Cali Wrap

Section head text.

It seems that the sprinter to beat right now is Mark Cavendish. His closing speed on stage 6 was just ridiculous, granted, he might’ve been a little fresher after surfing the team cars, but the idea that he was leading out Ciolek earlier in the race is silly.

Levi repeats, ASO screening their calls.

Cipollini’s back, delaying retirement by a few months.

George Hincapie does his best Jackie Durand impression throughout the ToC.

Neal Rogers best video interviewer at ToC, plus he adopts a mock-euro accent during interviews for extra comedy.

We are fast developing a Fabian man crush here, he’s a big boy who can TT and is preposterously fun to watch in the Spring Classics. We expect to receive Fabian’s restraining order against schmalz at any moment.

David Zabriske wins 2nd place in the Slipstream ‘stash growing contest

And the major ToC headline – everyone’s plans on man-tanning ruined!


Faber (not Gregoir)


I heard the hason brother’s will be riding Tour deGeorgia.

Editor’s note: Oh god, I’ve aged myself!


…those are just the comments…

…the race looked like cake compared to the musings of the shut-ins, sheesh !!!…

Your Mom

Yo Chris ‘asshole’ M. Do us all, and yourself, a favor by not posting. You are not, nor have you ever been, funny.


It’s not one silly joke but repeated silly jokes with aim to upset me. Plus you checked out of the original disucsion which started the whole thing, which was cowardly (is that related to the word “cowed”?)

And you can’t even admit you’re an asshole. Lame.

If your shit was funny or clever maybe it would be worth letting it go, but that’s perhaps the worst part – you’re using high school humour. Ha ha. Ha.

So keep it up. Hahaha. Keep proving what a brave asshole you are. Yeah, you’re brave, standing up to me with the dopey joke. Hahaha.


JT is right Creed is really cool in the PRO DVD. he Like Horner calls stuff like he sees it. he is very humble about his abilities

Danielson thinks he will win the tour because he belived the hype awarded to him because he tested well. his wins are not that good to warrent his hype. remember when everyone was takling about his power to weight?? it has translated into very few wins

Chris 'asshole' M

I’ve never been one to be easily cowed and muzzled by the clintonesque over-reaction to a silly joke just because the recipient has evidently been rubbed raw from reaction to his own intellectual bullying. The helmet jokes must go on!


Signing your name is asking to get insulted. I’m not quite sure how you haven’t figured that out yet. There really is no plus-side to signing your name either, I highly doubt anyone “respects” you any more for it. Its still the fucking internet, faceless with a name is still faceless. Plus, theres nothing stopping anyone from putting your name up…..

So unless they make it impossible to post without your real identity, get off it.


It’s entirely appropriate for me to get mad at someone who checks out of a discussion on a topic with some insults, then repeatedly throws lame “jokes” at me in other discussions, without provocation, because he enjoys seeing me get “visibly upset.”

Assholes enjoy upsetting people so I think that choice of words on my part is correct. If you really want “peace”, the ball is in your court – it involves shutting up with the lame jokes/insults.

Even the “bile” comment from you is off-base and insulting — my annoyance is entirely appropriate. You said you wanted to upset me, right? You got it.

Chris M

Hey, at least I sign my name so you know who to call an “asshole” for making a light hearted joke. Sorry my “peace” jesture wasnt enough for you to lower the bile.


From what I’ve heard him say, he understands he can be a domestique on a big team, get some freedom on a small team (such as he did this week) or quit.

He understands.


uh, yeah. Hence the bitch comment. go look at his palmares, if someone needs to understand that they are a domestique, its creed.


I watched Pro and had a totally different take on the Creed interview.

He wasn’t saying he was great stuff, or deserved anything special. He was saying that he felt he needed to step up to a bigger team or he would retire since he’d been at it long enough at was a mid-level US pro.

Actually though, his joining Rock Racing sorta contradicts what he was saying in that interview.


Go watch PRO, creed is intervied, and is a total bitch. Thinks hes hot shit, yet hasn’t really done all that much in his career. Non-existent euro career with postal, etc.


Why do i feel like jft and chris m are basically the only ones posting? Why don’t you guys just call each other and save us all.


Danielson picked up a parasite when he won Langkawi, or something to that effect, and they just figured it out this past fall/winter. If any of you have ever raced outside this god forsaken country you’d realize how easy that shit is to get….
apparently now has a ruptured disc.


“What can I say? I just like to rib you on helmets ’cause it gets you so visibly worked up every time.”

Thanks for the clarification: instead of being obsessed with helmets you’re just an asshole.

PS – The “every time” in your statement above is wrong: I’ve read your lame “jokes” about helmets in various threads and ignored them most of those times.

Chris M

What can I say? I just like to rib you on helmets ’cause it gets you so visibly worked up every time. Not desperately clever perhaps…but so much fun!

In case you were deeply offended by my prior posts, I dont actually think you are crazy. Quite sane, with a dash of intellectual stubborness perhaps (not damning unless you are my debate team partner or something). And a nice guy, which is what counts for more! Peace.


Wish his old diaries at were online – some awesome stuff there.

Plus he really goes for it as a rider when he can.


What is your problem?

In the helmet discussion you claimed I have some borderline mental problem obsessing with helmets, and since then you seem bring helmets up about half the time you comment on something I write.

Do you think those jokes are funny? Maybe, but they’re certainly not clever.

What’s the deal with you and helmets that you can’t stop from mentioning them? Actually, don’t tell me. Just think about it.


Sorry, he got 6th and 7th overall in the vuelta….my bad. plus a 2nd in georgia in 06, 1st tour of austria in 06. Considering he’s has medical problems, thats pretty decent I suppose.


Danielson did podium the Vuelta I believe. And really, what does it matter to you guys? Even if he’s not as good in the end as he was predicted, he’s still worlds away from your skillz. Plus, hes a nice guy.


the hype a few years ago was way way off. they were calling him the next tour winner after winning georgia and lankawai, B.F.D. those races are nothing when you stack them up to a just about any Euro tour.

he rides and speaks like a domestique, he should just be one and forget about trying to win anything or he should focus on the two uphill TTs they have every year like vaughters did


the hype a few years ago was way way off. they were calling him the next tour winner after winning georgia and lankawai, B.F.D. those races are nothing when you stack them up to a just about any Euro tour.

he rides and speaks like a domestique, he should just be one and forget about trying to win anything or he should focus on the two uphill TTs they have every year like vaughters did

Chris M

JT – checking the site pre-dawn? Dude, I was barely donning my helmet to step into the shower (I actually think the slip danger is pretty close statistically to riding so Ive opted for a non-visored motorcycle helmet for showering) for a nice rinse when you were already reading away here…impressive.

Chris M

ToC reminds me this year of the old 80s ski movie “Hot Dog” – a few of you in the 30s might remember this T&A gem from our high school years.

The players are decent athletes, but all seem for some reason to be trying too hard, and take themselves too seriously relative to actual talent against the world pro scene. Plus, the whole fashion thing and crazy team managers seem to give the whole deal an aura of the ridiculous. You have the self-aware trying-to-be-cool Americans in what looks like mtn bike wear from 1992 (Rock), you have the orgy of self love that is Cipollini, and the aw-shucks good-guy American who eventually wins in the end against the whole cast of stupid looking and sounding competitors. All this, and most of the real heroes stayed home in Europe to prepare for big races, a few great riders excepted. Sort of sad, since I thought the first and second years showed amazing promise, and this year just more of less confirms the state of the sport as headed or already in complete disarray – maybe still headed since they still had a ‘real’ pro event, but clearly showing signs of waning. Funny, sad, all wrapped up in an ugly costume. I dunno – maybe it was just the dumb costumes and bad names that replace real sponsors that color my whole view. Hard to take a team seriously though when it looks like a CRCA sub-team sponsor sitting on a world stage. High Road against Borat’s home village and a jeans maker? I had better sponsors in college broom ball.


Those Rock Racing De’Rosas are ugly ass. Creed is cool.
Cipollini is cool.
Fast Freddie, eehh, maybe.
The rest, is well, the rest, they should go home.


Hincapie wont win P-R.

ToC was drugs-lite. Have you ever seen a group of 5 not able to bring back 15 seconds in 20 miles in a euro race before?

And what was up with George’s cat-3 look back as he started the sprint on the final stage?


Anyone get a race number packet yet? I haven’t. (Sent in release forms haven’t been updated on the computer either).


hincapie’s got his sights on it. its gonna be a good race (assuming his collarbone decides to keep it together)

Broken hearted man-crush FC fan

Why didn’t FC win the ITT? How could he let that robot-interview-giving pipsqueek beat him. Tired legs from 7 1/2 hours in wind and rain?

Anyone think Levi is still getting help from small pharma?

the librarian

by: Eugene
2/25/2008 12:28:00 AM

Common Eugene
2/24/2008 11:41:00 PM

Isn’t just like him to put a damper on the nice hate we have going for Tommy D.
by: Eugene
2/24/2008 11:16:00 PM

Results don’t tell the whole story. I just finished reading “A Peiper’s Tale”, by Alan Peiper– he was a great rider and won all kinds of races early in his career. But he found a niche on the powerful Panasonic team as a domestique– he loved his job and was highly valued. Danielson’s 2007 results show that he may be a different rider than we’d like him to be– maybe he’s finding his niche.
Langkawi GC is big too
by: Johnny Twelve-Point Wylde
2/24/2008 11:02:00 PM

by: Johnny Twelve-Point Wylde
2/24/2008 11:01:00 PM

A stage win at a Grand Tour is huge. That said, Danielson is overrated.

But his problem isn’t “getting his head together.” It’s that he doesn’t have the skill to save energy and make the right choices in a tight field.
From website he’s 129 lbs so about 59 k
2/24/2008 10:55:00 PM

A ratio of 8 would mean he’s putting out around 476 watts at threshold.

Geez, if he could only stay healthy and get his head together.
From Tommy D’s website under Results
2/24/2008 10:52:00 PM

2007 – Discovery Channel
Team Win Tour of Belgium
-supported overall winner Vladimir Gusev
3rd: Stage 3, Time Trial – Tour of Belgium

Team Win Tour de Georgia
-supported overall winner Jani Brajkovic

Team Win Vuelta a Castilla y Leon
-supported overall winner Alberto Contador

Team Win Paris – Nice
-supported overall winner Alberto Contador

Team Win Amgen Tour of California
– supported overall winner Levi Leipheimer

2006 – Discovery Channel
6th: Overall – Vuelta a Espa

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