Tyler Hamilton Positive

Press conference later today

Juliet Macur of the NYTimes has it here. We’re trying to get a hold of Tugboat for a comment.

A pro told me “If you need to dope to race domestically, pick up a fucking mop”. What the hell was Hamilton thinking? Was he trying to score Rock a result at the Tour of the Basque Country? Or is he incapable of racing clean any more? Does doping become an addiction?



He was trying to “end” his career knowingly. Depression is a mean bastard and assuming he was clinically diagnosed in the past, he knew he had problems. If he wasn’t on the proper medication who knows how he was thinking? Think Graeme Obree or Pantani.
I don’t discount his past horseshit positives, but maybe his depression is why he lives in denial. Weird stuff.


The national road champion a fucking doper. I hope he retires. I hope LA re-retires too. Get out dopers. NO ONE wants you.


In dictionaries/wikipedias they should put a picture of this ass next to the definition of disgrace.


OUT and stay out. He holds an olympic medal, the symbol of what is clean and true in our mixed up world. and he spits on the symbolism and honour of real athletes. OUT

the whispers have been about for 6 weeks about this. When a rider tests positive: the media and his cycling federation should be informed together, the same day. Rock racings lurid director rudy, who destroyed Ulrich, Shumacher and Riis said last month that Tyler was not racing due to flu. More lies.
Delighted as it spells the end to ROCK Racings dope team,no one will sponsor Ball’s fallen heros as it proved once a doper……………


Support clean-real riders.


there’s a connection between guilt and depression.

He was cheating his ass off and getting accolades for it. Being a fraud like that would lead to depression.

Note – I’m not a doctor but I played one with your sisters (ZING!)

Bye Bye Tyler…


One is taking banned substances for “depression” the other, supposedly, the most tested athlete ever, goes away to “take a shower” while the tester waits…


Mauro Finetto of the CSF Group – Navigare team won the sixth stage of the Presidential Cycling Tour of Turkey today. A fantastic win for the young Italian. A career highlight being first home in a 4-hour stage infected with side winds.
The sad thing no one will ever know. Baring his family and a few locals, the cycling world is ignorant to his victory. It just so happens that Tyler chose this particular Friday to tell the world that, once a cheat always a cheat.
The whispers have been about for six weeks about Tyler’s positive test result for steroids. Tyler, the convicted doper, returned to cycling after a two-year ban and once again swooned the hearts of the American nation. At the Tour of California there was a small kid in a US champion’s jersey with Hamilton picture across the front .He was waving a flag in awe of the great race.

It took 6 weeks for Tyler to admit his positive test;
6 weeks of his team covering up for his lack of race starts with lies of flu;
6 weeks of the US anti doping agency knowing and saying nothing.
A further 6 weeks of that kid being proud of his hero and his shirt before another heartbreak

Mauro Finetto win will be lost in the back pages of cycling magazines. Hamilton’s positive test result was exposed to the world on the inside cover of the NY Times. More damaging coverage for cycling. Yet again the image of the sport lies in ruins due to the weak, selfish, cheating of a weak, selfish rider.
Nothing will give Mauro Finetto the publicity he deserves, Nothing will convince that kid that supporting a champion cyclist is a secure move.
All convicted dopers should be not only be banned for life from competition but also banned from working within cycling and polluting yet another generation. Tyler’s Olympic medal should be returned. His US champion’s jersey should be handed to Garmin-Chipotle’s Blake Caldwell who finished second to Hamilton last August and he should be forgotten. No talked about, dismissed lest the damage and media coverage be redirected against our sport more.
I long for the day when cycling results are on the inside cover of the NY times, doping test results are open and efficient and that kid will want to wear his favorite shirt to bed again.
Well done Mauro

Support clean-real riders.


17:33, How right you are. If only Tyler Hamilton hadn’t doped, all the US sporting news would be abuzz about a courageous ride on the sixth stage of the Presidential Tour of Turkey.


It is a shame. Hopefully, things will really heat up in tomorow’s stage of the Presidential Tour of Turkey.


Rock Racing twitter: “It’s a very tough day for me because my goal was to give Tyler a second chance,” said Rock Racing Team Owner Michael Ball.

And just yesterday he sacked Creed, Baldwin, and Grajales. What a tough couple of days for him.


gettin handed your hat and shown the door – in April when you should be handing the peleton some fresh beat downs from the winters training. Sucks for Creed. I hope he finds another squad.
I wonder what Floyd is thinkin?


“The following Professional cyclists have pledged to be affiliated to Bike Pure’s stance on anti-doping. They will wear the Bike Pure wristband and headset spacer for 2009 – the sign of a clean, true performance.”

The above quote is from Bike Pure’s website. Hey, bravo for the anti-doping sentiment…but does this mean that if you join Bike Pure and wear some wristband we all can trust that your are clean?

Come on! We have seen enough dopers to know that being outspoken against it has little correlation with whether you are actually clean.

Keep going with the anti-doping message, and yes, encourage more riders to join your ranks, but don’t make us out to be idiots by suggesting that they are automatically clean.


Colorado Springs, Colo. (April 17, 2009) — USADA announced today that Michael Lange of Golden, CO, an athlete in the sport of cycling, has accepted a two-year period of ineligibility after testing positive for a prohibited substance during a competition in China.
Lange, 25, tested positive for Strychnine, a stimulant, as a result of a urine sample collected at the Tour of Qinghai Lake near Qinghai Lake, China on July 15, 2008. Strychnine is listed as a Specified Substance and is prohibited under the USADA Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing and the Union Cycliste Internationale (“UCI”) Anti-Doping Rules, both of which have adopted the World Anti-Doping Code and the WADA Prohibited List. According to the WADA Code, prohibited substances like Strychnine that could be susceptible to a credible, non-doping explanation, are identified as Specified Substances. While Mr. Lange tested positive for a Specified Substance and has accepted the penalty for the violation, no facts were revealed that he intentionally ingested Strychnine.
Lange accepted the sanction which began on August 4, 2008 in accordance with the rules for a first offense. He is also disqualified from all competitive results obtained on and subsequent to July 15, 2008, the day the sample was collected, including forfeiture of any medals, points and prizes.


Isn’t Tyler the first cyclist, if not the first athlete, ever to test positive in 3 separate events? That’s a Hall of Shame career in anyone’s book.


I’m wondering where I can get some of that stuff, this news has me depressed. Figure it will make me happy if I can use it to win a race!

BikePure? Is Lance on that bandwagon? If he is I can’t wait till it hits the fan, death to that site for sure.


Frankie, et al received from retail pharmacists who were willing to overlook the lack of a scrip from your nephrologist/oncologist. Injectable products, especially those that can kill you e.g. erythropoetin, (and others like somatropin aka human growth hormone), are most definitely prescription in the EU per EMEA guidelines (see http://www.emea.eu for corroboration). This is also true for places like Spain, where injectables, by law, must be administered in a hospital or clinic per Spanish health law. That means retail pharamcists don’t see much volume, and given many pharmacy mark-ups are ad valorem, the retail pharmacists can make some decent cash on these products. I’ve worked with EU pharma for the past twelve years.

A former colleague was country manager of our China ops and challenged me to go on a hospital visit with him in Shanghai and come out with fewer than 3 scrips. Docs get prescribing fees in China, so they would openly come up to you and tell you what was wrong with you and write a scrip for you. Crazy stuff.


Illegal drugs whether it be EPO or Growth Hormone can be gotten via rouge Biochemist with access to a lab or crafty enough to have their own lab. So some people can get un-marked Cera if they pay the price or have a buddy Biochemist. You don’t have to buy Chinese dope if there’s some at your local … how should I put this … “Educational Lab” or even “Commercial Lab” after hours cut.

Also if you remember the Dr. Mabus case, he was a veterinarian and although the drugs are meant for animals they use the same thing as humans only labeled as such. Horse racing uses some of the same products on the race horses. So a Vet can get you some supposed prescription drugs through their avenues.

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