
Section head text.

Breaking news:

From NYVC Legal Dept

Re: Grouchiest racer cranky award

Let it be known that the recipient of the “Grouchiest (on bike)” cranky award has sent us a cease and desist order and threatens legal action. So in the best interest of the site we would like to state that the formerly grouchiest racer isn’t grouchy at all, he is a warm and wonderful human being, who’s never raised his voice or even given a sideward glance at anyone. He is able to make flowers bloom with his smile and can summon sunshine with his slightest chuckle, he has cured many diseases in his spare time and anyone who cannot face the reality of his warm and gentle nature needs to take a long look in the mirror at themselves and feel very sad that they have become such a cold and callous thug.

And now back to our regularly scheduled awards:

In the spirit of piling on along with everyone else, we’ve developed an end of the year awards dealy. Yes, it’s the first annual Crankys, our awards for the greatest and the not so great achievements of 2005. Feel free to disagree and flame us accordingly.


Racer of the year: Pulla He gets quote of the year, too. Pulla doesn’t play!

Sprinter of the year: Ricky Lowe Notice how we’re politely not saying anything snarky? Just this once? That should count for something, right?

Racer with the best results per hour of training ratio: Jeff King/Marco Quezada Jeff works too much to train a lot, but Marco just takes perverse pride in not training. At all. And the one time he does ride his bike he gets taken out by a car.

Best Young Racer: Euri Madera An equal opportunity ass kicker, Euri spanked all ages and all fields.

Master Road Riders: 40+David Taylor/35+ Roger Aspholm We’re in our mid 20’s and have no idea what these geezers do.

Master sprinter/track rider of the year: Gerry Martinez And you can just carve that one into your browser for the foreseeable future.

Woman sprinter: Hannah Long

Woman Master of the Universe: Marie de Rosa Can you get rainbow stripes on everything?

Woman Climber: Ellen Moses/Katie Lamden

Most Dramatic: Horace Burrows This award will be presented after the protest period has lapsed.

Best racer you’ve never heard of: Chris Ryan Chris who?

Most relentless attacker: Ken Harris Ken just attacked again.

Most relentless attacker (masters): Chris Griffin


Hardest working racer in the bike business: Mike Sherry Everyone book Mike for an 11pm fit on Friday night. Let’s see how fast he is Saturday morning.

Best racer who actually is in the bike business: Pollo He has a better nickname than you and he’s much, much faster

Nicest Bike: Your bike stinks!

Most bikes: Vinnie Vicari He picks his bikes according to the day of the week, I believe.

Most wheels: Inson Wood Inson rides Hed3’s to the race, then slaps on a set of 808’s. Can you top that?

Nicest racer: Jason Bremer He walked on the standing water at FBF.

Grouchiest (on bike): Wha? Never!

Busy beaver: Matt Howard (over 60 races!) And still no time for the humpbike

Lightning rod award: Francisco Liuzzi Ah, good times.


Team of the year: Every team bites it, there – are you happy?

Team battle of the year: ML v Wonder @ FBF Not that we’re biased or anything.

Kit of the year, hmmm. Your kit sucks, how do you like them apples?


Promoter of the year: Charlie I. Anyone who puts on a race (well, almost anyone) is ok by us, but Charlie takes the cake with his tireless efforts. Plus he gets a free weekly shouting match after every Tuesday night race.

Marshall of the year: Lee Morgan Go go go go go go go!!!

Volunteer of the year: Mike Green This was Mike’s first year as a race promoter and he pulled off a few big ones.

Official of the year: Anne Marie That’s all I have to say about that…


Fight of the year: no brainer What fight?

Controversy of the year: Um, we’re not allowed to say… What controversy?

Newsgroup fight of the year: Siega v Badger What was that all about? We washed and bleached our water bottles, AND we still had to throw them out.

Newsgroup fight of the year runner up: The flap over the Wonder Wheel kit It almost makes sifting through all those birthday wishes on prospectpeloton worthwhile.


Todd award: Steve O? But he still ain’t no Todd.

Most gushing comments received (individual): Erin Dyer Just once, I wish someone would call me ‘the hotness’.

Most gushing comments received (team): Radical Media What’s plural for ‘hotness’?

Most gushing comments received (men): are you kidding? No dreamboats around here. You’re all nerds!

Favorite online anonymous accusation: You’re gay! The last bastion of the unimaginative, one step after ‘I’m rubber and you’re glue’.

Runner up: You’re in the CRCA! I’m rubber and you’re in the CRCA.

Biggest tease: Comedy Central’s original homepage. Sorry, we can’t find the archived page anywhere.

Best unreciprocated spotting at Interbike: Mike Gacki We saw him first, so… He hasn’t been the same since he dropped the mullet, regards…

Most diligent about industrial espionage:, Specialized Cowbells and marketing acronyms (FACT, AZ1…). Yeah, we REALLY want pictures of your crap!!

Pluckiest little website that was beloved by all? Hmmm…. This one, of course!


Brown noser

Excellent work! How ’bout a “best new team-in-the-making” category? If so, I nominate the new NYVC team. And no, not because yous guys are running it, but because you’re decent enough to take on someone as unlikely as, well, me.


Well done….The Ebay BOTW feature has gotta get somethin. Does the Vanna White-esque gal come with the bike – If so, pass! She doesnt hold a candle to “the hotness”!


Rider most likely to have used drugs ? Easy – 1/2 of Team TAM – who can regualrly be seen at FBF on a Tuesday sparking up a doobie both before and after – they rock the gange mon


Lowe is the best sprinter? has he finished a out of park crit yet? cant really call yourself a sprinter if you cant finish a local crit

John G

His initials were JS if I recall, personally I would like to complain about not winning best rider of the year, is there a lawyer in the house?

what is it about Karl with a K ?

He really has it in for Ricky by the sounds of things. Maybe he got dusted too many times up Cats Paw.

Sprinting is sprinting – Crit riding embodies a whole range of other skills not neccessarily associated with pure sprinting. If you’re so disparaging about Ricky’s sprint – feel free to take his wheel next time in the lead out to Cats Paw, or FBF or at Prospect – then try coming around him……


Wait, if they sue us and win, aren’t they responsible for the money we owe? If we get enough people to sue us, we can operate in the black!

Willy Wonky

Maybe you should have kept up the Grouchiest racer cranky award and let him sue you. After all this sport is getting more and more professional types, it could expand the website to more lawyers and even judges.

If I say I heard Jason Sneider smells does that make me libel?

Joe Sanderson

Wait, let me understand this correctly, Jason Scheider threatened to sue NYVC unless they took down his award for grouchiest rider? That’s fucking hilarious! From what I have seen every other rider should be complaining about NYVC going so easy on him.

Chris M

Great fun, these awards, but waaay too cautious. You should let loose, boys! Fear not the threats of legal action. Everyone knows sparingly few NYC cyclists have the money to pay legal fees, and only a fool would think of suing this site, with no money behind it in any case! Probably the only great thing about being poor is the very fact of not having to care about being sued for all your worth! Rant on — its the main reason we read this crazy site!


Great job, very funny. Cautious is good, this site is at it’s best whewn it is funny, not nasty. Ripping on people isn’t funny, that’s what makes this site so great.


If Jason Schneider threatens to sue NYVelocity for being the Grouchiest (on-bike), doesn’t that qualify him for Grouchiest (off-bike) as well? Just sayin’.


People like Jason Scheider are cancers to our sport. They do not do anything positive for the sport – they only crate a bad atmosphere.

Hey JT

So since when does being a good rider (kwk) mean you should bitch and moan about other riders awards and abilities(or one rider in particular) indiscriminantly ? Karl may be a great rider and a good sprinter……hes also one who was consistently thrashed by Ricky 9 times out of 10 whenever they met in a sprint. You and he should read what the award was for – best sprinter, not best Crit rider, not nicest guy, not best all-rounder – best Sprinter – period. Then again I seem to remember you griping about Ricky winning Sprinter of the Year for CRCA last year as well



Hey “Hey JT”, it’s remarkable that Karl questioning Ricky Lowe being considered the best sprinter in the club is considered “bitching”, and that you have to point out that Ricky is faster than Karl in easy races. I personally think it’s debateble that Lowe is the best sprinter in NYC this year. He might be, but in the biggest fastest sprints it was probably El Pollo or Molloy. Maybe Lowe. Maybe even Rahn. It’s debatable.

And more to the point, I don’t think Karl is dissing Lowe’s ability in the races Lowe enters. I think he’s dissing the people (sorry Schmalz, I’m not focussing on you here as it is a big crew you are in) who lack perspective on racing and place the usual park races too high in their judgements. Lowe is really fast and has made amazing steps up each year and is still getting better.

It’s all debatable for this year.

But it’s funny you bring up last year, because last year Lowe certainly was NOT the best sprinter around. He only rarely raced the fastest guys and when he did he lost. So that was certainly wrong in the CRCA voting — a reflection of popularity rather than objective thinking. Last year in reality the best local sprinter was probably El Pollo, Alessio or maybe Molloy. I thought it was Alessio myself, but good arguments could be made for Molloy or El Pollo.

This year maybe Lowe. Maybe.

Sorry if this sounds like “bitching.” To me, it’s just “perspective.”

Micheal S

Best Sprinters

2004 – Allessio

2005 – Ricky or Pollo, maybe even Lisban – but Molloy ? I don’t see it. As for Karl – great rider but not really in the same league as a pure sprinter

Best Sprinter Debatable?

The doubters must have a touch of the Jason Sneiders. Relax, come around Ricky in a sprint and hope that someone got a photo. Otherwise we’ll all just assume you were in a break.


Yeah, in 2005 probably not Molloy, except for one big big sprint — the cat 2 race at Somerville where he was second or third. That is very big. Also he won the field sprint at Harlem (for third) over some majorly fast guys.


Yeah, the more I think about it I’ve got nothing against Ricky at all — great rider and super fast. He might be the best sprinter in town. But the “anonymous Ricky fan club that seems to never leave town and insists he is clearly the best” is lame. “Mr. Best Sprinter Debatable?” is the president of that club I guess.

Daniel Flint

And just because I don’t race locally in NY – JT doesn’t mean I can’t comment on your flip-flopping on all these issues – you’re all over the place with your arguments. I’ve never met you but the way you pontificate on here anyone would think you are bi-polar.


Flinty — I think it’s appropriate that if I’m not certain that one guy is better than the others that I say that truthfully, rather than just saying rider X is clearly better than rider Y. It’s not obvious which of those guys is the best, despite the RIcky fans thinking it is. You may prefer simplicity but reality isn’t always so clear.

A Fan

Hello…Hello… Boys and girls if we are talking about great sprinters you can not leave out Schmalz. did you guys forget that great finish @ FBF for 3rth or 4th place come on I’ll never forget :))


Yeah, enough of this humility! I’m just going to give myself the damn sprinter award. Oh, in the interest of accuracy, it was 5th place in the sporint.

mike m

Acton is a good call. Pulla may not be quite the badass in terms of sprinting as he is climbing/everything else, and he may not have been in peak form at the time, but at Great Neck, he and Alejandro (and a third rider who’s been maligned enough here) shot off the front and lapped the field in about ten minutes, and Acton took it to Pulla in the finish. He also took a few of the primes at Binghamton (as did Pulla). When you’re taking primes over HealthNet and Colavita (who admittedly were concerned more with the overall victory), that’s no joke. Alejandro eventually crashed out or had a mechanical, but Pollo took 6th in that race, I believe, which is also a damn good showing against some top pro’s–McCormack won it over Davidenko. Ricky Lowe has a major league sprint, no question, but until he’s making his presence felt at races like that, I don’t think you can say he’s better than any of these guys.


Heres the timeline as I saw it

1.This Ricky guy gets a “for fun” award as best sprinter.

2.kwk – claims this ain’t so as he didn’t do any big crits.

3. Someone else calls out kwk for having a gripe with Ricky.

4. You claim kwk can say what he likes because hes a damn good rider or something like that.

5. Someone else pulls out of the bag that Ricky’s races are all shit ones that don’t count and are easy.

6. You suggest that Ricky can’t be a categorically called the best sprinter – and that someone else who never actually won a big race but “placed” could possibly be the best sprinter ?

I ask you – whats a better “sprinter” (not bike rider) ? – someone who consistently wins against the people you were proposing – and as far as I can see from a quick look at the CRCA and Kissena and FBF races – he did indeed win quite a few races -not just CRCA ones – or someone who “placed” in a higher calibre race but didn’t actually win. A place in a big race might suggest a better rider – but multiple wins over those same people in smaller races would suggest a better sprinter.

Big fish in a small pond – maybe, but then again maybe that individuals circumstances or life stage means he doesn’t want to trawling the Atlantic Coast for big races – you know – things like a family, a job, maybe even a life…. who knows.

By the way I hope all you NY’ers got in some quality time on the bike during that strike you had.

Happy Holidays!

mike m

flinty, thanks so much for clearing up the order in which things have been happening here, but your evidence can all be used in support of the opposite side, as well–yes, 6th in the sprint at binghamton is absolutely more indicative of sprinting ability than any park win. by a lot. and whether or not ricky stays home because of family, job, can’t find a ride, whatever–what the hell does that have to do with it? we’re talking about bike racing, and the only evidence we have are the races people participate in. one guy may be able to hang in and win–SOMEtimes–at FBF, but in races with hills, vastly better competition, etc., the guy just isn’t racing, while some of the other guys who are winning just as often at Floyd are able to remain in the mix–does that mean that the guys who can make it to the finish of a tougher race and duke it out in that sprint are better sprinters? i think so. the difference between a race like chris thater and crca week #6 or whatever is night and day. I’m not knocking Ricky and not saying he CAN’T sprint against that kind of competition, but until he shows up and DOES it, the guys who are placing in those races and also winning just as many local races as he is have to be considered “better sprinters”. if ricky is indeed a 2 now, maybe mengoni will be the first time we get to see him toe-to-toe with some real competition.

not a sprinter

Why so much attentions for guys who race for about 50 meters and contribute almost nothing to the race . Except maybe for arguments , fights , and crashes . Sprinters come and go . As soon they start loosing they quit the sports , so you cares about these “Ass Clowns” anyway ? Look at time trialist and climbers for real talent and nice guys in this sport .

rabble rouser

disagree. time trialists are insecure type A, OCD dorks who inherited their mothers’ obsessions with weight and appearance and are vicariously exorcising mommy’s demons by inflicting acute suffering on their fat, dirty, undeserving selves.


All of you sound like women! I bet next years top sprinter is going to be someone nobody knows about. Rather then bitching and moaning , why not let the legs do the talking


All of you sound like women! I bet next years top sprinter is going to be someone nobody knows about. Rather then bitching and moaning , why not let the legs do the talking

A fan

Stupid stupid rich kid next time some one see in the park. (JS) please punch him on the face. tie him up and burry him up to his neck and then give him a hair cut with a lawnmower

not to killim but enought to get some blod and then pore some acid in the head

not dont get me wrown im not for violance im not a violent person but if wurs come to wurs I know that schmalz got my back (right playa)

JS I know you’er reading this and you love it get a grip

its for fun there are no phisical awards dum ass no one isgetting a pair of cranks


Isn’t (JS) the one who used to write those biased (towards Mengoni) race articles for that crap site on the other side of town? He was certainly no Schmalz!


Geez, A fan – it’s just bike racing! You’re just lucky you can’t be tracked down and SUED! I don’t condone violence, but if fired upon I will retaliate, and I swing a mean purse!

Jay F.

Charlie, please organize a race ASAP. NYC bike racers need a positive way to release their winter energy. (And charge whatever you like.)


Andy, now would be a good time to kick Eugene as he is notoriously “more padded” in the ass at this time of year. Sue me, Eugene

Good thing we are debating who the best sprinter is at the regional amateur level. Now I can rest easy.

Dan, if you put coin rolls into your purse, it counts as an upper body work out. Pennies for regular, quarters for Max Strength.

Damn you JT for your clear logic! Wait, am I being a player hater?

TTers rule – an unbiased opinion from someone with a REAL concern – whatever championships exist out there for the 45+ masters racers. Anyone have any grecian formula? I really need to get a life and I don’t think I’m alone in that club. Happy holidays of course. TS


No Tony, you’re not alone. I haven’t worked in years. I’m a full-time L. Pretty soon I’ll be in my forties too, living in Daddy’s place, with my, well…Who knows by then. Happy Christmas and Merry Hanukkah to all at NYVC. Yes, I know. He he…

The real Eugene

Actually, I have worked. I go to school in the school, and I consider racing a full-time commitment. But I’m sure you wouldn’t know that, that’s why you used my name. It’s funny how people make fun, but they are just jealous of other people’s position in the peloton.


wow ! Skive off work to go Christmas shopping for an afternoon and you miss ALL the fun.

Ok, just for fun, nothing serious intended, no naturally I don’t think these are real comparisons and of course I am going to be bias in favor of my team-mate and friend…..but……. (and i guess this is aimed in a friendly way at michael m) whos the better rider between say Pettachi and Valverde or indeed Boonen based on your criteria ? Probably 99% of people would say for all-round rider – Boonen or Valverde. Now give Petacchi a totally hazard-free lead-out and a clear run at the line (which I guess is similar to what Kevin was saying regarding Ricky) and whos the better sprinter ?

Either way, can’t be bad to compared to either of those 3 riders, and funnily enough I’ll bet there are a large number of people in the cycling community in New York (me for one!) who would love to be compared to Kevin, Karl or Ricky, which again shows something about perspective, which is what all this should be viewed with.

Right off to wrap presents and stuff the bird !


The real crank

Maybe instead of the grouchiest you should have nominated him as biggest Homo in spandex, but then that makes being gay bad, so maybe you need a new category. The Jason Award. And it will be for the most unbecoming as a human or…what if you just don’t ever mention him HE SUCKS sue that you puss.

Jason Schneider

Well, I suppose these negative awards coupled with the negative anonymous comments directed at me were meant to anger me. Not happening.

I certainly have my faults. And I certainly shouted at riders who would not pull through in breakaway instances I deemed such a tactic—cowardly. Was I out-of-line, and wrong for doing so many instances? Yes. But I’ve always made my comments face-to-face, or man-to-man to such riders. I was, however, the only rider I know of who told Jon Clifton Moore to go “F” himself during a race to his face (no pun intended Jon). So uffice it to say, I was not always out-of-line.

I threatened to sue to make a statement. I don’t believe it to be fair, to denigrate a particular person, and then not leave your name. Especially when it was that made the assertion it did—not someone using a phony name in the comment section. Until a few days ago, I didn’t even know who was in charge of the aforementioned Web site, let alone who made negative comments about myself, or the others that were denigrated (albeit if in good fun—for the ones doing the denigrating, of course).

As many of you know, I wrote race reports for Charlie Issendorf at for the better part of two seasons. I never, in all my reports, personally attacked anybody. In fact, I made a concerted effort to speak positively about other riders—even when I didn’t personally like them, or, even when they pissed me off during the race (don’t take my word for it—read my reports).

To that end, I’ve noticed other cycling-oriented Web sites, such as CyclingNews, VeloNews and do not engage in the bad-mouthing of, or the defaming of anyone in an award—not pertaining to literal sporting performance. But if it makes anyone NYVeloCity happy to defame me, and you can conjure up a few laughs at my expense, go right ahead. Just don’t expect me to participate.

With that, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a safe and Happy New Year. I just love Christmas time.


Jason Schneider

Deno's Wonder Wheel

Eddie Burlem

USCF Category—3

Experience—3 years

Racing age—34

Occp.—Graphic Designer

Eddie is the team nutcase. He often quits the team (maybe once a week), but always misses it so he comes back. Eddie is also known for not reaching his full potential and has a million and one reasons why winning is really not that important, whats important is how good he looks in spandex.

Alex O

Lets not lose perspective on the award. Between fun and mean spirited I think we erred well on the side of fun.

I hardly think “Grouchy” constitutes defamation. Grouchy is how Papa bear gets in the morning before his tea; Karl Rove doesn’t “Swift Boat” any of his adversaries by calling them grouchy. Big difference.


Main Entry: de·fame

1 archaic : DISGRACE

2 : to harm the reputation of by libel or slander

3 archaic : ACCUSE

synonym see MALIGN

Main Entry: grouchy

Pronunciation: ‘grau-chE

Function: adjective

Inflected Form(s): grouch·i·er; -est

: given to grumbling : PEEVISH

Go look up overreaction yourself.

Jon F

Karl Rove? Maybe you are still drunk from yesterday. Papa Bear? Why is he grouchy before his tea? Please use a thesaurus in your response, thanks.

PS: Can you also tell a story about the Big Bad Wolf?

Hey "Jon F"

Attacking the authors choice of metaphors and not his well reasoned point is actually right out of the Karl Rove playbook, perhaps you understood more than you let on.

BTW Thesaurus are for synonyms, the stories are m e t a p h o r s, I know big word.

Prof JF


Dear Alex O., Jon F. and Prof. JF:

Firstly, Prof. JF: You’ve made an inaccurate statement based on an inaccurate premise. You stated, “Attacking the authors choice of metaphors and not his well reasoned point is actually right out of the Karl Rove playbook, perhaps you understood more than you let on.” Alex O. is hardly an author. Copying definitions from a dictionary doesn’t constitute anything of the sort.

Secondly, you forgot the apostrophe in the word “author’s.” It is possessive. Are you a genuine professor?

And thirdly, your sentence, “BTW Thesaurus are for synonyms, the stories are m e t a p h o r s, I know big word.” Is also grammatically incorrect. You would need to make your use of the word “thesaurus” plural—thus it becomes “thesauruses.” And, not to be picky, you might want to add a comma after the word “know” and before the word “big.” The sentence should thus read: BTW, thesauruses are for synonyms, the stories are metaphors, I know, big word.



PS: You did make one accurate assessment, however—I do know more than I let on.

bunch of bitches

can’t we all get along? whatever happened to a sense of humor? If you can’t laugh at yourself who can you really laugh at? A person who would go this far to defend his name is obviously an insecure one…is there really much more to say on this petty issue.

A fan

Ya’ll too smart for me..

look what I can do..

( JS) you still sacka the big one…. stupid asswipe

excuse the punctuaion..


this thread has it all, what a good read to kill some time with. JT has to get the most well thought out writer award.

Thank you everyone for a safe and agressive racing year. So many teams this year made the sprinters work for it with some great attacking and countering. I suspect next year even less of the crca races will finish with a field sprint.


jason is blind in one eye. if he’s cutting you off and basically riding like an ass in the gutter it’s becasue he’s a cyclops.

so if he tells you to fuck off or rides you into a telephone pole remember he should be in the special oylmpics.

so sue the race promoter for letting disabled dicks race.

really, he’s just a nice priate who has much respect for the sport.


Back to the KWK and Ricky Lowe. Ricky Lowe is definately one of the fastest guys out here. KWK can you put out 1619 watts like ricky did in Mengoni against the 3’s?I believe thats what top pro sprinters put out and i dont mean gord fraser, more like pettachi.

ricky fan club president

wow you are right forget Pitacchie Lowe is faster than Boonen too, He should show everyone his wattage output during the payout of his next NRC race. i bet all the riders will give just him thier prize money even if he does not finish

Adam Hodges Myerson

I had a gay experience with Charlie Issendorf during our Breakaway Courier days. And yes we both enjoyed it!

Did Charlie tell you guys about the time he locked himself in a hotel room in florida for 2 whole days because he broke up with his girlfriend during a training camp in 1991?


Adam is good-looking, but not _that_ good-looking. Nice try, whoever you are.

What’s with the imposter posts?

And what’s with the random inflammatory stuff? Where did that come from??


That “Cuevas guy” that got 2nd in some 3 race, obviously made a big name for himself. I thought Euri was a good pick


Hardest working and hungriest young racer is Pater Salon, and that is a fact. Watch him for next couple of years, his name will appear more frequently high up in prestigious races. He’ll be 18 in summer. Peter go for it!!!

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