Cold Argument

Cold enough for Costner?

Now that the holidays are over, we’re beginning the dark, cold ages of January and February. Which raises the question—is it counterproductive to train in the cold? Are we better off indoors? How cold is too cold? And how many times can you stand to watch "American Flyers"? For me, the answer to that question is 1/2—that film is absolutely loathsome.


King of All New Jersey Racers

truly awful. anybody who likes that movie probably has a bento box affixed to his top tube. the only movie you need to own is breaking away…and any other movies with jackie earle haley.

Ferre Tubie

Yeah, Breaking Away is a much more “realistic” cycling movie. Pee Wee’s Big Adventure is the most realistic cycling movie. Who wouldn’t chase their stolen bike ‘cross coutry only to find out that the Alamo has no basement?

Axel Supple

People under 30 probably like American Flyers better, people over 30 like Breaking Away more, Pervs like Pee Wee more.

Provenzano Clearcoat

Key Exchange? Rad? Quicksilver? The list goes on…until you get to The Bicycle Thief (Italian)…

King of All New Jersey Racers

i m certainly not calling breaking away realistic, but, for its time, it was a good movie- it won an oscar for best screen play. it is a little dated, but its significance within the cycling world can’t be overlooked. at the time cycling was such a cult sport- i can’t imagine how it must have been for the bike geeks to have their cult sport, and it really was a cult sport in the u.s. at the time, showcased in a major movie. i m sure some of the old codgers could shine some light on that.

wikipedia also tells me there was a tv show but it only ran about 8 episodes.

american flyers is just a cheesy 80s movie. besides, ted danson is my sworn enemy.

Guido Setscrew

i love training in the cold. makes me feel like rocky training to fight drago. i like both moves

Guido Setscrew

Ricci (Papa), “You live and suffer”

still the best, no matter how many times i’ve seen it.

Alexander Saddlebag

i f’ing hate the cold. hate it. you never warm up, and if you do you’re overdressed and roasting in one are while still freezing somewhere else. doubt it’s counterproductive if you don’t go too hard but it sure isn’t fun.

Baldo Ziptie

Mom: He was very sickly until he started riding around on that bicycle.
Dad: Yeah… well… now his body’s fine, but his mind is gone.

Benedetto Rear Entry

i dont mind riding in the cold but the combination of darkness + ice patches make it impossible.

Btw- What was the name of robert townsend’s character in american flyers?


cold sucks. indoor training sucks. sadly, YOU will suck if you can’t deal with at least a little bit of both, unless you are able to avoid winter entirely like the “pro” riders out in arizona.


That film is great but you have no perspective. C’est la vie!!!!!!! nemesis

ps, keep it lame, it seems to work for you!!

West Coast Reader

Anything under 50 is super cold, burrr…

A more realistic biking movie is “Les triplettes de Belleville”, sure its in French but there’s no words spoken so you’ll be fine watching it (no subtitles) as well as any kid in the house. It shows the dark side of cycling.

King of All New Jersey Racers

wow. it really isnt ted danson. looks just like him. my bad. regardless, i still am enemies with ted danson.

Simon Ergopower

Any critiques on “Sweet Spot Training”?

Shorter workouts(1.5-2 hours) on the trainer but with higher intensity(2-3×20 min intervals in the upper tempo/sub thresh range) in loo of the traditional 3-4 hour “endurance” sessions in a dark, cold park seem like the way to go. You can still fit in the good 3-4 + hour rides on the weekends too.

I’ve found that doing a bit shorter, but more intensity, rides during the early winter months, then swithching to higher volume (with less intensity) in april is not only more bearable, but actually more effective.


Dad: He’s never tired. He’s never miserable.
Mom: He’s young.
Dad: When I was young I was tired and miserable

Provenzano Clearcoat

I want some American food G’damnit, I want some FRENCH FRIES!

Don’t forget to punch (in) the clock!

4 fingers, 5 fingers, 5 + 1 fingers….gets ticket!

Tall dork clapping alone to himslef after the Cutters win…foretelling his role in “Home Alone” series…whcich means only that Mac Caulkin will be recast as Dave’s father!!!
Only instead of “refund”, he will scream….(guess what?)

1. My son doped!
2. My son loves cancer?!?!
3. Goes to I-taly and becomes (Mike Neel) directing his son (Andy Hamspten) to win in Giro Dee’Italia!!!

Taddeo Seatpost

Cyril: Hey! Are you really gonna shave your legs?
Dave: Certo! All the Italians do it.
Mike: Ah. Some country. The women don’t shave theirs.

Cancer loving Troll

Calling me a troll is like calling Lance critics “cancerlovers” I said you hating the film is because you have no perspective. You would rathther spend years bashing Lance. That is your perspective on bike racing.
good day

Lorenzo Nipple

a feature length mcdonald’s commercial with bikes, except the characters weren’t quite as developed or believable.

Axel O-Ring

american flyers is pure corn, just bad. breaking away may be kind of dated, but it is a far better film

Kevin Headbadge

come on guys, you know you loved watching alexandra paul in american flyers. just think, not much later she became a baywatch hottie.

Provenzano Clearcoat

Shake n Bake!

Davie, NOOO! Stupid attack…

Once you get it up…Keep it up!!!
(Good Times Dad as Director of Phys Ed, w/obese son…)

Rae Dawn Chong…first modern cycling groupie/slut/soigneuse!

Bent Overmi

Kept going outside and freezing various appendages off. Now below freezing = trainer all the way.

Super efficient workout. No stopping, cars or anyone sniggering at my slow speed.

Madmen, Weeds, The Wire and Glee: BONUS.

yukon cornelius

i think simon ergo hit the nail on the head. besides, its almost impossible to ride outside during the weekdays unless you are a student or want to get ride around in the dark. it seems like over the years more people have bought into riding indoors. i assume that this is based on the use of powermeters and/or heart rate monitors to gauge progress. as long as you have specific training goals, training indoors can actually be kinda fun. i dont understand these people who would rather ride four hours freezing their as–es off, and not even getting in a good training session just because they hate trainers.

Noah Lube

I’m in Northern New Jersey (Essex County) and am still trying to get outside for long, slow endurance rides. I can’t stand being on the trainer for more than an hour to and hour and a half. I rode 2 hours this morning in 30 degree weather and it wasn’t too bad once I got moving. I do think it is counter-productive, though, to do anything more than a light effort outside in this weather.

Morgan Spurlock

If you have any sort of life, during the week you’re going to be riding either 1) at night or 2) indoors.

On the weekend, MAN UP and just ride outside. Seriously. You don’t need to blow money on expensive clothes. Get good gloves and shoe covers, buy some hand warmers, and go to work. You don’t need to stay out there for five hours, but at least pretend you love riding for one day.

Lorenzo Rivnut

It takes longer to get dressed. Once dressed you will either feel too hot or start out cold. Thanks to all those layers you feel constricted. Once out on the bike, it’s not too bad. But getting motivated to go through the hassle of getting out there is not easy. I live in a small NYC apt, so making the space to set up a trainer is not easy. Even when I get on the trainer, more than an hour is difficult. It’s too damn boring. At least when you go outside there are things to see that make the time pass faster.

Brent Chainline

I’ve found that people’s opinions about cold weather training (or training in general) are usually self-serving.

Someone who doesn’t get out on a certain day for one reason or another will claim that there is no training benefit to being outdoors in those conditions. However, that same person may go out and train on a different day under identical conditions and then extol the virtues of being a “hardman”.

I’ve trained outdoors over the winter for a few years, and have had no issue riding outdoors when below freezing when appropriately dressed, and other factors (i.e. wind chill, precipitation, road conditions) are “sane”. I’ve also been out on questionable days, where either light precip. started to freeze on cold roadways or wind chills put temps in the single digits – and have admittedly regretted even attempting to ride, even though I managed to get home without incident.

There is a happy balance out there, depending on your individual tolerance, and appropriate use of better judgment. Just because it’s below 40 deg doesn’t mean everyone should be destined to stay indoors. The “ride outdoors under any conditions” mentality can be equally shallow.

Morgan Spurlock

The New Yorker’s Lament …

It takes longer
you will either feel too hot
or start out cold
you feel constricted
the hassle of getting out there is not easy
I live in a small NYC apt
making the space to set up a trainer is not easy
more than an hour is difficult
It’s too damn boring

That, my friend, is “can’t do” language. Knowing that there people out there thinking this way is all the more motivation to do the work … both inside and out.

Giorgio Swage

who the hell are you, matt foley, motivational speaker?

go back to your van down by the river, will ya?

Nathan Torque

you either are or you are not…
do or do not, there is no try…
fo shizzle my nizzle, have a sip of syrizzle…

Bento Box R Us

Went out today for an hour and a half Surge and Recover session in a 23F wind chilly day… 30+ mph added to the fun.

Richard Veronkadonk

Le Velo de Ghislain Lambert! The scene in which Ghislain takes amphetamines and rides all crazy… ah, never mind.

Keano Rivnut

what the hell is that indoor trainer gear reduction thing? does it seriously enable one to “ride” their stationary trainer, i.e., make the thing roll?

Louis Seattube

Provenzano @ 10:17 on Wed re: the bicycle thief:

This particular mis-translation (cf thief) is significant. The movie is “Ladri di Biciclette” – appropriately rendered in English as “The Bicycle Thieves.” Fans of the movie should realize that the distinction makes all the difference.

Guillaume Skidmark

I ride at 5am-so outside isn’t really an option-cold and dark not thank you. Inside I have my own little training space under the stairs complete with a 26 inch Sony lcd and 5 fans controlled individually with a single remote. Netflix, my Ipod, and Slipknot’s Disasterpieces will hold me over until the SS starts.

Lorenzo Rim

Brings back good memories as the Coors race was shot in Grand Junction, CO up at the state memorial road. I road it in in 2005. Beautiful switchbacks and views.

Btw. If it’s below 40 degress me no likey the outside.

You are what you eat 😀

Marcus Sommers

“I have a double major in Eastern philosphy and cowboy movies. The yin, the yang, and the bang-bang.”

The only decent line in the movie.

Alexander Saddlebag

that is the stupidest thing i’ve ever seen. Who the hell would want to ride a bike, rigged up to a trainer, at 5mph?

I liked the comment “the answer to a question no one asked”

Calista Flockhart

Honestly this time of year just do a four day lemon cleanse, drop 10 lbs — that’ll help you much more than some donkey drills on the trainer.

self-serving but logical

Everyone’s quibbling, but actually, the workout regimen and diet that I follow over the winter are the only ones that have been proven to get you to the precise level of fitness that I’ll have in March.

West Coast Reader

Man it sucked to day, I had to take my arm warmers off and since its winter I had not sunblock and I got sunburn on my arms… ugh. Who turned up the heat to 74? And left the sun out all day…

mike klitt

how is it that no one knows it was kevin costner in american fliers? also, our very own ny resident brian serchinger(sp) was the bearded russian nemesis.

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