LeMond/Trek Settle

No court time

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that the agreement doesn’t restrict LeMond from speaking out about doping. There are only two things LeMond cannot discuss. One is the dollar amount of the settlement, and DiBoise wouldn’t disclose the other.

After a weeklong mediation process, Greg LeMond and Trek have settled their lawsuits, issuing a joint statement today (see below). The dollar amount of the settlement will not be disclosed, but as part of the settlement Trek will make two $100,000 donations to 1in6.org.

Asked if Trek made any concessions regarding their allegations that LeMond stole bikes from Trek, Lemond lawyer Jamie DiBoise said, "Read the press release. I think that if you read Burke’s quote there’s only one answer to that question." Asked about LeMond’s mood, DiBoise said, "Greg’s been through hell for eight years…we put this thing to bed, he doesn’t have to worry about going to trial next month…Greg is happy, he’s very pleased."

Trek lawyer Ralph Weber said, "both sides are glad to be moving on", and deferred all further questions to the press release.


 Joint Press Release of Greg LeMond and Trek Bicycle Corporation

Cycling legend Greg LeMond and Trek Bicycle Corporation announced an agreement to close out all remaining issues for the business venture they began in 1995, and to provide funding for a charity near Greg’s heart.

“Greg has a hard-won place in the Pantheon of bicycle racing, and we are proud of what we were able to accomplish together,” said Trek’s President John Burke. “Trek respects Greg’s efforts and commitment to the charitable foundation, 1in6.org, and Trek is pleased to lend its support to that very worthwhile endeavor.”

Three-time Tour de France winner LeMond said: “I am pleased to resolve the issues between Trek and myself and am happy to be able to move forward with the things important in my life. I appreciate Trek’s support for the work of 1in6.org. I take deep satisfaction in this resolution and believe it will have a positive impact on those that can benefit most from the purpose of 1in6.org.”

Contact Information:
Ralph A. Weber, 414.587.2500 (for Trek)
James A. DiBoise, 415.947.2114 (for LeMond)


Galleazzo Downtube

When the lawsuit cameout everyone harped on Greg as a whiner and loser etc. Now TREK settles because their power point smear campaign of Greg was full of lies and they were pressured into it because of Lance. But who cares now? The old news was the big news and the new settlement news is lost on everyone.In the end Greg lost his bike line and trek destroyed Greg’s good character.


Greg’s good character is alive and kicking.

Two weeks ago John Burke would have told you Greg was a lying bike thief hell-bent on ruining Trek’s pristine image. Today it’s:

“Greg has a hard-won place in the Pantheon of bicycle racing, and we are proud of what we were able to accomplish together,” said Trek’s President John Burke. “Trek respects Greg’s efforts and commitment to the charitable foundation, 1in6.org, and Trek is pleased to lend its support to that very worthwhile endeavor.”

What changed Mr. Burke? Talk about a lack of character.


1. We don’t need to know how much Trek paid Greg, but whatever it was it wasn’t enough.

2. We can all pretty much guess what #2 is and Greg doesn’t need to say anything about it. History will prove him right.

Bent Overmi


No f’ing way LA or Trek could allow this to go to trial when the judge clearly signaled that he was very willing to open up the subject of whether LA did in fact dope.

Dong Work For Yuda

Buys a lot, I guess.

Good for Greg, but how sad we don’t get to hear the juicy details. Lance is all Mr. Tough Guy until he knows the gig might be up, that’s when the wallet opens up and makes it go away.

Now what’s next? Floyd’s book? What about the medical waste from Astana’s 09 Tour? Maybe another child? A Page scandal? A rap record? A record of Zappa covers?


Greg destroyed his own good charactera long time ago. The most genuine and credible American athlete my ass. You guys still searching for a hero…


“Greg destroyed his own good charactera long time ago. The most genuine and credible American athlete my ass. You guys still searching for a hero…”

Relax Lance, it’s all good. Bottle still looks up to you (both figuratively AND literally).

Rayan Wave Ring

fuck trek. i will never, ever buy any branded or affiliate products from or them. not that they care, either.


Why would you assume that the settlement was because Trek pushed it? If GL had so much “proof” against Lance and was hell bent on cleaning up the sport, he would have refused to settle and gone to trial. If he had so much “proof” that he was right against Trek, why would he settle? He could have won money and a moral victory, but he didn’t. Weaseled out for money is what it looks like to me.

voove cleeco

a lotta pharmacologists are tossing cheers and glasses of champagne for not having to get called in as witnesses….


Lemond and cash- yes it came down to cash. But not a pay off. Lemond cant afford to spend the money on a lengthy court case with out it having some material benifit at the end of it. Lemond has had a few blow ups business wise (he is not one for business- think back to how Greg folded his own bike company before signing on with trek…it was of course done at the hands of his dad and screwed Clark Kent bikes out of a ton of money and made them bankrupt) and does not have the cash reserves like Mr. Livewrong does from all of his cancer “fundraising”….


Not an excuse. If he was right, he would win and be paid back. A lawyer would know if the odds were good and therefore recommend going ahead. If the case is only so so or poor, he would be advised to settle. But you know this and are searching for rationalization that does not exist.


I am not searching for any rationalization in this case- Lemond has cash issues. Pure and simple. He had borrowed heavily against his large home in MN in 2008 to finance some real estate deals that had some major head wind, has another exspensive lawsuit on his hands, was heavily invested in equities, had his side businesses (bagels, Lemond fitness etc) have a really hard time turning a profit and is currently looking for someone to bankroll his line of bikes (and has been for 12 months…have you wondered why he has not come out with another line of bikes when you can get a run of high quality carbon bikes made within 8-12 weeks from TopKey?).

I am not counting the man out but he has a financial headwind. And whether or not he had the goods on Lance (who cares if he did? read Lance to Landis if you need proof) does help your bleeding bank account when you are facing a very lengthy lawsuit with lawyers who are charging 150 bucks an hour.

Sorry to bust your bubble but it helps when your GF is/was MN neighbor to the LeMonds.

Guillaume Crank

and definitely not high profile lawyers. $150/hour is what your local repair man charges. More like $500 an hour for high profile lawyers. Just an observation. Glad to help where I can.

Paulo Pinga

Speaking of Derrida, why do so many people write as though LA sneaked into their bedroom one night and butt-fucked them while they were sleeping?

The answer resides in la differance (doesn’t it always?):

“The monster is born only at this metaphoric crossroads, as an embodiment of a certain cultural moment — of a time, a feeling, and a place. The monster’s body quite literally incorporates fear, desire, anxiety, and fantasy (ataractic or incendiary), giving them life and an uncanny independence. The monstrous body is pure culture. A construct amd a projection, the monster exists only to be read: the monstrum is etymologically “that which reveals,” “that which warns,” a glyph that seeks a hierophant. Like a letter on the page, the monster signifies something other than itself: it is always a displacement, always inhabits the gap between the time of upheaval that created it and the moment into which it is to be received, to be born again. These epistemological spaces between the monster’s bones are Derrida’s familiar chasm of differance: a genetic uncertainty principle, the essence of the monster’s vitality, the reason it always rises from the dissection table as its secrets are about to be revealed and vanishes into the night.” (Jeffrey Cohen, Monster Studies).

In other words: no, you weren’t butt-fucked by LA — you’ve been butt-fucked by “pure culture,” which is to say by yourself (for “the self that one stands so suddenly and nervously beside is the monster”).

Come on folks: Wake up! This is New York in 2010. Hasn’t Derrida taught you anything! All you do, all you say, all you write is culture! “Soy como escribo, soy lo que escribo.” Debating whether LA drugged or not is so provincial, so last century, so leaving-the-light-on-at-night so LA isn’t hiding in the shadows waiting until you turn over and the blanket slides off your nervous but strangely sensitive butt . . .

Matteo Bottle

Spivak fucked Derrida, that’s a fact, ask anyone in the know uptown.
Derrida is so 1966. Get your Badiou on, or your Agamben, if you prefer Il’Giro to Le Tour, same differance.

Nobby Stiles

What a year! Derrida lectures in the US for the first time, and England beat Germany 4-2 to win the World Cup. A coincidence? I don’t think so. That’s the power of la differance!

Kevin Conchadesumadre

I once met that Alain Badiou geezer at a party. He fancies himself with foreign languages, like, and he has this party trick of giving the derivation of people’s names. So when I tell him my name he says something about my mum’s pussy, so I headbutted the wanker and then shouted in his face, “Fuck you and your ontologie transitoire.” I felt a bit sorry afterwards. I mean. he wasn’t wrong, I suppose. But what the fuck? You’re the kinda geezer who gets off on dissing Wittgenstein, you gotta expect some aggro, right?

West Coast Reader

Where do I start?

1on6.org, I felt molested by looking at the front page, can I sue? (I’ll take the $150 lawyer, please)

Placenta tablets? I wouldn’t be surprised if the UCI starts testing for that! Especially Kristen’s placenta, not that I have a GF who’s a neighbor to her friends second cousin or anything.

Derrida? WTF? How did it get to that? I want some of what that guy was drinking, two as I’m kinda far.

I wish I could finance big real estate deals and get into such financial trouble that I get to fly around the country and even some trips to Europe to complain that some rider that means nothing to me is doping… well I guess if he overtook him in tour wins and the brand of bikes he rides makes very similar bikes with Greg’s logo is a reason?

What have we gotten out of it? A few cycling stories and personal info on Greg and Lance but no settlement check, but then again since its not disclosed I may get a check any day now! Its all done for money people, if not the case would be still going on to topple them, as who would want to even accept a check from a company like Trek & Lance? If it wasn’t for money.

As for sleeping, I am now locking my door and wearing several layers no matter how hot it gets, I hear Lance might be in my state!

Who besides Greg is visiting 1on6.org?

Joe Public (Duh!)

All the power to GL for doing what he needed to get done. Paid or not, he took it to Trek and LA. Enough said on that…

As for one previous post, they asked who would go to GL’s 1in6.org site. Well, let’s see maybe 1 in 6 men? Jeez, ya think?

As for all you GL haters out there, why don’t ya’ll STFU?! Love him or hate him, there isn’t much dirty laundry out there on the interweb. LA on the other hand, there’s plenty, just hit up google sometime. In fact, I’ll save you some time-


Cracked nuts

eh, go back to licking Lemond’s ancient chamois. You’re a fool. Ain’t no heroes out there dude, man up.

Warre Bottle

We can be so narrow minded sometimes when it comes to judging Lance, doping is one accusation of him as a cyclist, sure it can also reflect on his character. But we really don’t need to reach for an Olsen twin to make a characterization here. Instead, consider that much like Tiger (another fine poster child for human virtues) Lance is a Nike whore. Both of these “athletes” sport the Nike swoosh everywhere they go while kids are having their childhood taken away from them behind sewing machines around the world. So we come full circle, Greg at least got some justice against someone that supports child abuse!

Logan Kevlar

Do you own Nike products? Have you ever purchased them for yourself or any other people? Then you are just as guilty as Lance Armstrong since you are buying products built in sweat shops. I would also venture to guess that any sports apparel you might own whether it be Nike, Champion, Reebok, Adidas, etc is made in some sort of sweat shop environment. If you are so outraged at Lance’s indirect support of sweat shops then you should be boycotting these companies also.

While sweatshops are terrible conditions in which to work, for some individuals in this world, they are a means of survival and a way to earn a wage albeit small to feed their families and themselves. If somebody is working in a sweatshop to feed themselves you should not hold Nike accountable for paying them such a low wage compared to western standard. Its not a moral outrage that some people get paid less then others or that certain parts of the world are more underdeveloped then others because they don’t have wage “equality.”

By your argument, garbage men in this country should be given higher wages since they remove trash that you create by having to work in rot and stink all day. Where is the outrage there? All the plastic wrappings from new team kits that you get each year and the nasty used wrappers from the Gu and Clif Bar packets that you throw out all have to get carried out by someone who gets paid much less then you and who also “works” in a sweatshop by having to inhale fumes and stink all day by riding on the back of a garbage truck. Where is the outrage there Monday Morning Quarterback?

Warre Bottle

if your reply was directed to vast majority, you’d have made some valid points. But personally I don’t buy from nike-type companies, I buy Made in USA or Fair Trade http://www.transfairusa.org/

Why don’t you ask yourself why we’re in the economic situation we are in today? The idea of globalization does not work and the we’re paying the price. A sweatshop is not the ONLY way someone can feed themselves. Predatory Capitalism is what’s going on here, wake up.

My argument is that these top athletes are chasing $$ and they don’t care who gives it to them. I do care what companies they represent, it tells me who they are as people. I make sure I do my part, don’t worry, not being a hypocrite here.

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