
Section head text.

Avast ye, Lycra-clad, logo-festooned harpies! It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day! So take up your blades and forget whatever nonsense you may be might normally be writin’, and drop down a “Yo ho ho!”, or an “Arrrr!” I’m looking at you Arrrrjan – and you too, Arrrrmand!


old dude

looked it up
4 repeats on 4 min rest. .78 mi. from intersection at bottom to road sign at crest. avg watts/time
427/5:36, 417/5:44, 403/5:54, 403/5:54

old dude

I did repeats on little tor once. I think it was 4 or 5 efforts in a row. Punch it up that first ramp, hold steady until the last gradual lefthand curve to the top then punch it again. Friggin hard. The descent was ok as you got to know it well doing it several times in a row. The bitch was riding from brooklyn to get to the climb. Only did that workout once but it paid dividends. I think avg watts were high 300 for all efforts.

ill Pirata

What’s the avg. gradient on that? Anybody know?

Not a “big” hill, but painful, especially for repeats. oh yeah…Arrrrrrgh!


Sodwin’s Rule:
“As the selection of reasonable online discussion topics has been exhausted, the probability that participants will mimic pirates approaches one.”


I be a pirate with a wide stance, and I’ve been out at sea fer 4 four moons – so I took comfort in the arms of me matey – that don’t make me a gay …

Ronny Biggs

It was on the good ship Venus
by Christ you should have seen us
The figure head was a whore in bed
and the mast a mammoth penis.

Friggin in the Riggin’
Friggin in the Riggin’
Friggin in the Riggin
there was fu*k all else to do!

Captain Morgan

Arrrrh! While ye hearties and bilge rats are blowin’ yer hornpipes and drinkin’ yer grog (that includes you Blackbeard), some of are still rrracing harrrd! Prepare to be boarded Empire! Look for a brreakaway with Acarrdi, Carbonarrra, and Barrrlin! And Sal Abrrruzzese too.


Pirates. Is that the best you can come up with. I want to arrrrgue with the stupid topic. Here I am at work wasting valuable production time talking pirate talk…..makes me wanna say arrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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