Ejector seat argument

Who would make you quit?

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, it looks like the IOC climbed into their time machine and found some funny business going on in Davide Rebellin’s blood. Does this latest revelation diminish your enthusiasm for professional cycling? Do you have an “ejector seat” racer? A racer that you like so much that a positive dope test from them would cause so much trauma that you could never watch a bike race again? 




Lance Armstrong
Eddy Merckx
Miguel Indurain
Greg Lemond

no, I would still ride and race, as I do it for me, not them…

Good riddance Tin Tin…like Gerolsteiner didnt know?

And how is it possible they are not all on some form, otherwise the performances wouldn’t be so comparable???


Ok so you found out that the racers that you looked up to are not really the supermen that they were billed as. MOVE ON!! Does it take anything from what we do every weekend, tues/thurs nights?


Rebellin wont make me stop, I’m just glad they stopped him.

Make no mistake, two of cycling “heroes” Fabian and Jens Voigt, are doping too. Be ready for it when the news comes.


No. They didn’t start from the same point, so the fact that some guys have to dope to get to 6 W/kg at LT and 8 W/kg CP5 doesn’t mean they all do. Some people are just born with a greater genetic endowment.


July 24, 1998: Priem and Michailov are transferred to Foix. The nine riders from Festina are let free. Five of them (Zülle, Dufaux, Moreau, Brochard en Meier) have admitted to doping. Virenque claims that he is clean. Hervé also maintains he is innocent. An investigation into TVM begins. Stage 12 is interrupted for two hours by riders


bunde, pineda, pulla, Mike Fraysee Team, Eddie B, LA Olympics, Simpson, Anquetil, Coppi, 20’s, etc…
our sport has got a great history…

Ride for you, not a myth that never existed…

“Convicts of the Road”


contrary to UCI rules, weed is NOT a performance enhancing drug, as far as i know.

or maybe it is, ask cuttler…


This sport is so screwed up. Sometimes I just wish someone would put a bullet in it and end it. It’s become a joke. Tell any non-racer that you race and it is all “ohh, you love Lance”, “You use drugs” or the best “you are one of those jerks who ride too fast in the park and yell at people”


enjoy riding your bike and, heaven forbid, occasionally slowing down in central park to look at all the gorgeous ladies (or guys, if that’s your thing)!

pro’s don’t care about you, and you shouldn’t care about them.


doping exists in all sports, HS level to pro. they are just more vigilant about enforcement in cycling. ironic as its such a fringe sport. imagine an NFL that was as watchful. hell, even golfers dope to promote strength and speed recovery.

I don’t support doping, but understand the pressure on athletes who have what, 10 good years. especially in cycling where journeymen pros eek out a living… then what?


Pro cyclists take drugs so they can make money. It’s not a morality question it’s an answer to the question we all ask ourselves. What do you want to do with your life ? What are you willing to do to get there ? To be up there it is an absolute necessity to take drugs. I’m not condoning or rationalizing. At this point it’s just the reality of the sport.


According to the UCI it is on the list: An American down hill racer named Houseman lost his position on the podium at a world cup in Vancouver BC a few years ago for having it in his system.


Doubtful. That guy raced on Agricole before going to CSC and that team was super clean. Voigt has always been outspoken about doping.

Fabian- Guy was on Mapei which was the doping team. I wont be suprised if he is/was.

Big George- He raced with Lance and could climb with the best of them when he was riding on disco…of course he was doping.


do you speak engrish? yes it is on the list. we agree on that. what i am saying is it does not enhance performance. are you saying it does?


If weed makes one forget he trained hard yesterday so he trains again today, isn’t that performance enhancing????


The whole concept of pro sports is kind of dopey to being with and clearly full of dopers. Its not news to anyone that once you dangle a stack of money in front of a group of people things are going to get a little weird.

Amateur racing is much more interesting because all we race for is a sense of accomplishment. Nobody really cares how you do but you. And if you dope at this level, you’ve got real psycological problems.


Yes, I do believe for downhilling that it could be benificial. It has been know to calm people down before they do their runs.

Dont believe me….
I think former down hill world champion Myles Rockwell would agree after having been busted for growing it.


Nah. They dont smoke to enhance performance, or to “calm down” to do better. They smoke in skiing because they smoke, period. Its pervasive in ski towns to toke, and they are the ultimate ski town bums. The two go together, but to suggest that its a real racing aid is the same logic that drunks give when they drink “to take the edge off” before doing…pretty much anything. Its a nice excuse, but of course it doesnt help performance in any way. The best skiers would clearly admit that being high is not going to help keep mental acuity when hurling down a mountain at 90 mph. Hardly. If you think getting high before top level racing is common, you are just wrong. It wouldnt surprise me though if he smoked the day or week before, since it stays in the system for a good while.


Oh yeah. You think he could climb like that (day after day in big tours) with his size without a little help? You craaaaazy.


I was actually refering to dowh hill mountain bike racing which is a closer to BMX with track like conditioning: You have to be fit to pedal your ass off for 5 minutes and win a world cup race- They are not coasting all the time.

But I can speak to down hill racing as I went to school for skiing in new england. I think you would be surpised at the number of kids who I saw at JO’s who would “toke” before runs…. Granted the flip side, anyone who was on the nordic program or XC/biathlon program would not go near it.

I am not saying that I think that it would help me personally, but I can attest to many who think it does.


Voight. If Jens Voight tested positive, I would lose the little enthusiasm I have left for Pro cycling. He doesn’t have the glorious results of some others, he doesn’t have a grand tour win, but he is synonymous with the Criterium International. He is known as a gambler and a hardman, his Grand Tour wins came on epic breakaways. I think he is the rider most of us cheer for when he’s away in a break. I believe that most of the marquee riders in Pro cycling are dirty, but I’d like to stick my head in the sand and be naive when it comes to JV.

Cancellara? It’s only a matter of time.
Hincapie? I suspect that if you were part of the Postal TdF squad you were required to “supplement.”


Two of the greatest athletes of all time who apparently smoke weed

Michael Phelps

Kelly Slater


Voigt? There’s a better chance that he’s clean than most marquee names, but I wouldn’t bet the house on it. I’m gunna take any names in stride until they get to mini-phinney. Some of the slipstream guys would be disappointing too I guess.


You can add Christain Hosoi to the list- one of the few skate boarders to ever dethrone Tony Hawk.

Down hillers (bike or ski) I can understand. Surfing I can understand.

But Phelps I can not undertand how someone who is so dependent on his lungs for his sport would do it…


who’s been caught in the cookie jar that’s ex-postal thus far?


anyone else?

oh yeah, a-rod doped too. and he makes more than probably the entire pro cycling peloton (salaries, at least). guess what, people still go to yankees games.

move on.


To get high! I really, really doubt that smoking dope a few times during the off-season will have any effect on performance a few months later, even by the finest of margins. Maybe it does … but if Phelps doubts 1/2 as much as I do, smoking dope makes perfect sense. Or makes sense if you can avoid getting caught. Oops.


I guss your right that the damage could not be that bad if it was done in the off season. Not that I am expert in the field but I thought I remember reading somewhere that it was far worse for the lungs than cigarettes…and The other part of it is why would he risk it all when he has a chance to go to at least the next Olympics…


news flash–it’s not worse for your lungs if you eat it or vaporize it. quit smoking blunts.


It is interesting that this thread of discussion is of such interest to the NY cycling community….I guess you can never tell.

On another note: Any thoughts on tapering for Bear over the next week?

-cat 4 looking for helping.


yes it is, 1 joint is as bad as a pack of lucky strikes without filters. seriously. another newsflash: if you keep ‘holding a staff meeting’ every night before you go to bed youll go blind and grow hair on your palms. b/c im sick and tired of washing your crusty undies. now go to bed.


don’t taper too much or you’ll peak in the portajohn before the race starts like that guy last year


Huh? I recall hearing that weed is equivalent to like 6 ciggies (filtered), which suggests closer to one-to-one unfiltered. I have a very hard time believing its a pack without filers. Please. Show me an article and Ill maybe believe…

PS – Doesnt Phelps deserve a little “unwind” after a friggin’ lifetime of grind? Not like his full attention was on the next Olympics at the time, people. Weed, a cig, whatever. Let me man do his thing – he’s a young dude who barely knows the meaning of the word “party” or “fun” so far in life. Better a bong with friends now than a total meltdown in a few years… His training regime makes a lot of cyclists schedules look easy.


Yes, you should. The week before: Ride, but dont ride too hard. Eat, but dont eat crazy too much or pack in spags like a maniac. Sleep enough. Thats it!


did you read the second part of his post? he’s obviously joking.

let me walk you through it.

the “holding a staff meeting” phrase is a masturbation reference. the part about going blind and growing hair on your palms is an old wives tale. and he’s talking from the POV of your mother.

therefore, the use of irony in his (i’m assuming masturbation jokes are beyond most women, i may be wrong) post lies in the fact that “one joint equals x amount of cigarettes” is a total load of bullshit, perpetuated by your mom, old republicans, and your 4th grade teacher.


does anyone really care about doping in the pro peloton at this point?

what really matters is the lack of cat 4 pics from battenkill. i mean, what happened?


I had planned to cut back on riding the week before to basically riding easy with a few efforts throw in so my body does not totally shut down next week Tuesday. And then another 2 hour easy spin on thursday….
Does that make sense? Or should it it be easier than that.


“Ride, but dont ride too hard.”

you should ride hard, but not for too long. short, hard rides is what you do during a taper.


you should starve yourself and do plenty of lsd riding mixed w/ multiple intervals every day. rest the day prior with a light jog around the reservoir and some speed sets at the gym, squats, extensions, and at least 2000 situps. have a delicious tofu burger for dinner the night prior. good luck!


I agree about the hard rides needing to be short/quick. Anything long for me, even going really easy seems to take longer to recover.

Ride the day before or take it off?


Asking for taper suggestions from the NYVC community is like asking for sex tips at a Star Trek convention. You are going to get lots of bad advice and and no one really knows what they are talking about.

Generally it’s agreed that you reduce your workouts the week before a big race, and carb load. I’d suggest doing a quick search on the net. There are a lot of articles out there that will give you details.



“Asking for taper suggestions from the NYVC community is like asking for sex tips at a Star Trek convention. You are going to get lots of bad advice and and no one really knows what they are talking about.”


I agree about asking for help here, but since so much here is negative I hoped for once we would have some positive.

In reality I have come off a great hard block of good training and I am not sure how to make the most of it as I come into an event I had hoped to do well at…


I haven’t picked the book up recently, but I thought Joel Friel’s “The Cyclist’s Training Bible” had a bit on tapering. You could ask someone to borrow it, or pick up a copy. I know he’s fallen out of fashion a bit, but most of what he says is still very sound.


From reading this site over the last week, it seems apparent that the thing to do to assure oompetitive riding at Bear is to procure some sort of “aid” from the DR community in Brooklyn or Queens or whatever. I dont know what a “one day” treatment consists of, but I gather some are using it. What a bummer.


…are more than desperate, they are moronic and lazy. Doping means taking something on the banned substance list; why would you do that? Performance can be enhanced with plenty of non banned substances…I could give you some great otc children’s medicines that work like charms when taken on race day, but to do so would be forfeiting my performance advantage.

…do your homework!!!! train, race, and like all of life (wall street, marketing-branding, advertising, etc.), capitalize on competitive advantage, but advantages that don’t break the rules. That’s playing to win…the spirit of competitive sport.

lastly, take in recommended dosages, otc meds are thousands times safer than blood transfusions in the back of a van, and epo produced in God know what factory and traveled through God knows who’s hands…


IF Toto’s butcher ever announced his hamatocrit levels dropped to suspiciously low levels, I would have to quit reading As The Toto Turns.


flinstone’s vitamins have enabled me to finish in the top 25 in cat 5 fields. i swear by ’em.


the answer is NO.

i totally expect my favorite riders to take substances that are not on wada prohibited items list. if my favorite riders test possitive for anything, they deserve to be punished for getting caught. cycling and horse racing is really a testing outlet for pharmaceutical companies, big and small. racing on bread and water and win big races is not really possible, in my opinion.


Does boning on weed count as using a performance enhancing substance? I’m not sure it helps my performance, but it makes me feel like I’m a rock star. I would agree that cialis should be considered performance enhancing.

Also, I have picked up lots of very helpful sex tips from the star trek crowd – those guys watch serious amounts of porno so they know what they are talking about.


Levi Leipheimer takes the first stage of the Tour of the Gila, just edging Evelyn Stevens. Lance 9th


Broke Charlie I’s heart not to win the NYC Classic a few years back. He said that he trained specifically for the race – started the winning break which stayed away until the end and got third.



Where do oxygen tents fall in terms of unfair advantage? Not every pro can afford one but many of top guys are using them….


take a bloody nap. astana is made up of mostly dopers period. always have always will.

Tom Boonen (aside from crack)
Cadel Evans
Fabian Cancellara




that’s the subject of this “argument” you idot. wake up a** clown. hodja line! stopping! slowing! clear! flat!


I always find it interesting that everyone (including myself) insists on calling Joe Friel “Joel Friel”. Hmm…….


When Frank Schleck is found guilty I will shrug my shoulders. When Andy is convicted I will hang my head low. Say it ain’t so! Fabian would also be hard to take, as would Hincapie, Leipheimer or Voigt.


if Nicole Cooke, Olympic and Road Champion, was on drugs for those results, or any SKY / British Cycling rider: Pendleton, Hoy, Hammond, Cav, etc…
That woould be the final straw for the world of Pro Cycling.

I don’t doubt at all that Ligett and Sherwen have been on drugs or care about drug use in the peloton ever…


If Liggett and Sherwin are found to have been shagging each other in the tiny broadcast booth at the Olympics after vigorous dosing of ecstasy, I’m never going to Burning Man again.


levi has been popped in the past, and has ridden on gerolsteiner, rabbobank, postal/disco/astana. are you kidding me, 21:55?


all you voigt-worshippers get a clue. he rode for riis on csc teams along with basso, hamilton, jaschke, schleck, etc. he’s not trying to win 3-week tours or classics so maybe he’s less doped than most, but come on.

i’m surprised no one has mentioned vande velde. if he tested positive that would be tough for me.


BASShOle, ULRIGged, We-Kno-kourov, Herass, Ster-Floyd, Millar, Cavendish, McEwen…the list is getting too long…

If Brown-kneel, Bruekinky, Pevenage, Godefroot, Riis, Saiz, Ferretti, Sarroni, Moser, Madiot…wait, the managers’ list is too long…

If Dick Pound, Hein, Juan, Ochiwicz, Neel, Carmichael, Wenzel, hmmm

Thats settled, only posters of myself are going up on the wall!!!

But, then the pressure would be too much, I would have to start doping to keep my fans happy!


This is why I love this site, and hate it at the same time.

You all clearly have no idea whats going on in the world of cycling relating to drug use. You constantly bitch about it, blindly defend anyone locally who’s accused, and go on a rampage when local guys are caught.

first off, the testing locally, or the complete lack there of, makes for an environment where it thrives. Look the fuck around. Look at
all the jacked motherfuckers, that come out of the winter, a particularly cold winter, ripped as shit-guys that did not go anywhere to train but 9w.

Time to blindly defend those guys, cause they are all super guys right? Take a look at the brown brigade sometime when you toe up to a pro 1/2 around here, and watch em pop some viagra. Then again, all you jerkoffs left cause your 3/4 race was long over.

Ever notice how most of the “best” local riders don’t show up to races that testing has previously been announced? You think that’s a coincidence, or would they rather just race in the park, cause we all know that’s where its at? Run some random tests over the season, 2010 starts with 40% less guys.

At a certain point you hit a wall. You can train all you want but you maxed out your potential. guys turn to drugs to go beyond that. Its a fact.

Its a part of the sport, get used to it. Its a part of every sport to be honest. you think football is any cleaner? its far worse actually, there’s zero testing. look at baseball. Those fat fucks think they need testosterone to be better, perhaps you should just lose 30 lbs and hit the gym.

If local guys get popped, what makes you EVER think the professional world, where people get paid to perform and win, would be any better. Its worse. There’s too much money involved. Even if everyone ran clean, the same guys would come out on top. so get over it, and go ride, or stick a needle in your ass, I could care less.


Dude, who the hell are you and why should we care? What the hell do you expect from a bunch of nameless idiots like yourself?

baby cobra

whats up with anonymous guys calling out someone else who didnt leave a name? I’m not sure you have much pull at that point.


baby cobra!

i actually thought about you during lunch today. i was all–“where has baby cobra been? remember that one time he said that scathing anonymous comment about that park race he never would set foot in?”

and there you are! serendipitous!


If Lance got busted I would like cycling even more, until I got sick of all the media coverage of the court battles that would happen the following year.

And like most other commentors, Jens Voigt would hurt bad for me if he ever had a positive.


Victoria Pendleton and Liz Hatch increase my blood flow, enhance me…I mean my performance; and there is nothing illegal about that


Horner would bum me out. He’s, like, my hero. And not just because he’s bald. Levi’s bald, but he’s not my hero. I hope Horner’s taller than Levi. Has CH had any Toto cameos?


Especially since I know how pervasive doping is in the Pro Peloton. However, I’m sure I’d be a little bummed out if CVD or any of the riders on Garmin-Chipotle were caught doping. JV has put a lot of effort into his testing program and it would suck if he just couldn’t make it happen.

As for the general doping conversations it seems too much focus is placed on EPO (what about RSR-13?) and not the general idea that a rider in question failed a test for a banned substance. In fact it goes deeper than that, because there are still so many performance-enhancing drugs that are not easily detected.

Remember, sport is a reflection of society. Whenever we hear or see someone cheating or partaking in poor sportsmanship it is no different than Wall St. executives or politicians breaking the law. People do what they do for so many reasons, greed, fame, and notoriety, no matter their livelihood.


While I think the tone of this statement was way angrier than necessary, there is a lot of merit in his/her argument. It’s true that we never really think of the human side of drug use. It’s really easy to say “such and such doped” and laugh about it. We’re all quick to discuss who does and doesn’t use in the pro peloton. But, maybe we should stop and look around us and wonder. At the same time though, in the amateur ranks, and especially among those of us (the majority…) who are in the “lower” ranks, who really cares? If someone who does this as a hobby (read: for fun) opts to use drugs and thus inherit all the associated risks, should we feel angry with them, or, really, pity for them?


…gotta take it all in stride…

…i find myself pissed off about any & all of ’em but as debilitating to the sport as it is, nope, ixnay & nada, not gonna stop watching…

…& as despicable as the practice is in the top echelon of the sport, i find it extremely interesting to read the comments from you nyc guys talking about the practice within your local amateur ranks…

…never really thought much about it out here on the left coast but it prob’ly ain’t much different…

…love, bgw…

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