Monday morning open thread

time to nest


This page is here to give you an opportunity to share your feelings with the group. We’re hoping to build a nest of trust will allow people to address any issues that have come up over the weekend. Since it is the off-season, we can be un-fettered of our worst competitive tendencies. And with no races to race (with cross being a lovely muddy exception, of course), there’s no sand to bag. Perhaps a discussion of the latest muffin trends? Maybe a primer on the efficacy of embrocation. Share your feelings with the group – we are in the nest.




love that they have FANTA as a sponsor. Very Euro…

Do they have FANTA in their water bottles during races?


or how about doing the south loop for a crit like race, it has been done in the 80s,

or by the new bike shop by the GWB. maybe they could get a parking lot crit going on so we dont have to get doored on flatbush next year

we need a better mid week crit

David Sommerville

Does anyone know if the Sunday Adler group ride stopped on State line hill for:
A: flat
B: had a crash
If some guys went down we hope they are ok.

David Sommerville
Director Sportif
Sommerville Sports


you have to admit that there are alot of incredibly boring names for local cycling teams on behalf of thier *sponsors*. lets face it, we all work, we can all wear whatever we want to wear at the park races, right?

just find some folks you get along with and do the team thing. put the CRCA logo on a cool looking kit and you are all set. why go lapping around the park wearing some ugly kit emblasoned with sponsors logos who have agreed to sell you thier products at a discount that you can afford at full price anyhow? that is IF you actually wanted what they have to offer?

proasshit might be onto something here, ladies and gentlemen…


why didn’t you stop to see if everyone was okay for yourself, David?

Fred Flatlander
World Wheelsucking International Inc.

David Sommerville

There was 1 car and 20+ people already stopped on the downhill, adding 6 more makes it even more UNSAFE!

David Sommerville “one of like maybe 15 guys who actually signs their name to posts on”


David you get the JFT Award for post signing. IF anyone here is looking for a new team, they will call you, okay?


I made the chicken soup recipe yesterday. It is very good. I highly recommend it.

You may now respond with sarcasm and wit.

Not signing my to maintian my anominty.


So, the question is, was this hit by car rider wearing a helmet? JFT wants to know. Did it matter in this case??? Oh, and did he smell good through it all through use of the special Adler soap? Sommerville, did the whole group give off a pleasant waft as you rode by?


works to remove lactic acid from the muscles in addition to being the most potent (and pungent) aphrodisiac known to NYC women


Central Park not officially open until 6 a.m.?

Pray tell, does that mean I’m violating the law while doing massive intervals at 5 a.m. or so?

No fear, if chased, I’ll pull my GI Joe stealth suit out of my P3 top tube-mounted bento box and get all invisible, man.


A car turned into Sam at the bottom of State Line Hill. Luckily there was a rider there to administer Fanta to him. It seemed to do the trick b/c he’s fine.


Guys cruise me all the time when I use the Adler Soap. Haven’t had much luck with women when using the product.


Is it safe to slipstream big trucks on 9W? Was that Ken Harris in Adler behind a wide truck with trailer flying by on Saturday? Seems a bit nuts.


Any chance we can TT in central park in 2009? Is CRCA even going to ask the park about it? Maybe we can at least find something better than FBF, which has to be the worst TT course I’ve ever raced.


God there is nothing more tedious than these gay Adler soap/glory hole jokes etc etc. You guys need to find a new schtick. Gay jokes? Really?


I heard that some senior staff members at Sommerville World Sports have been working around the clock with state and local officials on a Central Park TT in ’09.

Fred Flatlander
Chief Bottle Carrier
World Wheelsuckers International, Inc.


No, we at Sommerville have been working on a nightime, downhill TT on the River Road Apline Climb (Decent in this case.)
No cannibal class, full aero equipment only.
David Sommerville


Hey I’m just getting started. See all of you peeps in Staten Island on the 30th for StatenCross a.k.a. Baconfest. Schmalz hosting the pre-race/post-race party?


let’s roast a pig. but if ONE person makes a joke about putting an apple in my mouth and bbq’ing me, i’m outta here


If you want it authentic/Euro you need waffles, nutella, Frites and good Belgian Ale. Ham on baguettes with butter and tomato spread is also euro but not a pig roast.



is as local as anyone else living in Boulder. But it is great and big congrats to Empire and Mike Sherry for putting together program, that can support guys like that and give them the opportunity to make it into pro ranks.

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