Hangover 8/25/08

Grasshopper say what?

Busy busy weekend. Lots of controversy at the Mengoni, with Adam Myerson winning after a DQ for Ricky Lowe. Myerson has a nice clarification of the day’s events here. Empty podium means Myerson dodges a Burger King photoshop job. Sally Annis and Neil Bezdek took the women’s and 3 races.

Rob Lattanzi places 3rd in the Tour de Medford masters race.

Gary Steinberg wins the 3’s and places 2nd in the masters at the NJ state crit champs. Richard Gonzalez wins the masters 45’s and Suzanne Tempsick wins the women’s masters.

Ken Harris and Kyle Peppo roll in together at the CRCA club race, Maggis Shirley wins the womens. George Matrogiannis and Steve Magyera win the B’s and C’s respectively.

Anyone got Thater results?




Did UNITED distroy this race or what, did they threaten physically anyone, esp. Alan? Is Myerson full of it or is he the angel he would like to portray? Did Ricky go into the lane during the sprint, as Myerson says being backed up by other teams, like who from those teams? So many questions, no real answers…ruined race…so much for Bauer, Lemond, Hincapie, McCarthy legacy…


What makes NYC racing great is also what makes it suck a big nut… While its nice to race close to home I have to say the out of town events have a more chill and selective (in the race) vibe. Too bad the King of CP races turned out to be a two man shite storm…

But hey, at least the 3s had fun. BTW – to all the guys hating on the 3s last week… did you take a look at the Thater Cata2/3 results. The winner was a 3. Pignatello is a beast and was a 4 in April. Chaput 5th also a 3. Scroll down and you will see all the local 2s finishing behind the local 3s.


DQs needs to happen more often. Riders passing and sprinting in the jogger’s lane is getting old and ridiculous. I’m glad there was a DQ.

If people keep riding in the recreational lane, I hope we see many many many more.

Big Kudos to Alan and all officials for taking care of this. Keep it up.

Pure Hate

The current catagory system sucks and Cat 1’s are glorified 2’s.
Used to be only a handfull of 1’s racing back in the day and most were National team members who earned it. Now if you’re a 2 and travel a little, you’re a 1 if you request it.
Blah blah, we all suck.


Anyone want to come over tonight and play race cards? I have some beer and cigars left over from the weekend, and my wife is out of town. $20 buy in?

Alan's crew

You have to be an asshole to threaten Alan. He is the nicest guy in the world. If you can’t get along with him you must be a jerk-off.


If this BS keeps up and NYC looses the park races we will immediately see 50-70% of the racers stop racing. Also see 100% of the boneheads stop racing.


Park races are practically a NYC institution. I seriously doubt the parks dept. would shut them down so easily. Not to make light of what is admittedly a problem, but it would take more than this to get us banned.


I’m pretty sure the parks dept. isn’t monitoring DQs. But getting booted from the park has happened before. If you think bicycle races are a NYC institution. The Road Runner’s club has far more clout and are a serious lobby and they absolutely hate cyclists.


two recreational cyclists talking (past the finish line) “how hypocritical. they (us racers) yell at us to get in the recreation lane and now they ride down the road the wrong way and almost hit us”

pretty much sums up how everyone views us. they’d vote us out of the park in a hot minute. joggers, walkers, other cyclists – they all don’t like us. I wouldn’t either (of course I would never be in CP before 8am).


I’ve been racing bikes with Adam Myerson since 1992 and have known him through the various stages of his cycling career. He is and has been a lot of things but a jerk ain’t one of them. And while we’re settling the record, an elitist pro ain’t one of them either. The Adam Myerson I grew up racing with would regularly kick my butt as a junior at a Tuesday night training crit then give me advice between sprints and after the races. Elitist Cat 1’s and pros simply don’t do this to Cat 4 juniors. Through the 90’s Adam continued on, sharing his wit and wisdom in a monthly column in the Ride Magazine and has always been known as one of the most colorful, friendly and affable characters in the New England bike racing scene. If you’re just calling him a jerk just because, you clearly don’t know the man. It was a pleasant surprise seeing him and catching up in the early laps of the Mengoni on Saturday. Same old Adam. I hope to see him again next year.


If we do things well and behave appropriately, we’ll be able to keep the permits and racing in the parks.

But make no mistake: The Parks Department would rather we not race in CP or PP. They could care less about DQs. If we give them reason, they will kill the races.

Everything that happened Saturday was embarrassing, not only did a rider sprint in the jogger’s lane, but the screaming match and classless behavior from United is exactly the kinda of crap that will get us kick out of the Parks.


Most NYRR club members are indifferent or are even hostile to the CRCA scene in the park. Many within the NYRR organization share that sympathy. You are wrong to assume that the CRCA has much, if any clout within the Parks Dept because of history. Given the perceived and real danger that the sport poses, the increased number of requests for permits, those who truly want to continue racing in CP would do well to conduct themselves well. That includes even the little things like clearing the rec lane AFTER your race as well as the obvious stuff. It would be a shame to loose our privilege because a few dicks.


Why are we bashing We Stand United? There Win as a (Team) was taken away from them because a bad ruling on the chief referee. How do you Dq a racer because someone “told you that a ride may have went into the joggers lane”.Results posted but no protest period after the race surpose to be a 15 minute protest period ,and that was not give to the Team to protest it was just the Final word by Alan and thats it.Thats why the Team was Madd and when they Asked Allen can he produce the names of who “Claimed Ricky when to the Joggers Lane”he came up with a Lame excuse and brushed the Team off.Now how would you feel ? Allan is a good guy but this call on this race was “SOUR” and not handled in professional matter on Allans part he made a decision with no protest period and BOLTED. Great job We Stand United youll get them next time


confusion of there/their/they’re – check
random inappropriate capitalization – check
inappropriate usage of quoation marks – check
spelling “alan” three different ways – check


thank you Cat 6 racer you just Won a NYVELOCITY Spell Check & Grammer Check award now Go WIN a Bike race .


i didn’t get the point, i couldn’t even read your comment it was so horrendously written. oh, and i do win races, even more i can write a fucking sentence correctly.

baby cobra

Just let United “anonymously” argue for themselves, for some reason as if we are that stupid not to realize.


Why do you have so much dislike for We Stand United?Did you ask to be on the Team and was denied? Dude give it a break already !!!!!!! Man up and stop HATING on the Team.


I thought Toyata United was racing Thater? Why are they arguing about Mengoni?

I like that Toyota United Team… nice kits and they race Fujis. Kind of cool racing a $8000 Japaneese peice of shite… Plus they have that fast dude who sprints on the hoods. That is keepin it real fashizzi!


reading 12:54’s comment “aFTer” 1:01’s comment is much funnier than reading them chronologically

1/2 wit

Irregardless (that’s right irregardless) of your anal outbursts, this is the sort of nonsense up with which we will not put.

Look for Facebook groups devoted to “correct grammar” or “English elitism”.

Big deal, you reviewed your high school English rules: You get to feel like you’re a member of an exclusive club with privileged knowledge despite not really doing any work. Hence why there are far fewer members of the “nonlinear differential equations police” than their grammatical equivalent.

So unpucker your anus, and boldly split infinitives like no man has before. And whether you like it or not, prepositions are fun things to end sentences with.


last i checked diffy Qs weren’t used to express an opinion

what’s the grammatical term for using the wrong word in a sentence (matter vs manner for example)? i don’t have acces to my high school grammar book.


Isnt’ “malapropism” the medical term for painful erection lasting >4 hrs? They warn about this in all the ED product direct-to-consumer ads. Heck, if it happens, stay out all night. Brag to your friends. Just aviod out of competition testing like the plague. Lie about your wherabouts. Say you were in CT or something.


the pathetic irony of you claiming WSU post anonymously, whilst hide behind your “oh so witty” internet nom-de-plume is surely not lost on anyone either.


Where can I get that 4+ hr erection pill? My wife Muffy has been complaining about my brevity, and if she leaves me I lose all my club memberships and will be stuck riding in the park on weekends with the rest of you hooligans.

John Mycane

only to steal a purse and got right back in to the sprint or was it that they all look the same? hum???

grasshoppa (aka Wheelsucka)

Two monks traveled a country road after a sudden rainstorm. They happened upon a lovely woman who could not cross an intersection due to flooding.

Withbout hesitation, the elder monk carried the woman across the road. The monks then continued on their way.

Later that evening, the younger monk could no longer hold his tongue.

“Brother, we are forbidden from touching women! Why did you hold that woman so close?” he asked.

“I left her by the side of the road,” replied the elder. “Why do you carry her still?”


I saw a rider in the park last night in a CRCA/Cleveland Steamer kit. Anyone know about this subteam? Are they maybe based in the midwest? The dude was fast, but looked like he could have used a shower as well.


You must be confusing him with the guy on the bike wearing the canadian tuxedo with a Cincinnatti bowtie on

Not a Witness

No, Myerson didnt protest, no one else did either, but when questioned,the WSU team went beserk instead of allowing due process…Ricky should have WON! Myerson should give him any prizes, and WSU should be given suspension for a year…as there is neither the process nor will to do this, Ricky and the race as a whole is diminished…longlive Fred Mengoni and the MENGONI GP!
Les Earnest Fan

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