Hangover 9/26/2011


It’s a special extra edition of the hangover today, as there is still racing out there in the area, so we might as well take a look and see what happened.

At Mengoni, a Mengoni won Mengoni. This foretells a bountiful harvest, but unfortunately it also mean 2 more weeks of rain. Augusto Sanchez of GS Mengoni USA won the pro/1/2/ race. Kristin Lotito of Houlihan-Lokey Sanchez won the women’s race. Jonathan Giahn of Asphalt Green won the cat 3 race. Erick Fernandez of Chelsea Bicycles won the cat 4/5 race. Full results are here.

There were also races rumored to be occurring in the area (Rockleigh?), so if you won those races, let us know. (Please God, don’t let it be a Foundation or NYVC rider, not because I don’t like those teams, but because the conversation about the two of them is slowly extinguishing my soul).


Race Observer

Several racers in the 3, 4 and 5 fields (and Pro 1-2) would be well advised to sharpen their bike handling skills and take up CROSS RACING in the winter.

Bombing into a corner in the wet on a slick raod and then tapping the brakes is cycling 101 — YOU DON’T DO IT!

Taking a croner wide and then running out of road and hitting the white median line is cycling 101 — YOU DON’T DO IT!

Several racers in my field (3) had HUGE tire pressure and clearly were not getting traction on the wet surface — YOU DON’T KEEP 120psi when its wet, maybe 100 or 90. Bike handling and maintenance 101!

Keep rubber side down!

Tristan Internal Routing

When I saw the forecast, I swapped my 23cs out for 25cs and lowered PSI from 100 to 90. Amen. Keep the rubber side down.

Sander Tubie

nope, counter steering leans the bike more which increases the chance of a skid on wet roads. Leaning the body while holding the bike more upright is safer on wet roads. Watch the pros corner on wet roads.

Chihuahua racing!!!!

Lol,i can’t describe it or write it down but i can bomb and corner in wet conditions! Maybe it’s because it comes from years of riding in all conditions,for the love of it,instead of having a coach stick me on a trainer with a power meter in the “off season”. Do what other roadies are doing CYCLOCROSS! But then again it might be to hard/cold/wet for you;)There’s NO DRAFTING THERE BABY!

Chihuahua racing!!!!

You really convinced yourself into that? The sport is too great to just give it up! So you probably sucked and couldn’t accept it.I think you have NO BALLS,OR HEART and are using “ME” as an excuse….enjoy your couch!

Cece Chainsuck

not everyone quits because they are not winning. Some people just lose interest. Others see the sport changing and no longer have a drive to race but still love to ride their bikes. CX is a much bigger and also much different sport from even 4 years ago.

BTW – you should not assume that because someone stops racing a discipline, they no longer race their bike.

Chihuahua racing!!!!

i started this sport on a mnt.bike 16yrs ago tried road racing ten yrs. later and never looked backed. I now found “bikes and dirt” again and won’t let anyone get in the way of that. i wasn’t fond on roadies but i managed and the same with CX. I like racing on 2 wheels PERIOD!
I’ll end it now. Take care.

Kylian Sealant

the idea of “portaging” my bike during a race….no thanks.
but the beer at the end of the race sounds cool.

Romain Saddlesore

the guys that race CX for a personal best are the same guys that race crits for a personal best. For the remainder, results matter.

Jens Stiff

I flipped on Universal Sports last night looking for the Worlds Road Race and instead stumbled on the World Triathalon Championships. Did anybody else see this? Really kinda weird. They allow drafting in the bike portion, so basically you could come in last in the swim and ride hard on the bike for minute or two and catch up to bike field. Every once in a while some idiot would get on the front and drill it for a while, dropping no one. Then they all got off their bikes at the same time and ran a 10k. I think one guy attacked the field and got a gap of about 50 yards. Of course, the announcers were going crazy over all this. Needless to say, some schmuck crashed his bike into the barriers.

wheel muncher

Triatholons are to Bike Racing
Arts and crafts are to dodgeball.
For sure you’ll meet all the chicks in arts and crafts.
but they all like chicks anyways. And the guys like themselves too.

Mael Seattube

I like watching the bike portion of those World Cup Tri’s just to experience the weirdness of it. Just as you described plus with the commentators going nuts over anyone being at the front of the group, let alone getting a gap. In fairness to the Triathletes, the name of the game for them is constant effort – pretty much trying to find that place just below their LT and then to sit on it. Seems like a lot of the strategy is to have get your competitors out of their groove so they crack.

Luca Chamois

Did anyone else get any stomach or intestine illnesses this week after being covered in mud and horse shit on Saturday?


I didn’t (because I didn’t race), but I do know of some guys who have had problems from ingesting horse dung in park races.


Horseshit Alley-triggered stomach sickness is notorious and is the reason why I’ll race in the rain in Prospect, but not in CP. There just isn’t enough glory in a park race to make it worth catching dysentery.

Verrochio Neck

Yes, I did get sick. Felt Sunday kind of weak while riding 9W. Sunday during the night ‘it’ started and lasted until Monday afternoon. It got serious. It’s better since Tuesday, but felt dehydrated and tired until yesterday early afternoon. Still not fully recovered and stomach is still behaving a little funky.

Analyzed what I had been eating on Sunday and still wondering that I got sick as no one else that ate the same did. Not sure if It has anything to do with Mengoni GP race and horseshit alley. If it does, then it took over 40 hours to effect my system. Was hoping to be back on the bike or gym today, but need at least two more days.

Enzo Pulley

I got sick as well… starting sunday night thru tuesday afternoon. recovering from crash injuries probably didn’t help matters either. Only raced thru HSA once sat. +1 warmup.

Mr. Ed

They’re fed a steady diet of Vita-Papp ™.

Best to stay outta NRC races for a few weeks boys, you might get papped. Woops I meant popped.

Noe Wave Ring

I started to feel something was up on Sunday evening and was sick for 2 straight days (and nights)!! I thought it was the shish-kabob I ate at the Lexington Ave street fair but this is a little too rampant to be a coincident.

Matthias Dry Lube

Horse manure is a solid waste excluded from federal EPA solid waste regulation because it neither contains significant amounts of hazardous chemicals, nor exhibits hazardous characteristics. The chemical constituents of horse manure are not toxic to humans. Horse guts do not contain significant levels of the two waterborne pathogens of greatest concern to human health risk, Cryptosporidium or Giardia, neither do they contain significant amounts of the bacteria E. coli 0157:H7 or Salmonella. Fungus, viruses, bacteria and worms found in horses have never been shown to infect humans and are unlikely to be zoonotic. Finally, the reality is that there are very few horses, and even fewer numbers of them that frequent trails. People seldom encounter or handle horse manure. People who do have occasion to handle horse manure have never been infected by this intimate contact. Humans and other sources within the environment (e.g. wild animals and birds) with their overwhelming population numbers are far more likely than horses to contribute to human health risks.
While horse manure may not be aesthetically pleasing, it should not be harmful to human health nor pose a significant health risk to people when they encounter it on public trails.


has nothing to do with horse manure. people complain of the same after a wet floyd (my favorite drink). Just stuff on the street, I mean, would you lick a wet road?

Hamza Ziptie

I also have spent considerable time on the pot since Mengoni. Lasted all afternoon Sunday and came back again Tuesday night. Stomach and GI system are pretty fried. Given the number of racers sick around the exact same time with similar symptoms, it seems highly likely this came from the race conditions (horses shit, eurotourist shit or some other stuff on the CP road).

Royal Flush

Megonitis (n. new italianospanglish) – an illness caused by: 1. racing bicycles through equine fecal matter in rainy conditions during an event known as the Mengoni Grand Prix; 2. or by a curse placed on individuals who mock, taunt, insult or otherwise defame the good name, character or stature of the Mengoni cycling, team, any or all of its members, its founder, or its kit.

Alexandre Ergopower

Is a drug with a three day course of therapy which is very safe and highly effective in eradicating giardia and cryptosporidium. Try it! You’ll need an Rx.

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