Interbike 2009: TT Bikes


Andy Shen

 The new trend this year in TT bikes is the inline stem/top tube, first introduced (I think) by Giant. Regardless of how much drag is reduced by eliminating the trailing edge of the stem, the result looks seriously badass and all bikes without it will appear sad and antiquated in comparison. Giant and Specialized up the ante with nose cones as well.

But the most innovative bike by far was the Storck Aero2, with built-in carbon brakes that operate like leaf spring V-brakes. With the cable attachment point so close to the pads, the arms don’t need to be ridiculously beefy for the brakes to feel firm. There’s no reason why this technology can’t cross over to road bikes, that is, except for the fork’s $2000 price tag. The complete frame/fork/aerobar set will go for $10,000, comes in only 2 sizes, and is Di2 compatible only. 



remorse for some retard that actually thinks: Goddammit there it is! Thats why I’m slow because I am lacking that thing right there! Just wait until I show up with this biatch next Sat.

Honey, ah, did you need a new purse?


Dude that’s the future of your bike whether you like it or not. Parts like brakes/derailures will soon be integrated as such. I guess you haven’t seen all the concept bikes that are being designed for the past five years, its coming whether its faster or not, mainly because it keeps it all together and sleek. Design, its getting there.


In the near future they will have a water bottle mount where the DI2 batter is. The mount will then include a mount for the battery pack.


The Wiler still looks illegal with the “tooth”.
Was that a Sub 9 in the Ridley? It did not fit with last years model.
The Guru and Focus look antiquated by 2010 standards.
With all Giant did, they couldnt figure out how to hide that front brake? Seems to defeat everthing else they have done with the nose.
The brake wires on the Stork look sloppy, but I can’t afford $10k an incomplete bike anyway.
Did you see the Trek? I know that is blasphemy in these parts, but AC and LA’s TT bikes in the Tour looked the cleanest of them all.
With Gratitude,


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Focus slam dunked it for the road but went out to lunch for the TT effort. I differ on the Storck comment – I like some of what they’ve done. Giant and Specialized bikes look a bit clunky compared to what Scott and Storck drew up. I think Scott pulls off the concept a little better (minus the kick ass brake resolution). Storck’s front brake assembly is genius (losing the spring), the rear brake, however, needs a little work. The lines arent as nice and in my opinion perhaps looks like a assured future of dirt collection.
All in all, I am not convinced that any of the new TT designs this year are better looking aesthetically than BMC’s Time Machine TT01. Nothing touches this set up(still) and I would take that rig over any of the bikes posted here. (sorry)



According to Cervelo, who also were not present, there is no appreciable drag reduction in the wind tunnel by moving the front breaks from in front of the fork. Not sure what Stork accomplished with their front break setup other than raising the price further with over engineering.


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