Hopeful 8/17/2007

Section head text.

There’s a Prospect Park Race on Saturday. There’s also the New York State Time Trial Championships for those who enjoy that kind of stuff. Tour of the Hilltowns is Saturday, as is The Burlington Tour de Lights

On Sunday there’s the Keith Berger Memorial Crit in Hartford.

If we missed anything, let us know.

The biggest news of the weekend in that High School Musical 2 premieres tonight! This is not news to the child-free, but to parents of kids of a certain age and fans of teenage musicals (aka, “freaks”), this is one of the biggest movie nights of the year. And if I don’t get at least 2 Sharpay and Ryan numbers, I’m going to riot!



There is also the
Lehigh Valley Winery Crit on Sunday, it is right near T-Town should be a fun crit with all of the trackies showing up.
I’m looking for a ride is anyone is going


I didn’t understand that whole last paragraph. Who the hell is Sharpay?!? It’s not a permanent marker?

politically incorrect

It’s so obvious no one but a handful care, that’s why they constantly interject promotion one of they million weekly races.


you gotta sit on the right hand and call it the stranger after it goes numb while watching HSM2…
Crits on Track rock

New to racing

How does a crit on the track work? It sounds like a great format, and the smooth racing surface must be nice. Are the fields any smaller?


They should run an MTB race on there track. They should also give out water bottles and BBQ. And No breaks!


Is the Keith Berger Crit being held on a track? When you sign up for a race, how can you tell if it’s a track-crit? Do you use your track category or your road category? Maybe the average of the two?


at Paris-Roubaix they do it by whichever is better, so guys like Bradley Wiggins and Tony Stewart are able to race with guys like Hincapie or Hinault.


Have you heard of these 6-day races on the track? I can’t imagine racing for 6 straight days without stopping. How do they keep track of how many laps they complete? Do you think it’s more important to train your sleeping patterns or your endurance fitness for that event?


Well known that Disco and Horner dont get along. As good as Horner was(as a domestic PRo) and is as Euro Pro, Disco never approached him to ride. There is no love lost there.


New format: 6-day, glue sniffing, track crits on mountain bikes with a cyclo-cross run and barrier jump.


when your dong goes numb is when you can get a Stranger to give you a rub-n-tug.. it’s not cheating when you can’t feel it

ND = good times

With a numb dong it feels like you are giving someone else a hand-job. I think it’s called the reverse stranger. you can also go for hours so make sure to train your arm before attempting it.


Has anyone tried giving themselves a stranger with a numby? I wonder if the two cancel each other out and it just feels normal.


you have to be careful when involving glue sniffing when attemting the stranger. Get glue on the stranger and it won’t come off then you have to race with one hand.


I thinks its funny.. its even funnier when the speeling chek is terned off and it pissis peeple off and then ov course their is the bag grammar police to deal with.. excuse while I give myself a stranger with a numby


News Flash: OLN Fires Phil Liggett

Failed to Meet Contractual Obligation to Mention Lance Armstrong Three Times Per Minute, Sources Say

Paris, July 5 (Fat Cyclist News Service) – Outdoor Life Network today severed its contract with Phil Liggett, a perennial favorite cycling announcer both in England and in the United States. A spokesperson for Outdoor Life Network said, “We regret having to let Phil go, but he knew the terms of our agreement when he signed on. Namely, he is required to allude to Lance Armstrong three times per minute, with at least one of those mentions being by name. Most importantly, at no point in time shall forty seconds ever elapse without a mention of Lance Armstrong.”

“Today, sadly, Mr. Liggett broke the terms of that agreement. When David Zabriskie had his unfortunate accident today, Phil failed for 40 seconds to put it in the context of whether this would impact Lance Armstrong or whether Lance Armstrong would would have fallen, or asking what Lance Armstrong must be thinking about this accident right that moment.”

When reached for comment, co-commentator Paul Sherwin said, “I had my ‘Lance Stopwatch’ going — it’s what we use to help remind us when it’s time to mention Lance again.

Angry 4

Why is it that they choose to keep a womens feild at mengoni.
when they dont even show up for the race. A) they get laped by every feild
b)what? they have an 80 little girls lemit. C) they bitch about everything
they want same price money they want this they want that.
Ladys if you want respect show up for the race. and I mean the race dont just show up for ride. sweat a liitle
they are 4 women register as of 4:oopm friday 8-17-07
they get $1500.00 and 15 deep.I dont think 15 will finish let along show up.


Ok we should all be discuss High School Musical and if Zac will kiss Sharpay but Sharpay is really is a lesbian…I think the next open topic for discussion should be whether or not you can give yourself a stranger with numby after a sex change.. this will be a tranny only discussion

angry 4

Come on. am I the only one that notice this? WTF
is every one on this site. are on the’re time of the month


You people have no respect for the guys who run this site, the other people who visit, or yourselves. You make jokes that a 13-year-old wouldn’t find funny and drive anyone intelligent away with your crass and idiotic comments.


I suppose you think the women should be at home, cooking the men’s dinner and giving them a blowjob.

Angry 4

no I dont mean that women shoul be at home.
you guys are missing the point.
it’s hopeless.
just go carry you wife’s purse
just say what you really feel dont worry your wife does not read this site
he is to smart for this shit.
yeah I said HE you FN PUSSYS


The race is in 3 weeks. Does anyone know anything about when registration will be? I have to make sure I’m in front of my computer for that 10 second window that registration will be open.

Another angry 4

I can’t believe there are only four women registered for Mengoni. They should just cancel the women’s field and open it up to cat 4.

angry 4

Thats all Im saying. Yeah JFT if the numbers are still the last minute why take the chance. plus it never fiils up. you will never get 80 women to show up. it happens year after year.
why dosent CRCA just cancell the race for one year to see what the reaction is to see if they’re interested.
Why did Univest cancell the womens feild?
caose no women would showed up
why do we care. they still goin to bitch anyway………….
here you have hundreds of people dying to race.


I am sorry but a Women’s Cat 1,2,3 race is much more exciting than a Cat 4 no tactics sprint fest finish. Cat up and learn tactics and then complain about no Cat 4 race in Mengoni while you race with the 3’s


I’ve watched the number for pre-reg for Mengoni for many years and it’s not “taking a chance” — the numbers are always very low for pre-reg. If the weather is bad there will be 15-25 women. If it is good there will be 20-40 women.

That’s the way it is.

“why dosent CRCA just cancell the race for one year to see what the reaction is to see if they’re interested.”

Because the club has an obligation to women as well as men, and the women who do want to race shouldn’t suffer because of people who aren’t there.

“here you have hundreds of people dying to race.” Then race. Race somewhere else. Or upgrade and reg for Mengoni 3 next time.

In any case, there are many many opportunities for men’s 4 in local races over the course of the year, and fewer for the higher-cat women. It’s lame and selfish to begrudge them one of the few separate USCF fields in town each year.


20 to 40 if the waether is good??????
come on. I’ve race cat 4 here in the north east.becouse I ENJOY IT. and im not trying to turn pro any time soon.
why the abligation if is not there.
if only a hand full of woman wanna race
why not cobine the feilds….
Oh I got to go my wife set me up with a play date (DINNER) with some friends

not me

I understand why the CRCA “has to” put on a women’s race at Mengoni, but the prize structure is f’d up. Last year they paid 15 deep and only 13 women finished. It’s one thing to support women’s racing and give them an opportunity to participate, but it’s wrong to pay them to show up. Even using JT’s numbers — a maximum of 40 women will show up. That means the prize list is GREATER than the registration fees. That’s ridiculous!


Why dont you just do an open 4 category men and women and open 1-3 category men and women. This would take care of the 20 or so women who want to race and you could rank them by women as they finish. I think Naugatuck did this – no women’s field. Also, do 4s really need to do another CP race? You had the spring series, and all those lame CRCA races. If you want a change and a fun Cat 4 go up to Bethel and do the Conn Coast Crit at Bethel Park. There are a few options that weekend.

Don King

You could go out of your comfort zone and race Chris Thater in Binghamton. Then after you race you can watch real pros race – Toyota, Colavita, Kodak, Rite Aid etc etc. So many other options that weekend


“That means the prize list is GREATER than the registration fees. That’s ridiculous!”

No, you’re ridiculous.

I wasn’t involved in decision making for this year’s Mengoni, but have been in the past and we had a similar set-up. The ideal approach, given small fields but a few top-level women like Lynn Bessette and Laura Van Gilder showing up at various times, is a big first prize that’s appropriate to athletes who are riding at a high level or riding full time, but tapering the prize list off steeply in recognition of the lack of depth in the field. But USCF rules limit how steeply the prize list can drop off after first place.

Last year there were three or five women in that field racing full time at the highest levels in the country. The year before we had arguably the best woman rider in North America in the race.

To 8:17 — women can ride with men all the time. It’s appropriate to have at least a few races where they get their own field — it’s a different experience. By my count, in NYC, apart from club races that is less than six events over the course of the year.

To hear guys who have at least twenty and maybe more opportunities get so bitchy is annoying.

one more man for the women's field

elite women do not want to race with a bunch of beginner men that have limited bike skills or higher understanding of the sport.


I was proposing the Cat 4 women race with the Cat 4 Men and the Cat 1-3 women race with the cat 1-3 men. I would not suggest Cat 1 women racing with 4s even though some 4s are super strong but just knew to racing. Riffelmacher (SP) was a 4 only just a short time ago.


I am willing to bet that if you had a 3/4 field you would have at least 3-5 4s in the top ten. 3s are just guys that have been racing a few years and have 10-20 top 20s. Stop acting like a 3 is a step below the pro tour.


3’s usually win 3/4 fields. A lucky 4 wins a 3/4 field. 3’s are faster. Train harder is the motto for 4’s


50% of the 3s in NYC are not legit and have upgraded on bogus results. Outside of NYC the top 4s can hang with any 3 field.


upgrading on FBF, PP and CP results is lame. Try upgrading when all you have are big regional RRs. Thats how the upstate guys do it.

a man

Whoever thinks it’s appropriate for the women to have to race with the men, is an idiot.
Men and women are biologically different (vive le difference!). Please use your limited intellectual capacity to imagine what it must be like for a woman to have to compete in a field of men. (I’m asking you to see past the nose on your face. Try.)

Angry 4

Im back.wifie (what a pill)but thats anothe subject..I think you’re still missing point. that field is no going to be full. Im not agains women reracing.if thats what came across.
I just know that tha t field is not been use properlly.


Stop whining. Start riding.
Things will work out.
Or, you’ll quit – since racing is hard -and we’ll have some peace and quiet around here.


Right, the Mengoni women’s field it won’t fill.

So what? Seems to me that you are saying that since the woman’s race won’t fill and there is not a 4 race the former should be replaced with the latter. By that sort of logic there would be no women’s racing in city parks ever.

There is always another men’s field that could get a lot more riders if promoters offered it.

So thanks a lot, Angry 4. Thanks for your vision. Thanks for not being “against women’s racing.” You’re very thoughtful.


Cat. 4s can race every weekend, relatively close to home, in a field of riders of their own gender and strength level.

Women don’t have that luxury (the reasons are irrelevant).

So you, belonging to a group that already has the most, want to take from the group that has the least. You’re complaining about what you don’t have, while there are others who have less.

Cat 4 who wants more women racers

Cat 4s have so many options that weekend – CCC Crit in Bethel (1 hour drive), CHris Thater (one of the top Crits in the NE), to name a few. Plus, Labor day weekend and the weekends following are stacked with great races so maybe save the legs for Bear, Silvermine, and all those crits in CT and NJ. A park race is not worth all this bitching about…

not me

what’s equally ridiculous is that 80 P/1/2’s will race for 20 spots and 80 3’s will race for 10 spots, while 13 women will race for 15 spots. your logic is that the big prize list is to attract national caliber women but you acknowledge that uscf rules prohibit top-heavy payouts. when the crca figures out that if they only paid the women 5 deep they might actually accomplish that goal. instead they pay cat 4 women who upgraded on experience just to show up.
i’m not recommending the women’s field be eliminated just so there can be a men’s cat 4 race, but saying that the crca puts on a women’s race because there are so few women’s races in the area is wrong too. why don’t other promoters put on a women’s race? if the crca wants to have a field for underserved groups how about a recumbent field or a tandem race?


somebody call the waaahmbulance. get over it. stop being upset that you wont get a mediocre placing at a race thats nearby for once. go out of town- there’s plenty of other races. and women, please don’t listen to this idiot


Why dont promoters put on more women races?????
because women bitch about everything,the are boring to watch,because they dont atack and wait for the sprnt,
thats why promoters dont put more womens races,
Why do you think women racing in the USA hasent grown.
and yes we have more aportunyties to race.Why? because at lease we make it a little interesting. AND LADYS WE SHOW UP WEEK AFTER WEEK.
maybe promoters dont want to lose money. WEEKE AFTER WEEK. just to pleased a few women who want to race.


“because women bitch about everything,the are boring to watch,because they dont atack and wait for the sprnt, ”

Tell me this, Angry 4: How is that any different from a Cat 4 race?

You also may have noticed CRCA has a few women members? Think the club



You’ve got a flawed way of looking at the small size of most women’s fields. It’s not like there are a couple hundred women racers in NYC and they are choosing to not race. The number of racers is small. A bunch of them race a lot. Why should they be penalized for not having more competitors?

Would you really like it if you only had a handful of races to choose from each year and very rarely the big fields that make racing so much fun? And if said there shouldn’t be races for you because someone else isn’t showing up?

Get a grip.

a woman

i’m a woman, reading all of this, and i’m just laughing – some of you guys are total idiots.

other women read this site too. imagine how funny it would be to read a site where the women write stupid trite stereotypes about men and post pictures of men wearing spandex! that’s how it is for us. your anger is amusing. i feel like an anthropologist. it’s funny how simple some people are.


Don’t take yourself so seriously. Just read the interviews if that’s all you like. No need to suggest removing the threads. They are what make it fun to read.


Reminds me of the dedication argument:

On its most basic level, mine had become a supremely hedonistic existence; I lived in a world totally consumed with my body. Had I been spending 18 hours a day on the beach in search of the perfect tan, I would have been no more useless a member of society. But I


Selfish pursuits that involve real personal improvement, on an intellectual or physical level — such as in sport and art — are way more admiral than other, perhaps equally selfish activities such as, say tanning.


Leave David Koresh and Jim Jones out of it. Perhaps more acurately “David Koresh” and “Jim Jones”.


i think Arjan from NYsketches won the 123 race in a break with Rashad someone from Fiordifrutta, Jermaine Burrowes & someone else (?) sorry if inaccurate but that’s what I remember.


5 man breakaway that lasted for quite a few laps. When it seemed like they might be caught, the gap stretchd out again. There was also a Re/Max rider in there, along with Arjan, Rashad, Jermaine, and a Fiordifrutta. Arjan Planting of NYSketches was the winner.
In the overall for the series, It was Jermaine winning with Arjan and Rashad tied for second.


anyone know anything about this? it was liked to the spring series website, so maybe AVD does it…17 laps for the 123s.
curious to have a race like this that late in the year. don’t remember it in past years either.

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