Interbike ’06: Paint

Section head text.

I’ll just go ahead and admit it – I love paint jobs. That’s not a revolutionary or even original concept, but it seems that marketing has won the battle of the bike. It seems to me making a pretty paint job has been supplanted by just having a big old logo on your bike. I weep for cycling.

Schmalz in italics.

Photos and copy Arone Dyer.



Dammit why flowers? Don’t we get called pansies enough without actually having pansies painted onto the things?

chris Y

"Oy, it’s like Tron vomited on this frame…"

thank you for that…I laughed out loud…and normally I hate u bastards!


Did you actually talk to the people at Trialtir? If you did, you’d know that the Limited Edition Colnago is distinctly un-masculine because it was created for the man’s wife.

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