Danger Argument

Pulling the plug

The riders at the Giro collectively decided to pull the plug in Milan, citing dangerous course conditions. Did they invalidate their protest by going full on the last few laps without any mishaps?

The peloton had decided to let a Rabobank rider cross the line first in honor of Horillo. Were the riders who contested the finish scabs? Was the Milan course really that dangerous, or was it the accumulation of days of dangerous riding coming to a head?

Have you ever pulled the plug due to dangerous conditions, or does a racer forget about personal safety as soon as they see a line?




yeah but there are few places locally where you can go over a guardrail into a ravine.

ps what’s with the math problem captcha?
i miss the “TT rash collarbone criterium suffering”


Cadence Tuesday Night Race Series
May 19, 2009
Brooklyn, NY

28 miles
66 starters

1. Euris Rafael (Champion System) 1:03:26
2. Jermaine Burrowes (WS United) s.t.
3. Vladimir Estevez (Champion System) s.t.
4. Paul Burrowes (WS United) s.t.
5. Alejandro Guzman (CRCA/Foundation) s.t.
6. David Sommerville (Sommerville Sports)
7. Todd Cassan (Westwood Velo) s.t.
8. Thomas Bencivengo (Sommerville Sports) s.t.
9. Horace Burrowes (WS United) 1:03:35
10. Amaury Perez (GS Mengoni) s.t.

SPRINT # 1 Presented by Lucarelli & Castaldi Attorneys At Law

1. Euris Rafael (Champion System)
2. Edwin Morel (GS Gotham)
3. Neil Bezdek (Kissena)

SPRINT # 2 Presented by Lucarelli & Castaldi Attorneys At Law

1. David Sommerville (Sommerville Sports)
2. Vladimir Estevez (Champion System)
3. Todd Cassan (Westwood Velo)

Category 3-4
23 miles
75 starters

1. Alan Buday (CRCA/Global Locate) 0:54:25
2. Anthony Maisto (Deno’s Wonder Wheel) s.t.
3. Frank Arroyo (CRCA/Western Union) s.t.
4. Chris Castaldi (Deno’s Wonder Wheel) s.t.
5. Paul Carbonara (CRCA/Axis) s.t.
6. Lesnek Sniadowski (CRCA/Organic Athlete) s.t.
7. Attila Kogler (Unattached) s.t.
8. Samuel Martinez (WS United) s.t.
9. Christian Forsyth (CRCA/Setanta) s.t.
10. Victor Lopez (Innovation Bike Shop) s.t.

SPRINT # 1 Presented by Lucarelli & Castaldi Attorneys At Law

1. Anthony Maisto (Deno’s Wonder Wheel)
2. Guillermo Weinmann (Kissena)
3 .Victor Lopez (Innovation Bike Shop)

SPRINT # 2 Presented by Lucarelli & Castaldi Attorneys At Law

1. Frank Arroyo (CRCA/Western Union)
2. Anthony Maisto (Deno’s Wonder Wheel)

3 .Victor Lopez (Innovation Bike Shop)

Category 5
12 miles
15 starters

1. Orlando Valencia (CRCA) 0:30.22
2. Edward Beaton (WS United) s.t.
3. Roberto Batista (Unatt) s.t.
4. John Buenaventura (CRCA/NYVelocity) s.t.
5. Carlos Sosa (Chelsea Bicycles) s.t.

Thanks to all the marshals, registration volunteers, pacers and officials!

Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club


You want dangerous – Johan Burrowes at FBF last night. The guy is squirrelly, can’t ride his bike, yet is always yelling at everyone else. His own brother told him to shut up last night.


OK good question what place where you sprinting for Packfiller if the BREAK WAS GONE AND its only TOP 5 get points.The top 7 guys was in the BREAK STUPID.What are you mad you can’t see your name on NYVC,ill do it for you 33rd-A**clown-(Packfiller).Stop crying and ride your bike A**clown.33sprinter.net


10:42 should learn English in the written format before posting: Please compose something that does not sound like you were talking out loud to yourself while you typed. Otherwise please do not waste our time.


Dont know what race you are talking about johann
robertson won the field sprint for 4 th


I think the word you want to use is sarcasm. There is a difference and it is not subtle.

Nor does the attempt at sarcasm/irony negate the writers inability to properly form simple sentences.

I am just saying that if this site is to be pigeonholed as 25-40 NYC professional male then he should have some small grasp of the English language. Otherwise don’t bother posting because whatever you write does not make any sense to the reader.

HINT: do not write as if you were talking in an informal conversation where someone.


…is one dumbest memes to ever appear on this site, irony or no.

Let’s stick with “idot” and “forreals”


So it was you who came in 33rd.Post your name GRAMMER TEACHER. “Don’t waste our time”what you have STOCK in NYVC your are going hard SON.Its only a website A**Clown.


Verbal irony is a disparity of expression and intention: when a speaker says one thing but means another, or when a literal meaning is contrary to its intended effect. An example of this is sarcasm.


… excuse me while I find something more interesting. Like the website for paraplegic, amish, quilters.


is a perfect example of the confusion between sarcasm and irony, as long as we’re flogging this topic to death.


A bunch of Grammer school girls.Bring back the sign in then we will see all the Email Gangster Disappear.


Really? Because the rest of the comments are pegging at the maturity level of a 13 year old, including yours.


the sentence diagramming wars are ON! forreals, dorks!

so who’s sprinting for the present participle?

West Coast Reader

No one pulls out unless they just witnessed/were a part of some massive pile up.

There was once a bee hive looking for a new hive on the backside of a circuit race, I really didn’t want to run into them again on the second lap… one guy breathed in a bee and it stung him in the throat, end of race for him. Of all the bee’s that day only one guy I know of got stung and the dude breathed in the bee, the bee didn’t look to sting him, in my view.

Dangers can be anywhere you can’t plan for every possible thing, sure parked cars on the course are an issue but you’re telling me there is no tow truck that doesn’t want to take those cars away? Just call the local towing company, they’ll be in it in a second!

I’m calling the Giro’s Stage 9 fiasco a fiasco! I’m sure a couple of street thugs could of cleared the street had Guido been called to clean things up.

Then they race it none the less! That says it wasn’t dangerous as previously stated. To really prove their point they should not of raced it at all. As did it, it says they were wrong (the riders).


The news about Steve Larson is a real bummer. Really hits home with this 30-something wanta-be.


There are many locals that have quit racing because they don’t want to risk crashing.


There’s a heeeelarious joke here about italy, roman catholics, and possibly lance’s lonesome ball, but my grasp on the distinction between sarcasm & irony is too tenuous to write it.


Torrential downpour in the 4’s, normally safe course made dangerous by a curvy turn on a downhill with a sheet of water sometimes 3-4 ft. wide going across it. We were ok for 22 of 23 laps, but 2nd guy in the pack cooked the turn on the last lap going into the sprint (big surprise), someone hit his bike, and 6-7 guys went down (including me). In retrospect, this was not a big surprise. I wanted in the omnium by completing the crit., but it probably was not worth the risk of a relatively high speed downhill crash. I was lucky I got out as easy as I did (scrapes and bruises; another guy went to the hospital). I need to get some perspective here. Racing is always a risk, but that was more of a risk than I should have been taking.


The guys who were gunning for GC all soft pedaled the finale and only ~30 guys were racing for the final 11.4k lap. The difference between 30 and 180 guys racing on a tough course is huge.

If it had been a normal stage finish, it would’ve been insane with the sprinters’ teams trying to keep it together and the GC teams trying to keep their riders in front of the inevitable splits.


Last years race down the first hill in a downpour on lap 2. My 404’s started to hydroplane and I thought that was it was all over.

Interesting that I had to add correctly to blog this.
I am now extremely surprised that 10:42 was able to post.


Actually, you’re not a moron… you’re right. You have to crash for the 3k rule to apply.


The Italians do their damndest to make it as unsafe as possible.
I’m an old guy who raced in So. Cal. in the 60’s and I saw guys die even under those conditions (which were pretty good).

These guys are out there trying make a LIVING fer chrissake. You think F1 drivers would do a shitty course? Get real. Bike racers are so underpaid it’s not even humorous. Tiger wouldn’t show for 9 holes for the bucks these guys get to race 20 days.
This pr*ck Zomegan has some balls sounding off. He puts these guys lives and livelihoods at risk and pays them nothing for their efforts and then bad mouths them when they revolt against the tyranny of it all. In this day and age, when these “promoters” are making billions, they are still paying the racers like chattel. They are despicable swine in need of spaying.
At the same time, the riders need to get their sh*t together. The UCI and “promoters” have made their peace it would seem but it also seems that neither has any interest in treating the riders as human beings.
All of the above is, from my viewpoint, fairly obvious and I’m sure anyone reading this has had the same thoughts. So why has nothing changed?
My take on it is that nothing will change until the riders get a solid organization to represent them and put some real teeth in it. They need to hire some “go for the throat” lawyer and let him handle negotiations instead of relying on on some
french ex-racer who’s being paid off by the promoters.
That’s my take….what’s yours?



The riders need to get a real union lawyer and not the ex-racer bullshit that they’re currently working with.
I read that there were friggen spectator parked cars lining sections of the! I couldnt believe it!! Then I remembered that it was MILAN and it made sense.
There were also lots of boulavard to Goat path section as well. Not very thought out IMO.


I have utmost respect for Svein… But how many Grand Tours has he won or even come close to contesting? No question he is a stellar human being but so far at least, he’s not contesting GC in the big tours.


hey grumpy, don’t take me or anything here seriously. it could be hazardous to your health. now go back to your orange metamucil and add a splash of stoli.



HA! Take anything seriously? You gotta be outta yer head kid. When you get my age the only thing you take seriously is what fixter hipster is gonna take you down this week


yep. but not by making like a good catholic. if im not comfortable with the other racers/course/my own concentration that day, ill just attack like a rabid wolverine until a break forms or i get dropped/have to sit at the back

dangerous conditions not usually rain though – rain is safe (people ride more sensibly, slower, only the better/more committed riders come out, and you slide better if you do crash.)

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