March To Greatness

Section head text.

….And we’re back…..

Greetings everyone – February has just about finished passing like a kidney stone through the urinary tract of my day-to-day life and I for one am rather excited that this weekend is the beginning of race season. Nothing more fun than standing in sub-freezing temperatures in Central or Prospect Park with groups of lycra clad men, many of whom are out of shape and rusty from a Winter’s worth of pizza and sausage (or salad if you lean that way) and about to thrust themselves rapidly in circles.

That being said, it’s great to be on the cusp of another race season. It’s as if a little bit of our lives has been put on hold while we pass the time shoveling or shivering. But the days are slowly starting to grow longer and the rain now falling outside is melting and washing away what may be the last of the Winter’s snow.

The long break from racing, I think my last race was in October, has whetted my appetite to return and I look forward to seeing familiar faces and chatting before a race. Amateur bike racers, because whether we like to admit it or not that’s what we are, are a funny bunch and there’s a bond between us that gets shaken awake when race time comes. It’s also a pleasure to look around and see the faces of men whose wheels you know are safe to follow or who you know ride hard all the time. Bike racing is a nice little chunk of my life and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to do it as often as I can.

In typical assbackwards fashion I entered Grant’s Tomb without checking with my friends on Organic and signed up for the 3/4 field. Upon hearing that they all went with the 4 field, I signed up for that too. Therefore I get to race twice on March 15th. It could be a great day or I could get blown out the back twice in a row, who knows? What I do know is that by toeing the line with the other riders I’m making the statement that I want to be in the race, that regardless of the outcome, this is a little chunk of my life that is simple. In that sense, racing is an escape from the rigors of daily life – time commitments, other people’s deadlines, needful situations, etc. – all fall away when the moto pulls away and everyone clicks into the pedals. For that bit of time nothing, absolutely nothing, else matters but the road, the field and the finish line.

Another race that I signed up for is Battenkill-Roubaix. This 56 mile festival of fun takes place in Salem, NY about 3.5 hrs. away. The course has the ability to be rocky, rooty, muddy and nasty. I rode it last year and by mile 8 I was prepared to throw my bike into the woods and click-click-click my way home, but in usual bike racing fashion, I hooked up with other dropped riders and we rode together for the lionshare of the race. It was there that I met a fellow rider from Avenue A-Razorfish. Actually he yelled his name at me and told me to ride with him, “We Work! We Work Together!” was the direct quote. The next 40 miles passed rather uneventfully. I hope this year it goes a little bit better.

Enough of my blather – good luck to all racing this weekend and for the weeks and months to come…..

We’re lucky men and women to have a pursuit such as this.