2007 Crankies Nominations

Section head text.

Here’s step two in the Crankies. The nominations. You have to log in for this step, so it’s not anonymous this week. And please don’t bother setting up a phony account, because we can get rid of those too.

This is your chance to be nice, or at the very least you will have to be snarky in person on the internet. Look over last week’s “categories” for inspiration. But what we’re looking for here is the usual stuff: rider of the year, ride of the year, dreamiest internet editor with a NYC Ladies’ sprint championship; and then a name. You get the picture.

So, to recap, it goes: category, name.

Please try to get it right, we’re trying to avoid another week of trying to justify our existence.



i’m just trying to encourage more people to ride the A field at floyd this year. i will, so i guess misery loves company (disclosure, I’m 35).

there’s a lot of strong 35+ riders, whether they’re 3’s or not i don’t know. i got consitently beat in the 3/4 field and expect no difference in the 123.

Chris M

Ah, leave it to Shaw to make that determination, having bitch-slapped the field last season for a win from the back of the pack coming around the next to last turn. 🙂

I hear you Shaw, but would point out that the team dynamic is more interesting (and fun for all) when the teams have full force in effect, and this might have been squashed had a few of the 35+ guys moved up to the 123 field, leaving just a few guys per field from the teams with numbers. Might be diff this year though – esp if we see peer pressure and encouragement from folks – you included! I’d be game to get my ass kicked with you in the fast field for shits and giggles once I get a 3 upgrade…

Most Uphill Crashes

on Harlem Hill goes to the entire Cat 5 field (so happy I was never the one to take someone down).


sandbaggers? how about all the 35+ cat 3’s racing the easy race at floyd. the 123 fields seemed tiny this year. c’mon boys it’s just a few laps longer.

Ben H

What about Will R. not getting the upgrade from 4 to 3 after winning 3 of 4 stages and the overall at GMSR. He went on to crush the 3 field and moved quickly to 2.


i have to chime in for Harris being denied the up grade to cat 2 mid year (crazy) cloe second is Rodger Aspholm being denied the upgrede to cat 1 (if he is not a 1 i will never be)


That is actually true. Stupid, but true.
A friend of mine was riding up to the Berkshires with a few of his clients that Friday and asked me to come along. Since I have a house only a few miles south of where they were going I decided to join them. Though a 125 mile ride turned into a 140 mile ride because my buddy broke his cleat and we had to find a shop around Fishkill.
Next day, drove 40 min north to Ravena, NY for the Capital Region RR. Felt like crap the entire 72 miles and had nothing for the final sprint. The next day I woke up and couldn’t move. Was completely exhausted for the next 3 weeks and had to cancel GMSR. I will ride to my house again, but I will never race the day after. Total rookie mistake. One of many things I learned last year.

I stole the name

from Andy or Dan or whoever it was that came up with it on this site on one of the race reports. So no credit to me.

2 late entries

Most Likely to tell a made up story in a race: Olsen for his I rode 140 miles to be here:
Most gullible to beleive such a flagrant whopper of a lie: ROYALPOTTY (great name by the way)

Tony S

Stoffel, you sure Olsen rode from NYC? I think he has a house near Albany, maybe he rode from there to the race?

Longest bike ride to take part in a race

Gregg Olsen to Albany to take part in the NY Capital Region Road Race. 9 Hour ride – 140 miles. I think he still managed a top 20 or top 25 in the CAT3 race.

don't want to turn this into a gay chatsite*

by giving props to a specific guy, like Mike Green, so how about the "props" award to the CRCA board (which includes women) plus Charlie I and John Campo

Also — I’m pretty sure that CRCA had at least one Met finish in the early 1990s — Ben Wolf arranged it I think. Then in the late 1990s it was talked about but not done.

*not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I'll bite

And nominate Adler for the Team Adler award. I don’t really know what Adler’s about, but have heard they’re a shoe-in for it.


"and whoever first suggested putting the finish line behind the Met."

That was suggested many years ago (1998?) and was even planned. But I think Marc Mauceri, as CRCA dir. of racing, finally made it happen– I think.

mike green

Most Helpful volunteers at Open Races –
Richard Reyle did an exceptional job of organzing his crew to do registration at Harlem. He did a lot of the work himself. With a large day of turnout, this was a challenge and Richard deserves a lot of credit. Bruce Weyman also deserves special mention.
Jane Kenyon deserves special mention for her help in 2005.
Tara Parsons has been a great help with the Nancy Morgenstern Memorial.

Wendy Nickerson deserves special mention for her help with Fall Bear Mtn and Chris Uglietta for the Spring.

John Tomlinson also gets special mention. He’s prepared the flyers for all of the races for at least 2 years and maintains the crca web site and the crcanet yahoo grroup. And his knowledge of racing in the region for the last 15 years is invaluable.

Credit is solely due Marc Mauceri for making the Met finish happen.. It was his idea and he pushed to make it happen. Credit is due Marc also for the Harlem Hill points race and the west side finish. Marc also wants to do a reverse direction Bear Mtn race.
The Maltese Team race was my idea. Having CRCA co-sponsor Harlem race was also my decision. David Walker asked us to help in 2005. The board was not enthusiastic. Some wanted nothing to do with it. JT was worried that another open race would burn out the open race director(me). I said we’ll do it and that was that. Nancy Morgenstern Memorial Race was also my idea althlough a Fall Bear had been done in 2000. It would have been nice to revive some other past races. Looking through JT’s old pictuires is fascinating. A crit in Union Square, yes this really happened , Ordhard Beach, Flushing Meadow road and cross races, a national caliber race in Oyster Bay….


See? That’s how it’s done. Thank you Justin. Of course you do have an ocean between youself and the wingnuts here.

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