Happiness Argument

Section head text.

There is no argument today, as everything is right with the cycling world. Bear was a resounding success, the summer races are humming along. The weather is turning warmer, and the NJ Kermesse season is fast approaching. The Giro is even being broadcast on the internet. What could anyone possibly complain about?



Pay more attention – that’s obviously Coach J posting anonymously, duh. (Coach MNOP woulda said something funnier)

yours truely

the anon argument is also worn out. People aren’t gonna sign names, let it go. or just keep bitching…..


If you are going to say that something on this site it worn out, the least you can do is sign your name so that we all know who it is that thinks something is worn out. What are you worried about?

coach L disciple

OMG. Coach L, I’m so embarassed. Accept my apologies. Webmaster, please delete my comments.

Coach L, I was only trying to protect you. There are so many impostors out there, many of them trying to besmirch your good name, which – as you can imagine – riles me to no end.

By the way, I would’ve thought you’d have said the culinary selection, but the overgearing – especially the 21 (gulp) – makes sense. By the way, your discounting your fees post-event was one the most magnanimous gestures I’ve ever seen in a 20+ year career of Cat 4 racing. Glad to see you back in the region and I look forward to catching up soon. UA


sounds like someone found their first in the portajohn… god damn that was funny.

premature peakulation

Coach L disciple

I do not believe that is the true Coach L. I call impostor.

If that is really you, Coach L, what was the biggest error you made with your clientele in the 2007 version of the Harriman race?

Coach L

If memory serves, we’d set up for the corner too agressively and come out overgeared.

Look, I don’t mean to cause any trouble or raise suspicion. I’m just really happy to be part of your cycling lives and hope I can help make your experience better.


Really deserves a designation as an instant classic – he just launched that bike! Very funny, aside from the, you know, frustrating circumstances.

Well, time to reflect back on my ESRs…

Coach L

Greetings, everyone. You’ve all now crossed over into what I like to call the “core” part of the season. Some call it kermese season and some call it summer, but kermeses are mostly in Belgium and summer doesn’t start till the solstice! Anyway, The bulk of your physical training is now complete and you’re now focusing on SVR (specialization, visualization, rest). A lot of riders, particularly in the city regions, have a harder time than you’d expect making this transition. Many of you enjoy those double sessions of winter and spring and start to feel guilty about riding your bicycles less. Guys (and gals): Don’t feel guilty about riding less!!! Remember that feeling of getting out of Mrs. Hoffer’s final home room and starting your summer vacation down at the car wash in the glorious sunshine? You can re-live those feelings, except you are riding less and not working at the car wash (or whatever your summer job was). Kick back and take some time to reflect on the early season races (ESRs) and visualize the rest of your year. What do you what to accomplish? What are your dreams? My new “Coach L’s Little Book of Smart Ideas” comes with 2 copies of the full checklist of things to ask yourself as you do a season transition (available to my clients), so do reach out to me at the next race (remember my car mounted banner?) if you’re a Cat 4 or maybe 3 and want to sign up. And don’t forget to have a little fun out there!!!


How much does a peak cost? Should I get a powertap, zipps or a mid-summer peak? Any coaches out there? Want to get to Cat1 asap.


I peaked in the 80s – had the Flock of Seagulls ‘doo and all. Now I just hang around with cyclists in tight pants and obsess about wheel suckers and sandbaggers.


What else is he gonna do with his bike? Get out his chainbreaker? I’d be pissed breaking the chain going into the last k of a grand tour stage too. He’s a euro pro, they can do what they want, and I applaud that. When you’re that good, you should be able to throw your bike at other people…


four months of training and i peaked in the porta-john before bear, then got dropped on the climb. so close.


He did not mis-shift. His chain snapped as he was accelerating out of the winnnig break with 1k to go (and having been in the break for some 160k). I can see that he’d be angry – whether that warrants launching your bike over the barriers is, of course, a different question.


He send his bike flying over the barriers
couse he’d missed shifted and his foot came off the paddles.
with about 1k to go
sure blame the bike
on another miss hap his chain came off on the tour prolog a couple of year ago

Happy Gilmore

we’re trying to be positive today, remember? Today is the day I ride without my helmet in honor of JFT’s hard earned right to go sans helmet.

Enjoy the 75 degree weather without arm warmers, go watch track racing tonight, or go eat dinner outside tonight.


Harlem’s going to be big this year. USACrits $10,000. Cat 3, Masters and Women $1,000. Should be exciting racing to do and to watch.


its super hard to peak for one specific race. If you peaked for Bear, you probably have really good fitness and speed and should be able to win the crit this weekend, something over Jersey Memorial Day weekend, or a FBF race. Sorry you crashed; look for another race soon to dominate the competition with your fitness.

one of the reasons I quit my old team was teammates who complain about how a specific race went down when they wouldn’t place in any of the others. Once again, you can’t win Bear or Battenkill if you can’t place in Prospect or Central Park.

left field

..to see that dolls pic, proving once more that this site is not affraid to represent and empower alternative family choices! women unite!

smiling :) in the morning

No one on this site has a “Happiness” argument. the haters must have seen the headline and ran away like vampires from daylight.

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