Section head text.
Ok, we’re way too obsessed with the Tour to track any local results today. Help us fill in the blanks. Molloy and Sauvayre win CRCA Champs, Kyle Peppo wins B/C race. Poughkeepsie results <a href=”” target=”blank”>here</a>. Way to go Chris Chaput for winning the 3/4 – I thought you were a climber dude, Chris!
…and that’s all we know…
On another note, let’s take it easy on the snark based on nationality or sexual preference, ok? Pastiness (as in Schmalz) is still fair game.
what’s the story with that picture?
Hey cyclists…sorry your trips to Union Vale disrupted by traffic jams due to the triathlon on Sunday. I know that must have been annoying after having us clog up Central Park every morning by riding 4 and 5 abreast for the last few months.
Don’t worry though. The big Tri is done. PBs all around! And most of us will move onto the next great sporting achievement. I hear that rock climbing is the next big thing!
Great race in Sterling NJ…and to the jerk from United Homes who pushed me on my elbow during the 35+ race.. if you ever touch me in a race again I will put you in the road.
Nice – kicking off the thread with a smackdown threat. I guess you were too timid to tell the guy to his face after the race, so better to put up an anon post on Mon – that way he doesnt necessarily even know who you are? Just stupid.
Anyone from Unionvale witness a motorcycle crash at the corner starting the third hill. I dont know which field it was, but I drove past around 3:00pm and stopped to watch, and saw two bikers (Harley guys) arguing with a cop and the two marshalls on the corner – quite loudly and belligerantly, I might add. Sounds like one of the marshalls waved the bikers through an intersection into oncoming traffic. ouch!
who won Cat 3 unionvale? Wicked fast race that I think only like 20 of 60 guys finished in two packs – rest all spat out like so much spent cud.
Go back to your mediocre life and your wine country tours.. I wasn’t looking for your response or a response at all.
i’m sure he pissed you off but do you really think he meant it?
Great put-down, bitter old man! Better than Triumph the Insult Dog. How did you know my life is mediocre? That really hurts. If you dont want to be called out for being a dick, then dont be a dick. Try that out, Mr. Sensitive Elbow.
why did i miss the breakaway…or more importantly why didn’t we chase it down?
Geoff Bickford finished third overall, and first NY State rider in his age group, and therefore should have brought home the medal. But because of a highly questionable interpretation of the center-line rule he was DQ’d. An official pulled his number on a section of road with no painted line, at a time when he was riding off the front, and negated his result, unfairly IMO. . . I just want to see him get the credit he deserves for a great ride in a very hard race.
I found UV tough to move up in the pack do to the narrow roads and center line rule. The only place for me was on the areas where there was no center line or the climbs. Never realized you could DQ for moving beyond the center where there is no line. Good to know.
who was soft on every pull in the break, if he pulled at all and then miraculously found his legs for the sprint. a real sportsman!
i thought each team decided they had a guy in the break and then said ok let’s block each other the rest of the way.
Like the equator, or Greenwich Meridien.
dig big pus place?
I got touched inappropriately one time during a race. If that happens again, I swear, I’ll inflate your tires above the suggested pressure when you’re not watching!
No, he didn’t slam into you, he didn’t bump you, he didn’t nudge you, he “rubbed” you. And rubbing, son, is racing.
Anyone know when reg is going up for the fall race? Just wondering so I dont get closed out again.
Rubbin’ is racin’.. it was not a rub…I can handle that.. this was get out of my way so I can get by you and then die in the sprint.. great fun though… can we move on? I have.
To the guy who stole my car radio in 1988. If I see you, whoever you are, I’m gonna mess you up.
That’ll show’em
Not to worry. Just go check BikeReg every 5 min for the next 2-3 weeks and you will be sure to get in!
Why is it that every monday there is some guy who had not shot of winning the race complaining about some guy’s behavior in the race. Just be happy you stayed up and were able to race in such nice conditions. It does not get much better then this weekend.
Rubbed guy negativity has made Rick sad.
Someone (South Africa?) tried to chase on the last lap but it was too late by then, the race was over. If they went to the front the lap before they might have had a better chance.
Someone also came up to me and very politely asked me to stop blowing my whistle so loud at such an early hour. As they walked away the A field came by and I start blowing my whistle again. I got a very dirty look.
CRCA Club Champ. and now also NYS RR Champ. How come no one is complaining about that!!!?
so does comedy
Next time I expect a tug as well.
Who won UV 1/2? Sounds like Empire. That’s a great result. Congrats.
Yeah, why do you have to blow your whistle so loud, and why do you have to stand there with your orange vest blocking the path? I want to take my off-leash dog across the road, while a field of 70 cyclists zips past at 27mph. Why do you have to interfere with my life?
There was someone with a Champion Sys Jersey taking photos on Saturday at Prospect Park.
Any chance those can be seen?
Some CCB guy won Union Vale, Zmolik got 4th, but was 1st NYorker.
Nice ride from Albergotti, Serra and many others in the 4s. Looking at the results show how hard the race was for all feilds – times all over the place.
The climbs, the sprints, he can do it all
Props to Pascal Sauvayre in that race too – but we knew he can climb
The p-1-2-3 had a quality field, but dang that’s a small bunch
So whats with all the people in all Cats dropping out of the race. My feeling is that if your dropped, finish the race and enjoy the course. Group up and ride it in. No shame in a slow finish… better then quiting for reasons other then a mechanical or serious health issues. 22 DNF Cat 4s come on…
There is no physical point to finishing – you’re just practicing going slow. If you want to look at the nice course, or your endurance is lacking, fine. But don’t just ride for the sake or riding.
But I doubt all those DNFs were in that condition. I think at this level, you travel, pay and sacrifice for training so you might as well make the most of the race even if you finish well back. If anything its a nice easy ride on a new course.
Also think finishing a race does alot to build your mental strength going forward.
Finishing just to finish is for tri guys only. If you’ve not contending, you’re out of the race. Better to burn out than to fade away…
That makes no sense. So the guys who finish 2 minutes back in say 20-50 should all pull out also as they are clearly no longer in the race for a top 10? There is alot to be said for guys that gut it out and finish for the team and themselves. Finishing is good.
Just because there is no line painted in the road does that mean that riders can use the whole road. Line or no line, riders must stay right of center on an open road course, no matter what. If the officials determined he was left of center, the disqualification is justified and warranted.
“But don’t just ride for the sake or riding.”
you obviously missed the point of cycling
Pascal Sauvayre was 2nd, losing in a photo finish to a 17 yr old kid from Westwood. They rode the climb from the bottom together, gappping the rest of the 10-man break they had been in.
Some of the “drop outs” were people who finished but didn’t get listed in results. In that case, there really was no point in finishing.
I was pretty cooked at Battenkill this year by mile 30 and had to finish as there is only one loop. The course was a blast once I knew the ride was over for me and I could just enjoy the ride. My time was pitiful but I had a great time nonetheless. My feeling was that I took someones spot in the 4s and traveled up to nomans land with my team. The least I could do is finish it out. Now of course, mechanicals, severe hydration (your own fault) and bad cramping or a fall is another story.
I can see riding the laps out but not going up the final climb. Though if you haven’t seen it, it’s worth looking at this year so you can be more ready next time.
I saw a bunch of people racing with thin baselayers under their jerseys at Union Vale. Is that really cooler than just a quality jersey? I don’t get it.
baselayers = very pro
Agreed about riding to remember the course. I got dropped at Rocky Hill this year but rode out the laps to try and memorize the course for next year.
Same thing at Bear — try to find landmarks that will tell me the halfway point of the Tiorati climb, etc.
I understand the rule and the purpose of it (and the need for it), but disagree with the arbitrary application of it. INO, I think it’s incumbant on the offical to consider the circumstances before he/she negates a fine effort in a physically draining race. I think it’s important to understand what they’re potentially taking away from the rider and weigh it against the circumstances before they pull his number.
Have you officiated a sporting event with several hundred officials? Do you actually expect the officials to have to “consider the circumstances.”
Here are some circumstance:
1. Officials at the venue from before 8am to 6pm
2. At least once nearby classic road race stopped due to cops not liking riders on the left side of the road. 3. Cars travelling at 40-50mph coming toward riders
Here’s how the rule should be enforced: Going over the line briefly with no advancing of position – warning. Going over and advancing – DQ. Fragrant attack over the line – Suspension. At least that’s what the rulebook says.
Now, to come to Bickford’s defense, I have heard that he was over the line while alone. If that’s the case, I don’t see how he could have been viewed as advancing position, so it seems to me he should have got a warning.
I’ve got to agree with GG on this, IF it occurred as below. Sounds like Bickford gained no advantage and didn’t do anything dangerous. Four hours in the car and two hours racing his butt off is rewarded with a race dq and a lost state championship.
“An official pulled his number on a section of road with no painted line, at a time when he was riding off the front, and negated his result”
I agree with GG that the official might have given a warning first in the case of a lone rider up the road, considering the circumstances. Nobody denies the right of the official to DQ, but it seems like a rash decision in this case, no? A little warning might have been a nice choice.
I’m just sayin…
Emma Snowsill is hawt
TGOG what’s your take on this?
“For the first time in the history of the triathlon in Manhattan, race officials arranged for a team of psychologists to help competitors who had prerace jitters”
Good race. Break with two CBRC guys formed on lap 2 – turned into a solo. Guy was away for half the race. Serra tried to bridge and almost made it. Good chase closed the gap a bit and we caught the CBRC guy half-way up the finishing climb – very exciting. He was throwing up at the top, and Serra recovered to finish 10th! Nice job, Matt.
i bet a lot of DNF’s were actually DNS’s.
9th in 1-2 race. 1st Espoir.
results show at top how many started per category.
Now Reed, Serra, Piller, Morrison, Butner, all start considering Cating up.
over 20 DNF.
why do you care if people don’t finish a race? how does that affect you? maybe you should worry about your own results more and others’ less.
I can guarantee that not all 100 started the Cat 4 race Sunday. Maybe 99 not definitely not 100.
I think people just have a hard time understanding why you would get up at 5am to drive up to Unionvale to drop out because you are off the back. Dont we do this because we love to ride first and foremost. Now shut up anon.
so what if you have a hard time understanding it. how is it any concern of yours?
Lets get the “how the heck did Molloy get away in a small break for 6 laps with only one other teammate and win in a cakewalk” thread working over here.
he’s cagey as shit, that’s how
he’s suave as shit, that’s how
thanks for the mention, I’m glad someone noticed me. I’ll upgrade when I can, I promise.
why is that dude from Placid Planet so goddam squirrelly? the front of his bike shakes like he’s having a seizure.
did i just
i think the PP rider actually has tourettes. so i have been told. i think that excuses his squirellyness
I know you’re tired of seeing these guys kick your ass at every single race, but that doesn’t mean they can simply choose to upgrade to Cat-3. You need points or you need to do 25 races in 12 months. Coming in 10th place gets you no points so maybe the reason they’re not upgrading is because they haven’t got enough points yet.
Don’t worry though, I’m sure they’re working on it. Enjoy racing with Reed while you still can.
I don’t like to drop out, and I always have some regrets later, but it was the right thing to do at UV. I killed myself to bridge up to the wrong break, and had little left after the break got caught. I could see in the chase group nearly all of the contenders were up the road. Training will be better this week because I didn’t put myself into a big hole in a race that was far up the road.
My collarbone (broken by a PP rider crashing into me from behind at Sturbridge on the lap 1 straightaway) does NOT think that that is a valid excuse for squirrelyness. You have no idea how infuriating it is to hear that this guy is still putting other people at risk if he legitimately can’t consistently ride straight.
Butner, Morrison, Calins, Albergotti, Piller, Serra etc, those guys would do well in the 3s no doubt as they were kicking the ass of 4s who are now 3s and doing well. Glad they were in the race at UV to make it tough for us newbies. I enjoyed the pace they set even if I popped big time on the finishing climb. Good job and good luck when you do cat up.
and anyone else who thinks a warning is sufficent for a yellow line violation:
Read the following link and then tell me what your opinion is afterwards.. — look for “Cyclist killed in midwest road race”
Frattini? But I thought the race was flat and the guys in Prospect and Floyd told me only big boys do good in flat races
as much as that rule is going to be interpreted by everyone, just imagine that all those times when we kept yelling at that dude with the (belgian looking design) jersey that crossed the yellow line at least 10 times, blatantly (not an exageration), if one of those farmers pick-ups had been coming the other way, he, and a few others could be killed.
We don’t all see everything, but when we do see it, we need to speak up (we usually do, so good job).
Frattini won Farminton Cross last fall. mini-me is strong.
some kind of amateur Giro or something. Maybe that’s like a cross race in CT?
The USCF rulebook says slightly crossing the center line without advancing position is supposed to be a warning.
People speed all day and like 40k die on roads every year in the US – Doesnt mean the cops give tickets to every speeder without circumstance considered.
Cyclists riding in a pack and a guy up the road on his own (ie can move over safely and quickly) is not the same thing.
Riders die going downhill from mtns. Should we all walk down the mtns from now on if there is a safety risk? Should we stop riding at all since there is a safety risk?
Judgement is part of being a race official. I disagree with the call on Sun. Period.
Alan, you are a great official. Dont you agree that judgment is part of the equation, and are you just defending the call reflexively as you are an official yourself? Be honest now.
there were only like 1 or two espoirs in the p-1-2 race in Unionvale…big woop for 1st espoir
Fir gods sake whoever the West wood guy with the Really BAD BO go to the back of the group. I don’t know his name bu e stinks soooo bad.
Why no love – were did you finish up>> Post your result
whom ever posted hate at Bremer is an ass clown, simple as that. Good ride Bremer
was first from what was left of the field. How about that. Good ride Alex
” … Be honest now.”
Everyone who knows Alan, knows that this request is insulting and unneccessary.
i was in the masters field at UV.
what was left of the pack received a warning on lap 2 for crossing the center line repetitively. after which, G. Bickford along with a Deno’s wonder wheel rider managed to move up the field on the left side of the road just before his attack.
what happened when he was on his own, i do not know.
in my opinion, the disqualification was justified as we were warned prior. finally, an official stops being too lenient and applies the rules.
i don’t want to be anywhere near that!
“Dont you agree that judgment is part of the equation, and are you just defending the call reflexively as you are an official yourself?”
Do you really think that in an event with several hundred participants, on open roads, with officials working the event from 8am to 6pm, the officials are supposed to look at each rule breaking and run it through a personal calculator of circumstances and make a judgement call. I totally accept officials trying to make decisions like machines. It’s GOT to be that way.
Very sorry to see officials slammed. Not my intention at all. Agree with center line rules. Really just wanted Geoff to get credit for his result.
if you wanna bypass rules, go race alleycats with the nyu hipster trash. otherwise, suck it up and play by the rules. alan’s a great organizer and does a great job. its not his fault people break rules in the race. he’s there to make the race fair.
I dont know Alex Bremer but I hear he is a strong rider and (obviously had a good race) but I think Justin Lindine is 23 and finished above Bremer for 1st in the Espoirs?
PP pictures?
To Cating up to 3s
“Butner, Morrison, Calins, Albergotti, Piller, Serra etc, those guys would do well in the 3s no doubt”
Yeah, if everyone who finished in the top 40 “upgraded” (I assume that’s what you meant by “cating”), then you might have a shot at top 20.
You make no sense. Albergotti has won a few races this year and just 6th at UV. Piller is always in the top 15. Butner, Top 5 at Jiminy, top 10 at Bear and I think top 20 at Battenkill, ahead of guys who are now 3s. Calkin (Yale), Won Naugatuck in a break, won keepsie in a solo attack, 13th at Unionvale. Finally, Serra, strong top 10 at UV, won this year at CP and has many other top finishes. Stop hating these guys because they will be kicking your ass before long (assuming you are a 3).
Anybody know what happened on cat’s paw this morning? Saw what looked like a Radical Media female on the ground in a lot of pain
Descending fast on quiet road near Phoenicia when a huge black dog turned out to be a fairly big black bear right in front of me in the road. Full on brakes, obviously forgot to change to the small ring and went back up the hill at more or less the same pace as coming down. I remember thinking, “so this must be what it feels like to dope” because I think if I had a power meter, that file would have been a keeper. Are they dangerous (black bears)? I was wondering what would have happened if it was in a race.
It’s like the time I saw a guy run off the road onto the shoulder and hit a mailbox. I have to wonder what would have happened if instead of running off the road into the mailbox he’d gone left into the oncoming lane of traffic and hit a car…
See the relationship?
I think a lot of guys myself included stay in the category that they can train effectively in. For some its cat 4 for others is 3. Hell look at the fat Phonak rider out at FBF he as been a 5 since I started racing 6 year ago.
Unless your in your 20’s then whats the point of catting up? Few local clubs insist on being a certain catagory. Mengoni only excepts cat 2, Wonder Wheels Cat 3 and has a age requirement of 100 years old, Sokinet under 25 and cat 2 I think. These teams few and far between.
I say enjoy the category you can place in. Its better to win then loose!
I think going from a 4 to a 3 is good for a few reasons, tougher competition will make you stronger, better start times, dont get closed out of big races, and if you have strong 3s on your team you can ride support (attacks, pulls etc for your team). However I agree you should stay in the cat that is best for you unless you are totalling dominating.
David Freifelder, Sklyands Cycling, was a monster in the Cat3 Break. Started most of them, was a huge engine, and just got a little tapped at the end.
Dude was awsome.
also the guy with the Kleen Construction> anyone know which team that is? the white/black jerseys. was blurry, couldn’t read.
just giving props.
I personally dont mind loosing once in a while, but it can be tough to except on some days.
and bear story is that I thought it was interesting. I noticed you did not put your name on the post and there is normally a very clear relatinship between being anonymous and how brave you tend to be in your post
“You posted anonymously” — that’s the best you can come up with in explaining the relationship?
To learn about racing at higher levels
So you don’t freak when some guy takes his hands off the bars
USA Cycling site sez 30 points in 12-month period results in automatic 4-3 upgrade. But is that automatic MANDATORY upgrade? If so, some of the usual suspects noted in this discussion won’t have a choice if they keep placing like they have been.
The Chicken is next to fall – I gaurantee it.
I have heard mixed things on upgrading. I know you get points 1-6 place but I have also heard if you do 25 races in 12 months or get 10 top 20s you get an upgrade. With this said, I know a guy who had none of the above and upgraded so whats the deal?
Astana out of the Tour, Vino done for good and probobly another Positive from a top 10 when things end. Thank god we have local racing which is all I care about anymore.
the deal is probably in the rulebook or USAC site
My husband Borat is devastated. He had such high hopes for the team and Vino. I am very concerned. I have never seen him like tihs before.
“Yesterday I had no legs, I didn’t feel very well in my head and I had no motivation at all. I understood during the yesterday’s stage that I wouldn’t win the Tour this year. My teammates were wonderful, they encouraged me a lot this morning. That’s what make me attack in the first kilometers. I felt good, as well as my legs. At the first break, I thought there were too many riders and that I had to go on with my effort. As I saw I could make it, I tried to be alone and first at the top of the last climb, in order to be sure to win the stage. Today is a great victory. For sure, I wasn’t lucky the first two weeks and without my fall, things could have been different. But that’s sport
I think most top riders dope. One question for me is to what extent the sport needs new systems to catch them. Or to what extent is some cheating inevitable and placing great attention on it in one aspect of life (pro cycling) our of proportion to other things.
I recall a response by the director of the ONCE team to a question about doping where he rambled on about injustice and deceit in many aspects of life….
i dope for the gimbels ride
At least pro cycling is really attempting to deal with the problem, albeit in a messy, kind of self-destructive way. The same can’t be said for any other major pro sports. I also get the feeling that the domestic pro circuit is pretty clean. But I could be wrong.
I agree they are cleaner but they are the guys who cant hack it in the big leagues. I truely thought this Tour would be clean. However, I knew Vino was juiced in the past and now. NO big contracts and no sponsors next year, races, tv deals will clean up the sport.
why are all these cyclists such a bunch of pansies? david millar cries during the press conference? what are they doping with, estrogen?
So what happed to Unibet in all this? They essentially got screwed out of a place in the Tour for Astana. Very sad indeed.
…totally screwed by the now absent Astana. He’s gotta feel so wronged.
Did Billy Montgomery just put his buddies in the team? I didn’t see a lot of those guys in the top 50 that day.
What are you talking about? If you are top 15 and did not put yourself down as an alternate then you screwed yourself…
Selig will watch Bonds break record.
You mean: I’m a dope for the doing the Gimbels ride
from this past weekend raided the homes of several Empire riders.
Was away yesterday and avoided all news to watch yesterday’s stage today, then checked the computer to see what I had just watched was bullshit.
…and no photos were posted, did it really happen?
They went out right after Mt. Holly. Eugene and I think Jared got NRC points the first day they were there