CERA argument

Waiting for other shoes


It’s been rumored that there are a number of positive tests from this past summer’s Tour. European news agencies are reporting that as many as 14 riders may be retested for CERA, the latest EPO variant that has all the kids talking.


The tests may or may not be happening now or may even be finished – information from overseas is a little spotty right now. So we find ourselves in the situation of waiting to see if there will be more riders declared positive from this year’s Tour. Which rider testing positive would disappoint you the most? Which would surprise you the least? Is the world ready for Cadel to be declared the Tour winner?




Which rider testing positive would disappoint you the most?

Which would surprise you the least?


The rumors indicate that 5 (five!) CSC riders are under suspicion.

I say both Schlecks, fer sher, but which others?

If Sastre and Jens test positive, I swear I’ll quit watching this stoopit shit.


If VDV is positive, I am never watching this shite ever again.
Race, yes. Watch, no.
BTW, I have cancelled my subscription to VN for not giving credit where credit is due.

Santa Claus

Which rider testing positive would disappoint you the most?

Which would surprise you the least?
Schumacker, Voight, other Gerolsteiner whose names escapes me


Biggest disappointment: Voigt

Least surprise:

Is the world ready for Cadel to be declared the Tour winner?
I’m fairly certain this is one of the signs of the apocalypse…


Im a funny way, Id sorta like to see both CSC riders and some fmr Lance teammates caught, just because it adds more firm proof that these teams are not above suspicion (CSC I guess already pretty tainted by Basso and others) and that Lance was unlikely to be a clean rider in past. The more that get caught, the less plausible it is that anyone is riding clean, and the more pressure to change the sport fundamentally in testing. This is all good long term. Measures so far are still half assed and the crap will continue till changes are made to testing regime.


isn’t Lance’s comeback predicated on there being an EPO-type drug that there’s no test for yet? Was this it, in which case the comeback is over.


Lance beat the testers by transfusing his own blood, no?
Post the test to find EPO, at least.

Remember, none of the Puerto clients testsed positive.

The only reason Vino was caught (rumor has it) was because he used his dad’s blood.

I’m sure lance has his own certifuge, devices, etc…


Don’t disgrace the name of our most favoritest Kazakh hero. As he himself attested, “A transfusion with my father’s blood? That’s absurd. With his blood, I would only have tested positive for vodka.”


Once upon a time there was a vodka called Snow Queen.

She was born in the far-away land of Kazakhstan.

Her father was the finest organic wheat and her mother was the purest water that flowed through the snow-capped mountains.

Soon, Snow Queen became known as the smoothest, most beautiful vodka of them all.

Experts came from far and wide and were amazed that such a perfect drink existed. They showered her with prizes. Gold Medals. Awards and Diplomas.

But what is the secret of her beauty?

It was quite simple. Unlike any other vodkas, Snow Queen had been distilled not once, twice, thrice, not even four times. She had been distilled five times. And then she was transfused into the body of our national hero Alexander Vinokourov. After a training camp at altitude in the Swiss Alps, the blood was then extracted, and bottled.

That’s what gave her such a unique, smooth, velvety taste. But, of course, as happens so often in fairy tales, her beauty carried a terrible curse.

For whoever put Snow Queen to his lips was condemned to fall in love with her for the rest of his life.
And to test positive at the Tour de France.



but this stuff was probably being made 10 or more years ago. they should test his old samples for this.


just let them race, go fast, and die…

Eddy B and other USA legends are in the frkn hall of (sh)fame after blood doping in ’84. whats the point? Neither side follows the rules…

Addicts/cheaters will treat themselves when they overdose. Doping agencies cut their own wrists when they insist on purity that they can’t uphold within their own orgs.

Its an arms/pharma competition. The internal testing just refines the process further. Conconi/Ferrari/Cechini were the early EPO “researchers” paid for by CONI, and athletes are always the guinea pigs, willingly and knowingly so they can win.

Enjoy the spectacle, esp when they test LA 99 samples!

Where’s the popcorn?

Is there a PR rep in the house?


There surely is no surprise if the CSC riders are on the list after all Bjarne is the daddy of EPO users. Bjarne and Bruyneel have stunk of it all for years and personally I do not count any of their victories. I really hope it is all big name riders because at last it will start to put fear into the dopers. I would like to see how Astana’s Giro samples would fare with this test, I suspect pretty badly.

baby cobra

Well if you don’t count their victories, I won’t either.

And on that note, you probably shouldn’t count any euro win, ever.

I also will not count any prospect park win, or any other smelly win.


but our sport is going to die. What has happened it the past few years is unrepairable. Even if CSC is cleared on all accusations the damage is done. All results past and present are questioned by everyone. There is ZERO integrity in our sport.


professional sports are entertainment – period. legalize & regulate. there is no other pragmatic approach.


Ricco, Piepoli
Schumacher, Kohl
Why is it the ASTANA program isn’t good enough for Lance/Caitlin?
Why won’t the Giro go back and re-test?
Does VdVelde get on the TdF podium soon?
Why does anyone act surprised or upset? We can monitor everything, can’t put any money into the engine, just the chasis???

(Saw that some NFL guy got 4 games suspension for “sterioids”! Ha! Now that is funny!)


“Cadel is unfortunately clean”

at least one person is honest enough to compete in this sport and not dope. if all the good guys were dopers there would be no good guys. you should be happy that he’s not disgracing the sport.

after all… would you rather see a doper win or an honest man

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