Kissena Blog

Section head text.

Mike Mahesh has a blog with pics and video from the track. All photos can be enlarged and downloaded courtesy of Mike. We’ll periodically post reminders as he updates it with new material. Go check it out.



To know if there faster than the rest, …

wrong. that would be a time trial, the race of truth.


To know if there faster than the rest, …

wrong. that would be a time trial, the race of truth.


I support that comment. I used to do road racing in the olden days. Once you go track you cant go back…
Why do people get in a bike race? To know if there faster than the rest, and that can only be answered at the track. No hills, no break aways; just one on one or against the clock.

your mother

You think people drink prof. bull riding?
If you know someone who lives in an illegal loft,
wake up it is the 21 century nerd.


I support that comment. I used to do road racing in the olden days. Once you go track you cant go back…
Why do people get in a bike race? To know if there faster than the rest, and that can only be answered at the track. No hills, no break aways; just one on one or against the clock.


Why is it that the track guys always want to brawl? Must be all the PBR they drink in their illegal lofts….

B. Rinaldi

What’s with all you immature punks who are constantly coming on here, mocking, defaming & degrading others… all you are doing is displaying your weak insecurities.

You all probably get your asses whipped, so now you come on here attacking others.

And the only reason you are talking shit is because you can hide behind your little computers… lol

It’s so obvious that you are all weak cowards.

Grow up already!



You think Bear is a hill?
You wouldn’t know a hill if was coming out your backside lame ass. If you don’t like the track stay off the comments.

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