Time to ride argument

Make big explosion


What do you do to get to races? If you are single, you probably just have to wake up to get yourself to the race at the exposed crack of Dawn, the plumber’s union representative. But if you are in a relationship of any kind (marriage, dating, internet pen pal), do you have to engage in a negotiation to get the time to train or race? Any good recommendations for bartering with your partner? Usually, I make deals with the “sexy time” as currency – namely, the suspension of…




The TT helmet question seems to be coming from a GMSRer who is trying to find a way to squeak a few extra seconds into his TT. That is so lame. If you can’t just bang out a fast TT and you’re trying to beat the clock by going as far as you can with the rules, you’re just a dick. It’s a cannibal TT. Just ride your effing bike and stop thinnking about ways to get an advantage. This mindset is what leads people to dope. You keep pushing the line until you have to draw a new one. Sir, you are a dick.


Is that what motivated the question? Innurestin’. Your critique seems harsh, but to each his own. I think cycling’s as much about using your noggin as your legs, so if this guy’s thinking of a permissible way to be more competitive, that’s ok by me.

Rulebook here: http://www.usacycling.org/forms/USAC_rulebook.pdf

Helmets pp 17-18. No problem with TT helmets in RR, but I’m guessing the GMSR guys will say no TT helmets anyway, so I’d just ask them.


yeah that dude was wearing a tt helmet in the spring. he looked like a… “sunburn pedal disc points spin”


If your doing a out of town race and you and your wife or partner are going for the weekend Mapquest the Race and Map quest the nearest shopping mall.Woman love to shop keeps you both happy


I try to pick the races that I really want to do and that have nice locations for a “racecation”. You go to Jiminy Peak and then make a weekend out of it by staying at a nice B&B. Also, for training and local races, I pretty much promise to do whatever the wife wants to do once I return from the training ride or race. That means after a 4 hour hilly ride I eat shower and then possibly head off on a 4 hour trip to the city, hike, or if I am lucky a 5 hour trip to the beach where I can sleep and relax. Its all about compromise.


unfortunately work necessitates riding at 530 am in the park. its a bit miserable, but anything’s better than riding with the Douche brigade of wheelsuckers that like to ride after work in the park…

Joao Correia

I employed a body double with great success this year. Apparently according to my wife I’ve made a lot of positive changes this year. Our sexy time has improved as well. Hurts the ego a little bit but I’m a big boy.


Just be a cunning linguist. Everyone wins.

Also, since I’m solving the world’s problems today, I’ll let you in on my little secret to deal with cars/trucks of any type. This works perfectly, no joke.

Just wear a jersey with the word “POLICE” on it in big, capital letters. (Not the Primal jersey kind, more like this: http://www.showmecables.com/viewItem.asp?idProduct=4661)


“After grimacing across the finish line having vomited in his mouth from the effort, American Dave Zabriskie said he thought the course was not ideal for time trial specialists.”


“Larsson said he ordered a special 58-tooth big chain ring, but it never showed up in the mail. He also tried unsuccessfully to find a 56, and instead opted for a 55.”

blow chunks

on the nbcolympics video player after dz crosses the line they actually have footage of him spitting out a few chunks


my experience is that if you have a job & a family forget about training for long/or hilly races (although living close to the GWB would help i guess) but park races are not a problem. obviously there are some very talented & dedicated exceptions to this but for most people this is the case.

Wheelsucka Z

Leave early and be at their disposal when you return. Sometimes I do a recovery ride with my son though it’s usually not that useful training-wise (big fun but he stops a lot). Group rides sometimes pose a problem (they end later) so they must be limited.
I love trips to the beach. I offer to drive (she hates to) which means she keeps an eye on the kid and I get to take a nap when we get there.
The wife also likes out of town races because I plan cool stuff
afterwards. Like the other dude said, get a cool room, etc…
Sometimes they meet me at Bear Mountain (I’ll take a long route there), just keep them busy. I really like the mall idea, nothing like a little retail therapy.
It’s a little give and take I guess…


Everyone likes to feel appreciated. I write all my races on the calendar as far in advance as possible. I keep my wife informed about what I’m doing and when. I don’t tell her on Friday that I’m leaving for the weekend in two hours. *AND* (here’s the important part) I frequently tell her how much I appreciate all the slack she cuts me so I can go train and race. This whole year I only had to skip one race because whe wanted us to go away somewhere. All you gotta do is tell them (explicitly) that they are making you happy by letting you train and race as much as possible. If you do that, I’ll be you’ll get very little friction at home. Also, I sometimes come back from races or rides with an unexpected present or flowers. This also helps to keep things all smiles at home, and makes her feel appreciated.


In addition to the many wise strategies listed here, my wife gets the huge wads of prize money I bring home. It’s not much, but $50 here and there helps. We call it the Prada Fund.


Each week begins with an effort to train in the mornings but that switches to evenings after a forced late night at work or two.
Nothing wrong with riding in the evening too: start at 8:30 and all the crowds thin out by the time you’re warmed up.


5am get jacked on caffeine, park by 5:30am, workout, work by 9, work, struggle to stay awake at work in the afternoon, go home, be domestic, help kid with homework, get with wife, sleep by midnight if i didn’t bring work home. repeat. this shit can’t be healthy… bring it on!


My woman get out of line, start complaaaainin’ and mooooanin’ ’bout me rides, I tell her she got a roof ova hers head, ands she got food and de jewelry. What she complaaaainin bout?


Order ambien from your random email spam, and drug your wife/children/pooch. Race, come home, and marvel at how long everyone slept in as you felt it wrong to try and wake them from their restful slumber.

PS. If you get road rash, it happened while you were cleaning the blades of the lawnmower as you were about to do those chores.


I concur with the poster that said “forget about training hilly/long races” when you have a job and family. So the answer is training sucks and race performance sucks (if you’re even able to get to them). Even when I do find time to train I’m often too tired to do it right.

It’s quite painful to see your fitness disappear with the coming of age and responsibility to others.


I make my husband do the dishes and take care of the kids while I train. I withhold sex, unless he lets me train. I say “if you want your wife to be in shape then let me train”.

I do fine in hilly out of town races, because not only do I make more money than my husband, and therefor call the shots, but I also train my husband to respect my passions (cycling,him,kids). He tries to race, and bitches about not having enough time to train, but he’s full of crap. He’s on NY Velocity for half the day, or researching some dumb way to crank out 5 more watts by buying (with my money, typically) some stupid piece of gear.

Sometimes after a race I bring him a teddy bear, some nice beer, maybe some porn (I’ve got to recover, dammit), and go to bed while he cooks for the kids.


yeah it’s frustrating to race on too little sleep/training/recovery, but it’s better than nothing and you can still have some fun in park races and stay in shape with relatively little time on the bike.

ok, they’re not “real” races but it’s better than nothing. Personally i think having kids is worth it. And I’d probably suck anyway, just a little bit less.

Brother Historicus

This was the ideal opportunity for me to proffer a refresher course on Mr Harris’s exquisite helmet choice from a club race this preceding March, known to its admirers and detractors alike as the “AeroAlbinoDildo.”

Unfortunately, as I have expressed concern about previously, many first-person sources have been unceremoniously deleted in the transition to the new site, which is both compromising my research and hampering my forthcoming book on the history of NYVeloCity. Post are being outright deleted (inadvertently, I presume), or being cut off after a certain number of characters.

The modified thread is here (https://www.nyvelocity.com/node/1549) but it is hardly illuminating any longer.

Messrs. Shen, Ostroy, Schmalz I beseech you – have more care in transferring historical documents, sirs! This is my life’s work, gentlemen!

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