JJ Byrne Park

NYC’s first outdoor swap meet on Sunday May 31st at JJ Byrne Park in Park Slope, Brooklyn, 10 AM to 2PM with an hour on either side for set-up and break down. It’ll be outdoors in a fenced-in park. I am offering spaces to the bicycle ‘community’ prior to the public announcement (though we are already listed in the NYC Bike Month calender) to try and insure that people will have quality stuff to buy and sell, rather than those junkyard bike guys. Spaces will cost 50 dollars for the day. Please email me at brooklynbikeswap (at) gmail.com to reserve a space – you will be responsible for bringing a table. There will also be, pending participation of course, a non-competitive (is that possible?) concours of sorts for showing off your beautiful bikes. The bikes will be displayed outside and will need (for your safety and ours) to be locked with a cable lock. If you have a bike that you would like to display, please send an email to the aforementioned address. We would prefer to have bikes with a New York pedigree (you got Nelson Vails’ bike? A Dick Power? a messenger special from Stuy bikes? A Frejus? C’mon down!) but it’s not necessary.
Big News!
The esteemed Jamie Swan has agreed to be a judge for the bike concours!
Judging will be for the following categories:
Best In Show
Most NY bike
Best as-found
Best Restoration
Jamies work can be seen here: http://www.jamieswan.net/pages/framebuilding/framebuilding1.html