Hopeful Friday 3/23/2007

Section head text.

Thankfully there’s just a forecast for rain this weekend, so there will actually be races this weekend to talk about. There’s a CRCA club race, Branch Brook, Spring Series and Bethel – is this our Spring Classics season?

Speaking of Spring Classics, I’ve got Freire for San Remo, The Boner for Flanders and Thor SMASH, yes mighty Thor for Roubaix. Thor is going to be a big factor in the Spring Classics this year – he’s been eating his momma’s fish.

All this and Judy Miller gets fired – haven’t heard anything about her replacement yet.

Also making his debut for the season will be the mighty schmalz, appearing at the CRCA club race on Saturday. Did you hear that? Yeah, that’s the sound of the earth trembling…


Captain Ed

So as I finish loadin’ the van for my trip to Prospect tomorrow, after doin’ the 4/5 and 3/4 at Branchbrook this morning, I sit down to dinner, open my new issue of "Bicycling" and, as I casually flip through the pages, there on page 62 a full body shot of our own Dan Schmaltz. And, I might add,looking resplendent in his BMC team kit.Will he still talk to us? Will he remember his humble beginnings? Or will he "big time" us. I’m hopin’ you’ll be at Prospect tomorrow so I can fight off the crowds for an autograph. See ya in the 3/4, and please, remember the little people.


Focus on the workout, not on the wheelsucker.
If want to get rid of him just let one rip. That’s a sure fire way to get rid of a wheelsucker.
There are some dudes that kinda like strangers staring at their ass.


"thinking about your mom"? what are you? 12?

Mar 23,2007 by anonymous

i can’t believe i’m the first to respond with mom jokes but here goes…

1 why don’t we get off mom’s, cause i just got off yours.
2 your mama’s so fat, she broke her leg and gravy poured out
3 your mama’s so fat she irons her clothes in the driveway… …wait for it… …with a steam roller


Focus on the workout, not on the wheelsucker.
If want to get rid of him just let one rip. That’s a sure fire way to get rid of a wheelsucker.
There are some dudes that kinda like strangers staring at their ass.


Is this your avg or the avg. times of the group? Either way its not out of the ordinary for guys peaking in the summer to take it easy in March much less race competitively. I wouldnt be surprised to see guys falling back even tomorrow. For the most part March is still a month of training.


yea…. 15:40 thats pretty funny. On the last lap just after 96th I could feel that huge pasta meal from last night workin its way up thoat. It tasted better the second time with the gatorade. mmm!

pray we don't get blow-by-blow

reports of duels on 9W as the guys race to the bridge.

"And then the Adler guy, who had been sitting on because he has a teammate in the group behind us, countered my move. I was toast from my big attack, but luckily the Foundation guys brought it back just was we hit Engelwood. So I put it in the 12 and then I and then….."


looking back is the universal code for "race ya to bridge" in my book. If I’m interested and would like to get home quicker, I’ll trade pulls and up the pace the closer i get to the palisades cross street. Its just fun and most people are cool about it. I would never intrude on the team outing – huge no no unless you know them and even still – ask.

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We hear

that a certain NYVelocity celebrit3 got dropped in the most recent CRCA B race thus proving that the pen is indeed mightier than the sword.

thanks for clarifying that Lee

"I usually give’em one but if there’s a second look – I translate that as "lets do this". "

The Second Look

Who does that on a 9W ride – WTF. What are we all Lance in the Alps pretending we just dropped Der Kaiser?


I don’t usually post here. I always thought these posts were fake, until this happened to me. I was minding my own business, riding on 9 w one day, when a rider went by and gave me a look. I didn’t think anything of it, nor did I take note of the second look. But then I took the third look to mean ‘let’s do this’. Well, we did that. Let’s just say it was the most intense orgasm of my life.

"thinking about your mom"? what are you? 12?

i can’t believe i’m the first to respond with mom jokes but here goes…

1 why don’t we get off mom’s, cause i just got off yours.
2 your mama’s so fat, she broke her leg and gravy poured out
3 your mama’s so fat she irons her clothes in the driveway… …wait for it… …with a steam roller

Is it a big deal

Not a big deal. You will always have guys with big egos and small hearts and legs sitting in waiting for there opportunity to blow by you and show you up. If you slow down their egos cant take a sub 20mph pace so they will move on. So lighten up and enjoy the ride!


There’s sort of an unsaid rule of: unless you know the people that you happen to come across, stranger wheelsucking is a bit uncool to do. I would never perch myself on someone’s ride or the much more intrusive "team ride". If you see a bunch of guys all wearing the same kit, on any road, doing workouts then it doesnt take 6 mo. of etiquette school to figure out that you’re not obliged to trade pulls.
In my situation on 9w I give guys at least 300 meters and then just pace it from that long distance. If I catch’em, I just try and go by quick enough as not to disturb or invite. Sometimes when I’m passed I’ll notice guys looking back from time to time to see how far back I am. I usually give’em one but if there’s a second look – I translate that as "lets do this". If one is doing thier own thing, they never look back when they pass ya. They just dont care. nor should you.


Schmalz, I have some Cytomax for you. I’ll bring to the race tomorrow. You want a bottle too? Tangy Orange OK? Wheel suckers welcome but don’t turn it into a race because I’m gullible enough to take the bait and then I’m sore the next day.

is it really a big deal?

If you were walking down the street and some dude started following you around 20 inches behind you all the time, what would you think?

And just to prove I’m a cold matherfarker, a couple years ago I turned off of Oak tree hill road onto 9W south. Just at the top of the hills, I realize some guys have chased me down but are sitting on — they’d gone up the hills a bit faster than me, but are huffing and puffing behind me. I ride steady, expecting them to pass me, or at least say Hi. Nothing, they’re just drafting me. Whatever. I ignore them and ride.

Then another mile later I hear the tinkle of crashing bikes hitting the ground — I glance back and see three guys on top of each other.



Wheel Suckers Unite!

Is this really a big deal or are we cyclists so overly sensative that this gets us down. If you dont like Wheel suckers dont ride 9W. Head to the Catskills where you wont find more then 1 or 2 cyclists on an all day ride or ride Gimbels with the WC strongmen.


To the guy crying about wheel suckers on 9W:

Deal with it! You should just be happy you re out on the road having a nice time with the sun on your back. You can always slow down and let the dude go by or drop the hammer and drop him. That is what I do.

Get off my wheel

I totally feel your pain. First, I think it is just poor form to sit on a stranger’s wheel without saying anything. Second, it is just plain dangerous. They might not realize you are there, tap the brakes etc, and it is the guy behind who pays. I find that the guys who just sit on are clueless and usually will go away if you ask them nicely.


I sit on people’s wheels because I secretly hope they will flat and then I will stop with them and make them my friend and take them home and love them and hug them and love them and hug them and make them best friend for ever and ever.

Chris M

Shaw tells me privately that he feels like a wookie on the outside but like Princess Leah on the inside. Just so misunderstood…

STOP riding my wheel cry, sniffel

Are you kidding me – stop crying and take the skirt off pale. or just go to happy hour already you could use a drink or 8

Get off my wheel on training rides

To those of you who jump on people’s wheel on training rides in the middle of nowhere when I/we come by you: Knock that shit off!!! You are the most annoying guy on the planet. And you know who you are. You probably have full Assos kit, carbon fiber training wheels, and are probably new to riding. But yeah, you’re really annoying. I probably came by you on 9W going 3-4 mph faster than you, but for some reason you decided my back wheel was your property and you intend to sit there for like 10 minutes. Then when we go up a hill, you go by me with the hammer down and give me a look like a puppy who just wants to play, and you want to mix it up a little bit. But dick bag, let me clue you in: We’re not racing. And chances are, when someone is riding alone and does nothing more than a courteous wave when they pass you, they’re probably enjoying the solitude. Maybe they’re planning their day, thinking about their job (or your mom), or whatever. Or if its me and one of my friends, maybe we’re having a private conversation that wasn’t designed with a place for you as the guest of honor. But having you there staring at us and playing cute little games is just plain rude. So the next time someone rides by you, have a little respect and let them go. Don’t be that guy. Next time, I’m going to pretend you’re not there and just do what I do – blow snot rockets and feather my brakes and squirt Cytomax over my shoulder.


All this talk of Empire and I’ve yet to see the obvious questions. Does Ken automatically get to be Darth Vader? What about Mike? Too young to be the Emperor, so Darth–what was it?–Maul? The guy with tats on his face? And hey, Shaw, wanna be the Gran Moff Tarkin? He was old, and you’re not, but he was cool. Hammer flicks alumnus–what’s not to love?

Ken S.

Jesse G

JP – Dont count out DC Racing in Central Park 3/4s Sunday. We already have a 4th and 2nd from Tod M and he is in the leaders jersey. Also, Bethel 4s will be a battle as the race for the yellow is tight. DC will be putting all its force behind Jordan C. to take the leaders jersey. We will be watching Jon W. maybe his team will help us out a bit…


I spoke to the Norwegian guy briefly once. Nice guy, strong climber, with a lot of experience racing jr back home.


I spoke to the Norwegian guy briefly once. Nice guy, strong climber, with a lot of experience racing jr back home.

Chris M

SWEEEET! Repaved Central Park is the best news since the invention of round wheels… or at least the invention of lycra…


If the norwgn guy rides a black principia..he makes O’malley look like Fat (Mc)Albert. He’s a real skinny, tall dude.
I hope it doesnt rain pre-race. Last wkend I saw a lot of backwheel dancing and mucho braking – more than neccessary at times.


CRCA B’s will probably be taken by Wisenbaker (Foundation). The A field is up for grabs, perhaps Empire will show up in force?

Everyone thank Josh Rechnitz

From Noah at TA:
"Finally, the Central Park Loop Drive is being repaved! It will be done in two main phases:

Starting on Sunday, April 1 at Adam Clayton Powell, then working south, down the west drive. It will be done in stages between Sunday evening and Friday early morning, so the drives will be open for use on the weekend

Then again the next week, same story for the east drive."


Interesting juxtaposition by Steve. In one breath he says Judy is "excellent and respected" and by the end he seems to imply that a higher "level of service and professionalism" is needed.

Bethel Spring - JP Kaminski

4’s Jordan C has learned from his mistakes – Look for him to take this one. Warchol will look to split Jordan and the Yellow
3/4- CCC and Adler will go head to head but look out for anthem to sneak in a rider this week.

What teams are doing damage to legs in NYC???
The People from the North want to Know.

Mike Green

I received this email from Steve Johnson

Judy remains an excellent and respected cycling official and the fact is that most of her interaction with the racing membership has been and will continue to be in that capacity. However, as our sport continues to grow, the role of the Regional Coordinators has evolved concomitantly. Our goal through the Local Association program in conjunction with the Regional Coordinators and our new in-house LA Director is to meet the increasing demands of our constituents with the highest possible level of service and professionalism.

Thank you again for taking the time to express your concerns.

All the best,

Steve Johnson

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