As the Toto Turns 134

Pet Shop Boys

Pet Shop Boys



I love My TOTO in the evening. it goes really well with a Gin and Tonic….. HUMMM
DAM you Andy…
oh yeah as always its fn hilarious


Dog and pony show at Astana? I think that’s the other teams, they have the horse of a different color. Proposed new book titles for July: “The Wizard of Astana” or “It’s not about the Mules”, instead we’ll have “Lance: The Making of the World’s Greatest Champion,” available for pre-order on Amazon. Now that we’ve all learned “Hagiographer” in a previous Toto, I can use it (plural now, thanks to John Wilcockson), and you only have to look up “Trope.”

Gotta go, here comes my balloon ride to Imagination Land…

Go Lance!


She’s a man, man???
And she works for Dr. Evil?
Come…to think of it…Levi could be…mini-Dr.Evil!!! (an anal-gram!!!)
That would make Lance his fajzer!!! Cloned from radiactive seminal fluid…
Leading to the Doomsday Device!
Because they are after our precious vital fluids…
WHich means we have to strike first as the only viable chance to holding them off…
and out of the TOUR!!!

Odessa has blown…
their cod-piece…cover,
I have deduced that ASS TAN uh
will NOT do do…
the TOUR!!!



I made a post calling pro triathletes quitters in the Forum to see what type of response I could elicit and got called a sheep (numerous times), a dork (ouch) and assorted other references by a bunch of 40-something tri-geeks…I would love to see a war of words between the Slowtwich Forum crew and the NYVelocity crew…I think the tri-geeks might cry as soon as someone called them an a$$clown!

Wheelsucker- But I am really verified

Seriously you must be a troll to pick a useless fight with those who obviously can not defend themselves.

Stay on point and leave the hating for Adler or NY Velocity.


I am not sure why people hate on them- It seems to be the modus operandi around here. All my experience with Adler or NYV has been super positive.

I wrote it tongue and cheek. Obviously it did not play.


everyone’s getting busted for ridesofastazol.

these posthumous doping tests are like auntie gertrude telling you, after dessert, that was no ordinary meatloaf you just ate for dinner…

I am in charge here. Puleeze bring Toto back into the storyline. Rumor has it that Levi is standing on Toto’s wide shoulders.

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