#6 Balance Lunge

Section head text.

The seventh in a series by Scot Willingham.

@##=#<1,R>@##=#6 Balance Lunge

Muscles worked:
Primary: Gluteus maximus, Quadriceps, Hamstrings
Secondary: Gluteus medius and minimus, Adductor Magnus
Tertiary: Lateral muscles of the hip, lower leg compartment, ankle

Equipment: Bench or STEP or Swiss ball or chair

Roll to your hands and knees and get up off the floor. Stand near a support (your choice) on both feet with the bench about 2 feet behind you. (If you are tall or short, this distance will vary) Make sure that it is stable. Stand on one leg and reach back with the other and put the top of your foot on the bench. The back leg will rest on the bench.
You should be in a slightly stretched out lunge position. Bend your front leg keeping your upper body and focus up. Straighten the leg back up to your starting position. The leg should extend all the way, but do not lock out your knee or push up so forcefully that you pop the joint. BAD.
Try not to push down on the bench with the back leg. You are working the front leg. Don’t help it. Also, when you bend the knee, your knee should not extend out beyond your toe. If it does you need to move a little further away from the bench.
Do 12 to 15 repetitions.

Advanced version: Put your front foot on a 6”x 1’ 1/2 roller.

More advanced version: Add weight in the working side’s hand.

Even more advanced version: Combine the above two versions.