A Dirty Deal

The case of Gusev, Bruyneel, and McQuaid

A dirty deal. The case of the Russian rider Vladimir Gusev uncovers the concealment, the parallel system of justice and the abuse of power in the International Cycling Union UCI. It also suggests how riders like Lance Armstrong and his team director Johan Bruyneel have been able to get away with the accusations such as the ones their former teammate Floyd Landis launched this week.

The unjustified firing

By KLAUS WIVEL, Weekendavisen, May 22, 2010

We were sent this Danish article and are posting only because we’re not aware of an English translation anywhere else. Apologies to Klaus Wivel for reposting.

FEW examples are better at illustrating how the top of the international cycling world works than the case of Vladimir Gusev.

According to many critics the story of the Russian rider shows the power abuse, it shows how the greatest teams get special treatment, and it reveals the system of parallel justice which prevails independently of the sports courts and which riders have to follow. Thus, cycling’s most famous team manager Johan Bruyneel has been able to give orders to the presumably independent anti-doping department of the International Cycling Union UCI.

The case adds fuel the allegations that Bruyneel and his main rider Lance Armstrong has received special treatment by the UCI doping authorities. This week Wall Street Journal reported that their former teammate, the scandalized American rider Floyd Landis, accused Armstrong of systematic doping with help from Bruyneel.

According to Weekendavisen’s sources the treatment of Vladimir Gusev reveals the power abuse and the parallel justice prevailing outside the official sport courts.

The story can also been seen as another example of the socalled ‘black list’ that several riders and observers believe prevails in UCI (see article ‘Fxxx off’, Weekendavisen, March 26, 2010, ed.). This “black list” allegedly points to the fact that some riders are being punished and others get allowed to run although they have made the same offense.

The story of Russian rider’s misfortune also tells of the law of silence which dominates professional cycling which is why it is appropriate to give a note of warning: If you as a journalist wish to get to the bottom of this story then you are forced to use hidden sources. Crucial parts of this article is based on testimonies from people who do not wish their names to appear. I should also state that Vladimir Gusev himself and his lawyer have not wished to contribute to the article.

The story begins in autumn 2007. The young and talented Russian is riding for the Kazakh team Astana which is only just over a year old and in which several riders already have been found guilty of doping. Among is also the founder of Astana, Kazakhstan’s star rider Alexander Vinokourov, who was taken for blood doping during the Tour de France in 2007 and kicked out of the race with his team.

Astana is in other words in a crisis. To clean up and restore a positive image Belgian team director Johan Bruyneel is recruited. One of the first thing he does is to associate the Danish anti-doping doctor Rasmus Damsgaard, who has successfully established an internal anti-doping program on Bjarne Riis’ Team CSC – a team which met its great challenge during the scandalous Spanish Operation Puerto in 2006. By virtue of his independent test system Damsgaard shall act as a guarantor that the riders are clean so that Astana may send a signal to the outside world that the team takes the fight against doping seriously.

Bruyneel also recruits Alberto Contador who he managed when the Spaniard won the Tour de France in 2007. Therefore it comes as an unpleasant surprise for the team when the organization behind the Tour de France in February 2008 announces that the team will not be allowed to participate in Tour de France 2008 because of the many doping scandals depriving Contador of his opportunity to defend his yellow jersey. Astana is suddenly in danger of closing. More than ever Bruyneel needs to show that Astana can take care of the problem.

In May 2008 Rasmus Damsgaard discovers that Vladimir Gusev has "abnormal blood values". According to the Dane the test suggests that Gusev has taken the performance-enhancing drug EPO. Damsgaard informs Bruyneel of his findings.

Two months later – in the middle of a TV broadcast on Belgian TV, where he is hired as a commentator for the Tour de France 2008 – Bruyneel announces that he has fired Gusev on the basis of their internal anti-doping program. The message receives maximum press coverage and the news goes around the world.

Fighting doping is not what the Belgian sports director and former rider has been known for. Alongside Lance Armstrong he built a bicycle empire during the American’s seven year reign over Tour de France until Armstrong retired in 2005. And it had always seemed as if the two led a war against doping inspectors and too pushy questions from journalists and others who suggested that American’s incredible feat was based on illegal drugs. They were often met with letters from Armstrong’s and Bruyneel’s lawyer.

Floyd Landis is probably receiving the same kind of letters these days. This week the Wall Street Journal reported that the American rider who was stripped of his victory in the Tour de France in 2006 after testing positive for testosterone send three emails to the highest authorities of cycling, including the UCI. In the mails Landis describe how he and several other American riders, including Armstrong, whom Landis rode with at U.S. Postal, used dope for years, among others blood transfusions and EPO. Landis could also report that it was Bruyneel who in 2002 and in 2003 introduced him to doping. The team manager told him how to use EPO and blood doping without being detected by the doping authorities.
In the very detailed emails Landis writes that the blood bags were stored in a refrigerator which was hidden in Armstrong’s closet. Landis calls the fight against doping a ‘charade’.

Landis also states that Armstrong in 2002 “while winning the Tour de Swiss, the month before the Tour de France, tested positive for EPO at which point he and Mr Bruyneel flew to the UCI headquarters and made a financial agreement with Mr. Verbruggen to keep the positive test hidden.” Mr Verbruggen was at that time the president of the International Cycling Union UCI.

Both Bruyneel and Armstrong has rejected the accusations and accused Landis of trying to blackmail them.

Perhaps more surprisingly Pat McQuaid, the now president of UCI who always talks of his firm commitment in fighting doping, did not pause for many hours before he flat out refused to give Landis’ allegation any credit. McQuaid questioned Landis’ motives and indicated that statements given by a doping sinner should not by taken at face value.

When he was UCI president, Hein Verbruggen has actually told the press that Armstrong for years had given a considerable amount of money to UCI’s anti-doping campaing. When Verbruggen informed the press about this Eurosport wondered why captain Armstrong really supported the ones who had plagued him for years and who have pushed good friends as Tyler Hamilton into a scandalized early retirement?

In April 2005 Eurosport asked Armstrong if Verbruggen was correct and the American confirmed.
"So, if I’ve done money to the UCI to combat doping, step up controls and to fund research, it is not my job to issue a press release. That’s a secret thing, because it’s the right thing to do," the former cancer patient replied although he never made any secret of his massive financial support for cancer research.

Armstrong admitted that it ”wasn’t a small amount of money" he had given to the UCI.
Armstrong himself has repeatedly been accused of doping use. Among other things the French newspaper L’Equipe in August 2005 wrote an article about six of his samples from 1999 that had been studied in a scientific experiment with new tests and which showed traces of EPO.

Because of the time period and due to the circumstances surrounding the revelation Armstrong was never a convicted. According to the The Sunday Times the three times Tour de France winner Greg Lemond stated that Armstrong revealed to him in August 2001 that he used EPO. This week on his own website Lemond writes that he believes “most of Floyd Landis’s statements”.

But Landis admites that he has no proof. Armstrong actually managed to win seven Tour de France victories as captain of an unusually clean team. Not a single rider on Armstrong and Bruyneel team were ever revealed as doping offenders. It took more than a decade until a minor Chinese rider a few weeks ago was charged at the couple’s new team RadioShack for using the banned substance clenbuterol. It seems quite impressive when taking in account the wealth of doping cases that has devastated the sport the past decade.

However many have wondered why some of the riders that since switched from Armstrong and Bruyneel team to another team soon eventually would fall into the doping trap. Several of their former teammates have since been convicted, including Roberto Heras, Tyler Hamilton and Floyd Landis.

During last years Tour de France news surfaced that could indicate that the UCI were less strict when it came to controlling the riders of Armstrong and Bruyneel. At the time Armstrong had returned from his temporary retirement in an ambitious attempt to regain the Tour de France in 2009. Of course it was his old friend Bruyneel who brought him to his new team Astana in autumn 2008. With Armstrong and Contador and with a new anti-doping profile the Tour de France organizers showed mercy on the team and invited Astana to partake in the Tour de France 2009.

The road seemed paved and apparently in more senses than one.

During last year’s Tour de France when Contador and Armstrong took the first and third-place the head of the French anti-doping agency Pierre Bordry complained that the UCI doping inspectors showed "laxity" when it came to doping testing Astana riders. According to French sports newspaper L’Equipe UCI inspectors drank coffee with employees of Astana and waited a full hour to test the team’s riders. "There was a little bit of avoiding going on," the French minister of sport Roselyne Bachelot told French TV.

During the same tour the French anti-doping authorities found "suspicious syringes" in Astana’s waste container.

Bruyneel has dismissed the events as a form of witch hunt from the French authorities who allegedly have always been envious of the fact that it was an American – and not a Frenchman – who had taken their precious Tour. This point of view he shares with many of the journalists Weekendavisen have spoken to in connection with this article. They view the allegations as theories of conspiracy.


It may seem ironic that it is precisely the one that Bruyneel actually got fired due to evidence of doping which really gives the Belgian problems.

Vladimir Gusev sued Astana for unfair dismissal and taking the case to sport’s highest legal body CAS. He wins in summer 2008. There was no valid evidence that Gusev had "violated the rules of UCI and/or WADA," as stated in the sentence. As compensation Astana owners is asked to pay the young Russian rider over 650,000 euros in damages. A very considerable amount.

Until now the story has been based on open sources. Here the closed sources begin to take over.
Despite the CAS-decision Gusev experiences that no team wishes to hire him, according to the sources because Bruyneel spread the rumor that the young Russian had stuffed himself with EPO. The compensation which Astana’s owners owed Gusev was also being delayed.

In the spring of 2009 WADA changed the rules which made it possible to test for the kind of EPO, Rasmus Damsgaard told Bruyneel he had found in Russian’s urine sample and get him convicted.
Damsgaard while still working for Astana asked Anne Gripper – who was then leader of the UCI anti-doping office – that she should consider Gusev’s test again according to the new WADA laws. She did as she had been told.

According to the critics this was a crucial mistake. This made UCI vulnerable for charges that the anti-doping work did not work independently of the teams. According to Weekendavisen’s sources UCI actively and on demand from a private team tried to get a rider convicted who had a CAS verdict that his firing was unjustified. They view this as evidence that Bruyneel does indeed get special treatment from UCI.

Gusev and his lawyers got wind of the new initiative and took action. Through a confidential litigation in a civil court in Switzerland they accused UCI of testing samples that were taken in connection with an internal control in Astana. In addition they accused UCI of giving Gusev’s name to the laboratory where the samples according to the law must be anonymised in order to prevent power abuse.
The Swiss Civil Court judged in favor of Gusev and his team. UCI was not allowed to reconsider his samples. The case also came before CAS and sport the highest legal authority reiterated verdict from the civil court.

This case was completed some weeks ago and finally Gusev got his money from Astana’s owners. By now he had won all the trials, but he still had no team, although almost two years had gone by since Astana fired him.

But Gusev had a trump card. He could sue UCI for damages. A new civil trial threatened to be long and expensive and Pat McQuaid devised a plan. According to Weekendavisen’s sources he suggested Gusev a deal. If the Russian did not demand compensation from the UCI, Pat McQuaid would in turn help him find a team. The 27-year-old Russian would rather ride than to spend the rest of his cycling career in the courtrooms. He said yes.

At the beginning of this month Gusev signed contract with the new Russian ProTour team Katusha.

According to Rasmus Damsgaard he himself took initiative to contact the UCI because he believed that Gusev’s EPO result should be reconsidered under the new WADA-laws.

"The fact is that all urine samples followed the usual anti-doping practices and that the tests I was planning on Astana riders were UCI samples. The trails are judged on a wrong basis."

The Danish doctor says he proofed that Gusev was doped.

"I do not believe that Gusev is cleared of the accusations. The Russian is only represented by some talented lawyers who have managed to raise doubts among judges about the technicalities," says Damsgaard. He states that Bispebjeg Hospital where he worked can not be categorized as a private company. It was certified by the UCI to view the samples.

“My work on the bike teams have always been conducted under the condition that all samples were taken, analyzed and evaluated in accordance with WADA and UCI rules," says Rasmus Damsgaard.
Damsgaard believes that the Gusev case should be viewed as a story about doping sinners who was protected by outdated rules.

Weekendavisen’s sources on the other hand says that the case shows that the UCI and the cycling’s top manager can determine who is to ride and not ride. The sources also say that Gusev’s case reveals that Bruyneel, whose riders not until recently has tested positive for doping, has direct influence on UCI’s anti-doping work.

“The current system is not sufficiently transparent and the key roles are not sufficiently independent. The UCI acts as administrator, investigator, prosecutor and judge,” says Martin Hardie an anti-doping expert and lecturer in law at Deakin University in Australia.

“It matches the anonymous samples against the names of riders, decides who will be prosecuted and whether they are guilty. This situation is fraught with legal problems. It also renders the UCI vulnerable to allegations of improper and unfair conduct. Allegations such as these in the Gusev matter reflect serious mistrust in the integrity of the UCI. Proper and transparent processes will protect not only the riders but also the UCI”

Martin Hardie views the Gusev case is yet another example of the tendency which has bothered riders, managers and cycle reporters for a long time: It reveals that some riders can do anything without being punished and other riders are being punished even if they are acquitted.

For example, the International Cycling Union works actively at expanding the prohibition to the whole world which the Spanish rider Alejandro Valverde has recieved against riding in Italy. Valverde was allegedly involved in the case of blood doping known as Operation Puerto in 2006, but he has never been banned by the Spanish Cycling Union. However his compatriot Contador who has worked for Bruyneel until recently whose his initials allegedly were found on some of the many blood bags in 2006 is still free to ride. UCI is not running any campaign against him nor are they pursuing Fränk Schleck from Bjarne Riis’ CSC Team although he also was in involved in Operacion Puerto because he send money to the doctor who is charged with running the illegal program.

From Michael Rasmussen’s case we also know that some riders who are have served their doping convictions are excluded for life while others are allowed to return. Two of these riders play a key role in this year’s Giro d’Italia. One, the Italian Ivan Basso – who in 2007 received a two year ban for his part in Operacion Puerto and apologised after having served his sentence – got a big contract and is riding excellently. The second, Alexander Vinokourov – who also served a two-year sentence – returned to Astana although he made no apology. He also rides incredibly well again.

When the Kazakhstani recently won Liege-Bastogne-Liege, Christian Prudhomme, head of Tour de France – which also organizes the spring classics – said that he is now free to participate in this year’s edition of the Tour de France.

"It’s like in real life. Vinokourov made a mistake, he was punished, he has served his sentence and returned," the director declared.

These principles do not apply to everybody. Michael Rasmussen who unlike Vinokourov has never been tested positive cannot return. Perhaps it is because he continues to complain about these unfair conditions.

”The UCI’s conduct renders it vulnerable to accusations that it plays favourites with those coming back from bans,” the Australian Martin Hardie says.

“Favoritism would be a clear breach of the UCI’s duty to treat all its constituency in a fair and impartial manner. This possibility adds to the concerns of riders who are still subject to a ban that they could be sacrificial lambs, offered to show some evidence of action against doping, while the administrative status quo is preserved.”

Pat McQuaid has assured Weekendavisen two months ago that he does not interfere with whom the ProTour teams employ – or don’t employ. He stated this was when the president was asked to respond to allegations that the UCI is threatening teams who wishes to hire Michael Rasmussen. The Gusev case shows that he himself certainly believes that he has the ability to interfere. It did not take long after Gusev and McQuaid reached their secret agreement before the Russian rider was back in top cycling again.


Weekendavisen has not been able to secure a statement from Pat McQuaid, Johan Bruyneel and Lance Armstrong. 


West Coast Reader

Well it is a summary of all the things many have discussed, but more facts.

Only if the riders step up to pull the noose on this one!

Evan Neck

Andy, I like how you guys here do all this investigative journalism and go after the doping in the sport. However, it seems like you guys are hellbent on crucifying Lance Armstrong and his cronies. Why don’t you focus on more local issues such as the Bunde issues and all the ‘statement’ that was supposed to come out from Jared. Where is the investigative journalism there? Are you guys afraid to look into that since it’s so close to home?

I assume that the interview Nyvelocity did with Allen Lim no longer means anything since Landis implicated him in his email, but Allen was so antidoping in the interview and claimed he didn’t know anything about Landis’ problems when he came to NY last year with CRCA. How about you dig deeper into Allen Lim’s supposed role and see how complicit he was in Floyd’s win?

By just ranting about Lance, overlooking local doping issues, and not examining everyone involved is quite biased.

I am not looking to support Lance. I am objectively looking at the bias against a certain individual that seems to pervade this site.

A new york bike racing fan.

Mohamed Ergopower

Evan Neck, I might be way out here but I think there is at least an argument that the world’s most famous cyclist potentially being a cheat, and the sport’s governing body being complicit in this cheating, is a bigger story than the Bunde issue.


We don’t get paid, so we just do what interests us. I did try to do something with Jared when he first tested positive, but for various reasons it never happened. But for the most part local stuff doesn’t interest me. If someone wants to do something with that we’ll put it up.

Lim’s not responding to my emails now. I have some info, maybe I’ll put something out when it’s more substantial.

We focus on Armstrong/Bruyneel because they influence the entire sport. I don’t think you can say that about anyone else.


The problem with this is that if you support/feel sorry for/ this guy and think he got screwed, then you are hypocritical since this guy worked the system and got away with doping. Sort of what you all accuse LA of. It appears he got caught with CERA on board and the UCI didn’t have the test yet. It doesn’t matter who had the blood, if it is ok to retrospectively test LA’s blood, according to most posters here, then it should be ok to retrospectively test this guy’s blood. He actually got the court to stop any testing and got paid for a positive test! Pretty damn smart! Bottom line, this just shows that cyclists who cheat and get caught can get away with it too, not just those who cheat and don’t get caught.

Hugo Lugo

Isn’t it weird that all the guys on the Armstrong squad have the same looking facial features. With a helmet and glasses on they all look very similar, their cheeks and jawline structure. Levi, Lance, Popo, Landis, even Contador…

Mathieu Lube

Lance is the secret love child of Eddy Merckx, born & bred like Christopher Walken’s character Max Zorin in “View to a Kill.”

You heard it here first.


Can you make sense of the “they offered 1999” response? Seems vague.

So if he checks yes, then they must be continuously testing his samples and coming up negative. That means he doesn’t cheat or stopped before he started checking yes!

As for the UCI being corrupt, I don’t know how this proves it. The guy who was in charge of testing for Astana found a positive, tells the UCI and they want to do a test. So this is corrupt? Sounds like the right thing to do. The story on the press conference is also a perspective deal. If Astana/Bruneel had quietly canned him and it got out later, everyone would have charged them with trying to sweep it under the rug. We all know these large institutions have multiple motives and personal agendas that rule them, however, this seems like nothing.

What of their response to Landis? Unless some one kept records of the test and its destruction (sort of like in the Erin Brochavich movie), we will never really know.

Adrien Clearcoat

just a couple of happy jokers with an internet connection. you shouldn’t take them or this site seriously…nobody else does either!

Mathieu Lube

i thought this site blew the story wide open on sandbagging in the nyc racing scene, did it not?

Lars Internal Routing

… the posting of this article in English – it has a bit of a feel of an Oliver Stone (conspiracy) flick, but it IS odd how some dopers return to the Pro Tour in top form after two year bans and other never return, but race elsewhere. Two facts continue to confound me:

1. Despite the fact that almost every top rider in the last 15 years was found to have doped, ONLY Armstrong has not been caught not has any member of his team been caught while riding for his team. Look at the list of dopers – Ullrich, Basso, Valverde, Vino, Miller, Hamilton, Heras – only Armstrong is clean?

2. How in the world did Contador beat Cancellara to win the final TT in the Tour last year?

West Coast Reader

Remember CERA can be made without the marker.

You just have to find a good biochemist who knows how to do it and there are plenty who can follow the instructions, they just need some raw materials, test tubes, pippets, etc. and in this economy, I bet some will do anything to pay the bills.

Florian Rear Entry

“Isn’t it weird that all the guys on the Armstrong squad have the same looking facial features. With a helmet and glasses on they all look very similar, their cheeks and jawline structure. Levi, Lance, Popo, Landis, even Contador…”

Don’t forget the oddly white lips!

Amine Limit Screw

back to landis:

if he were truly clearing his conscience, absent of all other motivations, he’d be noble.

but, what if he’d gotten a pro tour ride (from bruyneel, or otherwise) after the 2 year ban? would he have dropped the bomb he did this past week? i doubt it.

so, it seems to me spite has motivated him, not noblesse (sp?), nor a real desire to clear his conscience.

Jeff Novitzky

Floyd’s motives = inconsequential

I agree, If he had gotten the $$$ or a Pro Tour ride he would have gone quietly…but he didn’t and now he’s gone beserker…. If and when a criminal case is launched by the FDA, Floyd’s motives will not register. The only thing the Federal Agents will care about is hard evidence and witness corroboration. If there is a money trail and corroborative testimony, L.A. is going to have problems. I know Lance and his ex-wife are good friends and all, but I don’t see her going to jail for the guy. Her testimony or lack of cooperation is going to be significant. One point I’m hazy on…if all the blood doping occurred in Europe, doesn’t this fall outside of U.S. jurisdiction?

What Floyd has successfully done is brought Federal Agent Jeff Novitzky into the fold…he put Marion Jones in prison and he has Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens on the ropes. I think Novitzky’s track record compares favorably with Lance’s Tour record. “I want a good clean fight…you fellas know the rules…LET’S GET IT OOONNNNN!!!”

Tugboat from Above

if Tyler will crack next? What’s he doing now? Working at the Massachusett’s 7-Eleven?

Jeff Novitzky

Floyd’s motives = inconsequential

I agree, If he had gotten the $$$ or a Pro Tour ride he would have gone quietly…but he didn’t and now he’s gone beserker…. If and when a criminal case is launched by the FDA, Floyd’s motives will not register. The only thing the Federal Agents will care about is hard evidence and witness corroboration. If there is a money trail and corroborative testimony, L.A. is going to have problems. I know Lance and his ex-wife are good friends and all, but I don’t see her going to jail for the guy. Her testimony or lack of cooperation is going to be significant. One point I’m hazy on…if all the blood doping occurred in Europe, doesn’t this fall outside of U.S. jurisdiction?

What Floyd has successfully done is brought Federal Agent Jeff Novitzky into the fold…he put Marion Jones in prison and he has Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens on the ropes. I think Novitzky’s track record compares favorably with Lance’s Tour record. “I want a good clean fight…you fellas know the rules…LET’S GET IT OOONNNNN!!!”

Noa Seattube

for f-ck’s sake, having the feds involved in investigating people using their own blood/pharma to ride bikes faster in their underwear in europe is a g-ddamn joke. our tax dollars at work, sweet.


and Marion Jones went to prison for lying under oath, not doping. When she was asked to testify about BLCO. So the comparison pales.

Ermanno Compliant

feds involved because illegal use of prescription drugs. just like they’d be involved if they were to uncover a ring of people using/distributing oxycontin, or whatnot.

Ernesto Skidmark

Can’t we get back to local shit like sandbagging. For instance, what’s up with Steve Magyera. Twelve top 5 finishes in CRCA Cat 4 races over the past 14 months including 2 wins. Is he waiting until he’s “comfortable” with upgrading like Lez?

Noa Seattube

tx, understood. as a cheap f-ck, the idea still disgusts me. if people think that’s a worthy use of their tax dollars, i’d like to be able to opt out. absolute and total waste of human and financial resources.

Noa Seattube

ernesto, back in the day 3 wins was (pretty much) an auto upgrade to As – no one won 3 and stayed in the Bs. any racer worth his salt went up after two.

seems like theyre are a couple of d-bags last couple of sees w/ 2+ wins that didn’t upgrade … 4s that’s up to y’all to police.

(nothing to fear. 3s is just the news 4s, anyhow)

“Who does not belong in the list: Contador, Schleck or Armstrong?”

dude, thats an amibiguous captcha if ever ive seen one. (and i still like spam and think crank fits perfectly well with the other components)

jammet's undigested bacon

race with the 1’s is scaring all of the sand-baggers from upgrading. most of the winners are old blokes with 3 kids and a mortgage. they turn into mid-field fodder in the 1-2-3’s. the 23 year-old winners in the 4’s move up before anyone has a chance to complain.

now back to dirty deals…

Adam Nipple

Our tax dollars went to sponsor the team so that they could purchase the drugs, pay the doctors, and win the races.

Yeah, it would be funny if they got busted for a FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) violation.

Palla Rim

So if Floyd’s blackmail worked and his team got into the TOC do you think he would have come clean?


Crazy stuff. I guess they would have to find the supplier to get it all started. Has Floyd named anyone but Lance/Bruyneel as supplier? Who gave it to him all the rest of the time? It is usually the supplier/prescriber that the the FDA can go after. Who would sue in a civil case? Maybe a class action suit by cyclist who were disappointed to learn that Lance cheated. That will work.

Niccolo Ergopower


David Pulley

as this and the landis story show us its not about those on the bike but those off the bike doing the deals, the coverups, breaking the rules

we need to clean out this mafia if we want a clean cycling

Jeff Novitzky

The comparison is valid…Unless you are suggesting Lance will admit to Federal investigators under oath that he doped. Then he will not face any prison time…or will he? Since the U.S. Postal team was funded by U.S. tax payers, any misappropriation of tax payer funds will be met with…you guessed it, jail time. (buying doping products = misappropriation) If Lance should testify that he NEVER participated in any form of doping during his Postal years, he will be prosecuted for perjury and face….yes, jail time.
Lance can not intimidate, threaten or outspend the Federal gov’t. His junk is in a vice and Uncle Sam is about to start turning the handle. As far as the money many of us spent on the Floyd Fairness Fund is concerned, I have spent waaay more on Lance Armstrong books, DVD’s and magazines with him on the cover than I spent going to Floyd’s preposterous town hall meeting. At least at Floyd’s shin dig there was quality beer served, which made his b.s. a bit more palatable that night.

Hugo Chainline

I gave $ to Landis, not believing any of the clean shit, but because I wanted him to fight the corrupt powers that be…so stop the Floyd Fraud BS…he knew/knows the system and tried to take them on while still believing he could stay within…he knows better now!!! All doped riders should come clean, amnesty is needed for the riders, but not the UCI/Verbruggen, McQuaid!!!!!!

Baptiste Threadlock

Apparently, Armstrong had his team doc put even stitches in his face in the team bus rather than going to the hospital.

Is that suspicious? Seems bizarre to me, especially for a public figure.

Kyllian Internal Routing

why would not going to doctor be odd? you dont think some troll like yourself would like to sabotage him? if i were him i would take his millions and be far away from you retards.

Baptiste Threadlock

Wow, did I touch a tender spot there? Put simply, if I needed someone to sew up my face, I’d want to have it done in a hospital. Seems like a completely sensible thing to do. And how exactly does going to a doctor ‘sabotage’ an athlete, retard?

not a retard

There are a lot of things to point fingers at him for, but if he needs stitches and he has his own doctor, the side show of a hospital would seem pretty stupid. Presumably the guy is qualified.


Why would LA be in front of a criminal prosecutor? And why would he have control over US Postal $$, he was an employee, not in charge of money or its expenditure. After he got paid if he bought drugs, it was his money by then. So it is a dumb comparison. If they find someone who “sold” or prescribed drugs and charge that person. Lance could be a witness. But all he would have to do is plead the 5th and it is over, maybe guilt, no jail or fine.

Julien Fork

LA was, with Thom Wesiel, part-owner of Tailwaind Sports. Tailwind was the management company behind USPS Cycling.

Jeff Novitzky

Lance was not an employee…he was a 50% owner of the team during the Landis years This is why he had control over the U.S. Postal money. It appears Lance’s desire to be in control of everything may come back to bite him in the ass…this is not a dumb comparison…and it is not going away and L.A. is not going to survive this. His greed and his desire for constant validation brought him out of retirement. Had he stayed retired the Landis confession may not have attracted the interest of the FDA and Federal prosecutors…
“Pride precedes a disaster, and an arrogant attitude precedes a fall” Proverbs 16:18 hey look at me quoting scripture….sweeeeet


it’s possible that he just likes racing bikes… of course no one around here likes racing bikes past age 38

Thomas Pain

evidence that the floyd story has run it’s course. can we get back to some old-fashioned smack talk about sand bagging, sketchy riders tec

Jeff Novitzky

The Floyd story has run its course…Now its time for Lance to tell his story in front of the Feds. Who needs scripture when there a Greek tragedy being written?

Julien Fork

This is all about credibility. Who do you believe. Right now Floyd had little to no credibility. It wasn’t that long ago he was telling everyone he was innocent of doping. Now he changes his mind and throws out a bunch of accusations. It comes down to his word against those he has accused. It is very hard to now believe anything he says.

I have to ask why people keep believing the tests on what are believed to be, again there is no proof, Armstrong’s blood samples from ’99? There are strict rules that need to be followed to call a sample positive. Those rules were obviously not followed, so it is not possible to call them positive.

I think it is funny that Lim is not answering Andy’s emails.

Lance and his team mates, as well as most pro cyclists, all have similar looking faces because when you get that skinny your face looks like that.

The allegation that Bruyneel and the UCI are working closely as to who get sanctioned for doping is an interesting one. I think the UCI will fight this one very vigorously as they have lots to lose. If this allegation is proven to be true lots of sanctioned riders would have a motive to sue for big bucks.

This allegation does not surprise me as every time we hear of a famous rider getting caught we learn of just how dumb the entire dope testing process is. Not because the dope testing is bad but because there are very important protocols in place to guarantee things are done right, but those protocols are routinely broken and then written off as being minor mistakes. That just leads to people not having faith in the results. I really want to see the protocols followed to the letter when there is a public accusation of doping. That way there is no doubt in the results.

I don’t believe that if Armstrong is found guilty of doping during his postal years he will get convicted of misappropriating federal funds. The postal service paid for advertising, and that’s what they got. Everyone agrees they got their money’s worth. Unless there is proof that the team was paying for the doping directly, nothing will come of this. LA has shown that if nothing else he is smart enough to hire smart people who will advise him on what he should can should not do. Or more accurately, what he can and cannot get away with doing. 🙂

I doubt LA will be convicted of anything. Simply because it is his word against those of others who have questionably credibility or have no proof to back up their claims.

LA is probably guilty of doping, but since he has been smart and can afford to hire good doctors, he has not been caught. Right now I would not place a short term bet that LA will be caught doping, but in the long run I am sure solid proof will come out showing he doped.

For the person asking why LA did not get sewn up at the hospital, I have to ask why would he? What valid reason would there be to do that? If you have a private doctor that can do it at your convenience, why would you go to the ER to get what is really a simple procedure done? Anyone who has been to an ER knows it is not a pleasant experience and if you can avoid it, you should. I’m sure that if you had a private doctor at your beck and call you too would just get sewn up by your doctor instead of going to the hospital.

For those of you who want local content, I believe Magyera should stay a B as long as he is a cat 4. He should stay a cat 4 as long as he wants to and can. Why rush the upgrade? Staying a 4 give him an opportunity to race at the top of his category. Something he earned. Once he becomes a 3 he will probably not be winning as much as often.

Julien Fork

Thanks Andy for getting this story and sharing it. I’m sure that there is a lot written by the European press that we don’t hear about here in the US. Here most, not all, reports just want to kiss LA’s ass and stay on his good side.

Niccolo Saddlesore

Is there anything more to the idea that LA’s retirement was really a (voluntary) suspension?


Nice work Andy. You guys are finding AND putting out some great stuff (not just Toto). You are making Velonews look silly…VN is turning into another Bicycling magazine.

I agree with Julien Fork- Let Steve M race with the B’s…it is not like he is killing it week in and week out. And he is pretty new to the road scene

Cosimo Fork

It does make sense for Lance not to go to a hospital and see his Doctor of choice. He was out of the race and that face makes him the sponsor money. If it had been Jens, he would have stitched himself with the rear brake cable (not needed)once he rejoined the lead group.

Chris King

Who cares about the self-absorbed, jealous, insular world of pro-cycling beyond the races? What a frickn’ grade F Soap Opera. Twittering, blogging holier than though pseudo journalists and ?fans? are acting like a pack of rabid hyenas.

I’m enjoying watching the sport eat itself alive Fuel the fire, bring on the witch hunt. But protect and ignore the grass roots level at all cost even if it’s dirtier than a mangy dog. :/

Ermanno Compliant

way too long. seriously ridiculous. btw, how credible is floyd? about as much as lance.

West Coast Reader

Spoiler Alert, Alejandro Valverde has been banned world-wide starting Jan 1, 2010 (yea Jan. 1st 2010). So he’ll be back for the 2012 season. All his wins prior to Jan 1st 2010 are his to keep, although his 2010 wins placings might/will get stripped soon?

Even though we knew his blood bag was Piti, I still didn’t think they’d pull the ban trigger due to how many more are still left on that list! Then there’s the other half of the list that was conveniently vanished by the Spanish fed’s. WTF?

Disgusted Fan

Gusev joined Astana, which was started by Vino, who tested positive in ’07. JB takes over Astana and hires Damsgaard, who reformed CSC, which is run by “Mr. 60%.” JB is apparently BFF’s with Lance, who tested positive at the Tour de Suisse, then paid Hein (I heard $500,000?) to keep quiet.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Richard Veronkadonk

I think y’all just said about everything there is to say today. I’m commentless.


Jones was at the pinnacle of athletic achievement. Her fall from grace, though, is what she is unfortunately best known for. In 2000, Jones won five Olympic medals. In 2008, Jones was sent to jail for lying about drug use. I found this here: Marion Jones reflects on new life track in her book Jones covers the prison sentence, as well as her athletic career, in “On The Right Course.”

Bastien Steerer

in 2007 Gusev rode for Discovery Channel, and came over with Bruyneel and others after the end of the 2007 season.

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