Jonathan Vaughters pre-Tour interview

Alberto’s dreaminess, acquiring legend?

 We finally caught up with garmin Slipstream team director Jonathan Vaughters and got to chat him up, here’s the recorded evidence.



Bahh…podcasts! I wish you could revert to the written word to go along with my smoke signals and abacus.


“Well, he is a very handsome man…he looks alot younger than his age…”

“I mean, Alberto is, on a slightly more serious note, other than him having a boyish quality that I just find ever so attractive…”

“…visually I’d say for his body type he’s pretty much about as slippery as he’s gonna get..”

“Obviously he’s a little guy…”

Sounds like a love unrequited.


I can hear it now:

Schmalz to teammate at FBF: “Ummm, yeah….I think we’re going to have to reel in that break [emphasis on saying “break” with a rising tone at the end, as if it was a question].”

“So, ummm, I’m gonna need you to, ummm, get in the front [same emphasis] and ride ’till you puke. Yeahh….”


Don’t most of us have jobs where our bosses don’t share our cycing interest? Maybe that’s why you haven’t transcribed it.


don’t most of us have internet at home? ipods?

it’s much more interesting to listen to the conversation.


can you ask JV why wiggins was wearing a LS skinsuit at the british RR championships. practicing for the TTT.


can you ask jv if he prefers a delicate sauterne or tokaji eszencia with his fruit-based desserts?

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