NYVC stickers

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We finally done it! We’ve sold out! Or at least we’re trying to. We now have merchandise! Stickers to be precise, so now you can add our site’s name to your steed or to your wheels or to any other item that requires NYVC co-branding. We’re starting small with stickers, but if this works out, and we get on a "merch" roll, we may move up to other thing like water bottles, hats, or even coffins—just like KISS!

We don’t have a fancy fulfillment office yet, but if you want a sticker or two, email me schmalz@nyvelocity.com, and like any deal involving illicit merchandise, I will give you instructions on how to pay and get your stickers. (Hint: it involves PayPal.) The recommended minimum donation is $2, but that’s just a suggestion—feel free to give as much as you want, as all proceeds go to keep the lights on at NYVC.

Actual sticker is not blurry, just glossy, die cut and cool. And please don’t try to get my bank account number from the background. And I know the picture is crappy, who am I, Andy Shen?




B. Historicus

I look forward to “pulling through” by contributing, as you once put it.

However, given that I often imbibe my morning macchiato from a cherished “Whose your elder?” mug, I am perplexed that you say you’ve “finally” sold out:


Well done, in any case.


Maybe in the future? Not sure if there are any extras laying around. We have to sell some stickers to be able to afford to make extras next year.

Mathias Ferrule

it’s not like the team is exclusive, it’s pretty simple–

you want to wear jort bibs, you join the team

West Coast Reader

Yea, Site Kits would be cool as long as its not like that pastel/yin-yang Kit Schmalz wears or is that it?

Anyway, do it! Get King to review the design first though the tough crowd as well. I’m thinking something with some anti-Omerta propaganda as well. Maybe a Pro-Omerta version as well since they seem to also be on here en-mass, I mean if you want to make some money you gotta cover the whole spectrum, if not I’ll settle for the Anti-Omerta version. Toto is a must on it, just not like that shirt you had at Interbike though, too cheesy.

marketing expert

you guys would be able to sell a lot more stuff within the cycling community if the team were branded separately from the site. i would buy a t-shirt, stickers, and whatever else, but i don’t want to be associated with the team.


All in due time. We talked about it and we’re pretty sure we can’t sell any toto related items. Using faces for satire is completely different than selling merchandise with the faces of others on it.

B. Historicus

Nothing to do with reverse peristalsis, I can assure you!

I believe the poster refers to your original, classic logo, which had a distinctively more graffiti-like appearance than the current version. A “throw-up,” if I remember my 1980s urban vernacular correctly – no promises on that front! – is a piece of graffito that is slightly more elaborate than a tag, yet not as expansive as a piece.

Johann V.S.

Original logo was actually available as a t-shirt, sweatshirt, race-bag, etc on Cafe Press years ago, on the back was a drawing of a helmetless long-haired cyclist sporting pretty serious legs. Someone once told me the model for that cyclist drawing was bald as a Qball.

Quentin Plug

Throw Up is what results from Tagging…they are the same essentially…just don’t be Toy…
I will ask Zephyr if he can distunguish further.


papa bear

let me get this straight: the website where people anonymously sling shit at each other is selling stickers? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this site is like the lastest trashy reality TV show; few people publicly announce that they watch it.

papa bear

anyone who’s thinking of buying this, remember that it’s akin to telling the world that you religiously follow The Real Housewives of New Jersey…and all that such an admission implies.


is right.

Piece>Throw up>Tag

A piece is the most elaborate, the throw up is usually your Tag written in big bold letters, filled with color but usually not- perhaps even given a slight 3D effect, and then a tag is you taking your paint marker, and scribbling your tag (your name) on a wall. the back of a Zephyr jersey has a tag on it.

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