It was a busy weekend of racing out there, with courses and options covering the tri-state area, so allow me to put on my weatherman’s sports coat and show you what happened.
At the Spring Series race on Saturday, Jermaine Burrowes of WS Untied won the pro/1/2/3 race. Francisco Liuzzi of Scotto’s Wood Fired Pizza won the cat 3/4. I am unsure of the winner of the master’s and cat 5 races. There’s a twitter feed here about it.
At Branchbrook, Maurice Gamanho won the cat 1/2/3 race. John Durso of Colavita won the 35+ race. Daniel Coleman of Colavita won the 45+ race. Michael Hughes of the CRCA win the first cat 4/5 race, and Christopher Meacham of Young Medalists/ Team Rothrock won the second cat 4/5 race. Full results are here.
There’s no results posted yet from the Trooper Brinkerhoff Memorial Spring Race Series in Coxsackie, the web site for that race is here.
At the Spring Series race in Prospect Park on Sunday, these pictures tell me that Dan Zmolik of Stan’s No Tubes/AXA Equitable won the pro/1/2/3 race from a break of three. It’s hard to decipher the winners from the other shots, so if you won or know who did, please let us know.
At Bethel on Sunday Greg Olsen of Adler won the pro/1/2/3 race. Ann Marie Miller of Houlihan/Sanchez-Lokey won the women’s race. John Koserius of Bethel Cycling Club and Sport won the cat 3/4 race. Carl Reglar of Team Danbury Audi/Pedal and Pump won the masters 45+ race. Etsu Taniguchi of Teany won the cat 4 race, and Gregory Dorsch of Tarmac Cycling/Iron Bridge Consulting won the cat 5 race. Results are here.
I am happy for JJ that he is still racing, like most dudes his age are sitting around talking shit and getting fat. I am happy for him and all his accomplishments, the Olympics, the this , the that, but really, let’s face it,unlike JJ we all have jobs to do on Monday,and many of us are not getting free health insurance,or food stamps, Now I know accidents can happen, but if the same person continues to cause many of them , that’s not right, it’s not safe for the rest of us who already sacrifice so much to be there in the mornings,
Dude won the 45plus race and was in the winning break in the 1-3 race and gets second. He is getting into Roger territory in terms of badassness…
….54 miles under 2hrs (coxsakie daily mail article) super fast …usually crazy windy up there
The pace car at PP cat 4 did a poor job. they caught(masters) us and they let two of our guys break in front of them for couple of laps when is not permitted. 3 laps to go 4 of us got a really big gap brakaway and we caught back MAsters, but instead of neutralize the masters he tried to pass the group and it slowed us down and eventually losing the gap. AVD needs people whi knows what they doing,seriuosly, we put a lot of effort to go out there and compete.
scotto’s rode a smart race
Bunch of cool guys. Can’t say that about many other teams. Teany is another bunch of good guys.
Super good guy and really fast. What happened to him going to Mtn Khakis? He focusing on CX now full time with Joes Garage? Maybe he will get the call up to CXWorld now that Powers is gone.
I just discovered Gavi is Canadian from the Garmin site. I’m shocked. I raced against him twice this weekend and had no idea. He looks just like one of us.
there is really a road in coxsackie called murders kill road? You could live on murderers kill road in coxsackie, NY? I don’t think I would believe someone who told me that
It’s actually called “murderers kills road avenue”, and it’s located somewhat in the groin of Coxsackie.
AA Race – 54 miles, 100 starters
1. Justine Landine -BikeReg.com / Joe’s Garage / Scott
2. Roger Aspholm – Westwood Velo
3. Sean Smith – J.A.M. Fund/NCC
4. Max Lippolis – Team Danbury/Audi
5. Brad Warren – J.A.M. Fund/NCC
B Race – 42 miles, 85 starters
1. Loren Swears – Team Elevate Cycles
2. Matt Moore – CCC/Keltic
3. Ad Stabel – CNYCS
4. Omri Roden – Bike Depot
5. Patrick Grehan – Kissena Cyling Club
C Race – 18 miles, 60 starters
1. David Bertram – Team Ommegang / Syracuse Bicycle
2. Scott Hock – Adirondack Velo
3. Lyle Schultz – CBRC
4. Jonathan Giahn – CRCA/Asphalt Green
5. Andrew Rizzi – HRRT
Dave Taylor won Saturday, Tim Spence won Sunday.
Results, bro.
I love it when Lindine beats Roger. He’s one crazy taco.
1st–Francisco Liuzzi–Scotto’s
2nd–Andrew Walsh–Scotto’s
3rd–some dude
4th–Miguel Blanco–Scotto’s
This Francisco guy is somewhat of a sandbagger, no?
You know it’s Monday morning when…
I did both Spring Series races this weekend and had no complaints.
Didn’t the groundhog see it’s shadow? 6 more weeks of Sandbagging, right?
“AVD needs people whi knows what they doing,seriuosly, we put a lot of effort to go out there and compete.”
I’ve gotten to the park a little early and have seen AVD assemble his crew prior to the start of the race. Let’s just say it’s a little something like this, except they pour out of the Rambles bathrooms: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcJmESJlcX0&feature=related
He’s been a 3 for at least 6 years and he’s doing 3/4 races instead of 123 races? Yeah, that’s cool.
our field (masters) caught the 3/4s after 3 laps….but they tried to neutralize us not the slower field we caught. Bike racing 101 rules are that slower fields get neutralized and move right. Only exception should be if the catch happens while the slower field is on their last lap. Masters should have gone before 3/4s anyway, this problem would have been avoided.
he had to recruit a friend of someone racing to drive the racer’s car as a pace vehicle. obviously that guy had no idea what to do….not his fault, AVDs for not having drivers lined up.
Pipe down. Guy is just getting back into racing after a 2 year hiatus. Will upgrade to 2 soon enough and you can bitch about some other Cat 3 beating you in a coveted March 3/4 race.
Dude hasn’t gotten to race in 4 years outside of 1 or 2 races a year, finally gets to race and you all give him shit for doing well?
Don’t you hate pants?!
They rode a smart race. It’s it time for some of them to UPGRADE already. They have a strong CAT3 team will they disappear when Cadence Series come around when its no 3/4 field. We shall SEEEEEEE
Way to go Francisco! Welcome BACK, keep stomping!
these guys are still racing in the 5’s
Uh, Cadence who? You mean that store that no longer exists that no longer sponsors the series at Floyd?
Hmmmm,let’s see some just turned cat3, 1 hasn’t raced in 2 yrs another just had BRAIN SURGERY and they still kicked your ass(had to be cause you’re bitchin’)! Just go out and beat them,for all i see they’re always up front! Keep making things fun Scotto’s,i’ll try and beat you next week!
you are confused, I started racing in 2009 for thte first time and i’m racing with people that has been in cat4 for years, many years. i’m the sandbag.
These comments make my Mondays!
You know what your right. Then your a SANDBAGGER. You guys race hard ,but your right.
I guess some people just need to feel like a big fish in a small pond. Enjoy it while it lasts. Fact is once you are in with the real racers you’ll be sucking wind off the back while puking in your mouth and remembering why you like to pick on the little kids.
This all to confusing.
I eat horsemeat for breakfast and so should you.
As a cat 4 your goal is to becoma a 3 at some point correct? So if you can’t beat a couple of 3’s what makes you think you’ll do good in a 3 race? Are you even placing? Because then maybe you can say something but if a bunch of 4’s came ahead of you then guess what??????? Wait,isn’t this a 3/4 race? Stop it please!
Does anyone know if there have been photos posted for the Branchbrook race
After 2 years off you are looking stronger than when you took a break. Good for you man. Spring Series is the perfect place to tune up – hope you take the whole thing.
Important to note, the genius of re-naming the series after a trooper that has tragically passed away.
The police participation was noticiably enthusiastic.
Let’s rename the open park races to the NYPD green light series.
if you win you should have to upgrade. like no matter what. if you are a 3 and you win a bunch of times then you should be a 2. and then you win again you have to be a 1. if you are a 1 and win you should have to stop racing cause then you win too much and other people don’t want you in the race cause then they can’t win. bike racing is about winning. everyone should have a chance to be champion, not sandbagger. sandbagging winners are dopers of races they do not belong in with their winning. if you sandbagged for a while and win lots of races then you lose them cause you get old.
rename the CP club race series the “Fallen Hero NYPD and Firemans race series”
Axa, or whatever they’re called now should stop racing in NY. Total sandbaggers.
Cyclocross has automatic upgrades for winning races.
Winning 3/4 Spring Series races gets you as close to upgrading as winning the stop light sprints in Central Park.
anyway, if hes in contention to win the spring series why cant he stay and win it instead of upgrading. Maybe the cat 3’s should start training harder and make it more of a contest…
conversely, ER let a bunch of upgrades through that are questionable.
I race with the the 3/4s, the scottos team , yes they are all 3s , and yes they are very strong, but as a 4, I have a lot to learn from them, and I like the organized efforts and calculated attacks, Bravo for making the race fun and fast, Everyone can be beat, everyone has a bad day and a good day,I don’t really see other teams doing much except the Scottos 3s and the Hudson 4s, Great racing and fast and safe leadouts, the way they should be…
the hangover pic is awesome as usual
Hudson, that was a phenomenal run-on sentence with very poor punctuation. Bravo!
are there any pics of the spring series from this wknd?
he won the TdF too many times. That’s why once I win my first race I won’t win anymore so I can keep riding my bicycle and not have to sell it on ebay as a retired amateur champion racer.
This is why I train.
I want to be a cat 4 champion but the 3’s don’t let me…..wawawa…..(noises of a baby crying;) Oh by the way,last year Mr.Lesnak was winning everything and was called a sandbagger. He’s a 3 now and doing? Right the 3/4s….no one is crying about him now that he hasn’t won. Wish i could put a crying baby avatar on this post.
I want to be a cat 4 champion but the 3’s don’t let me…..wawawa…..(noises of a baby crying;) Oh by the way,last year Mr.Lesnak was winning everything and was called a sandbagger. He’s a 3 now and doing? Right the 3/4s….no one is crying about him now that he hasn’t won. Wish i could put a crying baby avatar on this post.
of a 3 to race in a 3/4 race.
And there are automatic upgrades on the road.
Lesnek logged some pretty significant hospital time last season. He started the season off in masters but moved back over to the 3/4 race. Seems James Joseph is in there as well.
is 97 years old.
Hudson did great! They pulled back that break that almost stuck! I’m just here to have fun but i have to mention that scotto did not do anything about the break in the first spring series but i believe they pulled off a spot in Grant tombs(cat 3 only). Just go WIN or shut up as for me i’ll just try to jump behind Luizzi:)
unsafe at any speed
I protest JJ unsafe riding every time and they never do anything about it…or I could just break away from the first hill…if you dont like sandbaggers or wheelsuxrs or dangerous riders, DROP them!!! a least you will get fit for the “real” races where you never see those type of riders…
JJ complaint = nyc cycling’s first bloom of spring
Future episodes:
1. someone complains about Paulie
2. the term “sketch” is overused by Cat 5s who have poor skills themselves
3. marshals don’t blow whistles or can’t get grandma off the course
4. why was my field neutralized so the women can pass?
5. why did the b/c field get combined?
6. everyone is as “excitable” as Dan is with his pre-race ritual(2x)
7. the race card is played – both ways – and badly
8. where’s my photo/ why was no one taking photos / who gave Shen the right to race when he should be taking photos / I miss Gina
9. Just how many NYVelocity riders were born in my field during that race? Shouldn’t they be neutered/spayed?
10. Jogger’s lane hell
11. Why was there a garbage truck on the course?
12. Please don’t _____ on the grass/trees/Alex’s leg during the warmup.
….and, my all time favorite…
13. I didn’t say (mother)fu*k(er) – I YELLED IT!!!
OBRA has some very good upgrade rules.
“Road Upgrades
For an upgrade, all points may not come from a weekly series.
Points for combined fields will count only for upgrades from the bottom most category with the exception of 4/5 fields- For example, 1/2/3 fields will count only for upgrades from 3→2. 3/4 fields will only count for upgrades from 4→3. 4/5 fields will count toward upgrades to 4→3.”
… someone is a sandbagger/doper/doesn’t deserve his upgrade
….JJ is a menace
….park races aren’t real races
….women’s racing doesn’t get enough support
help: i won a race and i want to win more races. should i upgrade?
Did the Branchbrook course get repaved? Looks silky smooth from the pics …
From AVD:
rr on 03/19/2011
Men – pro/1/2/3
Place Name Team
2 Stalin Quiterio Cuello (1 – Cat1) James Vincent Bicycles/JV Racing
3 Gavriel Epstein Chipotle Developmental Team
4 Brian Breach (2 – Cat1) G.S. Mengoni U.S.A.
5 Will Schneider (1 – Cat2) Houlihan-Lokey/Sanchez
6 Chris Leong (2 – Cat2) BH/Garneau
7 Chad Butts (3 – Cat1)
8 Andrew Bernstein (3 – Cat2) Kraft Genie Cycling.Inc.
9 Tadeusz Marszalek (4 – Cat2)
10 Kevin Rooney (5 – Cat2) Jonathan Adler Racing
Men – Cat 3/4
Place Name Team
1 Francisco Liuzzi Team Fremont/FFBC powered by Chipotle
3 Miguel Blanco
4 Lance Sniadowski Century Road Club Association
5 David Correia We Stand United (W.S.)
6 Joseph Mueller (1 – Cat4) Kissena Cycling Club
7 Corey Williams (2 – Cat4)
Men – Masters
Place Name Team
1 David Taylor Century Road Club Association
2 Gerardo Martinez Century Road Club Association
3 Erin Korff AXIS
4 Douglas O’Neill Century Road Club Association
5 Pascal Sauvayre
Men – Cat 5
Place Name Team
1 Tyler Conlon
2 John Malcolmson Kissena Cycling Club
3 Josh Sakofsky
4 kelvin savinon
5 Alexander Verhave
vo2maxout (13 hours ago)
Will S. 5th in the Pro123 break
Who the heck is JJ?
JJ is James Joseph, whom I have respect for. Lesnak(Incorrect) is Lance S., Team Organic Athlete. Name change in Citizenship. That was all could be so successful at ages like that!
rode in the 1980 moscow olympics (on the track) for his native country Guyana.
he still packs a mean sprint -but has a reputation for being a bit reckless and has been involved in more than a few pretty spectacular crashes.
a strong sprinter but as often as he has wrecked or caused a wreck the guy ought to know better.
He ruined my Harlem field sprint dreams in 2010. I think 6-7 dudes went down in his stupid carnage.
Look for him at Floyd in the 3/4s and most local 3 only or 3/4 fields and get in front of him. Never suck his wheel.
If you’re a 3 and are sick of a the stupid thoughtless squirrel inspired riding from rookie (and veteran sketchmasters) riders do the 123. Better training, smoother races, less talk from scared newbies who think they know everything, no negative racing, less excitability, etc.
Nothing against 4’s, I just don’t think 1/2 of the field has enough experience. 10 races and you’re a 4, then you’re qualified to race with
JJ is dirt…no respect, fear maybe of his completely erratic riding and lack of enforcement by race officials…no no no rispek!!!!! I would love to tackle the guy on the line the way Ricky did to Lesnek…booyaa!!! Derres me rispek mon!!!
Now he’s racing 3/4s?!
he is 54 and a 3
he is 50+ years old, so gets a pass on the 3 status but not on his reckless disregard for other riders. don’t believe it? ride his wheel for a while at floyd and just observe. he rides like mr magoo.
later in the season though when everyone is fit there do seem to be just as many crashes & some of them are nasty…fields are big and people take crazy risks.
inexperience vs. overconfidence.
Exactly why I wonder when I see strong 3s (dudes who win/place) in 3/4 races. Don’t you want a challenge?
So you aren’t a challenge?
Ustedes si hablan mierda!!!
From that same article: http://nymag.com/news/features/bike-wars-2011-3/index5.html
“The addition of bike lanes, and the bikers they carry, has made jaywalking a more fraught proposition. “You know about the cars. You know about that potential danger when you’re crossing the street. You know you might end up a bag of blood and guts and bones. But that is a finite realm of danger,†says Jack Brown, who used to own a bike shop in the East Village. “When it comes to cyclists, that danger is infinite. Cyclists can be anywhere, at any time: on the sidewalk, riding the wrong way down the street. And you have no peace … The anarchy that has been allowed to prevail is astonishing. According to butterfly theory, according to chaos theory, I am sure that the level of emotional and psychological damage wrought by the bicycle far exceeds the damage done by cars.†And then Brown goes there: “It is homegrown terrorism. The cumulative effect is equivalent to what happened on 9/11.†”
You’re in a small pond:
1st–Francisco Liuzzi–Scotto’s
2nd–Andrew Walsh–Scotto’s
3rd–some dude
4th–Miguel Blanco–Scotto’s
Lesnek “Lance” Sniadowski
Dangerous Waters:
Patrick Gelineau
I’m in a big pond….i’m trying to beat the same guys you probably are i’m just not bitching about it…maybe i’ll be cat4 for life or maybe i get hard races here and i can beat you at an all cat 4 races,upgrade then beat you the next year in a 3/4 race and all the while you’ll still be complaining……cheers,see you next weekend b*otch!
Both of these guys have race all over the world not just locally. They have both been cat1s before and have downgraded because of the age. So before you NEW cyclist start talking bad about them talk to them you could learn alot.
Those two have nothing to offer any of us except to disappear.
You sound like a sorry Cat 4. It’s ok maybe you will go to the Olympics one day for your country(NOT). Do a test if you are a well known cyclist or not go to a NRC race like Iron Hill or Sommerville (crits because they are crit specialist)and your in the same race as them and see if the announcer speak about you or about them the MOST….
Have a nice day !!!!
Did you say whatever when grammar and punctuation was taught?
Are they track racers or crit specialists?
Maybe going to the Olympics 30 years ago gives you overconfidence (to quote a previous post).
Shet ep. You are less welcome than JJ at a park race.
Biblically speaking, you are supposed to take your issue to the fella first. Here there is talk (often slander), but if you have a legit bone, and many do, then without TOO much attitude I challenge some of you to do that. If you are one of those racers, and I think some may never grace these pages, what do you think? 10 guys talk to you and you don’t listen, or are not going to change anything? After that, and no change-more complaints officials should be told, and some sort of probation be put on them. Finally if a legit violation follows, banning from the said race, series or organizer should follow because that is the best for the sport here, our bodies, equiptment, insurance and events.
I’m a 4 in the 3/4 spring series races, and I LIKE racing against a strong, well-organized team. It’s a more respectable bike race, and frankly, I’m not a p*ssy. Why shouldn’t a 3/4 race be stacked with 3’s? It’s a 3/4 race! All you suffering 4’s out there, consider this an OPPORTUNITY to ride in a decently fast pack for the first time and try some better tactics than just launching solo on the hill on the last lap. Everyone knows what Scotto’s is going to do every race. It’s no secret. So get your team together and up your game!
If you are a cat 4, by definition, you are a p*ssy.
All you whiners . . . HTFU
So much hate on this site. It never ceases to amaze. The cops are busting us for riding over 15mph, Central Park has been rendered virtually unrideable, and yet all we can find time to do is hate on each other. It’s flat out depressing.
What’s our understanding of why there’s a 1/2/3 field and a 3/4 field?
In other locales, the norm seems to be a P/1/2, a 3, and a 4/5 field.
Given the number of 3s in the area, a 3s-only field seems self-evident, and it would avoid the bickering over whether it’s better to always lose in the 1/2/3s or sandbag in the 3/4s.
I suspect that there are enough 1s and 2, and a 1/2s-only field might further encourage people to upgrade out of the 3s.
thinking is stupid. hating is smart.
I heard that local promoters were planning a field for the most self-absorbed riders, but then realized that there is not a course large enough to accommodate it.
“let’s face it,unlike JJ we all have jobs to do on Monday,and many of us are not getting free health insurance,or food stamps” WHAT??? This is an awfully negative comment. JJ has a career as well. I don’t think his Olympic winnings from 30 years ago allowed him to retire. I have raced against JJ for years, beat him on many occasions (never in a sprint), and yes, have been the “victim” of his aggressive style. What I learned when I stopped arguing with him (I did confront him when I had issues) is that he is an incredibly likable, very generous person. He is obviously talented beyond belief and is the best bike handler I have ridden with. He does sprint aggressively and can throw his bike around with ease, but never to the point of danger, unless it is overreacted to by a squirrely (sp) non-confident rider. A sprint is a violent act, watch the pros. If you don’t want to box, stay out of the ring. You can always roll in just behind the sprinters. It is ludicris to complain about JJ sprinting, as a sprinter should, in a sprint. JJ and I are nothing more than competitors, but he has been genrous with his knowlege and time and is always a gentleman. Unless you are trying to beat him in a sprint. Oh, by the way, if you don’t want to sprint or roll in after him, try braking away (not the movie).
I meant breaking not “braking.” I am sure there are others but as Jens Voigt would say “point.”
Fuck you too.
That was a bit harsh, and I accidentally directed it at the wrong person.
Simon, my apologies.
Maxim, I was asking a reasonable question about numbers.
agree, in cp racing at least, it makes more sense to have a 4/5, 3 and 1/2.
Well, for CRCA races, a 4/5 on a regular basis won’t work as there is a 75 rider limit for races with 5’s and there are way more 4s and 5s in total that regularly attend CRCA races (the 5’s often currently have 50 riders alone).
You said, “If you are a cat 4, by definition, you are a p*ssy.” I presume, you are NOT a Cat 1/2 bc chances are they wouldn’t say that. You must be a Cat 3. Hmnn, so Cat 4 is a p*ssy and Cat 3 is a DICK?! I can’t wait to beat you.
You mean you can’t wait to get the shaft?!
Maybe we should have a 1/2 field. Then two 3 fields. And a 4 field and a 5 field. The 1st 3 field will be for the people who think they want to race with 1/2 and the second for the 3’s that need to feel superior over 4’s. And then the woman racers can just not race at all ever. More men’s fields is better. That is the best idea.
F – you! I want my OWN field – just for me! I can initiate breaks, chase them down, sit in, chase back after a flat, sprint and solo in for the win – all in the same race! I will garner lots of prestige as I pile up win after win after win. This really does make a lot of sense since there are many racers who are faster than me and many racers who are slower than me. Rather than trying to figure out which field I should be in, let’s create a field just for ME. It will be a first in cycling – custom fields based on one’s ability. Ooooh, I am sooo excited. Where’s DJ’s email – I must contact him immediately…
…I hope they get a good pic of me crossing the line…