Hoaxes Debunked

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If you have to explain a joke, it probably wasn’t very funny to begin with. But we noticed that VeloNews saw fit to debunk their own April Fool’s jokes, so if they can talk down to their readers, we sure as hell can condescend to ours.

As the Toto Turns: As always, Toto is based on facts. Levi is short, Moreau is not good, and Toto likes ham. Every once in a while, however, Toto goes on a total flight of fancy. For example, a couple of weeks ago we joked that Astana would race in Turkey, which is totally ridiculous.

Save Your Pins: Totally fake, but for one detail. We’re pretty sure Dick Cheney WOULD refuse to help Iraqi babies.

Astana Soigneur: Partially true. My cat is a Gudunov, not a Romanov. Psych! Otherwise, all true. My cat gives me leg massages, likes to spoon, and rids our home of mice. He also despises ‘happy ending’ jokes, which he considers the lowest form of humor.

Zipp Sub 9 Wind Tunnel: Absolutely all real but for one detail. The wind tunnel was really built, the wheel really does get thrust, and all measurements were really taken. I will even show my math if I have to. That wheel is legit. We threw in some misdirection by making the photo look fake, but you guys picked up on the one thing that was really phony. The cat in the videos was CGI. Alex met a guy who worked on Cats and Dogs, and he lent us some wireframe animations from the movie, which Alex re-skinned (or in this case, re-furred) to look like my cat. If you check out the movie you’ll see the ‘henchman’ cat go through all the same motions. So for those of you who caught it, nice job.


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