TdF Argument

Let’s talk Tour.

Some TdF topics to chew over:

Which rider inspires you?

Who’s the least likeable rider?

Does the closeness of the GC race mean the race is cleaner?

Which rider is an irritable little munchkin that has to pay teammates to like him? You get one guess… 



That feaky out-of-the saddle climbing head bob thing creeps me out – looks like Axel Rose in his 1980’s pastel blue prom tux got hit with the space go that made the evil spiderman suit.


VDV on likable and inspirational. Cadel has to pay big bucks, andd even then no one likes him.


TdF determined by limits of human physiological performance. NBA results influenced by coaching/money/GM’s, etc. Not a valid analogy.


after watching this year’s tour, how much more confident are we that contador was doping. a lot, i’d say.


i would not be surprised if he tests positive after today. I just don’t believe that type of performance anymore. I said the same thing when i watched Ricco fly away from the best climbers in the world, and indeed, it was fake.


Q.1 Voigt – temperament and intensity
Q.2 Well, Ricco’s gone (rat face and bumptious manner not appealing even before the bust)so … it’s not that Evans is unlikeable, it’s more that he makes me wince and yawn at the same time. But now I notice that you said “least likeable,” so Evans has it.
Q.3 Seems like a reasonable explanation for some unexpected underperformances and equally for failures to fly away.


Nothing superhuman about that. Cadel let him go–he seemed confident that so long as he kept the gap under a couple of minutes he’d have nothing to worry about, and that’s exactly what he did. What was he going to do? Go with every Schleck attack? None of the other GC “contenders” had any hope of making up the requisite time anyway (I guess VDV could have tried to put in a couple of minutes, were that possible). But who knows. The most interesting thing on that stage was Jens falling apart, actually. That’s something you don’t see so often.

baby cobra

it wasn’t a record time, though look at everyone on the top ten list, they were all jacked up on smack. draw your own conclusions.


How would looking at last year’s tour indicate that Contador was “doping alot”? Those 23 seconds that he beat Evans by are not exactly a big indicator. It seemed to me like his attacks last year were not too different than the attacks on the Alp yesterday – accelerate, then slow down. Nothing like Ricco blasting away from the entire group and keeping the pace really high.


last time i checked, contador smoked ricco at the giro, and im sure ricco just didnt happen upon EPO in the interim.


that whole event spreadsheet is great, only if you updated it frequently with upcoming races. otherwise, whats the point of outdated races, esp. when you put links to the photos below? call me crazy. tons of redundancy.


Last time I checked, Contador won because of the TTT and Ricco beat him on almost all Mt. stages. There goes your theory

The Winner is...

The munchkin is Berrato… what do I win? How many more obvious clues do you guys need? Am I right Schmaltzy??


love watching columbia and garmin guys in interviews…they are genuinely surprised and happy about how well they are doing and don’t give asinine cagey interviews like lance use to…VDV – “if i’ve got the legs, hell yeah i’m gonna go”…

my theory – guys that thought they didn’t have a shot suddenly realize they are actually great cyclists…especially when they don’t have to ride against cheaters!!


Not McEwen.

Apparently Cadel could not stay with the rest of the team last night and *Lotto had to rent him a room.

Right continent anyway.


Inspiration: My wife, for tolerating my obsession.

Least likable: Vandavelde for talking about how the pace was too low in the Pyrenees. Then why didn’t you win, biatch?

Closeness=Cleaner: No. If you look at the field’s performance and see a bell curve, the sport is cleaner. This is just looking at a tail.

Munchkin: Chavanel. This week he has reached the bottom of the barrel, insulting Pippo.


Cunego – guy keeps getting dropped and keeps on fighting the next day. Many guys would have pulled out by now.


Big george. once local racer- has been doing it for years, and every now and then his hard work pays off…

i’m still hoping he wins a stage this yr.


inspired by Will Frishkorn. For punching above his weight class.

biggest a-hole:Ricco. because Contador kicked his ass without training and he still won’t shut up. followed that by doping in the tour.

Close GC means Astana is not there…most of these guys rode the tour in 2000, but now there’s no lance, Basso, Ullrich, Mancebo, Mayo, Landis, Leipheimer, Contador, etc…

munchkin= christoph moreau…WTF

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