Harlem’s Coming

RockStar to sponsor again



Stanley Grouch

The video footage is a little recycled but ok, but what’s with the music or what sounds more like muzak. Are the people who put this together totally tone deaf to the fact that this is the HARLEM Criterium? Wouldn’t using some Duke Ellington or Monk communicate more of what this event should be about? Or is it entirely irrelevant to the race promoters that the piece of land they race on is in Harlem. It’s not even just an issue of ignoring the HARLEM part of criterium, it’s about making a better film.

West Coast Reader

The video forgot to advertise things about the Harlem race. They listed 11am reg. 12pm race, pro race at 4pm and its free for the family, great food but didn’t list get mugged for free, get a beat down in the back alley!

“Does the Pope Greiple in the woods”
“I keed I keed!”

Axel Supple

Have you ever been to Harlem, or do you get your information from 70s cop movies?

Wake up, shit’s changed in NYC.

Stanley Grouch

Using the music of a French electronic band for the HARLEM crit is an insult to Harlem. The lack of interest in this stupid choice of music by nyvelocity readers just shows that you don’t get it. You don’t get what this race should be about and how bringing bike racing together with Harlem can create something great and exciting. Unfortunately it seems that by sanctioning the video, the promoter does not get it either.

Simon Gel

Way to sound like an uninformed dicknose making nasty comments about a historically disparaged community that has really turned itself around.

Keep the expert opinion coming, and if you ever do drive through Harlem, don’t forget to lock your doors. We wouldn’t want any “negroes” to get you.

hoary chestnut

west coast reader: yup, that was a stupid comment

grouch: take a deep breath. maybe you’re right and some jazz would have been cool, but no one is insulting harlem (apart from the west coast d-bag)

Simone Tarmac

You’re condemning the race for the music played in a 1 minute clip. You don’t know what they played for the rest of the race. Also, it’s 2010. If a bunch of lycra clad, bike racers start playing Jazz from 70 years ago it’s going to come off as a bit corny, and insincere.

Mehdi Topcap

Jazz music aside, would anyone have happned to registered for the cat 4 race and can’t make it? I’d be willing to pay you in person for your spot. Thanks, if so email me- wojciechplata@aol.com

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