Andrew “Cupcake” LaCorte wins Nat’s

2008 Master Track Nationals
were very competitive this year.  However, Kirk Whiteman and I
prepared for the event very carefully and it seemed that I had no excuses
this year according to Kirk.  I tried to play a joke on Kirk after
event ended by saying I got the Silver.  But I could not fool
him as he just would not believe it.

I was fortune enough to qualify
No.1 again this year and won in 6 straight rides this year.  I
also had a mishap in my first ride when my tubular rolled right off
of my Mavic IO at the top of turn one and I slid half way down the track
with a broken helmet and toe straps.  I saw darkness for a minute
but was too pumped and was not worried even though I had no Skin on
my forearm and right ankle.  After officials examined the tire
we found that the tire rolled right off of the base tape that was still
on the rim and I got the re-ride.  I will be inquiring with Tufo
about the issue at a later time. 

From there it just got more
difficult with the blocking, fake jumps, and faster opponents as I advanced
towards the finals.  In the first ride in the final I pretty much
knew what was going to happen next with a Kilo attempt.  But I
kept the rider at the top of the track and matched the speed each time. 
The next steps I will keep to myself as I dove for the sprinters lane
and took the first ride.  The last ride in the final there was
nothing I could do to stop the Kilo attempt as I had to take my turn
at the top of the track.  My opponent was in a bigger gear, had
the shoe covers on and knew what he had wanted to do.  He got me
about three bikes into turn 2-3.  I had to close the door on this
race fast.  I caught the wheel out of turn three approaching bell
lap and was in the position I wanted to be in and able to come around
for the win.  It was great to see NY faces going crazy at the finish
line.  I remember hugging Ian Stanley on the back stretch and Chris
Barbaria, Danny Lim and Derrick Davis at the finish line.  The
Gold comes back to NY.

I have to thank a few great
people for helping me through the 2008 season:

Tiemyer Bicycles:
Finally a bike that I have not broke within a 4 month period, is custom,
can’t be touched when it comes to stiffness and is made in the U.S.

The Bicycle Planet, Syosset
Always takes care of me when it comes to equipment.  The
Staff at The Bicycle Planet are always pleasant and courteous to work

Dave Sommerville
– Sommerville Sports:
The support has been great!  My teammates
are very supportive of my accomplishments.  Just having a team
that is maintained properly is a blessing.  It is Dave’s way
only! And it is the right way to run a team.  

Gil Hatton: His training
sessions are great and his juniors are on fire this year.  Great
person and friend!  If you are willing to learn, keep an open mind
to what the man has to say, go hard and not complain you can’t go wrong.
Workouts with Gil are the real deal.  Be ready to work and feel
the pain.  If not there is always bowling.

Can’t forget my home track;
.  Our track has come a long way. The riders, the volunteers
that help in the clean ups, the people that come together to donate
money for maintenance that the NYC Parks just doesn’t seem to understand
what is needed to maintain a Velodrome and the promoters that keep the
racing alive in NY.  

At the Kissena Velodrome:
The up and coming Chris Barbaria, (Opps, was I not suppose to
say that?) for always being prepared at the line at the Mid-Atlantic
Sprint Championships and Nat’s.  Wish you could be at Worlds
my friend.  But you better watch your ass next year. That’s all
I have to say on that.

Doug Rothline:
My main training partner and assistant coach. Doug has put extremely
long amount of hours in with me at the Kissena Velodrome and is very
aware of my training program with Kirk Whiteman as he also assisted
in some of Kirk’s endeavors too.

Kirk Whiteman: 
The man still has presence in NY that
I think lives in me.  I have now been working with Kirk Whiteman
for 2.5 years (over the phone, and email) and I have seen nothing but
improvements in my abilities.  I questioned something’s to myself
in the beginning but just went with it.  After all
the man has quite a few medals and what we did
together always worked.  After the second year with Kirk everything
just fell into place.  The winter indoor program
is full of surprises. “The Program Works” That is all I have to
say again.  You need to be on this program if you want to
be ready for the spring training program that we will be running again
in 2009.

And last my wife
and daughter, for putting up with the training and me,
anyone can tell you that! Right? Yeah whatever!  Just image how
they feel?  It is very important to get the support you need. 
It is not easy.  The transportation, medical, diet and equipment
costs are things that always seem to pop-up.  Being married, in
a full-time job, being a parent and bike racer is extremely hard. 
I thank my wife everyday for holding down the fort when I am away. I
also give credit to all riders out there in this position. 

2009 promises to be another great year

People that are ready and are
interested will be added to the elite training program.  The kid’s
development program, Star Track continues to grow with multiple times
Master World Champion Delroy Walters. The newly added women’s
program continues to grow with Joe Brennan and the training program
with track director John Campo is growing out of control.

We are also planning on multiple
sprint clinics with Jack Siems / Gil Hatton and Kirk Whiteman
for the 2009 season.  My team Sommerville Sports will also be planning
on adding a few separate Sprint nights that will add to the popular
Wednesday night Twilight series.  This will surely keep the Kissena
Velodrome an exciting place to come train and race next year.