As the Toto Turns 199

Foghorn Fabiani

 Read in your best Foghorn Leghorn voice please.



Wow Betsy,
How do you stay so trim on butter choc-chip cookies?
And kudos for asserting that your femininity is more than whether you are fat or not.


–Foghorn is Fabiani- the spin master, lawyer
–LA-LA is pissed because Nissan is gettin’ “cold feet” and ironically replacing him with polar bears.

–so the 2 of them are trying to spin it as to why Nissan would drop him and possibly the team.

–it’s getting hot (global warming) around anything LA/JB are associated with.

Alexandre Setscrew

Fabiani is Lance’s lawyer.. I gotz it now. I misread and didn’t see the i at the end. For a second, I thought that Cancellara had said something about Lancy.

Brent Biopace

Stick a fork in Toto…’s done.

It has been quite funny in the past. Most of this year it’s more of a personal forum for the creators to impugn Lance Armstrong as much as possible.

And it doesn’t matter if you put the words in lance’s mouth, you are again denigrating somebody’s wife here, no matter that she’s an (very minor) actor in all this – you’re talking about calling a woman fat? Why go there if you have actual funny ideas about actual pro cyclists? (because you don’t have the aforementioned ideas, I think is the reason)

Get some counselling and/or take medication; once you get over your bullshit this comic could again be funny, if it starts to be about pro cycling again, and not your own personal hard-on for Lance Armstrong.

Dong Work For Yuda

I don’t want to go to Brent Biospace’s party because it’s quite clear it wouldn’t be any fun at all.

Alexandre Setscrew

Biopace must have that computer virus that forces his browser to go to this site and read Toto even though he desperately doesn’t want to. truly an unfortunate condition.

Betsy Andreu

Brent Biospace, I agree with you: Toto should stick a fork in it. Andy and Dan should learn on how to treat a lady from you. That said, however, as delighted as I am to have you defend my honor, there really is no need – unless you think I’m fat. Even if I am fat, why can’t we make fun of it? The joke is not on me. Watch Nightline (If you go here, the first segment is embedded near the top. The next two segments are linked underneath as “related.” and you’ll see it’s one big joke. There’s a certain someone out there smearing me with “She’s fat….she’s ugly…I like Frankie but don’t know what he sees in her…” So let’s have fun with the ultimate idiot goofball slackers and go along with it.
Seriously, though, I just got done making my butter chocolate chip cookies which are delectable so I have to stop typing hence I get butter on the keyboard.
Eat well!

Antoine Internal Routing

“ultimate idiot goofball slackers” That line is classic.
You’ve got to get Betsy to be a Toto or nyvelocity contributor.

Sacha Swage

I am not a fan actually your everything I dislike in a woman. Mouthy, opinionated and in general a pain in the ass. Go back to the kitchen where you belong.

Sacha Swage

I guess it come out like women belong in the kitchen. That’s not my point. She nothing to with cycling yet has all these opinions maybe I should have just said shut up Yoko Ono. When Frankie starts speaking up then I will take note.

Winnie the Pooh

In some cultures women let the men think they have control, in usa some men know it’s pretend and either play along or treat them as equal. I like equality,freedom of expression and freedom of opinion in women. If all you settle for is cooking, good or bad, you’re missing out!

twitter queen

– When Frankie starts speaking up then I will take note, but somehow I don’t think that’s likely –

Frankie A. is pussy whipped

Matteo Dropout

…toto done ???…you, sir have lost touch w/ the workings of reality…

…some day, ‘this too shall pass’ & once again “as the toto turns” will return to it’s previous glory & the the important things in cycling like bad prosciutto jokes & just what is salvatore commesso doing, will once again be embraced…

…& the polar bear ???…he was asking where the coca cola was kept…

…with love,

Lucas Headset

I like BA. Knows how to take it and dish it out. Nothing personal. I’m sure those cookies are yummy. Lucky Frankie.

Betsy Andreu

That is a good one. You realize you did take note of what I had to say here, right?
1 stick butter
1 cup dark brown sugar
3 T sugar
1 egg
2 tsp. vanilla
1 3/4 c flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
Callebaut semi sweet chocolate chips
Mix sugar with butter. Add egg and vanilla. Mix dry ingredients separately. bake at 375 for minutes depending on how you want them: crunchy or soft.
A modified Neiman Marcus recipe.

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