Get well Charlie!

Get well Charlie

We’ve received a lot of requests for contact information for Charlie Issendorf so that people can send him their get well wishes. We’ve decided to start a “get well Charlie” page here to consolidate all those messages. We hope you are feeling well again soon, Charlie!

As of Tuesday morning the latest we’ve heard is that Charlie is still in the hospital awaiting surgery with two broken ribs, a broken collarbone and a punctured lung. If you have any other information, please share it with us.




charlie looked so great to be back in a racing kit. i hope he keeps racing this year after he recovers.


Get well soon Charlie.

Let us know if you need help running any upcoming race (I see FBF was cancelled). For all you’ve done for NYC racing I’m sure we would all pitch in to help you out right now.


We all have to encourage him to not let this get him down and out because he is one the best overall racers ever to come out of NYC. Do you guys know that he was George Hincapies lead out man back in the days? He can read a race like nobody’s business! Always in the move. Get well dude!


I remember with fear and loathing your admonishment of the 3/4 field last summer for being so slow. You questioned our manhood, threatened to cut laps and otherwise called us p*ssies. It was the fastest race of my life.

Nobody likes to disappoint dad…

Get better….


and back on the bike asap, seeing you racing again has put a big spark in everyones racing, to see you spinning like a junior!!!
cheers, you are the best thing for nyc racing!


Just spent an hour with Charlie at Kings County hospital. He finally got his own room after nearly 24 hours in the ER. He has a broken clavicle, a clapsed lung and 2 broken ribs. They are draining fluids out of his lungs, and he is scheduled to have surgery on his clavicle sometime this afternoon. he is in good spirits and wants to thank everyone for all the well wishes. He hopes to be out of the hospital by friday.

Tony Maisto


while i don’t know charlie, it sounds like he’s a fixture in local riding/racing and beloved by many, so godspeed to him on a quick & full recovery!


So sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you have a quick and easy recovery.

Get Well Soon!

Patrick Littlefield


Just got off the phone with Charlie, and he’s definitely down. He’s happy to hear that everyone’s pulling for him, and honestly, he really needs it right now.

He’s been in Kings County Hospital for two days and nothing’s happening. He finally demanded to be moved to a different hospital in Long Island, and that’s supposed to happen tomorrow. They weren’t feeding him because they kept telling him he was about to have surgery. Two days later, he was still in his chamois from the race and they hadn’t even given him a gown to wear. He finally got a grilled cheese sandwich, he said!

I know many of you haven’t been racing for ever and ever, but Charlie is a NYC original. He’s one of my oldest and best friends, he was one of the best teammates I ever had, and he’s always been the guy I could call in the middle of the night for absolutely anything and he’d be there for me. NYC bike racing would not exist the way it does if not for Charlie. He was really happy to be back on the bike and feeling fit again, and this crash has been a big blow for him.


It is one of the worst. I feel bad that Charlie has to endure it, on top of the wreck and injuries. Good luck and speedy recovery


Your races are by far the best in the city. You are a terrific asset for NYC, a true character, and a great cyclist. It is impossible for these things to keep a man like you down for too long. While it may not feel like it now, you will be back mixing it up with us in no time. I for one am looking forward to lining up at Tuesday nights at Floyd more than anything else this year, and I really hope that it will be next to you once you are recovered. Here’s to a speedy recovery.




Sorry to hear about Charlie not doing well. He is a good guy and I can remember riding races with him in the 80’s and the old man sucking on stogies to chase the skeeters away in the Adirondacks. I’m glad to see Charlie is still a fixture and impacting cycling in a positive way in NYC. Chin up Charlie.


Matt Gibble


As someone who habitually was trying to get on your wheel in the early 90’s, you put me through more pain and suffering than just about anyone out there. Despite that, nobody deserves to be going through what you’re going through now. Get well soon, and I hope you’re back on the wheel by summer!


Get well Charlie. Very very sorry to hear about the injury. I think you’ll see how much support in the cycling community and that’ll help you recover faster and get back into it.

Sometimes the treatment you get in hospitals is worse than the injury. Last year my sister broke her neck in a downhill mtn accident and they didn’t let her eat for over 4 days because the surgeon had a couple of days off and couldn’t review the x-rays (I ended up calling him at home because the nurses wouldn’t). Point being is that you have to sometimes fight just for basic care when stuck in the hospital.

– dave trimble


Hope you are able to get through this really difficult time Charlie. Best wishes that you start feeling better soon. Tony Settel


. . . but it bears repeating: Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery. We’re thinking of you.



we all hope you recover quickly and fully – and appreciate everything you do for our sport.

I also hope that the other ChampSys rider who got hurt is doing ok.

-jonathan p

Alex R

Talk about a double whammy! First you crash and then the hospital jerks you around. Sometimes you have no choice which hospital you end up. If you do, pick a good one. If you get stuck at a crappy hospital, like Elmhurst in Queens, and you don’t have life threatening injuries, check yourself out and then head the the ER of a good hospital. We recently had to do this for a relative who was stuck at Elmhurst after a stroke. Maybe someone who reads this list can recommend a decent hospital to go to.


Hey Charlie it may not look so great right now but you are a tough guy. Draw on the energy of your well wishers. I had a similar experience, same injuries and some extra stuff as well. The support I recieved from the cycling community was a powerful healer. Your family is bigger than you know. Now get out of those shorts.
Doug O’Neill


I heard about the accident through my brother Fernando, my best wishes and prayers to you and your speedy recovery… You have kept NYC racing alive!!!!! take care of yourself, hoping to be riding next to you soon Diego Cuevas and fmly……….


Yes, take care of yourself and go wherever they will give you great care.
We love you, Charlie.
Reed Rubey


anyone know exactly what happened? i mean, who caused the crash and what not. I say that because where they went down, well, there was no real reason to go down there. There are a lot more dangerous sections on the course that one could go down on. Hence why I think it was someone’s fault. Just curious…


Hey Charlie…I hope someone can smuggle in Versus while your’re laid up. Get well then give’em hell!



you’ve posted several different places now. crashes happen. go troll elsewhere – not the place for this.

heal well charlie


I just spoke with Charlie. He has been moved to Long Island Jewish Hospital and says that its a night and day difference in terms of help. He was scheduled to be let go today, but his lung collapsed again. He said overall he feels better every day and that it looks like they will let him out Saturday. He wants to let everyone know that he is thankful for the wishes and support.

I will keep posting as I get updates.



Wow bummer, as I can relate having broken both my left and right collar bone on two occasions.

I have to say watching your moves in the last PP race I see what the above are taking about. You where looking very aggressive and strong on your come back to the beautiful sport of road racing, which can also sometimes be so cruel.
Get well!

Will Schneider


Got word from Charlie this afternoon that he is scheduled to leave Long Island Jewish Hospital today.

Injuries – Displaced Clavicle
Recommended no surgery
Heal time varies from 3 to 6 weeks, probably longer as its in several pieces.

Punctured Lung
Should be working!

He mentioned that he wants to get back to racing as soon as possible!

Get well,
David Sommerville
Director Sportif
Sommerville Sports


You’re a pillar of the cycling community and it just isn’t the same with you on the sidelines. We all hope you get better soon.

All the best,



Our medical system is a mess. An argument for a different time..

It is good to hear that you will be Ok Charlie.

Come back soon. Your racing and races are beloved by all NYC cyclists.



A big thanks to everybody who wrote on this page, who vistid me at the hospital and to all who called, texted, and emailed me. A special thanks to the Wonder Wheels Team who sent me an awesome fruit basket – it came just at the right time as I was starving that day!

I was released from the hospital yesterday. I have a broken collarbone and two broken ribs. My lung did indeed collapse, was better a few days later and then collapsed again. It’s seems to be ok now.

As many as you know, it’s been over 6 years since I raced and I was really happy to be back in the field. I was feeling fit and getting stronger each week so this is a big disappointment. It also serves as a reminder that racing is dangerous. When I was talking to one of my doctors I asked how soon I could start riding and he said, in a very nice way, “I know you want to ride again but you’ve had a serious injury – you should be thankful you are alive or not paralyzed”. Yikes! I never really thought about it that way.

Sorry I had to cancel the Kings County Circuit Race yesterday but I’m sure you understand why. I should be fine by the next race I’m promoting (Cadence Cup, May 2) and a reminder that FBF starts Tuesday, May 5.

Again, thanks guys. It really means a lot to me.

Charlie Issendorf



Thank God you’re out of hospital now. Eat plenty and rest up. You are in our prayers.

Hope to see you at FBF when the weather gets warmer.

Again, great to hear you’re out of hospital and we all wish you a speedy recovery.

Anthony O’Malley
Die Hard ThinkRacing


there’s no reason you shouldn’t race again next season, or ride your bike when you get the ok…but no need to rush it.


George, Rich, Ricardo, and Radisa, as do I, give their regards and best wishes for you Charlie!!!

David Jordan


Yo Charlie ~That’s a dumb ass doctor man…All these docs are lazy asses and way to conservative. Trust me you’ll get back right away. They think they know what kind of people we are but don’t really know our process….lol


I hate to know that you are in major pain but, I trust that you will recover in no time. Its awesome to see all the support.. You ROCK Charlie!!! Hugs and god bless you, J


Interested Parties,

Bad news!

Spoke to Mr. I and got a text from Charlie informing me that he is BACK in the Long Island Jewish Hospital.

His Lung once again collapsed at home while recovering.

Wishing Charlie a BETTER recovery this time around.

David Sommerville
Director Sportif
Sommerville Sports


I hope they have a thoracic surgeon meet with you and discuss doing pleurodesis to prevent another lung collapse (pneumothorax). Surgery can be done video-assisted with very small incisions. Dr. Jaime Yun is the minimally-invasive specialist Thoracic surgeon at LIJ. GOOD LUCK!


hope you feel better fast. this sucks that it happened to you out of everyone… we all love you !!!
xo karyn, louie, bruiser, and gummies


When I saw you at the yearend meeting you were looking sharp. Sorry to hear about your crash. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a return to cycling with renewed energy and motivation.

Ed Nolan

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