Interbike ’07: Paint

Section head text.

Schmalz snark in parentheses again.



Never heard of t16 before, but its sexy! More in a Lance kind of way though obviously – not so much Cippolini there.


Clearly the reviewer has all the taste and sophistication one would expect from Iowa-river-town-trash, or perhaps a stay-at-home dad from NJ.


I first experimented with liquid paint while studying with the Mexican muralist Siqueiros in the mid 30’s. Benton was years earlier.


Benton said the most important thing he taught you was to drink a fifth of whiskey each day, everything that came after was just technique…


Benton said the most important thing he taught you was to drink a fifth of whiskey each day, everything that came after was just technique…


I first experimented with liquid paint while studying with the Mexican muralist Siqueiros in the mid 30’s. Benton was years earlier.


Never heard of t16 before, but its sexy! More in a Lance kind of way though obviously – not so much Cippolini there.

Jackson Pollock

Clearly the reviewer has all the taste and sophistication one would expect from Iowa-river-town-trash, or perhaps a stay-at-home dad from NJ.

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