FBF 2008 Argument

Section head text.

Now that the Tuesday Night Series at Floyd Bennett Field has started, perhaps it’s time to discuss the special tactics needed at FBF. There’s a new finish this year – one that’s more prone to head winds than in years past – will that make a difference? Or is it just the same circuit with a new sprint? And yes, yes, we realize it’s only a training race and means nothing, of course. But it is a lot of fun.



if you double wrap your bars, and show up with tied wheels you will win! and turn your levers up 45 degrees at least for proper seated cobble leverage

David Sommerville - Cadence Cup Race Day Coordinator

Cadence FBF continues tonight!

Come out and hammer away all your Bear Mtn woes, flats, spills and thrills in the crosswinds of Brooklyn.

Weather forecast looks wonderful with warm temps and decent winds.

Start times:
Cat 5 – 6:30pm
Pro123 -7:00pm
Cat 3/4 (40+) – 7:05pm

Entry – $15

Gavi Epstein has been confirmed to defend his Pro123 series tonight.

Tonight will feature the Super Fun(d)* award for the 1st and 2nd place of the Cat 3/4 and Pro123 events.

*Donations at Registration and from crowd. Split is 70/30.

Thanks for reading and see you at Floyd,

David Sommerville
Cadence Cup Race Day Coordinator

Please park all the way in the parking lot and NOT block the access roads.

Use your same numbers as last week!

Yes! Cadence Cup events send results to USAC for rankings..

YES! Results count for upgrading for most categories. USAC website has more info

Go fast, turn right…


DJ, 90% of these guys don’t know how to ride an echelon. Good try but I fear you are wasting your energy.

Flame Retardant

continue to bless us with your wisdom. I am of the 90% that doesn’t know how to ride an echelon but thanks to your post I am more aware of one.
I’ll always be a pup unless one of the big dogs shows me the nuances. Thanks!

Not ashamed to admit I don't know.

Honestly, I don’t know. I admit it. I’d like to learn though. How to form up, which way to rotate, how to protect my position, how best to interact with the others in the echelon etc. When I started this sport, I got very good instruction on riding rotating pacelines (and I’m still learning every time I get lucky enough to get in a break.) But I’ve never had the experience of riding in a classic Belgian-crosswind echelon. If someone was gonna hold a coaching session, I’d show up to learn.

David Jordan

not easy, still some effort and strong enough to actually get off the front and gap is created, a break will/will not go at any time due to so many variables pretty tough to isolate, hence the phrase, (everybody) “the riders make the race”, if a singele rider goes off and then, “fly, fry and die” (anyone), of course he won’t succeed. But if several teams and strong individuals go for it in this way, a break will go. It’s impossible to stay with an echelon if your not strong enough to get in position for it in the first place…but we all already know this, and so this point is moot…next week I’ll fly the helicopter behind any solo moves, “a la Moser” which year in the Giro…
When we were Cat3 Bridge/Union Square we did this routinely, even getting some pros out of position at the local CP, PP and FBF races…team work and commitment to a well-thought out strategy is always better than the usual crap shoot.
peace be with you,

Hate the Haters

it seems like u are on his jock strap hard…….why don’t you ask for his kit after the race next time beg him to wash it out with your hands so you can be on the team(sakonnet rider).


ran a 1/2, 3, 4/5, a masters and a womens field. if i remember they were late morning to early afternoon with the masters last i think.

Not on Sakonnet. Just an observer.

Let’s talk about the 123 race for a sec. Mengoni had 3, WS United had like 4 or 5. Sommerville had like 7 guys. Sakonnet had 1 guy, Mrs. Epstein’s boy Gavi.

And he waxed them.
Schooled them.
Took them to the woodshed.

This kid is something. Hope he comes every week.


The site is kind of thin on information. Any one know what categories they run, how long the races are, and what time they happen?


BTW – any work on tour of Highbridge? There is no info on the race or regisration and its in about 3 weeks. Help NJracers


BTW – any word on tour of Highbridge? There is no info on the race or regisration and its in about 3 weeks. Help NJracers


You’re assuming the person attacking is A: strong enough to give maximal effort for up to 3/4 of a lap, B: Fast enough to get away and make it hard to bridge in the cross/tailwind section, C: has enough guys with him to make it stick, as a solo effort is exceptionally difficult, D: has the correct mix of riders, it will get pulled back if its not right….etc.

Yeah, its a possible tactic for splitting the field, and in any big boy race where theres 85 mammer jammers out there drilling it in the gutter all day, then that tactic will 95% of the time work. But I’m not sure I’d act as if its the magic potion for the breakaway.

David Jordan

only if you use the strongest cross-tail winds/longer straightaways to split the field. A classic move would be to attack at the end of the headwind leg, as the pack is most likely to be bunched up and then continue the effort after the corner so the better position gained sets up an echelon with stronger riders, but its gotta be a commitment of at least 2/3-3/4 of a lap to even get a decent gap that is difficult for a solo rider that missed the move to bridge. Then the group, break or field, that maintains an organzied effort has the advantage. The break will stay if it can stay away thru the headwind leg and start the process of echelon with cross/tailwinds all over again. This can happen at any point on the circuit, but is more likely when attacking just before the cross winds begin after the group has been already working hard in the headwinds.
You can select down riders from any group in this way as well if they are getting in the way…


wider and easier than any race that I’ve done this year.
Headwind/schmedwind, it wasn’t that bad. I felt stronger winds this spring in CP. A break could’ve formed but no one wanted to work together hard enough to lose the field.


prevailing afternoon winds in the summer are out of the south and stronger near the water due to thermals


The sun will set in the west
there may or may not be clouds
my wife will probably have an attitude


ok, it’s all relative but anytime you have a tighter finish it works in favor of lone riders, plus pack was saving it a little in 2nd part of long back stretch before final turn. It sure worked for Gavi to do it alone but not so much for JJ. Many guys were boxed in. The headwind over that short distance is a minor factor to the breakaway but it does get the pack bunched up. All we can conclude is: time will tell.


the finish isn’t that tight. you can still go 10 wide at least. i mean it’s not the old finish which was like 30 wide, but when does that ever happen?


Let’s get this straight! Lance hooked up with Ashley, not MK. MK is by far the hotter one and the better climber. Ashley is more of a rouleur.


No, those aren’t reasons for a breakaway. just because the backside has a tailwind isn’t going to make guys want to get away any more than they did before. Guys want to get away regardless of the location of the finish. Having a slower finish means you stand a better chance of getting caught in the headwind in a break, how is that better reason to try it?


just because he downgraded from Kristin, Sheryl, to cheaper, more impressionable wannabe celebrity…when you can go better go younger!


The new finish at floyd has little bearing on breakaway attempts. The wind blows for everyone on every lap. Honestly, the old finish was nicer. Faster and easier to see in the dark on that side.

topical ointment

“Honestly, the old finish was nicer. Faster and easier to see in the dark on that side.”

Those are also reasons why a breakaway is better. The new finish (becasue it’s slower) is also more narrow, tighter and harder to move up in a bunch sprint. If you string it out or break away – none of those extra worries.


Ricky Bobby just loves to race his bike!! It’s in Ricky Bobby’s blood. We luv us some Ricky Bobby.

topical ointment

I think new FBF finish gives more reasons to try a breakaway. The trick will be to gain enough distance not to get reeled in on the long back stretch. Should be fun!


LOL. People ripping on Ricky Lowe? If you only knew the guy. Some of you losers need to get a life.


Willingham actually froze his balls off in December. At the Orchard store tried to thaw them out but they fell off. He still rode home with purple legs minus his sac.


Ricky races up and down the eastern seaboard more than most guys in the NYC scene.

Look at any big crit between Mass and Virginia. Doesn’t matter if rock racing and kelly benefits is there with a full squad of 10. Ricky’s there.


is there a more annoying cycling term than HTFU? If I win a race in 15 degree weather, after 2 crashes, in shorts, does that make me more of a man? or does that make me a scot willingham wannabe?


I don’t know about “plenty” of wins. Seems to have dried up since he upgraded to a 2 couple seasons ago.


he’s wins plenty (at least 2 so far this year – how ’bout you?) and as is well documented he’s a great person.


racing the 1/2/3, and I was impressed with all of United’s work. They were like machines off the front, not just the Burrowes, but the team as a whole. In addition many put down some serious efforts to try to spring a break for Jermaine. The only one that seemed to sit in was Ricky, I’m not sure why. Oh, yeah, it’s cause he can throw down 1600+ watt sprints at the end. I’d be a United fan if I didn’t have to race against them by myself.


I think you guys are confusing the Burrows with United as a team. And since when is anyone so defensive about anybody else on this site?

Hate the Haters

Would expect anything else from a united rider? They appear allergic to any sort of work.
This statement is so untrue when have u every seen a burrowes brother/united rider not work in a race or try and get in a break or start a break,where have u been racing at ?


I too was bummed about the age change this year. But I understand Charlie’s motives. He wanted to give Schmaltz a fighting chance in sprints. Hopefully next year for me.

Father of 3

My objection is I am unable to train the 15 hrs a week needed be competitive in the 123 race. I do well in master and 3 races but the 123 is a different beast.

To train 2-3 days a week puts me in the same class as a 3/4 rider not a 123.

Your Father!

And sprinters are sprinters. If you are not and wanat to win then get out in front and make sure they are too tired. Winning takes effort!


if you don’t have a sprint like JJ you better work during the race to get away from JJ πŸ™‚


Carefully arrange your schedule to keep late afternoon on Tuesdays free. Tell ’em you have a personal appointment. Figure out which Tuesdays your boss will be outta town/outta the office. Work out your exit strategy and just leave. You can check phone/email at Floyd after signing in


you corporate types need to stop worrying about The Man so much and get out and enjoy things like riding down Flatbush Avenue in 6 PM traffic. Now that is some workplace Zen.


how are people with normal jobs ever supposed to be able to make these races πŸ™

or kissena twilight πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™


it is totally worth the effort of making it happen (at your normal job). I’m already figuring out my angle for next week.
All work and no play makes a dull worker…


normal jobs end at 5 or 4…
racing starts at 6 30
bike ride from manhattan to kissena 40 minutes


I have a normal full-time job, and get out early on Tuesday. Most people are supportive of such things…..


Make the race if you’re so unhappy that it comes down to a sprint — go on and bust out, break away, make us eat your smoke.

Every rider I saw in the 3/4s was busting their ass.


littlefield has some pics. i’m sure he’ll put them up. good to see him back on the bike and (partially) healed.


Kid in kindergarten now, schedule doesn’t work for taking off Tuesday afternoons. May change in a few weeks.


why don’t we make the 3/4 race 2 laps so we all know it’s sprint less than a handful of guys in that field can place in a sprint.

It was sad to see only a few guys try to get away. It was the same four guys every other lap. If it wasn’t for them the race would have been really boring and slow.

Since less than 10 guys have the skills to place in the sprint the other 50 should stop chasing the break away guys. Bridge up on your OWN!!!


FBF is great times. the new finish is weird though. there were also a ton of flats (including me last night, more than usual. i like sneaking through the fence. i feel like one week i’m going to have to throw my bike over and then climb the fence. but that’d be fine cause it’s floyd. thanks to all who put it on.


and a nice mix. Yesterday was my first time and I’m addicted. Now I just need to get out of work early every tuesday…that’s the real challenge


The energy, diversity of racers, competition and pre/post race socializing make this one of the best little local races around. It’s not easy to get there, but it’s definitely worth the hike. Hats off to the organizers.

Oh, first!


Cadence Tuesday Night Series
Brooklyn NY
May 6, 2008

Pro / 1-2-3
44 starters

1. Gavriel Epstein (CRCA/Sakonett)
2. Paul Burrowes (WS United)
3. Tom Bencivengo (Sommerville Sports)
4. Edwin Morrel (TOGA)
5. Luis Aquino (Champion System)

Cat. 3-4
56 starters

1. Eric Robertson (Kissena)
2. James Joseph (WS United)
3. Dan Habiq (Unatt)
4. Alessandro Matteuci (BVF)
5. Andrew Walsh (Unatt)

Cat. 5
12 starters

1. Leszek Sniadowski (Poland)
2. Dan Perez (Chlesea)
3. Celestino Hernandez (Chelsea)
4. Anders Scholl (CRCA)
5. Aleksander Minorski (Unatt)

Thanks to all the official, marshals and pacers that help support the race!

Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena CYcling Club

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