Favorite argument

Love course

In reflecting on Sunday’s race at Harlem, I came to the conclusion that turn one of that course is my favorite turn in bike racing. It’s after a slightly (very slightly) downhill section, so you can build up speed and whip through it. It’s great fun, especially when you get through it unscathed. The question is: do you have a favorite portion of a course? Do you have a favorite turn? A favorite climb?



I love the finish hill at Bethel (feels great to power up with the pack) and downhills at Tour of Catskills Day 2 (Rt23), Jiminy Peak and Unionvale. Every year its the fastest speed I hit during the season. Nothing like spinning out the 53/11 with the pack. Scary but fun!

Johnny Climberlegs

the climb at hilltowns, the finishing climb at unionvale, the finishing climb at fitchburg (RIP)


Since we all (NYrs) ride up HH about a million times for training over the years, my fav spot among many is actually racing up HH when you have a leadout in a points race with HH points. Basically, you get to experience going up HH at CRAZY speeds, starting at the bottom at around 30-35 mph, which means you get up the hill in like 30 secs flat, or about half a normal paced climb. It just feels cool, like you suddenly found the strength of a pro for a minute, or at least half a minute.

Hitting Cats Paw at race speed with good position is also always a great rush – I think the best spots on any course are ones that you know, so getting it right feels extra cool. Totally diff than a spot you only see once a year or whatever.


having personally ridden that turn in the pouring rain literally right before the pros went on it is quite a turn to take at 25 mph in the pouring rain i know i did a bit of sliding on it as well and was lucky to stay up in other news GO CADENCE CYCLING FOUNDATION


Foundation vs. WS United. I think they were disagreeing over who rides like a bigger tool. If they don’t get suspended over this it will be a real shame.


Charlie wants to make his events family friendly he can’t allow riders so pumped up, on who knows what to act like that. It was really disgusting. If those riders are allowed to return to FBF It would be very disappointed.

Charlie you have done only the right things for racing in NYC to this point. Thank You


You have to be kidding, Schmalz! I thought I was going to die during 49 out of 50 times through that corner. In the rain with a swimming pool on the inside… with guys freaking out all over the place. I wonder if it was the manhole cover that everyone was worried about. Those things are like landmines in the rain.

You might as well vote for the two tight turns before the finish of the Fitchburg Crit or the right turn up the finishing hill in the Fitchburg Circuit Race.

My favorite strip of road has to be the quick left/right (first two turns) in the Concord Criterium.


SE(?)corner at Floyd. The one with the overgrown bush that nearly snags your bars if you ride to tight.


FBF fight was awesome. Went on for like 10 minutes. Continued in the parking lot.

Both teams should be suspended one week and the principals banned from FBF for the rest of the year.

Dumbest thing I’ve seen all year. There was a girl in the middle of it at one point yet they just continued to go at it. All class.


i like the last corner of the burlington crit, and the section under the railroad bridge in the christiana crit.


WS divisive vs. floundernation: what caused it? who won? did they break out into song and dance like sharks vs. jets? was schmalz the girl in the middle, shrieking at the top of her lungs for her man to please stop? did alan hop on the announcer’s table and pull a superfly snuka on charlie i. just to get in the mix?

hateorade and hater-tot banner, nice


that was not a real fight at fbf, just a bunch of posturing. nothing “disgusting” about it, maybe you should go home and watch the disney channel if a couple dudes yelling at each other and having a confrontation effects you so much. i think their are reruns of that’s so raven on at 7pm.


oh calm down, everything turned out fine at fbf. wsu and foundation later settled the score by having a break dance battle out in the parking lot. one of the wsu guys layed down a mean lotus flare that overpowered foundation’s reverse airbaby.


Yeah, I’ve seen a real fight. The guy swinging his bike at neck height trying to hit guys seemed real to me. But dude, the point is that sh*t shouldn’t be going down at a Tuesday night bike race. Its not cool, its not classy and it shows a total lack of respect for the other riders, the spectators, the marshalls, the organizer and the sport. It also does a disservice to the sponsors of the involved rider’s teams. Grown men should be able to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner whilst engaging in recreational racing.

Riddle yourself this, if FBF matters enough to have a ‘confrontation’ over some perceived slight or injustice or sign of disrespect, why do we rarely if ever see this sort of confrontation at the end of say a real race, like a pro race?


Burlington crit last turn is definitely awesome. You have a two block downhill stretch into a wide open 90 degree corner into a two block slight uphill across the finish. It’s perfect for bombing at full speed.

FBF fight was definitely not cool. I saw all kinds of spectators out there during the race, kids and families, even euro ex-pat families. Even if it were (and it is) part of the “scene”, those involved should be suspended for one or two weeks. Would you expect that kind of crap anywhere else? Ha, at Somerville the police would have them all in jail overnight.


Right-hand turn into the “hill” at Greentree. I’ve done it a few thousand times over the past 15 years and it’s always a thrill to hit the corner and sprint like hell to break away before the headwind comes back on the straight to the s-turn. FBF has got nothing on Greentree.


The fight or beef had no place last night. There were some family and present, and it was not cool. There should be some consequences for the participants.


10:01am — “not a real fight” last night at FBF? Are you kidding me? I saw every second of it, unfortunately, from the first punch to the face — and heard the crack of the guy’s fist on the other guy’s face. There were several punches to the face that landed. I don’t know what you mean “not a real fight” but the one at FBF was as real as they get. And, yeah, it continued off and on for what seemed 10 minutes or so.

The guys involved — there were three at least, including the yellow jersey — should receive appropriate punishment for their behavior. One doesn’t want to overreact to what happened, but one has to mete out just punishment or this WILL happen again. I’m confident Charlie will do what’s right. If this kind of thing is not handled properly, soon FBF gets a bad repuation and other rides who just want a good night out racing start associating Tuesday races with negative connotations. Fist fights like the one last not are just not acceptable.

I wish the police were there to cuff those guys actually. If they want to front like that and show off and be macho and “bad boys,” let them do it somewhere else. In NYC, crazy stuff happens, and it’s not hard to imagine knives or guns getting pulled out at such heated moments. I’m being serious. There was a “civilian,” some guy who was apparently a friend watching the race, who almost went to blows with one of the United guys. Imagine if he were carrying.


smackdown at fbf. nice.

glad i rode in central park last night instead.

would rather have flying bits of horse turd hit me than flying fists.


Wasn’t in the race so can’t say if it was during the race too but it was largely off the bikes in the parking lot near the start/finish.


‘roid rage rearing its ugly head?

why not do a random drug test out there for the leaders?

that would be interesting.


bad language gets you a month
fighting a year according to USAC rules…but what are those anyway. Probably more people will come out to see a fight just like people hang out at the first turn in Harlem…
Either Charlie/Alan back it up, or people don’t race there…hit them in the wallet…all parties concerned. no more BS “warnings”.
A threat with no teeth is only fuel to the fire…
Anger management or you will go down like Chris Brown on Beyonce…


The Ralpha would never engage in fisticuffs during or after a bit of sport. All suffering should be self-inflicted. Punch yourself at the top of the climb if you want.


Why all the talk about how bad it was because of family and kids and maybe even some women present? Doesn’t make a difference, fighting at a race is just wrong no matter who or who isn’t present.
After such a great show by Jermaine and Lisban on sunday, this is very disappointing.


quit your bs’ing about the ‘fight’ at FBF last night. I was there and it was nothing. A few guys jawing at each other and had to be restrained. BFD

And another reason for shutting the F up about it is that we race there at the convenience of the state/parks/etc. whomever owns the land. The last thing we need is for someone over there to read this thread and we’ll be racing bikes around Schmalz’s driveway.


Charlie as the promoter has no say in suspending riders. That is totally up to USCF. The USCF official at the race sends in the report but also does not set the suspension.

Punishing a promoter who cannot issue a suspension makes no sense.


the hairy ride up flatbush etc and the isolation of the place makes it feel a little like fight club, kind of private. however, with civilians present, it was just plain ugly


wait till next week when a park rec official is there watching. see how long the race series lasts for all of us when a couple of boys demonstrate how they can’t play in the sandbox together.


ain’t gonna do SHET! He know his bottom line is $$$.
How many times THEY “mouth off” at PP, CP and every race THEY be doing???
CHARLIE AIN’T GONNA DO NUTHIN, as long as more of fight club fans shows up, and polly anna’s stay home…

FBF sucks anyway…


Fight was happening right a front of you but you weren’t looking just going thru papers like nothing was going on…


For goodness sake how can any of this be Charlie or Alan’s fault? Anyone taking pops at them is just an idiot. Lets face it Alan is a very likeable hugely passionate bike fan but at the end of the day a fairly timid gentleman – last thing he wants to get into on his evenings off suporting his passion is a stand off between a couple of angry dudes. Same goes for Charlie. If you are that horrified write to USA Cycling yourself. Better yet this is resolved by the 2 teams themselves – an apology offered and hands shaken all round. From what I know the Burrowes brothers are certainly hot headed at races but plenty of people I know (or knew) very well always spoke really highly about them being stand up guys at the end of the day. Hopefully they will see in the cold light of day their actions were inexcusable and look to amend. Likewise with Foundation – I don’t know if Earl is still at the helm or Ric Wolf but neither of those 2 are interested in bad reputations, so I’m sure they will do whats right. Get the facts, administer what they see as fit punishments but most importantly get the 2 parties together and ensure some apologies are offered and assurances this won’t happen again. I know this happened with my old team at a CRCA event a few years ago and it was deeply embarrassing – luckily CRCA has a strong board that was able to dole out suitable (some said lenient) race bans, but more importantly act as a facilitator to ensure bad blood was buried and this didn’t happen again. Charlie and Alan with the best will in the world are a different “organisation” – DON’T PUT ALL THE ONUS ON THEM. The teams involved should get together over a beer, sort it out and who know’s with a bit of luck maybe even apologise to all the racers at the start of next week’s race – then everyone move on.


didn’t you get the memo? don king bought the promoter rights from charlie. tuesday was the test case for the new race format.


Besides the silly fight, what about the united guy who after chasing the break in the last lap, stopped pedaling at the front of the pack instead of swinging off? Came straight thru the pack causing much chaos. If that’s team tactics, I will change my riding accordingly, if you catch my drift.


You can’t fistfight at races. Crystal clear. Doesn’t matter if you’re a pair of Nobel winning humanitarians. Case closed.


One of the Burrowes brothers who had been running his mouth earlier. I think that Cat 5 move might have been the start of the fight at the end of the race. He so deserves to lose some skin in his next race, that move was completely inexcusable. It wasn’t even like he took some mammoth pull, he shoulda easily closed the gap or at least known enough to swing off after he shot his surprisingly weak load.


No one deserves to lose skin… ever. Anyone who has ever hit the deck and have others ride over them will agree.

Moving on…


Conduct: 1Q
page 59 for relevant items
throw the book at ANY rider, leaders jersey, whatever. Or more of the same, and escalatin’ is to be expectorated!



Not true, I seen Jimmy Carter and Kofi Annan go at it like a bunch of powerlifters on steroids after a hockey game. Carter has a mean left hook but Kofi caught Carter’s big front teeth out there with an uppercut.

Shirin Ebadi and Noam Chomsky also be brawling any time they get the chance. Usually, it’s over a woman.


1:28 here

everyone picks their poison…
tell you what, i’ll take the downhill/hairpin, you do the climb, relay style.
we both win.


see Gandhi and Lincoln go at it.

Lincoln got him on the reach but I heard that Gandi was pretty quick.


Gandhi wouldn’t last in a strong gust o’ wind at FBF. Besides, someone could take him out with an easy wedgie in that loincloth he wears.


That was a stupid statement you made.Never wish harm on anyone it may come back on you.That was a Cat 5 statement.


Sitting up rather than swinging off. The guy is experienced enough to understand the ‘shape’ of the race and that on the last lap, before the final corner it is safer to come off left or right after you’ve given up rather than simply put on the brakes in the middle of the pack.

Look, if it had happened to him he’d be the first one mouthing off about it. It was really inconsiderate riding. Not saying it characterizes every pedal stroke the guy takes or every race he enters, but this time, yeah it was a really stupid move from where I was sitting. Who knows, maybe I missed something like a weasel running in front of him, or he flatted, or pulled a pedal, or dropped a chain but it kinda looked like he just flat out sat up suddenly. I could easily be corrected.


Race directors and officials like Charlie and Alan are Aces…they are not security guards and should not be expected to literally throw themselves in harms way to break up a foolish, childish fight.

They should, and do discourage this behavior, they put themselves on the line with parks departments, etc., to get the races, and we races f-ck it up by acting this way. Nothing that happens at the races is their fault, but all of if falls in their laps. A little appreciation is in order.


Seriously, you guys are a bunch of babies, man up and police yourselves. You’ll be kissing the asses of those involved next week. Expecting Charlie to fight your fights for you, pathetic.


The first rule of FBF is: you do not talk about FBF.

The second rule of FBF is: you DO NOT talk about FBF!

Third rule of FBF: if someone yells “stop!”, goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over.

Fourth rule: only two guys to a fight.

Fifth rule: one fight at a time, fellas.

Sixth rule: the fights are bare knuckle. No shirt, no shoes, no weapons.

Seventh rule: fights will go on as long as they have to.

And the eighth and final rule: if this is your first time at FBF, you have to fight.


A bunch of grown men with nothing better to do but bitch. I have been cut off a million tmes in race and I’m sure I cut off many. If you know someone is really doing it to fuck with then you deal it. As for the fight who gives a fuck. It wasn’the race and I’m sure those who stuck around to look at it was a mile away. And why did you stick around? So you can report to NYV.I’m not on this site too often and it’s because of you yes you.aren’t read this so yes you. Now go break what down said or spelled wrong and fuck yourself while doing it. As for united fuck them to because they are good but I still think empire is a better team. Now excuse me while I fuck off. Dag


2:59pm. Nobody “stuck around” to watch the fight. It happened within a couple of minutes after the Pro-1-2 race. Most everybody out at FBF last night was still there, cooling off after their race and saying hi to others. The fight took place at the center of the whole scene near the star/finish. It was impossible to avoid seeing it.

Lesson: Get your facts straight before you criticize others.

I for one am not trying to “break down” what you say or your spelling skills. But it’s important that guys who go out to FBF have some kind of forum to speak about issues. I’m not saying this is the best way either. But there’s no need to get angry about talking about the issue.



Pack of coat holders….

Let’s talk about how the weak ass 3/4 field, of which I was a member of, couldn’t mount an effective attack to bring back the break. It’d be nice if the teams out there, uh, worked as teams. No excuse for a four man break to stay away for that long.


didn’t try. I just couldn’t get my legs to come along for the ride. What I’ll never figure out is why guy (and gals) travel all the way out to FBF, pay $20 and sit in.

If all you do is sit in the pack, all you’ll ever do is sit in the pack…

Maybe it’s me…


One Word “Bridge” do it alone. if you watched what happened 5-6 six got away 3 more bridged up and of them 5 stayed away. I was really good racing. If you just want to sprint go to the track. Of the teams represented in the break all rode as a team and didn’t chase their teammate down.


i’ll admit i lost my head for a moment there. pls dont jump through the internets and punch me. (there are kids and women here.) in the spirit of reconciliation, which some people are really pushing for, allow me to apologize for calling you a wussbunny.

there is no better way to get in shape than repeated failed bridges or attacks. attack, sit in, lather, rinse, repeat, until you get in the break or dropped. $20 well spent. do that for four weeks and – in a nod to the guy who seems to really like fight club – you’ll be carved outta wood.


It’s not schmalz fault for this is the stupidest thread on the website. it’s not even the guys bitching about the fight, or the Burrowes brothers alleged sitting up/applying brakes in the middle of the pack. It’s the guy calling for random drug-testing at FBF (“now that would be interesting”)


i would take united, those guys are huge, you would have to be nuts to fight them

just ask Matt K


Right, except the Cat 5 move was in the Pro-1-2-3 race. So that would make it excitable cat 3’s…


I saw Alejandro take on 3 Burrowes at once and totally held his own last night. I think he could have easily taken 2 of them, but the 3rd made it an even fight.


The FBF fight was crazy- I have only made it out there twice this year because it involves taking time off of work but I will say last night was the last time I will ever go. I am not sure how it all started but I saw the end and it makes me wonder how and why these guys have sponsors. That is a piss poor showing while wearing your colors. And that goes for United and for Foundation- I ride with the Foundation guys (meaning I sit on their wheels when they are nice enough to be going slow) so I have a hard time believing it…If I had not seen it with my own eyes I would not have believed it.

I am sorry Charlie but I guess I am done with FBF.


Just please keep the anger management issues away from Rockliegh.
Its a has such a good vibe that I pray does not get f’ed up with it’s new found participants.


And to anyone else bullshitting about “swearing off” FBF — why does an incident that had nothing to do with you turn you off from racing at FBF? The incident didn’t involve you, didn’t endanger you and didn’t happen within the race itself. Personally, I just shook my head at the inanity of the whole thing and rode home. I’m worried that the stupidity of those participants endangers the race for us all.

I was happy with my ride last night — no result, but I could give a fuck about that. Where else are you going to get that kind of intensity and speedwork on a Tuesday? I know I had a nice ride down Flatbush with a bunch of racers before the race, and afterward a nice ride back up Flatbush with another group. I was dirty, my legs were drained and I could feel that inimitable post-race euphoria. I would not have appreciated the sunset I saw while in the drops, or the long June dusk I rode through to get home.

So good luck cranking the iPod and riding lone wolf around the park tri-guy style. We won’t miss you.


Charlie’s got a note up — report filed with USAC. Hopefully there’ll be a couple of guys we don’t see at the races for a good long while.


grown men fighting over a bicycle event whilst sporting tight spandex and funny shoes.

you really can’t make this stuff up.


i too am outraged that a fist fight happened last night. A fight has less a place out there than even one of the Burrowes brothers.

ps. I have no idea what a Burrowes brother is or why they need to be fought with retroactive cat 5 moves suggested on this site.

can’t you just call him a squid or something?

dont get this?

who gives a shit and what kind of stupid question is this?
What is your favorite part of the course?
Dam its a square flat course what the fuck….
guys you need to start racing on some real hills! A slight down hill on the HGarlem race, what the fuck.
I would hate think what you think of a a Rocky mt pass?


blah blah blah.
blah blah blah blah?
blah blah!
blah blah, blah.
blah blah blah blah!
blah blah blah blah blah!


I 2nd the High Bridge mention. That course is my favorite. 4:36 had it right. The whole course is awesome.


cat 3s are too image conscious to be excitable. the reason cat 5s look like dorks is because they don’t realize that triathletes also look like dorks. cat 5s are still in the “clueless” phase, such as when we were in high school. therefore, cat 4s are excitable whenever someone touches their elbow in a race or makes a big deal out of something,

Hold your line, cat 4 squids


Is he the Burrowes that is tough and ruthless or is he the one that is rough and toothless?

Alessandro B

Damn, this site is toxic. Way too much hate and stupidity with zero interesting discussions. I’m almost embarrassed to post on here.



Hey everybody, I too witnessed the fight at floyd bennet field last night and I was shocked, outraged, offended, and my feelings were hurt pretty badly. Now every time I see a cyclist I’m scared that they are going to get into a fight with another cyclist and I might have to witness violence. I wish my mom would come up to new york and make sure that the cyclists who were in this fight are punished so that they never fight in front of me again, because i hate being so scared that all i do is get on my bike and ride away. I am so scared of other cyclists fighting in front of me right now that I can’t even ride, let alone race. All I can do is complain later when i am anonymous and brave on nyvelocity. Seriously I spent all this money on a carbon bike, zipps, and a powermeter and I can’t even use it because I saw a fight, I might never be able to race at floyd again…or anywhere for that matter.

Get over yourselves…some of you need to take a long look in the mirror and think about what you are really upset about, because this moral outrage is seriously silly and bordering on…


FBF Incident

A post-race altercation took place at last night’s Cadence Tuesday Night Race Series event. Chief Referee Maurice Charles has filed an incident report and the report was sent to Shawn Farrell, Technical Director for USA Cycling. USA Cycling will now begin an investigation of the incident and will determine what course of action will be taken.

We will enforce any decision USA Cycling hands down.

Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club


All is saw was a bunch of guys breaking into showtunes, West Side Story-style. Don’t konw what you’re all talking about.


I heard the Burrowes brothers were fighting Alejandro. Is this true? Three guys against Alejandro? WTF?!! For f’s sake What happened??


Dont know what you people are talking about, im a cat4 ride that rides for a crca team. I dont know the united or Burrowes brothers on a personal basis but i have never seen then in a fight before. Maybe aggressive riders but not fighters. I really think that the team wins a lot of races, as a result they are marked. We as grown folks have to be more realistic about things. I talk to Jermaine a couple of times and I can definitely say that he is a class guy. We all from time to time get angry and do things that we should not, i dont see any reason why he or United or Foundation should be penalize. There is a saying that goes like this “If you can beat them, why dont you join them”. You have to be honest Jermaine is one of the best riders that we have around here. How evil can you be to see him suspended for something stupid? I didnt even see a fight i saw people pulling the United and Foundation riders away. Charlie is a good guy but has no right to send a statement to usa cycling. I can see that he is easily influnced by this site and what people has to say. I think that you have to keep things in perspective and be fair about everything that you do. I have personally witness fighting two weeks ago that caused a crash in the 3,4 race at floyd. I heard Charlie mentioned it but did nothing about it. THIS IS FOR CHARLIE, YOU HAVE TO BE FAIR ABOUT EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. YOU CANNOT JUST JUDGE A FEW, AND WHAT YOU DID WAS WRONG. IF UNITED OR FOUNDATION IS SUSPENDED, I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE YOUR LIFE AS A PROMOTER DIFFICULT. ANYTHING STRANGE THAT GOES ON IN YOUR RACES, EVEN IF A PIN IS DROP AND YOU DO NOT REPORT IT I WILL.



get your “bordering on…” the f— out of here. the united guys are in fights WAY too often for you to be claiming that criticizing them is “bordering on…” anything, apart from maybe just wanting people to act like grown ups instead of hormonal teenagers.


Best comment ever fucking soldiers are dying and these fuckers are talking about a fight. Stay out of brooklyn, go drink a beer LSU just won college world series.


sounds like you hate united. why? name the last fight they were in and i’m not talking about one you read about on nyv


Made a scene after last year’s Mengoni or Maltese. While watching Harlem pro/1/2 this year just past turn 4 on no less than 3 laps I watched United riders screaming at other riders toward the back of the pack.


It is very easy to judge without know what even happen. The first thing that we as individual should do is say what happen and not jump to conclusion. Do you know what it is when you are a minority in a sport and what you worked hard for is taken away. Think about it, you people are just thinking about things from your standpoint. They won Mangoni fair and square and it was taken away from them by “who” to this day no one came forward and took blame for that win that was taken away from United. How would you feel if your wives tell you guys that your sons and daughters are not yours. Think about that, i worked hard and won it please dont take it away from me. From what was told the whole thing was against the brothers and Gavin Robertson. As we all know, he was riding for United the beginning of the season and now he is not. So lets draw our own conclusion i dont know. But one thing that i know, im a Kissena rider and know the team. Every member on United team i can have a very good conversation with on and off the bike. Why dont we call Gavin and ask him why he is angry United is winning races without him.


I dont know United but i do know that i love the way they ride. If you are not aggressive you cant win races, you will place but 98% of the time you wont win. Im a former cat1 rider and to ride with the pro guys you have to be aggressive. I can surely tell you, I have seen the team done many out of state races and they are not pack fillers. It is very hard to recognize the way the United boys ride if youre a Cat 5,4,3 or even a 2 because youre not riding many pro races. They are not the best team when out of state but still agressive, most of the time the only black guys in the pro field. LETS STOP BEING SO HARD ON EACH OTHER AND START BEING MORE FRIENDLY. WHAT EVER INCIDENT HAPPEN SHOULD BE PLACED BEHIND AND START FRESH. I LIKE THE WAY JERMAINE RIDES


he(former big time pro) got into a bike race in central park one morning. and ended the day in the hospital after having the sh8t beaten out of his skinny ass by a very angry person from one of those teams mentioned


who the fuck is luscious benjamin. we got some real winners coming out of the woodwork here.

i’d like to point something out regarding this comment:

“Damn, this site is toxic. Way too much hate and stupidity with zero interesting discussions. I’m almost embarrassed to post on here.”

so many people post here criticizing the site, evil, toxic, hate, stupidity. i got some news for you, it isn’t the site. THIS IS THE FUCKING INTERNET. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? any comment section of a website is filled with trolls, flamers, jokes, scathing remarks, anonymity, etc. this happens to be THE forum for NYC BIKE RACING. if there is a fight after a race (by an aggressive team notorious for this kind of shit), do you not think there is going to be a running discussion about it? do you not think there is going to be controversy?

so many times i see people writing how much they hate this site–when it’s really the forum that the internet provides they should hate. people are going to speak their mind here. if you don’t like it, take ny velocity off of your bookmarks, stop posting here, shut the fuck up.


Why must all the comments be negative against the team.James Joseph if he wins a race he must upgrade,Anthony Lowe winning Mengoni last year he went into the joggers lane to win,then you talk about about the brother who has teeth like a 3 year old.When is it going to end, people make mistakes in life and what happen on tuesday is over and done.Why do we keep bashing the Team or just look for negative things to write about them on this website.Let it go already


E. Brown

75% of these posts are by the same handful of people. “Im a former cat1 rider” and “im a cat4 ride that rides for a crca team” and “im a Kissena rider” are all clearly the same person. Go ahead and be anonymous if you want but don’t try to pass yourself off as someone else.

Colin P.

turn 4 at kissena velodrome. gotta know the right line, or your bike turns into a mechanical bull. sunday is the kissena international omnium. dust off the fixie and head out to flushing!


8:36, the bashing continues because the behavior continues. simple as that. people aren’t picking on a guy just out of the blue. the annoyance that’s being expressed here is a response to a particular act, and there’s added anger and frustration because the guys involved have been mixed up in similar kinds of stuff before. hang around the races and you won’t see another group of guys so consistently involved in fights – verbal, physical, whatever.


So you need to get yourself checkout if you wait around just to see if NEGATIVE things are going to happen? What is the point you hang around so the slightest thing WS united do you can go and post on the site. Its really lame on your part,to just want to post negative comments.Get a Life.



I’m over reading about the fight. It was stupid, they’ll get what they get. Can we please talk about something else.


have to take the brakes off my fixie, right? anyone know about the bikes they have there? just bring pedals?


I would Like to Place a positive note for a Team greatly under the microscope. I was amazed at the sportmanship shown in the harlem race I personally witnessed many of Team United members Including Yohan Burrowed assisting several OTHER TEAMS THAT CRASHED AT THE pit!!.. either with wheel changes or just a push off….Yohan, was such a sportman that through his Love for the cycling he mistakenly Gave his own brother’s wheel away to a rider who did not have any, and had to hurry to replace it for the bike change…I believe that the Burrowes are passionate and very emotional about the cycling high emotions can lead to anger. Whatever happened at FBF Should stay at FBF. Gavin and the Burrowes should have a sit down with Charlie as mediator and Maurice (reporters to usacycling) To resolve all issues. It easy to collect all the Fees from the racers for cycling but when a problem occurs no one wants to solve it or resolve it quickly.


charlie does plenty, it’s not easy to “collect the money”, he doesn’t need to play mediator now. the people that race there need to learn how to control themselves and respect the hard work that charlie and many others do to make that possible.

get a brain, just like in “real life” if you’re going to act out you can deal with the proper authorities.


…but when you become a member of USA cycling you agree to follow all rules and regulations at races. Don’t cry or complain if you are reprimanded for breaking the rules. Simple as that.


is largely only effective if there is a deterrent aspect to it. Do you really think a sitdown with Charlie is going to deter people from fighting? .


What happens at FBF stays at FBF. That is an all time classic. May be up there with idot and HAM.


Its amazing how no one had a comment for the positive note. Such negative people in the world. The Glass is always Half Empty with you idiots. While we are reporting things we should also report the

1. No Profanity Rule !!
2. Urinating in Public !!
3. Indecent Exposure !!

Lets start reporting that Im gonna take names and numbers and send USA cycling and the police that one.





Its true, in the heat of the moment, stuff does go down.

Violence bubbles under the surface of many of us, and racing is very physical. For some of us, racing is even the thing that we do to allow some of that aggression to vent in a way that doesn’t hurt anyone else, or ourselves.

Most of us don’t feel like dealing with fighting in this sport. If you do want to fight, or can’t control yourself in the heat of the moment, there is a good chance the rest of the group who don’t go in for that approach will act to push you out of the scene.

That is the way the adult world works.

That’s really it. Nothing more.


I don’t need to go to FBF to get smacked down; my wife does that to me just fine since I spend most of my free time on the bike, which she really appreciates.


I really like hitting different CX courses in the fall. My favorite was a race on halloween that had the “spiral of death”, where riders rode a spiral path into the center of the section, then took a sharp corner and rode the spiral back out. I know my brief description don’t do it justice. If I can come across a good picture I’ll try to post it.

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