Dream Race Argument

Section head text.

Everyone seems to be brimming with marvelous race ideas lately: a 3 day NYC stage race, an uphill time trial, an underwater crit in the East River. Good formats all, of course. So what’s your NYC dream race? A stage race using Central and Prospect Parks? 4,000 laps at FBF in the middle of the night? Personally, I would like a nighttime crit in Union Square that I can race and then after finishing, I can pull off right into a sidewalk bar where I can drink Wine Coolers until my eyes cross.



Bear rider instructions in English and French.

Nice to see SRAM support for the juniors. Props to Alan Atwood, Tony Slokar, Rob Kolb and Wendy Nickerson.


Is Will Riff even racing Bear? He isn’t registered and it looks like Fiordifrutta are going to be at an NRC stage race in Arkansas.

Yo Schmalzie

where is the Bear predictions thread?
I have Wisenbaker in the 4’s, Rashad in the 3’s, that Anna chick in the women and Will Riff in the 1,2.

call him at 11pm Saturday night

He’ll probably be home then. If not call every hour or so afterwards.

Bear Contender

What kinds of food will they be serving in the feed zone? Will there be a vegan option? I’ve called and emailed the promoter but the asshole won’t call me back. And no, it’s not in the race manual, haters.

of course it's imprecise

It’s probably not set yet.

So what? Bring wheels and ask on the day of the race.

The Flier -

More Race Details
SRAM Neutral Support in at least the Men’s Pro/1/2 and Women’s 1/2/3 fields, with wheels-in/wheels-out for all others. Feed
zone is a short walk from Start/Finish. We strongly advise arriving early to familiarize yourself with the route prior to
the race. Yellow line rule is in effect throughout the entire course; violations will subject entire field to
disqualification. Helmets must be worn at all times while riding.

I left a voice mail message with the promoter

Asking him to call me back between 8:15pm and 8:45pm tomorrow (that’s the only time I’m available – busy busy) to explain the wheel situation for me and to tell me my start time.

I think the rest of you should do that too.

"The race manual - yet to be finalized"

And "Hopefully we’ll get an email that explains the wheel support and the start times. Start times have been changed since last year."

Read the flier.

Are you guys children that need to be spoon-fed every piece of info?

Read the flier.


I bet there are ways to loft a highend RC device in the air, for the duration of a fields race, with niiiiice video camera’s attached that could get some images. You’d need a pilot and a camera operator. Download that stuff into adobe Final cut or an AVID! Who needs helicoptors!

Helicopter Fan

We should also get helicopters in our New york stage race: that way we can have live video coverage and a helicopter. man, helicopters are fun.


yes, you’ll warm up for 5 hours and get dropped right after the u-turn at the bottom of the climb…5 hours of warming up for 1 mile of neutral racing…i liiiikkkkkeee


I heard that they are casting Lance as Ken Harris in his upcoming movie, cause Ken is so busy developing his peroneus longus.

Wait List

Requiring 80 wait listed people to show up in order to get a refund is not good. Weather report is good so there will probably be few no shows.
could be some unhappy campers

I heard a rumor

that there was official info about the race posted on something called the CRCA "web site". Just passin’ it on …

Bear email?

Hopefully we’ll get an email that explains the wheel support and the start times. Start times have been changed since last year.

Don't spread rumors

If the Pro/1/2 women and juniors SRAM support is true, will someone in a position to know tell us that and identify themselves.

Bear Wheel Support

SRAM support will be provided fot the P12 men, P123 Women and the Junior field. All other fields have wheels-in/wheels-out support.

re: "Pro"

well put point – eloquent to boot.

i think single A players get some level of health benefits and even a paycheck. Jittery Joe’s pays like 3 riders and the rest get free bags of coffee to sell. there are "elite" level riders here in NYC probably taking home more cash than that guy.


May 9,2007 by anonymous

We’re so sad. The "pro" being bandied about here is like playing single-A minor league baseball at best.

Let’s just have a bit of fun and quit being ridiculous.


For whatever it’s worth, there are almost 90 women registered for Bear Mtn. The local racers will be there in force, and the race has also attracted teams and individual riders from Canada, MA, PA, and elsewhere. Very exciting. And we appreciate the wheel support.

Should we bring our wheels?

Simple question. I’m in Cat 3 field. Is there support and do I have to bring my own wheels.
Alan writes for us to say hello at Jiminy but can he or someone else give us some straight info?

about Bear Support

The deal is that the organizers have arranged for quality neutral support for the top level mens’ and women’s fields. For other fields, I’d guess it depends on rustling up enough cars and volunteers, something that is not guaranteed in advance. Info will probably be available on the day of the race. I am speaking just as an observer — not officially.

In terms of support for the women’s race, the deal is that the women that show up are supporting the race, and considering that the aim is to try to attract and help some women that are racing full-time (like attracting men that are racing full-time), the top level even for each gets prime treatement. The rest of us in other fields are just hobbyists.


We’ve assigned extra security personnel to keep him sequestered in his Ridgewood estate.

The Promoters


I heard Campy was rolling out neutral support with Colnago C-50’s Lightweight wheels and Aston Martin support vehicles. I wonder if we can get them for FBF?

I wanna know if Lee3's tires

match the color of his bike.

And how much pressure he’s got in those bad boys.

Bear support

web site says support in at least p/1/2 and women- well what’s the deal?
also why do the women always get support when they don’t support the race?

More Race Details
SRAM Neutral Support in at least the Men’s Pro/1/2 and Women’s 1/2/3 fields, with wheels-in/wheels-out for all others. Feed
zone is a short walk from Start/Finish. We strongly advise arriving early to familiarize yourself with the route prior to
the race. Yellow line rule is in effect throughout the entire course; violations will subject entire field to
disqualification. Helmets must be worn at all times while riding.

I've met Richard Gere

And I must stay he is a fine looking man.

No, I’m not gay. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Stage Race fantasy

most envisioned some sort of stage race when imagining new dream race. But a check of registration for Fitchburg shows that CRCA Cat 4’s register in much greater numbers for a 1 day event whether nearby like Bear or 4 hours away like Jiminy or Battenkill.


SRAM runs some good stuff. Those shifters are butter. It’s sweeeet. Way to go SRAM, but yes I agree, cat 3/4 races need wheel support from SRAM – it makes us look pro.

We love Lee3

Lee would win that debate.
Richard Gere’s a real hero of his. Sting. Sting would be another person who’s a hero to Lee. The music he’s created over the years, Lee doesn’t really listen to it. But the fact that he’s making it, he can respect that.

Lee3 cares desperately about his riding. Does he do actual ‘training’? No. Does he ride his bike? Not per se. But he’s here, and he’s gonna give it his best shot.

His wheels are always nice, too!

Butch Balzano is a cool guy

But I read somewhere he used to have two heads. Not sure about that but am pretty sure I saw it on some website, maybe Pez Cycling or somewhere.

Who gets wheel support this year?

Fees were raised $5. That’s an extra $500 per field. Us Cat 4’s want some Zipp’s too.


SRAM Neutral Race Support Takes to the Road
Program Manager Butch Balzano expects to travel nearly 250,000 miles in the
coming year and oversee as many as 15 technicians.

SRAM Support

Promoter pays a fee, per car, plus housing and gas, etc. for the neutral wheel support. Butch Balzano is the guy who runs the SRAM neutral support business.


1. Make outrageous and uninformed claim as if factual,
2. Stand corrected,
3. Construct a defense mechanism,
4. Stand corrected again,
5. Claim to have "seen it somewhere" as a final, unverifiable claim.
6. Step off, leaving a wake of confusion.

for Harriman

CRCA pays a bit of the direct costs for the neutral support team (gas or housing or something like that), and the company covers the wages and equipment as marketing expense.

Maybe I’m making this up.


Wow….I’m surprised that they dont atleast subsidize a portion of the expense for that. That reflects well on companies like SRAM and such.


there is a lot of misinformation on this board. if you don’t know something, don’t make it up.

2 things for Lee3

Tony S and Rob R are in charge this year, so what they say goes.

Wheel support at races is arranged by the promoter, not USA Cycling.


"… usacycling. …at really good races, the pro’s get the pimpin wheel support with spare bikes sometimes…. Perhaps alot of our dues go into that."

USA Cycling doesn’t provide wheel/bike support.


Thats pretty interesting about usacycling. It does seem a bit lopsided on how at really good races, the pro’s get the pimpin wheel support with spare bikes sometimes. Not just any bike either. I’ve seen Colnago’s on roof racks and a whole crate of zipp wheels for the pro in dispair. Perhaps alot of our dues go into that.

On the dinosaur issue:
Tony you should revisit that conversation with M.Green. as alleged by some anon. person that cant get the facts straight.


I wont say "I told ya so" but you know I’m sittin hear makin the "I told ya so" face!


Everyone who’s looked at any race pics on this site for 2 years knows Ken’s leg when they see it. No socks, type of shoes, bike etc. It’s creepier that people think it’s creepy to recognize someone by their leg. Rather Victorian.


"Is there a such thing called int’l license for amateur racers?"

To race out of the country (or in domestic UCI races), you need one. When you renew your USA Cycling license, you can choose "International" and pay a boatload more money. Or you can upgrade and pay the dough. That’s all.

Where the Hell is Somebody When you need him?

Somebody needs to get his ass in gear and start working on fixing USACycing, or even better create a different governing body for Cycling, that promotes grass roots Cat4 amatures, as well as Espoir and Juniors programs to develop professional talent.

Yeah, Somebody get to it, since I’m busy here complaining about these problems.

International license

UCI vs. USACycling?
Pick your poison carefully or maybe better stay blindfolded.

next level shit

working on a hologram of K. Harris’ leg. hoping it can help on leg sprints up alpine.


Is there a such thing called int’l license for amateur racers? If so, can one race amateur in the US with it?

Single iA is so right it is not funny

USA Cycling suck and there new president is the biggest asshole. He has no interest in any of us and you have to kiss there ass to get anything. FUCK USACYCLING. Next year I get an international license. I will pay a little more but won’t be helping any of USACYCLING’s pay checks.

Single A

Single A has a point. "Pro" cycling in US is pretty low level. No one’s aching to see these guys and promoters are better off combinig pro races with regional races for all cats.
usacycling is working to create a pro series and not doing much for anyone else. There goal seems to be to find the next Lance and have him bring in millions for their company. Little interest in grass roots except using dues to subsidize development for their private multi-million dollar company.

Stage Races are Hard to Organzie

Montreal-Boston race postponed to 2008

Following in the footsteps of many other races on the UCI America calendar, the much-touted Montreal-Boston race has been postponed until 2008. However, unlike many of the other races that have postponed due to sponsorship issues, race director Daniel Manibal said the reasons are logistical. "We had the option to do less and still go forward still, but we decided to make a great bike race instead of just a good bike race," he told Cyclingnews.

In a statement, the organisers were more specific. "The reason for the postponement is that the logistical complexity of an event of this scale, which demands close coordination between six different jurisdictions

Drag Racer

Start on Second or Third Avenue, go when light turns green. Winner is whoever makes it the most blocks before hitting a red light.


We’re so sad. The "pro" being bandied about here is like playing single-A minor league baseball at best.

Let’s just have a bit of fun and quit being ridiculous.


I always wondered how the hell they could train for cycling..there’s probably still snow on the ground in parts of quebec..but I guess hockey & x/c skiing is the answer.


Last year one Canadian team showed. Garneau and they wiped up. Guess they liked the race because 3 teams are coming down from Quebec this year. Jet Fuel from Ontario also has several riders.

Bear Winners go pro

Last year’s co-winner David Veilleux returns to defend title as a pro riding for Jittery Joe’s. His Garneau teammate and co-winner last year Phil Cortes also turned pro this year with Calyon Litespeed.
2005 winner Dan Greenfield went pro in 2006 and is riding for Nerac this year.

NY Stage Race

How about factoring in a Montauk stage? The Montauk Century as a long stage, then some sort of beach cities/dune road crit. Then oysters.

Canadian discussion

I would guess that most of the Canadian riders played ice hockey and did a lot of skating as kids. Even if they didn’t ride as juniors the skating is a lot better training for cycling than sports most US kids play. Garneau is sending a large junior team as well as defending Pro/1/2 team.

0% body fat

whoever the leg belongs to, it looks like it comes from that "bodies" exhibition. you know, the one that they advertize on bus shelters, with executed prisoners from China posed holding a football or whatever.


Its obvious you have some hatred towards lee3 so why dont you just out yourself and meet’em in the parking?
was it that nasty a team breakoff?


Made the trip down last yr. and smoked the pro field pretty good. I think Empire and Mengoni will come with a hardcore A game this year. Can’t wait to watch the showdown.


Maybe we can have a hairy leg competition.
Strange cult it is, that puts social pressure on men to shave their legs.


Well….I cant point the finger to say who made the decision Tony, maybe Mike made an agreement with CRCA, but for season 05′ and 06′ if you marshalled bear fall you raced for free in CPK + you got the heads up on Springs race.

Tony Slokar

Mike Green never offered dino benefits for marshalling bear, just marshalling credit. Or you can get guaranteed entry to the next Bear, but not a comp


Didnt know that was discontinued…wow. I’m missing the M.Green Era already. Thats too bad.

B&T Ladies

Lee3, Ewwww, Long Island Iced Tea is like soooo over. I want a Pomegranate Cosmo or a Cherry Chocolate Martini.


Well ladies…perhaps over a smooth glass of Long Island IceT we can wax the advantage of Marshalling Bear Spring – to get the cpk dinosaur (race for free in the sticks), avoid the 10 sec. reg issue, and get first dibs on Bear Fall, which usually has better weather!


Those are Ken’s legs? How do you/did you know that? That’s kinda creepy, guy.

Bridge and Tunnel

Like I so totally have a crush on, like, Lee3. Me and the girls are comming in from NJ tonight and we’re soooo going to party!
Let’s meet at Bungalow tonight and you can like tell me all about why you’re not you know like racing bear this um weekend. Like OMG!


How about a race week?

A CP Race on Saturday, PP race Sunday, a FBF race tuesday and a whole night of racing Wednesday at Kissena velodrome.

Holy crap we have that here most weeks. Do you all realize how stunning that is? I don’t know about you all but I am happy I have the opportunity to race frequently. yes I would love to have more venues, but generally during the summer there are at least 3 opportunities to race without even leaving the 5 boroughs. If you go out of town there are even more options within 100 miles of here. Just think how folks in places like Arizona feel when they have to drive 100 miles to go to an office park crit.

That being said, if I was dreaming, I want 6 day races back at Madison Square Garden, or barring that the Madison Square Park Crit: AKA The Shake Shack Shimmy. Done in a format like the Little 500 four to six person teams 1 bike per team, single speed with coaster brakes.

Road race

BEFORE some of the rec bike events…Like MS Ride, Five Borough Ride(ok, not the whole course but part of it), or NYC Triathlon…

Tour de Bridge & Tunnel

How about the Tour de Bridge & Tunnel? The race goes over every major bridge and through ever tunnel in New York City.

Doctors paid to prescribe EPO

the lede in today’s New York Times.
Amgen and Johnson & Johnson paying doctors to boost sales.
Who’s using?


river road is by far the best place for any sort of TT. i get a sense, however, that the department that oversees the park doesn’t really look favorably on cyclists.


I think if we’re talking about getting road closure, River rd is really the best condition to do an ITT or TTT. It has the parking capacity @ that southern most area boat launching opening – perfect for event staging set-up + riders can just loop out on to 9w on the return leg with out interference with riders on course. It may be easier to piggyback the event into a 3day wkend revolving races in CPK/Prosppk (keepin it local).
The West side Hwy idea sounds ok as well. I dont know the terrain but I’m sure it gets windy.
I’ll help out in anyway I can if this moves forward.

How about bear?

who’s getting shelled the first time up tiorati?
Any suggestions for a warm up on the trainer?



Harlem Hill Crit

Harlem Hill, left at the transverse, another left back down the hill and do it again.

Jesse - Catskill Course

The person to contact for course ideas is Nick Bove at Mtn Outfitters in Windham NY (Andy Guptill and Justin Lindines olde team). Nick’s shop put on the Masters of the Mountains Mtn bike race for the past 3-4 years and runs a strong team out of Windham. They would be a great resource for a course. Windham and Hunter have the Facilities to host such an event with there ski slopes and lots of Hotels and Eateries. Woodstock would also be a good host town. This race could be the best race in the Northeast if done well and with the right support,.

Last man standing at FBF

They tried something similar in 2000 – the Miltone classic was a Univest qualifier race for teams that didn’t get an invite. If I recall it was over 70 miles. I forget what happened but it was long and boring and it rained.


Forget all the stages racing.
just have an all out race at FBF. mass start all cats conbine
no lap limits last man standing wiins 🙂

NRC Bear?

Making Bear part of a 3 event stage race could help get sponsor money and make Bear into an NRC event.
But it’s probably not possible to get a full road closure and allowing other races on the course at the same time as an NRC race is not allowed. It’s better to develop depth in regional racing rather than catering to itinerant foreign riders who make up too big a part of NRC teams.


I grow up riding in Windham NY (now a WC suburbanite) and the Catskill Course would be very nice. Devils Kitchen, Pallenvale Mtn Climb and up through Woodstock or even down towards Bellarye Mtn back to Roxbury to Windham would be some amazing hills and rollers. Would be tougher then Battenkill for sure b/c the climbs would be as steep and much longer. Problem is the towns up there probobly would not support the race and there are not enough cyclists upstate to push for it.

As a junior

in the early 90’s we used to race at Flushing Meadows Corona Park
it was a little like Floyd Bennet.
My main adversary was Oscar Pineda.
Whatev happened to him and his bro Juan?


"a course using the hills in northern Manhattan and Riverdale would be much better."

That would be sweet. I’d like the JPMorgan Chase Spuyten Duyvil Classic.

The park (esp near Tavern or the boathouse) is a good place to finish a race, but the best TT course should use city streets.

Also, the original Grant’s Tomb course, which went all the way down Riverside to 116 before heading east, was an awesome course.

"The Catskill course is worth a serious look. "

Nothin here is serious. Actually talking to government officials (like Charlie I does) is serious. Talk here, no matter how detailed, is not serious.


The marathon course sucks for a bike race. Even the park which is not selective is much tougher. A lot of work for nothing much.

It would be way too much work, but a course using the hills in northern Manhattan and Riverdale would be much better.

West side Hway ITT

If you are going to have an event that is big enough to get the city to close a highway, you can get them to close the CP roadway. A 2 lap ITT in CP is far superior to 7 miles on the highway.

Omniums? Stage races?

What is so great about combining Bear and GT into a single weekend? Does it add to the racing?
I can understand doing this to help a race that isn’t drawing full fields become more attractive but don’t understand a need to make Bear into a 3 event race.

Catskills area race

Starting in Woodstock you can head out towards West Saugerties (West Saugerties Rd). One will be tempted to go up Meads Mountain road but the gradient is too severe for the the heavier guys (like me). From West Saugerties using route 35 and 32 and 32 A and 23A up to Tannersville. This is the most beautiful climb I’ve seen and tough enough to separate the field (ask Aaron, he’s done that climb). From Tannersville to Hunter to Lexington and back down to Phoenicia. In total it is 65 miles with around 5-10 miles on busy roads and one very dangerous right turn. As you all know, the town of Woodstock is quite interesting and they might welcome the attention. A start in Phoenicia could also be a good idea. There are smaller roads that could be used as alternatives.


I got this from Central Park:

PLEASE NOTE: the Department of Transportation will be resurfacing sections of the West Drive from 103rd Street south toward 72nd Street,starting May 6 through June 8, from 8:00 pm Sunday to 4:00 am Friday.

Sorry, I'm stupid

Start and end in Hunter. You have the facilities right there for the registration and accomodation at the ski resort. This way it will start with a long stretch of flats with some fast 1 or 2% descends and then a lot of work back to Hunter.


Tour duPont laid out some good courses. They’re being reused in Tour of Va.
The Catskill course is worth a serious look.

There was a severe race in the Catskills in the 1990s

That went over Devil’s Kitchen at least one of the two or three years it was held. The name escapes me. Maybe it was called Woodstock.

The Tour de Trump did too.

Mtb bike trails

Mohonk Mtn house trails are great for cross mostly carriage trails but good climbs and fast rollers.

Ben H

The Catskills are a great place to ride. Has anyone ridden the Devil’s kitchen climb just outside of Tannersville? It is short but super steep with crazy switchbacks. It was the signature climb in the Dour Du Pont. It feels like you are in the Giro.


Catskill idea is great.
We have a ton of races around here but not many long hilly road races. But any race outside of a park setting becomes way more complicated and expensive.
The Catskill area is fairly depressed, so some of the towns might look real favorably on having an event and lend support.
Anybody have any idea of what might make a good course? Charlie lives up in Goshen, so he might.

One year there was a big weekend around NYC

Saturday was Mengoni (for men) and Grant’s Tomb (for women), then fall Harriman the next day.

There was no ommium scoring, but the fields were good for the races. Harriman was NRC.

Did you see

"Worth a peak" on 5/7/07 hangover – last post. That is so funny. Wonder what ebay thinks about this?

cool tts are not out and back

They are doglegs, or other weird stuff:

Start at Grants Tomb, down Riverside, into Central Park at 72 and directly across to the east side, down the east drive (against the normal direction, I know that’s crazy talk) and then looping back up the west side to finish at Tavern.

That’d be sweet and sick.

High bridge!!!!

You NY mountain bike guys and the parks dept rock for opening this thing up!

Are there any easy trailes (not rocky) doable with a cross bike?

New York City Cycling Championship

OK, who wants in on this idea I’ve been thinking of for a while….

Sat morning – 8 mile TT on West Side Highway from 125th St to 57th St and back. We’d have to do this early in order to get the highway.

Sat late morning/afternoon – Grant’s Tomb Crit

Sunday – Bear Mountain Road Race

Individual and omnium championships for Pro/1/2 Men, 3 Men, 4 Men, Masters 40+, Women 1/2/3, Women 4, and Juniors.

Anybody interested in making this happen?


good distances in park races

with early season CRCA plus Spring series races starting at 40miles and going up to 80ish by mid-April in Prospect.

Then a few marquee events like a 100 mile Mengoni and a 100 mile race in prospect.

And a stage race in Manhattan that includes a four-corner crit somewhere cool — maybe the Harlem course or maybe downtown. Start with a short TT along up Riderside drive from about 86th St up to and around grants tomb (finish heads east on 116, north on that road one block inland, then west to Sakura park then around the tomb to the crit finish) on Friday morning. Then a crit downtown somewhere on Friday afternoon. 40 mile crit

Then 100 mile road race in Central Park on Saturday — 10am start.

Sunday PM finale with harlem crit 45miles pretty early, like noon.

USCF 1-2 (no pros — this race is for me!). USCF women 1-2-3 doing slightly less distance in the crits (30miles) and RR (65miles).


Off the topic but I wonder why we dont have a big hilly race in the Catskills. I grew up riding in the Catskills and there are some huge passes for a tough race. Pallenvale Mtn from Catskill to Tannersville is a 12-15 mile climb with switch backs. Route 42, 296 and 17 have some insane short climbs with 18-20% gradients. Would be a great venue with lots of nice hotels and restaurants for after the race. This is where Andy Guptil comes from and he can climb.

Ben H

Good addition – The final day could have 2 stages with the boat races followed shortly afterwards by roller racing. That would really separate the men from the boys (and the woman from the girls for the woman’s fields)

Central Park Dream

Just a normal CRCA race in the Park, but starting at 10am so I can sleep in! And while we’re at it, no pedestrians, joggers, dog-walkers, roller-bladers, too.


Personally I’d like to see fewer separations of the men from the women, but more between the men and the boys. It ain’t natural.

Ben H

What about a multi-diciplinary stage race?

Prologue – 2 lap TT in Central Park
Stage 1 – circuit race in Prospect
Stage 2 – road race at Bear finishing on the top of Perkins
Stage 3 – Madison at Kissina
Stage 4 – cx race in Queens
Stage 5 – crit at Grants Tomb
Stage 6 – team boat racing at Zum Schneider


"Besides not being original any discussion on this site will soon end up in the gutter. "
What does that mean, anyway?


nyvelocity should get some original ideas for discussion and not rip off the latest from crca.net. Besides not being original any discussion on this site will soon end up in the gutter.

continued racing in NYC

In Prospect, Central Park, Floyd and Kissena, instead of being slowly kicked out. That’s my dream. What we have now.

kwk NYC

NYC two day
Stage 1a 2 kilo TT starting at the bridge on riverside ending at the finish line of Grants tomb
Stage 1b Grants tomb crit
Stage 2 Bear Mountain rr

Comments are closed.