early in the year!

David Carr, Setanta


you are a sad sad man. save the self adulation for the race wrap up w your mother tonight, we really don’t care too much .



that guys feel the need to put down a nice guy who had a great result. You wonder why so many racers get sick of this local scene and just walk away from it all. This site is nothing but hate and shit…


Congratulations David, excellent testimony to all the hard work and thought you put into your training and racing.
Am sure it will be the first of many great results this year.


I’m not his friend or teammate or for that matter his wife and I don’t care he got a result in a TT. big deal; is that good for an upgrade or is a big step towards be a tri-guy.


dude… not the place to do that. that’s what your own blog is for.

never EVER toot your own horn, because when you do, you immediately and completely diminish anything you’ve done, rendering your life useless.

epic fail, sorry.


haha! anyone sniping david carr is truly clueless. considering the mad professor led out teammates to ***multiple*** wins in park races/rockleigh in ’08, helped his team win the B challenge, his work ethic, overall enthusiasm, etc., anyone who knows david even remotely is probably more excited than he is. about the most modest guy you’ll ever meet and good to see him toot his own horn. the rest of you cat 4 haters can suck his b@lls … except they’re generally traveling at 30mph and you’d have trouble catching them


Riiiiiiight. Tooting your own horn is bad. No one ever toots their own horn on here anonymously, right? David’s “mistake” was being a man and putting his name to it. Congrata David nice win and well done.


I have no problem with horns being self tooted. Lay off David, a win is a win. And I hope Charlie gets well soon.


On a separate non-spoiler note. I would like to volunteer for any military digit-increasing testing programs, so I can grow more middle fingers to share with the VS network.


1/2/3 Overall
Enease Freyre
Michael Mcginley
Bryan Borgia

4/5 Race
Pro/1/2/3 Name Team
1 Michael McGinley CCCC-IRSMedic
3 Peter Hurst Connecticut Coast Cycle
4 Bryan Borgia CRCA/ Rapha Racing
5 Christopher Fisher Priority Health
6 John Funk Cycle Fitness
7 matthew Baldwin TargetTraning
8 Barry Miller MikeFraysseSports.Com
9 Kyle Wolfe CCC Keltic Construction / Zane’s Cycles
10 Anthony Alessio Stage 1 / FusionTHINK
11 Ronald Fantano CCCC-IRSMedic
12 Edward Angeli TARGETRAINING
13 hunter pronovost CCNS – Cheshire Cycle
14 Reed Albergotti Jonathan Alder Racing
15 Gregory Olsen Jonathan Alder Racing
16 Anthony Santomassimo Stage 1 / FusionTHINK
17 Chad Dalles Bethel Cycle
18 Joshua Friedman CCNS – Cheshire Cycle
19 Austin Moran Confabricate.com

3/4 Overall
Stephen Gray
Kyle Peppo
Akira Sato

Cat 3/4 Name Team
1 Kyle Peppo Jonathan Alder Racing
2 Bryan Haas IRS Medic
3 Akira Sato Connecticut Coast Cycle
4 David Kim Christian Cycling
5 Antony Slokar CRCA/Jonathan Adler Racing
7 Kevin Yarde NCC/BikeReg
8 hammean Walker Major Taylor Iron Riders
9 Esteban Sequera Unattached
10 Andrew Nasca Bikeway
11 Rishabh Phukan Cardinal Velo
12 John Moralles Cafeteros Cycling Club
13 Jim Escobar Honeywell Cycling
14 Scoot Glenney CCCC-IRSMedic
15 Sam Dodge Stage 1/fusion THINK
16 Rick Magee Bethel Cycle
17 Ian Farrar CRCA
18 Douglass Crane Cafeteros Cycling Club
19 Matthew Snow Unattached
20 Timothy Durrin Unattached



Great job. Great result. You have had a great deal of success since you started racing. Thanks for posting your win!



I hope Charlie and anyone else who got hurt today recover quickly; On a separate note….Any pictures from Prospect yesterday or FBF today?


Is there anything sadder than these empathetic/narcissistic posts.

Go for a long walk, reassess life…


think that the previous poster (wishing Charlie well and asking for photos) was trying to be ironic.

i.e. feigning empathy while exploring a self-seeking motive

on another note, David Carr didn’t deserve the roughing up that he got, but David, David, David, you’re a smart guy and you should know better to post anything semi-serious to NYVC.

That being said, good job on the TT yesterday.


Thanks for the congrats and nice comments from many, and don’t worry to the others, I don’t plan on posting my own results again. It was a bit of first win exuberance and the fact that Andy had posted the my 2nd place initial placing (from the posted results right after the race) earlier on this forum. I didn’t know about my shift in place for a good while and figured others wouldn’t either. But no worries, no future self-tooting planned, and ok for whatever roughing up happened.

David Carr

Comments are closed.