What the hell argument

Fair. Balanced. Dead.

Seriously – what the hell?

Exclusive: Fox Newser Accused of Dragging Cyclist Through Central Park

Here’s the first hand description from the cyclist involved.




well he’s not going to get sued to kingdom come if dooda keeps saying he only scraped his elbow and he’s not psychologically damaged on public internet forums.


getting 4th at floyd won’t help dooda’s civil suit either. where were lucarelli & castaldi when we needed them most?


never antagonize motorists. if someone cuts you off, pls don’t stand in front of his weapon and yell at him. enraged people can not think clearly. they can kill you with one little push of a foot.

am i condoning the driver? of course not
should he be in jail? absolutely – let’s hope we can put him there

but in life, it doesn’t matter whose fault something is, it matters whose problem it is. no bonus points for being “right.” yes, it’s clearly the driver’s fault, but brian could be dead right now, and frankly brian made a mistake putting himself in that position. people do not act rationally when confronted. if you’re going to engage in a confrontation – even one started by someone else – you better expect the worst case scenario.

brian, extremely glad to see you’re healthy. i hope you get some justice, and i hope all of us can use this as a (relatively) costless but invaluable lesson.

Old School Ending

I wonder what would have hapenned if a bunch of runners and cyclists in spandex dragged the lying (“he punched me first”) scumbag Fox News writer from his SUV and beat him to a bloody pulp – then drove his ride into the Harlem Meer.


Give this story to one of the other major news networks.
They would have a field day tearing into Fox news.


Sad but true. It’ll be right up there with “New gluten-free bread pudding recipe for Thanksgiving.”


I understand it’s not major news, but the “liberal media” loves to tear into Fox news. And this is a real doozy.

Or give it to John Stewart. He loves any reason to lampoon the Fox network.


Most motorists don’t think clearly when behind the wheel. Just yesterday I witnessed a driver getting angry at a little girl crossing the street at the elementary school. She crossed the street where there was no crossing guard and the driver did not want to stop for her. What followed was the car coming to a halt and the little girl too. Then the girl would start walking at the same time the car starts driving again. Can’t the idiot in the car not just wait the 10 seconds out that it will take the girl to safely cross the street and then be on it’s (avoiding sexual prejudice) way? People in cars are focused on getting to the destination so much that they loose all ability to make rational decisions and aggravating someone who is already robbed of their ability to be rational and is armed with a 4000 lb weapon is not the right decision. While I side with the cyclist I want to also warn that we should all first think of the consequence to ourselves and fellow cyclists and let common sense prevail.


Depending on how the judge and DA wants to see it, the driver committed assault with a deadly weapon. Felony offense. Several years in jail.


Sure he’s right, but he’s an ass, just not as dangerous as the bigger ass in the car. Rider clearly was seeking a confrontation and got one. There are plenty of legitimate incidents that deserve attention, but this guy just wants some street cred with critical mass or times up.


oops, forgot that this obviously sounds less like an accident and more like road rage:

New York State Police have pointed out that there is an important difference. “Road Rage”, such as using the vehicle as a weapon or physically assaulting a driver or their vehicle, is NOT aggressive driving. Such acts are criminal offenses, and there are laws to deal with these violent crimes.

Good legal description:
Aggravated battery is an unlawful touching which causes great bodily harm, permanent disability or disfigurement or involves the use of a deadly weapon. The crime of aggravated battery is a second degree felony, punishable by a maximum of 15 years in prison.

here are some good tips for both sides in driver vs driver scenario but some apply to driver vs cyclist:


Yeah, he wanted it. Did you see the way he was dressed? All the lycra? HE was asking to get rammed, again and again, by that guy’s BIG SUV.

The rider was well within his rights to point out the asshole’s, I mean Fox new’s reporter, I mean asshole’s aggressive/dangerous driving.


Here’s a quote from the story that I thought was the most silly mistake:
“I quickly got to my feet and positioned myself in front of his vehicle to prevent him from fleeing the scene.”

So you see that that didn’t “prevent” anything and in-fact it caused this guy to get injured.
Remember, as a cyclist the purpose of riding is to get safely from point A to point B. It is not to ‘teach’ drivers to obey traffic laws and respect cyclists. The best way for a cyclist to teach this is to stop and wait for red lights with cars, as is your legal responsibility.


I agree, but that’s not the point. It’s a newsworthy story, but the only way to get it out there is to point out that it was a Fox news reporter. It would have been just as bad if it had been anyone else.

Driver’s think they have a right to drive their cars, and a right to the road. They don’t realize it’s a privilege that can be revoked.


“Both men agree that the altercation started because Dooda was riding his bike in the left-hand lane at roughly 25 m.p.h., which caused a line of ten or so cars to back up behind him.” – gawker

First, if that isn’t seeking a confrontation, I’m not sure what is.

Second, he’s a cat 5 so I doubt it was really the speed limit at 25mph.


Nice! That’s what we like to call a “Classic NYVC Two-Fer-One” insult: You deserved it, and you’re a cat 5!


Umm.. I’m a Cat 5 and that part of the park is easily ridden at 25 mph by anyone who race or is a fast recreational rider.


25 MPH can be done with some effort.

Either way, the driver is in a cage and should have the decency to be a freakin’ human being.

I hope he gets his ass sued and he loses his job.


know anyone at the daily news we can get to cover the story? since the post is owned by Fox they’d love to flame it up.


If the driver didn’t like how things were going down, he could’ve just driven off, but he didn’t. He assaulted an unarmed person with a 4000+ pound weapon, fully loaded. That’s some real punk a** sh@t, and honestly, as far as I’m concerned, the rider would’ve been within his right to drag the MF out of the car and put a Look Keo cleat in his backside. And that’s the real benefit of cyclists getting in the weight room. 🙂

Just because you disagree with someone’s mode of transportation DOES NOT give you the right to put them in harm’s way. This didn’t happen anywhere, it happened in the park for goodness sake! I used to confront drivers, but no longer do so. You’re not going to change anyone’s poor driving or lack of regard for cyclists by screaming at them from the side of the road. It’s better to get home to your family than to get seriously injured making a point. That said, there are times when you have to say F-it and step to a MF, but just make sure you don’t stand in front of a big a** SUV while doing so.

Ride safely.


Attention Cat 5s, for the last time: don’t sprint on the hoods.

Thank you – I’m here all week — be sure to tip your waitresses.


Not true 100% of the time. Uphill sprints – Unionvale, Jiminy, even Bethel just a few examples of on the hood sprints. Also, a very talented and very Pro FUJI Servetto Pro (Ivan D) sprints in the hoods. He is fast.

Sprint away, drops or hoods. Just dont sprint in the tops!


It’s best to remove your cleats BEFORE engaging in a physical altercation (think hockey players removing their gloves). Otherwise, slippery cleats can easily land you on your backside before you get the chance to deliver any “justice.”

I’ve seen it happen.


I’ve got 2 words MACE KNIFE. Start carrying both because it just keeps getting worse out there.


if the rider really wanted to do something, he should’ve just opened the guy’s door, tagged him in the face a couple of times, and rolled out. fox news dude wouldn’t mess with a bike again the rest of his life. but, alas, you’re wimp-assed roadies. can only count on you guys to argue and cry–both of which you’re outstanding at.


I’m a avid cyclist, race locally, all that. At 5 PM, cars are driving in the park and, as cyclists, we’re supposed to use the bike lane. (The fact that runners tend to take over the bike lane is a whole different argument.)

The fact that Dooda was holding up traffic in the left-hand lane is something that even I would have found annoying had I been behind the wheel. As bad as some drivers are, there are more than enough cyclists who translate, “Share the road,” as, “This is my road so you’ll just have to wait as I pedal along.”

Now should the driver have begun driving along with Dooda on his hood? Not really, but Dooda was asking for something. Should’ve been a few harsh words and not an attack with a vehicle but had he not been blocking a long line of cars, none of this ever would have happened.


Is the cyclist a little guy and was the driver a big guy? If so, there’s the answer as to why nothing else happened.

I’ve had, or witnessed, plenty of altercations, ripped off mirrors, kicked doors, scratched cars, etc. Road warrior veterans out there know you have to pick your battles carefully.

Oh and you dont do this in Harlem against a car with deep limo tint, by the way…


A double wide baby jogger, runner, cyclist, car, and horse alley car will converge and end in tragedy. WTF is wrong with the powers that be?


I say do just that, by any means necessary! ride slow in the “car” lane, ride fast in the “runners” lane…then get ready for some action!
Let the games begin!


8:32, completely disagree (respectfully). cars are the only thing that keep park roads from becoming pedestrian malls and keep people thinking twice before going out into the road. trust me – kick out cars, you’ll just have more thoughtless park users in the road, and pretty soon it’s us they’ll kick out. getting rid of cars is about the worst idea for cycling in CP i could imagine – i’m glad TA flaked on that as a priority.

“They came first for the drivers, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a driver…”


oh yeah? i mean, i guess if he really wanted to kill him quickly he could have braked so dooda would have fallen off the hood and then tried to nail him again, but really, hitting and dragging someone with a car sounds like a pretty fucking good way to kill someone to me. if you’re doing violence to someone from behind the wheel of a car, you have to be pretty out of it not to be aware that you’re putting the person’s life at risk.


09:05 is a Monkey.

Cars are not needed in the parks. Go for a few laps in Prospect when it is closed to traffic. You will like it.


I think a “critical mass” for the park is long over due, 3 abreast, in “bike” lanes, and move the cars, peddi-cabs, oblivious runners/strollers/tourists the hell out of our way~~~~~~~~~

bring on the X-Men hockey gear and brass knuckle bar ends!!!


why is it a pleasure to ride during car free hours? The presence of police and parks dept. cars will continue to keep the roads from becoming pedestrian malls.


Cars are still allowed in CP because the well healed (and connected) on 5th Ave and CPW don’t want what they believe will be additional traffic on “their” streets.

Ray Alba

Make the park a mall – at least try it out and see. I bet it isn’t as bad as having cars. This week – only riding in the park 2 days before 7 – I nearly got hit by 3 vehicles – if it were not for my bike skills (racing for 30+ years) I would have been road meat.

I know some of you think that the park will become walking malls without motorist- I don’t think so. The city of NY should at least give it a shot – see what happens with a “car free” Central Park. If the results are negative – then we will just have to find somewhere else to train.

The park is to crowded for bikes, skaters, runners (lots of them) and motorist after 5PM. When you get to the South end, everything bottle necks – and from the lower part of the East loop through Cats Paw – its a mess. Runners take up the recreation lane (designated by the BIG bike icon) and we cyclists (still plenty) have to contend with motorists that confuse Central Park – as Central Parkway…

I don’t disagree with the actions Dooda took. Most drivers DON’T CARE about CYCLIST – period! Same applies for other pedestrian traffic! Runners hate us – and the fact that they have NUMBERS doesn’t help our sport – though I can live with Runners more than motorists. If the motorists are out – guess what – more room for runners, cyclist and other enthusiast. And so what if you can’t do your interval at 5 PM – wait till after 7:30 or 8 – do more warm up- or head upstate of you get out early enough.

Good luck Dooda – and be sure you follow through in suing the Fox News jerk….


Ray Alba


it is frightening indeed

I guess we have to go back to basic stuff, let’s start with the definition of a park:

an area of land, usually in a largely natural state, for the enjoyment of the public, having facilities for rest and recreation, often owned, set apart, and managed by a city, state, or nation.

“rest and recreation”


Shawn Eckhard attacked Nancy Kerrigan. He was hired by Jeff Gillooly, boyfriend of Tonya Harding.


no way have you done that….over or under around the UN? Queensboro bridge will definitely f you up


first of all, 1st ave goes under the queensborough.

second, i hit that stretch of lights pretty much every tuesday night coming back from fbf. can go over, or under, and the u.n.


i know it goes under the bridge, i ride it every single day., but the lights aren’t timed with the rest to control bridge flow traffic, not to mention there is often a crossing guard. yes, perhaps it’s possible but only at certain hours…(i doubt your every tuesday night claim, but whatever)


No way you go from houston through 72nd without stopping every tuesday evening with traffic, no way, I call bullshit.


Agree with the last couple comments. I also think that around 14th, 23rd, and 34th the lights are timed differently to control traffic at the crosstown streets


i can make it from Grand to 34th st before the light changes. that’s on road bike –I could never do it on my commuter beater too slow. The Houston light might be timed differently than the others because sometimes i catch that one.
You have to hustle, but not by too much, to make the 14th st light and then its smooth sailing until 34th st.


can regularly or have once? different things. maybe if you hit the first absolutely perfectly in stride, but the problem with being on a bike versus a car is not maintaining speed limit, it is acceleration, if you go from dead stop, or if anything cuts you off, you don’t have a chance. So, while I can see doing it once in a blue moon, anyone who says they can do it anytime on here, i will gladly challenge you to do so in front of us, 100 buck prize to do it 3 out of 3 times, different times of day


I’m with you guys, that’s a load of crap. And I’ll put up money in the challenge too, especially if I can hang off the wheel so that I can learn what I’ve been doing wrong the past 4 yrs in my daily commute, since there is no way…..not to mention the roads are such crap that even maintaining 32 or whatever they are timed for is difficult without the you know, cars and pedestrians and what not.


I’ll take you on… but I’m the one who can only make it to 34th st… at 7AM every weekday morning. Like I said, sometimes Houston catches me.


grand to 34th avoids a couple of the trouble spots i mentioned, is only about half of the original claim, and you very honestly said only sometimes….my challenge is to mr. every tuesday night (that’s what she said)


Houston to 72nd can done when you catch the light right as it’s turning green at 1st and 1st. There’s one catch–you have to be able to ride well in traffic. The guy who rides that stretch every day, but has yet to hit it right, is either physically weak or has poor traffic skills–or both.


that’s me. no, what i suck at is road racing, you would surely kick my ass in that. but, seeing as i spent a very sad summer as a messenger and 6 yrs commuting daily, i’m fine with my traffic skills. what is your claim? that you can make every green btwn there non-stop? that’s just bullshit. it’s not ‘just me”, never seen anyone come close to that. it’s not disparaging your skills, it’s the luck of the draw, there is absolutely nothing you can do about some situations that are thrown at you. again, not saying it absolutely is impossible, but you people claiming to do it regularly are plain and simple lying.


quit saying you can do it unless you’re weak and show up with your hundred bucks. plain and simple. i say you can’t, you say you can, let’s go


i can make it from 85th & 3rd to 87th & 3rd on the green light without stopping, unless i see fresh franks being slapped on the grill at papaya king.


that’s funny, really funny. you’ll laugh. i promise. well, you said post FBF right? so, next tuesday after floyd? and your bet is that you will go from houston to 72nd making every green, right? any other takers?


Come Tuesday, I will be on my way back from FBF, as well. I hereby volunteer to hold the money whilst you all settle the bet.


there you go again. as a cat3 who does this road all the time, I have to side with ‘fat boy’…of course it’s possible, but not likely


as a cat 2, i have to disagree with the excitable ‘cat 3.’ i’ve lived in manhattan my entire life and the 1st ave “push” is nothing new.


if you have lingo for it, then you must be right..

i am not denying it is a nicely timed stretch, i’m denying that you can hit every green. nothing against yalls “skills”…i just don’t even think the lights are timed for it.


I would love to spectate next tuesday… but unfortunately will be caught by the 34th st light … and therefore won’t be able to witness the entire event.

long time messenger

no matter how good your traffic skillz are, at some point in 72 blocks, something will slow you down, and he’s right, at that point you can’t accelerate quickly enough to get back on pace.

West Coast Reader

Good luck with this. I know a person killed by a drunk driver at 10AM! The driver is out driving after only one year in jail, and a ankle lock jail at that. If it wasn’t for the car getting messed up during the accident the driver would of fled as they tried but the car stopped working on them after several hundred yards. Mind you the drivers kid was in the car and witnessed the whole thing. The group got to the accident to only see the driver still in denial about the accident and was trying to blame the rider, till the booze bottle dropped out of the car. Nice….

Any bike accident is ignored by the police, media, other people. Unless its one of their own.

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