It was an action packed weekend of racing, so I shall waste no time in providing the access to the results you desire.
At Harlem Jake Keogh of the UnitedHealthcare Professional Cycling Team won the pro race ahead of Emile Abraham of the Rossetti Devo Cycling Team and brother Luke Keogh of Team Mountain Khakis/SmartStop, prompting me to mention that the brothers hail from Sandwich, MA, and as true Sandwichers they surrounded Mr. Abraham on the podium.
Laura Van Gilder of Mellow Mushroom won the women’s 1/2/3 race. Chase Goldstein of Arc Racing won the cat 2/3 race. Gerard Yeates won the masters 35+ race. Anthony Taylor of Dave Jordan Coaching won the masters 45+ race. Michael Anderson of siggi’s/NYVelocity won the cat 4 race. Results are here. Photos are here and here, with more photos certainly to come.
At the Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup on Saturday, Scott Savory of GS Mengoni won the pro/1/2/3 race. Austen Galea of GBSC/Carl Hart won the cat 4 race, and Sebaj Adele of Major Taylor won the cat 5 race. Results are here.
At the CRCA power points race on Saturday, Adam Alexander of Foundation won the A race. Stefan Singer of siggi’s/NYVelocity won the B race. Owen Caprell of Sids Bikes won the C race. Results are here. Photos are here.
Homepage photo courtesy Victor Chan.
Video of the Men’s 2/3 field (prior to the 15 minute intermission due to a crash) is available here: http://team.sixcycle.com/2012/06/17/harlem-crit/
He won the 35+ in Harlem with a one day license. Cat 5?
I actually hold a UCI Master 2 lic!
Old school Canadian who has been throwing it down since Cadet days.
Gerard Yeates is a seasoned rider from Canada, he has been racing for years at the Elite level..
what is the name of the housing that looks like cable ends put together?
there are a few companies that do it. Nokon is probably the best and most used
Gerard to Mengoni
We always have to be different… with the USCF, miles vs kilo’s.
Anyone is eligible for a UCI licence, but they cost $90. You do however get a road/CX/MTB licence all in one. a regular road licence doesnt not let your race MTB
This may be one of the most absurd things I have ever read…
I may go out and hit 130 mph in my car and then sue Infiniti if I get caught since the speedometer goes up to 130
Ah, well that explains that interestingly worded e-mail from the Strava owners I recently got.
What’s up with FBF yesterday. I can count on two hands and two feet how many riders were in the 123 field. Must be the price hike…go figure.
Lots of guys racing out of town.
On a different note. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1Yvfrjw5xQ
Inson Wood
17 hours ago via Twitter
Becoming a “Broadcaster is a lot of responsibility.” Thats 8000 people who are affected by my posts everyday. http://t.co/hUHFH6sf
FBF Results. Here are the results and updated overall standings for last night’s race:
Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club
Racing the 3/4 field. C’mon guys. Some of you need to be in the big boy field.
schmalz that crash video is nuts!
what happened, guy in front overlap wheels/accidentally hooked?
i love the grunt from when the camera rider ran over or maybe bunny hopped the fallen rider. “oooopmh….”
Not really sure what happened, looks like a mishap due to close quarters.
Deno’s Wonder Wheel team raced like pussies in the FBF 3/4 race yesterday. They had 6 guys in the field, no representation in the break, and they still couldn’t get organized to chase. They suck!!
Anyone calling people pussy in here should be brave enough to post with your name. You are the real pussy for posting that comment anonymously.
Looks like the guy who went down was simply not protecting his front wheel. Guy in blue moves left, crasher doesn’t notice and BAM, down goes Frazier. The Bauer guy pays a big price for someone else not paying attention.
Ken here, for the WW team. We were mildly disappointed without a top ten spot last night despite the windy conditions and having (not 6) 8 guys in Charlie’s 3/4 Tuesday night training race. The names are Marc, Dennis, Chris, Tony,Nate, two Johns and Ken. JJ smoked the field sprint, The break of two worked well to succeed. Congrats. In the 1/2/3 race we are happy for WW Doug getting a spot. Looking forward to Dan’s report. Our team represents our sponsor on and off the bike. We vouch for them all. One thing about publicity, at least the anonymous posters spelled our name right. Everyone has an opinion.
Well played Ken.
Wonder Wheel has riders who were winning races when Floyd Bennett was a full-service airport. Show a little respect!
I thought Kenny and his crew raced well, they made all the important splits and if they had gone with the initial break I tend to think there would have been more chasing to bring it back.In the end they conducted themselves like gentlemen and raced safe.
Eddie B
Ken and crew always keep it classy. Plus, their motor is 50+ and races 123.
but why were you guys racing 3/4, instead of 123?
are the best. Nicest guys in the peloton. Miss yall
I agreed with most of the WW cheesing here. That said I did observe a WW rider threaten to “fuck up” Olsen at Rockleigh last week, to which Olsen retorted that he “has had shits bigger than” said WW rider. All in all, it was a superb exchange.
What is a top of the line racing bicycle to purchase for criterium and road racing? I am little bit confused with all the reviews and specs out there. Money is no problem, my budget is $8,000.
How dare Greg! No one “de-digests” bigger racer-sized nuggets than I!
Is Wonder Wheel similar to Wonder Bra???
Florian, which WW rider are you anonymously reporting dialog on ,Ken
Don’t know his name, tall and skinny guy with an accent.
Wonder Wheel to Victoria’s Secret
look through the names. a lot of strong 3’s sandbagging in the 3/4 race. shame on you all. get yer ass in the 123s!
Never! (You were talking about me, right?)
here’s the original version of that conversation. a classic:
I said strong cat 3s Dan 🙂
Sometimes its fun to be at the front Kissena!
All any cat 4 has to do is train harder, race smarter, and work with your team. We are not that good and would be pack foldder in the 123s.
If you can’t do that wait for a 4 only race, which you also won’t place in..
bullshit any cat 3 could train harder too. what i am saying is that there are alot of cat 3s sandbagging you all know it too
if you look at the names there are masters racers in there who have more experience and fitness than most of the p123 combined..
that’s kinda messed up. and seems like it made for a really small 123 field. It’s a training race, c’mon, step up.
I heard testosterone can get you from a Cat 3 to a Cat 1 to a Cat with no balls in a hurry.
everyone said rockleigh was so “cool” and “mellow?”
It is. This WW guy is usually the only noob there. For example, tonight was awesome. A bunch of break tries, then 2 guys stayed away and a very competitive field sprint.
Wow. A near fight at Rockleigh in bike shoes. That’s almost like a near fight at the Tour de France in bike shoes. Those guys must be very good LOCAL racers. Olsen should eat more fiber.
so the ww guy is at fault? what does he have to do with the fight tonight?
how can one be “usually the only noob”
How long can you be a noob for at Rockleigh?
a’s raced like a bunch of soggy bitches tonight
The first rule of Rockleigh is you don’t talk about Rockleigh.
What is a noob? Am I a noob?
This is a noob.