Hopeful Friday 6/29/12


Schmalz is in Chicago, where I hope he’s eating some Harold’s Fried Chicken (33 across!). Here’s this week’s Hopeful, lemme know if I missed something.

Saturday we have the CRCA Central Park Classic, who knows the Tom Waits joke about the crack of dawn?

Also Saturday is the Tour de Medford.

Sunday sees my favorite format of the weekend, WS United’s Dash for Cash, 40 laps with 40 sprints for $20! 

Thanks for the opportunity to post about fried chicken, crosswords, and Tom Waits on a bike racing site. *cough* Tina Fey *cough*



Gaetan Brazeon

or, would anyone except these guys be so helpful, and is that maybe why it’s news-worthy, dick?


No, the story is news-worthy beacause the gentleman was over 500lbs. Also, your over-use of the comma is troubling.


“Dick”! is your nickname. Please don’t get confused. Oh, sorry I forgot – “small” go in front of that


Would LA Racers Be As Helpful? How about Chicago racers?–would they be as helpful? Although the real question is whether those jerk racers in Topeka would be as helpful.

Wheelie Bro

“where I hope he’s eating some Harold’s Fried Chicken (33 across!)”

Can someone tell me what 33 across is in reference to Harold’s Fried Chicken?

Andy Shen

Today’s NYTimes Crossword. Harold’s is the best most disgusting fried chicken in the world, a Chicago south side institution.

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