Burnout Argument

Feeling not-so-fresh?

After a long season, and now that the Tour is over, are you feeling a little hollow and empty? Do you lack motivation? Are you busted up? Does the sight of your bike make you want to curl up in a ball and murmur about making the hurt stop? Are you considering taking up another sport? Is competitive croquet starting to look appealing?



I think bike helmets were designed to sell. Helmets that are effective are too big and bulky for bicycle use (like motorcycle helmets), and no one would buy them. So here we are with these flimsy lightweight things that everyone depends on– and Bell, Giro, etc. are getting rich.


if you only bash your head once and are fortunate enough not to become a mental case, then the inconvenience of wearing a lid doesn’t seem so bad. i’ve been there… old school… european emulator…

Long slow burn

Every year around this time it kind of separates the real racers from the tourists . Guys are all jazzed to train in the winter and then burnout on racing after 2-3 months of racing, leaving the best weather in the fall off their bike, its stupid. Start the season later


Yeah, I’m a little tired. But GMSR is a month away, and then, CROSS!!! Looking forward to the future keeps me going.


so by your reckoning, we should begin to be “jazzed” about training in roughly june and then be fresh for the 2-3 months of late september through december, when there are exactly zero road races?


I love to do burnouts on my cross bike. As for racing, I try to do only about 2 races a month focusing on the bigger races I enjoy most. That gives me plenty of time to recovery and ride for fun and keeps me fresh for the cross season.

BTW – come and race the Darkhorse 40 this weekend!


A CX bike bike is possible at the Dark Horse but… it’s your ass. Like the previous said, it’s not the most technical course. However, with average racers taking around 3 hrs to complete the course, that’s a lot of time on a rigid ride. It’s the kind of late season race plenty of burned out roadies show for. It’s a really good time, with beer and BBQ at he finish line. Great vibe too.


What an ass clown – So much loss of employment, training, exposure, and the tour experience. All flushed because this idiot. good riddance. I hope they put’em behind bars.

Skee Rex

I’ve actually fully transitioned into the skee ball season, which helps me prepare for the cyclocross/drinking/weight gain season.


Is the Darkhorse technical? I havent touched my mtn bike in a long time, If I do it will I be in a world of hurt? 40 miles in the dirt seems long?


I love it when folks get all indignant when TDF riders get caught. Don’t you think many riders are still doped to all hell? Gerlsteiner, for my money has at least 2 riders doing EPO or transfusions Schumacher out of nowhere beats the world best ITTs? And that bucked tooth kid shells everyone?


The trails are not overly technical, depending on your definition here. If you are a frequent MTB’er, there is a lot of nice, fast singletrack (course in the past has been predominantly singletrack), with not a whole lot of killer rock gardens, etc. like Ringwood or Blue Mtn. If you are unsure of the distance, can opt for the “duo” option and convince someone to split the ride with you and do 20 miles each. 40 miles on a MTB is a long time, since it’s a lot of shorter anerobic bursts, with associated cadence changes and body positioning, relative to riding on the road for 40 miles.

Cross bike? Possibly, but you may find yourself overgeared for some of the shorter, steep sections, and I would think that 40 miles w/o suspension or high volume fat tires could kind of wear you down. Not impossible, but you’d be a strong mofo if you pulled it off.

Best bet is to contact George the promoter to get a real read of the course (a bit different this year from past events). He’s a good guy and always willing to talk, especially about his races. It’s a good event.

Jesse G

I asked the promoter about racing on my cross bike. I figured it would be some good prep for the cross season. He basically said he only had one guy complete the course on a cross bike and they would prefer it if you race on a mtn bike. It is a mtn bike race after all. That being said, they wont turn you away if you only have a cross bike. I would recommend a mtn bike if you have one. 40 miles technical or not is alot of time on a skinny tired cross bike over some rocks and roots. This is not Mtn Snow or Plattekill mtn but its still a mtn bike course.


on what happened to the guys that fell in the 3/4 race last night? They seemed to be on the deck a long time.


We were down a long time because the ambulance took a long time to come. I hit my hip and couldn’t stand up and the other guy was down because he had hit his head and they were playing it safe with him. I heard that he’s okay and had some stitches but no broken bones. I don’t have broken bones just a painful leg when i stand and roadrash. Thank you everybody who came over to assist. -Ben


anyone who was posting thier watts on the web in april is a crispy critter by now. blogging about your power #’s is the ultimate kiss of death


Looks like Byrne’s new motto is Start Making Sense. Sorry could not resist that. Cool that Reed got to go on a ride with the guy.


It was only about 10 years ago that the season used to extend into mid November. It’s only very recently that racing ends when school starts.

The Mengoni, was in late September. There were generally races every weekend, The Race to the Rock in Plymouth, MA was a great race and so was the Tour of Martha’s Vineyard. Many of the great fall races are no more, many of the great spring and summer races are gone as well. To be burnt out at this point is like half the season.


There is no debate. Too many wack jobs in the park at night not to wear one. Its sheer stupidity not to. and this is why.


This is a tough time for John, his family, and his friends. Let’s please not use his injury to revive the helmet debate.


It’s bizarre how some people are so threatened by opposing opinions that they use ad-hominem attacks to rescue their egos. e.g. “You’re stupid if…”


Helmets were designed to protect against accidents, not on purposes. I’m pretty sure most people don’t choose to fall and smack their head.

Stop wearing your seat belts while you’re at it. Just put it on after your head on collision. You’ll be ok.


“I’ve been there”
You’re probably still there– it’s still unfashionable to wear a helmet in a car. And your rationale probably applies.

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