This bike came directly from the Mellow Jimmy’s shop. Imagine it, this bike was packed by a guy who probably met the guy who was hired by the man himself! It IS like getting a bike directly from bicycling heaven! But that’s enough gushing about how cool this bike is, let’s start talking about how cool this bike is to ride! The first thing you notice before you swing your leg over the top bar is that this bike looks fast. It has stripes that go around all the tubes and stuff (and the NYVC strip doesn’t hurt either, of course), and it has white bar tape which looks really pro whether you ride over Belgium cobbles or over the speed bumps at suburban strip malls. But what will cause a rise in your spandex is the way the bike rides.
It’s hard to find enough synonyms for awesomely sick in the thesaurus to describe the way this bike rides. The bike climbs like Bear Grylls on crack. It works the corners like one of Eliot Spitzer’s gal pals. It sprints like Perez HIlton after Britney’s open trash can. Every pedal stroke gets transfered through the head tube, there’s no wasted energy. When you sitting and spinning, every press of the pedals thrusts your arse forward like a shock from a cattle prod.
But it’s not just the bike that gets the latest technology, there’s also some tech bling on the handlebars. The bike comes with the latest Trek computer. And if you look in the top corner, now you know how a certain someone keeps it real with his peeps while out on the road.
So if you want to slay your competition like a Ork at a Hobbit convention, you should add this carbon excalibur to your quiver of two wheeled WMDs.
Check back soon for our review of the bike after we take it out for a spin. It’s sure to be an epic five bagel shop jaunt across Ridgewood, NJ!
is this Pez Cycling News?
Love IT!
Kind of like the number pin incident last year?
remarks in Toto?
With Trek decals…obviously
Schmalz… is this the best you can do for April 1st?
What is NYCV? Was this bike meant for Andrew’s NYC Velo?
Cure Cancer…or saddle sores?
My ass hurts and I’m not sure why?
Most of the 1’s in metro-sanchez/spin-pollo area ride Treks.
Happy April 1st, hope Gene Hackman isn’t looking this way.
April fools, all of you!
to get my Central Park Roubaix game to work!!!
does in come in black and yellow?