Hopeful Friday 7/20/2007

Section head text.

The Poughkeepsie Crit and the NYS Road Race Championships are this weekend, so any jersey hungry travelers will surely be attending. In the city there’s the mighty CRCA club race on Saturday along with the Toefield Memorial in Prospect Park. That’s a whole lot of racing! Is everyone too burned out to care?



that this site barely gives a shit about the NY State Champs? I guess it’s not ironic, self-depreciating or meta enough for Schmalz. Wait. He’s from Jersey. Nevermind. At least change the name to NJvelocity.


I think I might have placed 6th in the Rockleigh crit last night. I am not sure but it was either 6th or 7th and was overtaken close to the line so I could have been 5th. I suppose I should mention that we were only 8 who started the race and one was a lady who did not finish the race but I am a half full kind a guy. Others might say that I was either last or 2nd from last but I would rather think of it as 1 or 2 out of the top 5. So watch out because here I come Union Vale, all 199lbs of me (I suppose 198 by now since I’ve been eating less this week).


Are stupid. Look how many 1/2s signed up. Nobody cares except the lower cats and the old guys. And the lower cats don’t care about the championship, they are just trolling around New England for upgrade points. 100 guys trying to wheel suck their way into the top 6 every week. Hooray. Hooray. Give me a NYS Champs medal too. Yay for me and my lyrcr clad buttocks. Look at me. Look at me at the NYS Champs.


i believe self-deprecating is the word you are looking for…self-depreciating theoretically would roughly translate into the same idea but it’s not commonly used in the english language. thanks for trying though


I’m old school. Depreciating is correct, but unfortunately it’s been replaced with deprecating by weight-shaving wheel suckers out trolling for grammar points. That i weighs 5 grams. Can’t talk about racing may as well talk about grammar.


can’t wait for the time trial to get him out of the yellow jersey. Somebody give me some hot italian ass to look at instead of that danish refugee camp survivor.


a few of us Cat 4 Setantas are doing it. Looks really fun, plus it overlaps with the last three days of the pro stage race.

John Conner

[the Mexicutioner arrives naked and encounters some punks]
Punk Leader: Nice night for a walk, eh?
The Mexicutioner: Nice night for a walk.
Punk: Wash day tomorrow? Nothing clean, right?
The Mexicutioner: Nothing clean. Right.
Punk Leader: Hey, I think this guy’s a couple cans short of a six-pack.
The Mexicutioner: Your clothes – give them to me, now.
Punk Leader: Fuck you, asshole!


I don’t know when. Probably a few hours after I see them (I haven’t yet — the club hasn’t sent them to me).

If I’m out of town, it might not be till I get back, but I’m around this week/weekend. But I try to do it as soon as I can when I’m home.

I am not the bottleneck….


I think they should hold the CP race heading in the opposite direction just for shits and giggles


for team and individual series updates — I don’t hurry to put them up and often don’t get to them for a few days after I have them. But they come to very late also.

some guy

I think Mengoni, Empire, Sakonnet and probably Champion and Anthem CCCC will have teams there.

Kent Brockman

BREAKING NEWS: Michael Rasmussen (Rabobank) and The Mexicutioner (Different Spokes) have been implicated in the Operation Gordita doping scandal. Led by Dr. Nick Riviera, the top-secret doping ring involved non-FDA-approved Gordita suppositories.

Tune into Fox 5 at 6:30PM daily for more details.

John Conner

[At a gun store]
Vino: The .45 Long Slide, with laser sighting.
Pawn Shop Clerk: These are brand new; we just got them in. That’s a good gun. Just touch the trigger, the beam comes on and you put the red dot where you want the bullet to go. You can’t miss. Anything else?
Vino: Phased-plasma rifle in the forty watt range.
Pawn Shop Clerk: Hey, just what you see, pal.


I saw on Dave Z’s VeloNews diaries that he is allergic to latex. Here’s my question: If that’s true, how can he wear his cycling outfit?

(Maybe I answered my own question since he had to abandon, probably from a negative reaction.)


posted. No C results. Could it be the entire field was dq’d for not neutralizing on the last lap for the women’s field. In that case, Josh from Organic should get first, I should get second, and another CRCA whose name I don’t know should get third as we were the only riders in that field to yield to the women essentially cutting us off from our field and ending our race. I believe Josh had his hands in the air when we came in (joking).


Zabriskie not the smartest guy around. Says he has achy knees then explains how he changed his cycling shoes after the Dauphine and before the Tour. Now he has tendonitis again.


seemed more down and irritated every day in his daily velo diaries. He definitely did not seem very happy changing from his custom made shoes which were working for him to the required sponsors shoes (why didn’t they do the fake cover thing when athletes don’t really want to use the sponsors products?).


“mexicutioner…I am latino and find it racist as hell.”

the Italian Stallion, the Hebrew Hammer, the Russian Concussion, the Rushin’ Russian, the Cuban Missile, etc.


Wasn’t Zabriskie cutting off the leg grippers on his skinsuits? I remember hearing about that somewhere, though I can’t recall where right now

Pulled Rider who watched from stands

3/4 – Great ride from Chaput of Affinity attacking at the end and staying away solo for the win by a nice margin.

JG - DC Racing

Great race and pretty cool to have SRAM neutral support (Orbeas and Zipps) in the 4s and Masters race. Loved the course but hated the finishing climb. Also, nice job to the NYC teams (Setanta, Kissena, Ave A, etc) for setting a hard tempo lap 3. The field was pretty much ravished by the last finishing climb.


what you’re trying to say is “ravaged”……that last climb must have knocked you silly


If you need to stretch your back in during the first lap of that race, you should not probably be racing. If you want to show off you skills, do it somewhere else. This is not your pro-tour bike race – it’s a cat 4 race with lots of “slowing!” and rattle snake riders. If some idiot in the front slams on the break, you will go down taking the rest of us down. I don’t feel like ending my race just b/c you make some novice error. This is not your pro-tour bike race.


I got my works mixed up (not the first time) and your right I think the last climb did knock me silly. Fun race, good course and nice day. Cant wait till next year.


if you guys spent half as much time training as you do bitching you might actually be ok someday.


I did get in front of him, that was the easy part. The hard part was that you were behind him.


Like, so there was this Navigators guy at Mt. Holly with these silly stripes on his arm, I don’t know, but, he totally opened a gap one time, so I just sat silently and stewed, he shouldn’t have done that. Its not the tour you know! And then, to add insult to injury, he took a drink from his bottle!


to get an explanation as to why no C results for July 14? I’m sure there would be an explanation if it was the A or B race. Guess its the same reason there’s no documented record of the season individual points for C riders on the CRCA site.


two guys headed to top of TDF race , both have issues with doping. idiots.

atleast at unionvale, the action is wild, attacking the whole race, and clean riders. the pros can fly, but its all questionable.

hats off to unionvale promoting group. well run, well done race.

cat3 field won by Nick Bruno, Westwood. attacks went from the gun. final break didnt form for 3 hard laps. sketches, Skylands, KeenConstruction…awsome. murderous in their moves all day. wasnt anywhere near the front few on that last climb, just hovering off the back in my own pergatory. fun sport , aint she!


Low Pre-reg. Anyone know what the normal turnout is for the 4s and 3s at this race? Looks like a nice course and not too challenging.


bein in front of this kissena guy makes no difference. I was in front of him and he nearly drove me off the road when he made a move to the left and pushed his handlebars into my thighs. Same guy who earlier cut one guy off moving to the left, got bitched out by that guy and then swerved to the right nearly taking me out.

Later, on lap 3 when Mark from ChampSys, Reed and I were trying to push the pace to put a dent in the gap a different Kissena guy moves to the front and then decides to slow down to 18 mph. i thought Kissena was supposed to be strong?


for going on a suicide mission at the end of lap 3, trying to bridge or go on his own for 2nd place. Got caught but managed to recover fast enough to finish 10th.


Found the Kissena guys to be kind of unfriendly at the race especially as they were popping off the back one by one. Need to lighten up and enjoy the race more win or loose.


So who won? I crawled up to the finish for a top 30 or so but did not see the fireworks at the front. Time for Serra and Tom Butner of Verge to Cat up. Those guys are very strong. Great race to those guys and Calkins of Yale after winning Keepsie and Naugatuck back to back.


James Morrison won, same guy who won the Owasco road race. He came up to the front on the 2nd climb of the last lap and pushed the pace so hard trying to shed as many people as possible. It’s really a shame the CBRC guy who was off the front for a full lap got caught. I saw him puking his guts out on the side of the road after the finish. Pretty awesome.

deal with it

why does everyone in the cat 4 race freek out if they get bumped in the thigh or if some dude rides with no hands? its bike racing.


“bein in front of this kissena guy makes no difference. I was in front of him and he nearly drove me off the road when he made a move to the left and pushed his handlebars into my thighs.”

You’re not in much danger in that situation – just ignore it. He may be, but that’s his problem.


I say, it’s better to freak out and point them out then to have one idot possibly take down the entire peloton. Though we all take our racing seriously, none of the Cat 4s race for living. We have families and jobs to go to when we’ve being a weekend warrior.

Getting bumped in the thigh is one thing, that’s part of racing.
However, carelessless hands-free riding in a pack, in an unfamiliar course, in a cat 4 race(enough about inplication here) is just plain selfish stupidity and an irresponsible act. I am not saying one should never ride hands free, I am sure there are times you have to or may be forced to do that. The way I see it, the Kissena guy’s move was unnecessary and put too much risk to the REST of the group. It doesn’t matter how comfortable he is with his own bike handling skills. There are others who are not not comfotable, and one sudden jerk of breaking or changing line are expected to happen often, and one bad move is enough to take the peloton down.
If you don’t understand this, you either take a cat 4 race way too seriously or not take other people’s life/interest seriously at all.


“I say, it’s better to freak out and point them out then to have one idot possibly take down the entire peloton. ”

No it’s not.

People are way to tense and stressed out in racing. Deal with yourself. Do what you need to not fall. If some other guy does stuff that annoys you, either tell him to his face or ignore it. And chill. Concentrate on yourself.

“It doesn’t matter how comfortable he is with his own bike handling skills. There are others who are not not comfotable, and one sudden jerk..”

No, it’s their problem, not his.

“and one bad move is enough to take the peloton down.”

If you really are riding around with such fear of a whole pack crashing because some guy’s hands are off the bars, you might want to step back from racing fow awhile. There is no joy in it if you’re that freaked out.


There are guys that are hectic and dangerous and should be called out. The question in looking at any particular person is, does this person actually crash or cause crashes, or is he just doing something that worries me?

If it’s the latter, ignore it and avoid him if you want.

If it’s the former, he’ll get his by hitting the ground soon enough. If you want you can yell at him it he does someth especially hectic, but the ground will eventually teach him some lessons.


Correction – I did not mean to say I was actually freaking out during the race in frantic. Yes, that would be dangerous. Among others, I also told the rider to “Keep you hands on the bar!” As he wobbled between two bikes in the front. And by the next turn I made sure I was in front of him.


If you really are riding around with such fear of a whole pack crashing because some guy’s hands are off the bars, you might want to step back from racing fow awhile. There is no joy in it if you’re that freaked out.


is this going to be one of those stories where you add, bit by bit, more stuff to make what the guy did worse than in the first telling.

First it’s that he was riding no handed and might have crashed is someone else did something.

Now we hear he was wobbling too.


I rode no hands for a few seconds to put gloves on, because my hands were getting slimy.

I apologize. I guess no one notice ME though.


I was in the 4 race also. I think the point is to be sensible to the other riders racing with you.
If you are going to take hands of the handle bar, I hope you take into consideration of what’s going on in the race. If you are in the middle of the group, riding through the rollers or about to hit a climb, perhaps it’s not a good idea to ride hands free. You cannot control whether the guy in front will hit the brakes or the dude behind will hit your wheel, but you can control when to take your hands off the bar.


“You cannot control whether the guy in front will hit the brakes or the dude behind will hit your wheel, but you can control when to take your hands off the bar.”

So, to take hands of the bars the rider should go off the front or off the back, since he cannot control when the rider in front will hit his brakes?

Ummmm, no.

If riders want to hit their brakes in the middle of the field, maybe you should be complaining about that. Maybe. If you think it’s a problem. And if a rider is hitting me from behind, that’s their problem.

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