Hopeful Friday 8/10/2007

Section head text.

Update: Here’s some video from Jack Baranski and the Organic team of the 7/21 CRCA races. Thanks to the Organic team for photos, videos, and even drinks at the races.

The NY Capital Region Road Race is Saturday, and if advanced reports can be trusted, it’s like Central Park on stool softeners.

There’s a Prospect Park race on Saturday also for those that can’t make the trip north.

And don’t forget the Saturday Night Fever cyclocross race at the NJ State Fair. SATURDAY! SATURDAY! SATURDAY! Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Prize winning livestock and a beer tent? Almost sounds too good to be true. My money is on the Chester White boar.


Jon Hicks

from cyclingnews.com:

Tailwind Sports has announced the end of the Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team today, confirming rumours that cropped up when the team failed to announce a new sponsor after winning the Tour de France.

He whom must not be named

Beautiful course. Well run race last year. There is a stretch though that goes through a farm that stinks of cow manure. Also, very technical steep (but not too long) finish. Don’t be more than 10th wheel on that last right if you want to win.

Adler Press Corps

If you make it out to the NJ State Fair Saturday night, please swing by the Adler team booth – we will be having our newest team member, Dirk B

The Stranger

I heard that Larry Crumbley’s prize goat is going to sweep the field in the most-milk-per-minute category.


In Italy a 55 year-old was caught for doping in an amateur race. The rider for Team Marlis won a race in the category for 55 to 59 year-olds, but CONI, the Italian Olympic committee, announced that the amateur racer was caught for using high blood pressure medicine, according to La Gazzetta dello sport. He is facing a suspension until he turns 57 as well as a revoking of his title.


If you take Cialis with a masking agent you get the same effect but have a much lower likelihood of testing positive – plus racing with wood is VERY pro.


Tour of Chrstiana going on this weekend in Lancaster County PA. Smaller fields but solid talent. Should be a great race. Oh, and there is a 10 mi. TT stage. Oh, joy!

BM Jones

Why don’t you comment on it instead of asking us to comment on it you lazy a-hole. I’m so sick of you guys.


Yeah, we shouldn’t have to do all the work around here. YOU comment on Lee3 if it’s so important to you. We’ve got other fish to fry.


Umm, BM Jones?
I did comment on it. My judgement was implied in my use of the word ‘inauspicious.’
But thanks for the insult.
You, sir, are much classier.

And Larry, if you take your racing so seriously, you really shouldn’t be frying anything.


Picking on Lee3 and CJIA and Mex is lick beating up on little kids in the schoolyard. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. It kinda makes you look like a dick. I mean, you probably are a dick, but why make it so obvious, you know?


Albin: ease up on the self hate. I’m sure you’re not so bad.
Who will accept you if you can’t accept yourself?


Good question.
What would high blood pressure do to enhance performance?
Ease blood flow?
Is that why you masters 35+ are so strong?


Tailwind spokesman PJ Rabice told VeloNews Friday morning that the decision was not based on a failure to find a new sponsor. …If this is true…I wonder they realized that authorities are close to catching on to their doping scheme and decided to bail out…old timers like George already in discussion with T-mobile? smells funny… 1186751460 0 0 1 33/
34512 0 1519 0 Disco I had the same thought when I read the news – wondering if there is something behind the decision to pull out of discussions still underway. Seems odd to say the least, and Hincapie bailing early is also odd – like Cal Ripkin going to the Yankees – unless he knew something. I dont quite get it. Then again, there are a lot of things I dont quite get… 1186752000 0 0 1 34/ Chris M
34513 0 1519 0 Disco Also, if I were Lance et al, and wanted to be sure to preserve my legacy free of doping association/proof, it would in fact make good sense to end the team organization, lest the new gang get caught and taint the legacy by association of direct ‘heritage’ and personnel etc. Much better to end the chapter and everyone ends up continuing with other teams. Just a view from the skeptics corner. 1186752240 0 0 1 35/ Chris M
34514 0 1519 0 do they test for weed? yeah do they? 1186752660 0 0 1 36/ a concerned stoner
34515 0 1519 0 huh? what were we talking about? 1186753380 0 0 1 37/ a concerned stoner
34516 0 1519 0 No seriously Do they test for weed? I’m getting concerned about my ride at Prospect tomorrow. 1186753380 0 0 1 38/ 420
34517 0 1519 0 I hide my weed in my bento box They never check for it there 1186753440 0 0 1 39/ A different stoner
34518 0 1519 0 I I just spoke to the guys in the van and they confirmed that weed is OK for FBF races. 1186753620 0 0 1 40/
34519 0 1519 0 50+ 50+ masters- I toke up before races. Has not been a performance enhancer in my case but, I do enjoy the race. 1186753740 0 0 1 41/
34520 0 1519 0 Does Does anybody know how to get bong water out of a Bento Box? I don’t want to have to go back to SBR to get a new one as I just got back from there getting my tire changed.

50+ Masters

You kids have no idea what your talking about, I caugh up weed lugies older than most of you. Do you know what all us masters racers were doing 30 years ago?

Mr. Peanut

I do say, old chap! TRIGUY, you shall feel the sting of my cane upon your neoprene shorts should you raise your swimming cap up here again! Be gone!

your truly

I’ve taken hbp meds since ’98 and have not seen any performance enhancing effects at all…..which is unfortunate, ’cause I really need the help.


for being a bunch of old geezers, we’re acting like children. This has to be Mid-Season Malaise hanging into August.

New Jersey State Police

If anyone sees this man, do not approach him. He is armed with two strangers and is considered dangerous to himself and others.

Just above Oklahoma

Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don’t work, I don’t get in a car, I don’t fucking ride in a car, I don’t pick up the phone, I don’t turn on the oven, and I sure as shit DON’T FUCKING ROLL! SHOMER SHABBOS!


What’s this “day of rest” shit?! What’s this bullshit, I don’t fucking care! It don’t matter to Jesus! But you’re not fooling me man! You might fool the fucks in the league office, but you don’t fool Jesus! It’s bush league psych-out stuff! Laughable, man! HA HA! I would’ve fucked you in the ass Saturday, I’ll fuck you in the ass next Wednesday instead!


You got a date Wednesday, baby!

Shotgun on the Alpe D'Huez

Any thoughts into a group purchase of the Disco team by some deep pocket Wall st. CRCA Mofo’s and poor CRCA’s alike. Much like The Basque civilians who own a pice Euskatel Euskadi or Cheese heads owning the packers. Shoot, I’ll invest a grand.


The USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) announced today that downhill pro Gary Houseman tested positive at the Grouse Mountain World Cup on July 12th.

Houseman, who won the race under extremely adverse conditions, tested positive for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a metabolite of marijuana. Under UCI / IOC rules, THC is a prohibited substance.

Houseman has accepted a one-year suspension from competition beginning on July 12, 2003, the date of the infraction. All of his results from that date (including his Grouse win) are now invalid. In addition, he has received a fine of 2,000 Swiss Francs.


Kissena Prospect Park Series
August 11, 2007
Brooklyn, NY

Pro / 1-2-3
44 miles
86 starters

1. Amaury Perez (GS Mengoni)
2. Adam Alexander (CRCA/Foundation)
3. Wilson Vasquez (GS Mengoni)
4. Jermaine Burrowes (Team United)
6. Anthony Lowe (CRCA/Princeton Review)
7. Joe Zaverdas (EECT/Kreb Cycle)
8. Gavin Robertson (CRCA/Major Taylor)
9. Horrace Burrowes (Team United)
10. Chad Butts (Unatt)

Category 4
47 starters
31 miles

1. Johan Burrowes (Team United)
2. Gerardo Cesperes (Innovation Bike Shop)
3. Andrew Walsh (Unatt)
4. Robert Lombardi (BVF)
5. Demetrios Apolonides (Unatt)
6. Samuel Martinez (Team United)
7. Bladdymir Coronel (Westwood Velo)
8. Orey Chotlie (Unatt)

Category 5
39 starters
31 miles

1. Gary Howe (Danny’s Cycles)
2. Aleksey Urusov (Propeller Racing)
3. Daniel Abreu (ACDN)
4. Akin Dorsett (Peddalers Paradise Cycling Team)
5. Joel Toms (CRCA)

I would like to personally thank all the officials, pace drivers, registration volunteers, marshals and Reid on the finish camera. Riders – next time you see these people also offer a quick “thank you” and let them know you appreciate all their hard work.

Charlie Issendorf
Race Director
Kissena Cycling Club

Ben D

I could be wrong, anyone from Texas back me up, but I think that pig is “Ralph the Diving Pig” from the San Marcos Aquamarina. I actually saw him do his thing when I was a kid, very inspiring. Do I win a prize, or at least one for steering the thread as off topic as possible?


isn’t the rider who finished 2nd in the cat 4 race the same guy who was dq’d for a rec lane violation last week? according to the flier he’s supposed to receive a 90 suspension. sprinting through the rec lane is worth the risk if the only penalty is getting dq’d that day.


+1. That guy, and anyone else caught doing the same, needs to receive the full penalty.
Please, show us that you’re serious.
BTW, thanks, Charlie, for a great race today.

Charlie Issendorf

After last week’s race, I confronted Gerardo Cesperes (the rider who was DQ’d last week and finished 2nd today) because I was the one who actually saw him enter the jogger’s lane. As you all know, I take my races very, very seriously so as you can imagine I was livid about this. When I asked him what he was thinking, he just looked at me. I then realized he had no idea what I was saying since he does not speak English. I then used an interpreter to explain the jogger’s rule to him. The interpreter said he did not know about the ruling which makes sense – I make the announcement in English at the start line and the website also lists the penalty for abusing the jogger’s lane rule in English. I could see he was remorseful and he did not argue his disqualification even though two Cat 4 riders pulled me aside and said “Charlie, he only moved into the jogger’s lane because he was pushed into the lane. One of the riders who told me this was Johan Burrowes who actually moved into first because of the disqualification. From my point of view I could only see that he went into the jogger’s lane so I can’t tell for sure if he was pushed.

So, now I have a rider who does not speak English and is not aware of the jogger’s lane rule and a rider who is being disqualified for entering the lane even though two riders on different teams are saying he was pushed into the lane. I spoke with the officials and we decided to uphold the disqualification and give him a warning (in Spanish) that one more jogger’s lane violation and he will be suspended. I believe this was fair.

In the future I am going to try to make the jogger’s lane announcement I make at the start of each race in Spanish as well. I planned on doing it this morning but the person I was expecting to do this never showed up and when I asked another Spanish speaking rider to do this they said “I don’t feel comfortable making announcements”.

Would any Spanish-speaking riders be willing to make the announcements in Spanish for me? Please let me know.


Thanks for the complete picture.
Sounds like you handled the situation masterfully.
Thanks again for all you’re doing.


I doubt he cant understand any English. He has been living in the US for some time. Eitherway great idea to give the rules in multiple langauges.


I have to laugh that the USI guy that crashed near the end of the 1-2-3 in Prospect Park was littering this race and last, chucking out gel packets


Chucking out empty gel wrappers in a race (wherever it is) is disgusting. As if being in a bike race (an amateur one at that) allows you to temporarily suspend your responsibilities as a member of society. Do you people (the one’s who do it) think those wrappers are going to decompose in a few hours? Do you think someone else will pick them up for you? Are you fearful of getting gel in your pocket and maybe on your finger (scary)? Do you not care at all about the environment? Or are you just that selfish and delusional? Whatever the reasons, you people are disgusting. Being on a bicycle doesn’t give you heightened rights. If anything it gives you heightened responsibility. Clean up your act.


is that really what happened? hard to believe anyone would bother eating a gel with less than half a lap to go…


is Hammen Walker and very good strong rider from Jamaica. Not sure how the crash happened but I heard someone appologized to Hammen after the race admitting it was his fault not Hammen’s. Guys should get there facts straight before accusing people of crashes. Now on the gel issue that is just wrong. I make it a point to put used gel packets in my pocket. Its not hard but I would guess only 25% of the racers make this effort.


Every race the promoters and officials beg riders to be respectful but riders just go ahead and blatantly litter.


is that not one rider was dq for riding over the yellow line at Cap Reg in the 3/4 field. The damn car behind was honking non-stop.

Hey officials: Try throwing some people out of the races once in a while if you want people to stay on the proper side of the road.


“Guys should get there facts straight before accusing people of crashes.”

Hahaha — what accusations? That guy crashed. That’s a fact. No one here said what caused it.

That guy does swerve a lot — I’ve seen it. I don’t know if that had anything to do with his crash.

I also saw him toss a gel packet earlier in the race. That’s a straight fact.


Not sure if this is the same guy, but in the first prospect park race I did, the big apple classic (may 12th), on the last lap a short guy with dreadlocks crashed and took out a bunch of people. He was a pretty scary rider.


That guy also ran through the puddle at the top of the downhill splashing people and thinking it was funny. To bad he didnt land in the puddle.


This guy is a strong rider but is a bit squirlly… with this said, we have all made mistakes. As for the littering, there is no excuse!


It is kind of funny.

But I have to ask – if someone got splashed, doesn’t that mean they went through the puddle too? Did the USI guy force them to follow them? Or did he somehow have mad skills to splash off to the side?


was squirrelling all over the field well before his last lap crash. I didn’t see how the crash happened but I was completely unsurprised he went down.

Brian G.

I saw a guy toss a bottle…A BOTTLE!….during the 4 race at PP on Saturday. It probably enabled him to capture the coveted 24th place.

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