Hopeful Friday 8/22/2008

Who will be king?

Another busy late season weekend for the bike racing. Saturday is the Tour de Medford in Medford, NJ and Saturday also begins the two days of races of the Chris Thater Memorial cycling races. Saturday morning also brings the race for the title of “King of Central Park” at the Mengoni Grand Prix.


Sunday is a just a plain old CRCA scratch race, with no pesky points to tabulate. Sunday gives the Garden Staters the chance to compete for the New Jersey State Crit Championship in Marlton, NJ. Sunday is also an opportunity to get out your ‘cross skills at Blunt Park in Springfield, MA.



Uh first bitches………..
predictions for SAT
I think we will see a break this year they are too many good team that we want to break the field.
we will see Empire TT-1 and lisban and Joao in the mix
but if it come down to a sprint in the break I think that Lisban will take the win.but I think that MM is do for a big win here in front of the home fans (this is no advice mike S but I think you know who your protected riders are)
here it is
1) Mike Margarite
2) Joao C
3) Valery K of TT-1
and lets throw in
4) Eneas F
this are just my pics fell free to pic your own


Cat 3 –

If there is a break I like Bernstein, Slokar, Riseth and Landino of WWV, and Prensky(as much as he annoys me).

If there is a sprint finish – I like the folloowing in this order – Prensky, Albergotti, Martinez, Walsh, Wisenbaker, Tavares and Atocha.

Pros –
Myerson, Freye, Coriea, Norton, Butts and Wilson


Please disregard the comment about Prensky – I had another unnamed rider I was going to add who rides for USI and took him off the list but forgot to take the (“as much as he annoys me”) comment. I do not know Prensky and would love to have his power.

Sorry about that


Landino? WWV? Jordan? those names were put up last week as someone to do something, were put up as riders to do something in Fitchburg. And a few others? who keeps putthing their names up? So far, they’ve done diddly doo. Good riders, but no Cat 3 results worth noting.
Nice season for those guys moving from 4 to 3 but got washed out in the 3s. Even worse, that guy Jordan thinks he’s a 2, he’s a bully, and I think has been DQ’d twice for bad sportsmanship. Any decent cat3 will get a top 20, 10 result. After the first 3 slots, its just pack filler.

Slokar, Bernstein…those guys have gotten results and will get more.

Lets top the fantasty stroking.


Landino has had great improvement since last year and had a top 10 I think at Tokeneke and some other solid results as a 3. He only upgraded mid season. Jordan, 4th or 5th at Unionvale and top 10 at Tokeneke. Thats not bad. BTW – I never put him on the list.

I do not know either guy at all and really could care less who wins.


I’ve raced with those guys all year. They are super riders. There are a ton of great riders in the Cat 3 fields. Only a select few, on any given day, could potentially win and they are well within that selection.

Its a tough field, and coming from the 4s to be competitive in the 3s is not an easy task. They’ve come flying into the 3s and have had a big impact and have had great success racing within the 3s?

Have they won? no idea, but they are players, they add to the race, theymake the races, and will in short order have even better results.

Its nice to win. But not everyone can win. They go down trying.


This year seem deeper and faster than ever. Its a very tough field to win especially out of town. The team tactics are not in play so it is more of an every man for themselves. The race this year where a team really took control was Unionvale when the Aussies just blew it apart. They then went on to rip up Fitchburg. Unlike Pro1-2s the pack does not let up when a break goes. So its really tough to stay away and if you cant sprint well then you better start working on the fast twitch.


what’s with the cat 3s and 4s thinking their fields are the hardest there is? how clueless can you get?


“Plenty” as in a big fat zero, none, nadda, zilch, goose egg..

or if so please list with name of event and racer… Thats what I thought

Mr Clueless

Noone said Cat3s were the hardest but simply deeper and faster this year. Its all relative. And BTW – Cat3s are a brutal field b/c teams are small and do not ride as one for a protected rider like Pr1-2.

Get off your highhorse Mr. Cat2 park racer and relax.


“Brutal” – tough to win … not to say its more physically demanding than Pro1-2. BTW – you can now go piss off! How many Cat3 races did you win?

Tony Slokar

I did not post that comment below. Please don’t use my name if you’re going to put up an anon post.

baby cobra

cat 3s blow. get over yourself. theres only one thing thats faster than deeper in the cat 3s, and that would be your deep throat action on each other.


Reading lessons required for previous poster.
Enough to put up with the morons but the idiots are too much.

Chris Thater was featured second behind the Tour of Medford.


WS United riders acting really inappropriate protesting at the Mengoni cursing, yelling “racist bullshit”, getting in other riders faces, etc.

baby cobra

You may or may not like Rickey as a person, but on the bike he is a complete jackass, who sprints in the joggers lane, all the time, barrels his way through people, causes crash, and generally is a douche. Its about time somebody enforced the joggers lane rule.


I was referring not to the hopeful friday blurb at the top, as I never read them due to their mindlessness, but the “fancy” little excel sheet on the front page which clearly had no chris thater.


when has CRCA won a single race, let alone ALL the out of town races, considering out of town consists of the rest of the globe.


Don’t cha need more than one witness? Who corrobor-cheated Ricky from a much deserved win!?!?!?! betta stay away, or send a big fat western union money order for $1000! BTW what was the breakdown?
Seems there should be a marshal for the racers behavior on HH, the one lane bottlenecks and CPH from the boathouse parking lot entrance before they can steal and cheat Ricky from a win!
That was a big time sprint from Ricky, and Adam Cheater MY MY MYerson continues to suck ball sack,
Leo Pee Poli


ws united f*cked up the finish of both races. that’s the truth, nothing left to say about it. sorry. bullying people might fly under the radar at prospect, but its nice that somebody finally stood up to it. maybe we are all whiny bitches, but we didn’t get relegated and we didn’t cause a huge stack-up on cat’s paw.


Karma for the years of wheelsucking and negative racing. Sorry Ricky had to take it for the team, but fuck them.


35 plus

1 Mambo kings
2 global locate
3 mambo kings

45 plus
Curb to curb looked like a global guy may have won

Cat three

1 global locate
2 global locate
3 strictly bicycles

Clubber Lang

Most successful local team this year is Targetraining the Pro1-2 races. Freye and Lindine are tearing up the NE out of towns plus a win in the Tour of Ohio. No other CRCA team can match there success this year. Next to them is Westwood with Roger, Dr Will, Frefielder, and that crazy fast artist guy… 😉


Boy, I will be glad when the King is no longer on the homepage.
He is mocking me…I was packfill in the Cat 3 Mengoni race…
and that fcking King is having a good laugh at my expense.
Handsome bastard.


One of the Global Locate guys were Gary Steinberg. He lost the 35 plus race to Dave Hudson, then won the 3 race.

Milton Cambell IV

Muffy and I just returned from the beach only to find our names being bandied about on this website. Please do not assume that we were in the park making racist remarks – we were in Fishers Island at a grass court tennis tournament.

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