Doctor Doctor: Carlo Santuccione

Ali the Chemist’s list

 Carlo Santuccione is an Italian sports doctor who worked with Professor Francesco Conconi at the University of Ferrara. He was suspended from acting as a physician from 1995-2000 by the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI). He was suspected to have headed the doping network investigated by the "Oil for Drugs" investigation in 2004. He was banned for life by CONI in 2007, but was named by Riccardo Riccò as his supplier in 2008. He is also known as "Ali the Chemist". This is a list of the riders (including any sanctions) who have worked with him. 




Danilo Di Luca

2004 – prevented from participating in the Tour de France due to investigation by Italian officials
2007 – suspended for three months due to involvement in the Oil for Drugs case
2010 – suspended for two year by CONI for EPO/Cera positive from the 2009 Giro


Alessio Galletti

2004 – suspended by Domina Vacanze for involvement with Santuccione
2005 – died of heart attack On June 15, 2005, at 37 years of age during Spanish one day race Subida al Naranco, cause of death was heart failure


Simone Masciarelli



Rodolfo Massi

1998 – tested positive for cortisone – 6 month suspension


Ruggero Marzoli

1999 – suspended for 4 months for drug trafficking
2007 – suspended by Tinkoff Credit Systems for involvement in Oil for Drugs case


Eddy Mazzoleni

2008 – two year ban for involvement in Oil for Drugs case


Giuseppe Muraglia

2007 – suspended for two years after testing positive for hCG


Domenico Quagliariello

2008 – banned for life for involvement in Oil for Drugs case


Riccardo Riccò

2008 suspended 18 months for testing positive for CERA, suspended 6 months for seeing a banned physician


Fabio Sacchi

2002 – suspended by Saeco after police search found gonadotropin at his Milan home


Mario Scirea

2004 – suspended by Domina Vacanze for involvement with Santuccione


Filippo Simeoni

1999 – suspended, admitted EPO use


Alessandro Spezialetti

2007 – suspended for three months due to involvement in the Oil for Drugs case





Anti Doper

Not a very good Doctor if all his riders had been caught!
Are these ALL his riders, or just the unlucky ones?


Why was the 2009 Giro so dirty and the TDF so clean? It seems like maybe Pat McQuaid forgot to proclaim the Giro – “dope free” right afterwards – if he had done that maybe we wouldn’t have all these positives!

Funny how these pro’s will dope in 2nd biggest bike race but didn’t think it wrth it to dope int he biggest bike race.

Florian Post

where there is oil, there is fire!

Why not an “article” on natural ways to boost?
Mtns, tents, masks, wheat grass….???

West Coast Reader

No Tour winners on his list so he’s still a local Italian supplier… I mean doctor.

This listing of doctors brings up the next phase of doctor assisted doping, as in they will seek to be super secretive maybe leading to some medical issues for riders if they pick a bad one as no one will know who it was (assuming the rider dies or can’t talk for some odd reason).


Can we focus on local issues? In light of recent revelations from the Federal court, maybe its time we look into local riders who worked locally with local doctor Joe Papp. To his own admission, Joe supplied HGH and EPO to some 180+ cyclists and other athletes and faces jail time as a result.

four degrees

yes, let’s “focus” on speculating as to who might be on that list based on absolutely no evidence. what are you looking for – “i think so-and-so was probably doping”…? as if any good will come of that?


hey, 3:05 has a perfectly valid talking point. several local clients served drug suspensions, it’s only fair to speculate how they came into possession of prohibited substances. Papp seems like a logical supplier…

four degrees

look, i’m all for outing the cheaters, i just don’t think that any good comes from spreading rumors about it here. do you think we’re going to talk our way to the bottom of it here on this web page? be my guest, though, “focus” away. i’ll check back in in a couple hours to see who the criminal mastermind behind the hole thing was, and how the independent voluntary drug testing on all local riders went.

Matteo Bottle

About papi Papp and ‘The Situation’?
What ever happened to Papp’s Cuban wife? Anybody knows of the Cuban training regimes? They still sweep the PanAm games – know what I mean?

Broom Wagon

If Ricci is on the list, there should be a good case Piepule (spelling?) should also be on there. Maybe I miss it.

Let’s not forget too, the female riders from Italy and Spain were not able to finish off the Olympics in Beijing, I wonder who there doctors were?

For additional reading, it’s always interesting that reknown marathoner Kenyan Paul Tergat had his Doctor Gabrielle Rosa but Rosa always seems to be actually a clean Doc. One can read more on him in the Paul Tergat book that is out at newstands referred to in this article:

However, Paul Tergat, some of these guys look so damn emaciated, very skeletal honestly, not to knock them. Last week, I must have had a lack of iron or real low haemoticrat because I just hit the sack Friday night after a fairly busy week, slept a long time. It makes you wonder what it was so I see the need for some of these pros to have doctors.

I once knew out in the rocky mountain west, some Kenyans training for trying to make their country’s Olympic team, wish I was more knowledgeable back then. Had dinner with them, lots of chicken, the corn meal mash they eat and lots of spinach.

Anyway, if you are looking for a good “clean” sports doctor, I’m sure Dr. Rosa fills the bill. Further reading on him in that book mentioned.

Lorenzo Rivnut

The truth is that anyone who ever beat me had to be doping and everyone I beat, both of you, don’t train enough. 🙂

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