Greg Lemond at Play the Game

Reforming the sport

This is a bit self serving, but I have to link this video today. It’s Greg Lemond speaking yesterday at a conference on ethics in sports called Play the Game in Conventry, UK. It’s self serving because Lemond mentions us, but the speech is a real eye opener.

Though often unfairly portrayed as shrill, holier than thou, and jealous (and we’ve been guilty ourselves), Lemond comes off as a calm and reasoned voice for reform. Instead of brandishing his clean reputation, he cites luck for his dope free career – he doesn’t know what his drive to win would have made him do had he turned pro in the EPO era. He doesn’t accuse dopers of being bad people, instead blaming the system for being an irresistible corrupting force.

Lemond drops the hammer on the UCI and talks about personal threats from Pat McQuaid, who didn’t appreciate his efforts to reform the sport. He also reveals that he was in communication with Patrice Clerc, the recently ousted head of the ASO. Lemond believed the only way cycling could become clean was for the Tour to split from the UCI and run the race with a truly independent doping agency, and may have had a receptive ear in Clerc.

There’s so much more in the speech, things every cycling fan should know about. It’s 50 minutes long, so set aside some time and watch. A brief synopsis is here if you’re, you know, working.





That article reminds me of the book From Lance To Landis except without all the content. Isn’t this old news? What is newsworthy there?


Our Lance, who art in Texas,
Hallowed be thy Name,
Thy Giro’s done,
A stage not won,
You sure have a lot of ex’s!

Give us this day our daily Tweet,
And re-hire Creed why don’t you?
As we want him back,
He sure can attack,
And lead you into great position.

For thine is the Livestrong.
And the power, and the glory,
Until WADA finally gets you.



“Next week, Trek and Mr. LeMond go to mediation. If that fails, the case could go to trial next spring.”


funny, but weird how the lordstrong’s prayer lapsed into limerick in the middle, there. just sayin’.


I didn’t even notice the limerick. That’s hilarious.

And to the question from 9:32, Lemond mentioned our Ashenden article.


What is newsworthy? The very fact that the general public continues to believe and put faith and dollars into the Livestrong name.

Does Lance donate any of the money from his speaking engagements to cancer?

And while I enjoyed seeing Lance at the Giro (I was rooting for him when he was suffering like a dog) he serves as a distraction from a sport that needs the focus to be on good racing- not this BS of who doped in the past.

Lets move forward.


I don’t think think NDAs cover testifying in court. If she gets called into court, she will need to give the full story and won’t be able to hide behind documents drafted by lawyers.


Would not win a barfight. I’d have one of my lawyers kick his ass then blame it all on “sour grapes”. Then I’d sue him for every last pencil he owns and he’d never write an other story for that neo-con rag.
Vance Armslong

Rickie Rainwater

Ah the lance bashing. Seems it never goes out of style. I can see this topic being brought up at the barber shop in about 50 years. It will be old then just as it is old now.


In 50 years, Pharmstrong presnted by Viagra sweeps the Masters Nationals 85+ road race, crit & TT, crossing the line in each event whilst sporting a distinct outline in his bib shorts.


a few years back, when Lance was in NYC for the marathon, he was out at a bar and became friends with some friends of mine(in their early twenties)…he started to hit on her and though she insisted that she was engaged and wanted Lance to stop, he charmed his wa through. I am glad he is like one of us, dogs.


What kind of pick-up lines do you suppose he volleyed their way at that point in time?

“Hey baby, just ignore what they’re saying in People magazine. Me and the Olsen twins–we’re so no longer into each other…”


Hi everybody at NY Velocity.
I just wanted to let you know that Greg LeMond will be on the panel in another live streamed session from Play the Game about anti-doping Thursday 11 June 8:30-11:00 UK time. The session also features David Howman, Director General of WADA and other very interesting speakers.
You can catch the live stream though this link:
or if you are not able to follow it live you can watch it on demand here:

Play the Game


Check out Bikereg. They modified the Giro NJ registration so that riders can register for any of the 3 events individually. I believe they were having registration issues due to a) some people having difficulty getting off work for a Friday TT; b) conflicts with Hoosatonic and Harlem on Sunday; c) overall net cost of 3 races;

Now you can race any combination of days you want, or just one day, etc. You’ll have a near impossible time winning the stage race if you don’t race all 3, but atleast you get to race a few nice events. Those events, individually, were always super-well attended.


I did Prospect yesterday. There was a lot of dope in that park.. As well, many dopes in the race.

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